Chris Jansing
Approval Rate: 83%
Reviews 0
by ville41
Sat Feb 06 2010A complete package! Brains, beauty, and professionalism. Love the short skirts, and her legs. She is hot for any age. She puts much younger woman to shame with her looks, and is still looking hot at 53!!
by matadormike
Thu Aug 27 2009Chris Jansing is the Best reporter I have watched in my 57 years SHe is on the scene for a story, she is informatve, she is exciting to listen to and the best looking News reporter ever? MSNBC was crazy to let her leave? She shold be a major anchor for? one of the Big three
by redmalibu
Tue Jul 15 2008Christine is by far the best of the best of the females on the news circuit. I happen to know her personally, and she is one of the nicest girls I have had the pleasure of her company.
by fredrosenberg
Mon Jun 23 2008Top newsreader on MSNBC who does not get in the way of the news
by ashleyx
Thu Mar 06 2008This arrogant lady really does need a good spanking!
by bigguydave957
Mon Jan 28 2008what can i say when i see her she makes my day chris is very hot and sexy and a great newswoman
by dude1984
Mon Dec 10 2007She is a solid anchor. By solid I mean she can read and speak clearly. She also looks good. On my own personal hotness scale I'd give her a 7.5.
by shutyourpiehol_e
Wed Sep 12 2007Chris Jansing is a women that needs to be removed from the public eye. Her comments about the Britney Spears video with the ok magazine editor are idiot stroking idiot comments. Her statements that women need to put aprons on and belong in the kitchen means that stupid women like her would never have had the opportunity to have the job she has. Britney is her own worst nightmare let her be, but women like Chris Jansing are the ones who need to have aprons on underneath of the thumb of a man. Go home Chris Jansing and stay in your kitchen and only open up that stupid pie hole of yours when a man gives you permission and let real women cover the news.
by dbb5a232
Mon May 14 2007She can look like a hot peice of ass when she wants to and has great legs but she is an arrogant, interupting, closed minded, right wing leaning airhead! Chris you are not there for your mind, please! You failed at getting the KTLA job in LA, you were not good enough for Tinsel Town. Do yourself and us a favor, just let you looks do the talking and check your reviews on Media Matters periodicaly.
by rok100
Wed Mar 21 2007Hot DAMN! This girl should be THE POSTER-CHILD for 100% Republican Party's Ownership of the "news" outlets. There should be a TELETHON to raise funds to have her put to out to pasture. They could easily replace her with a bowl of brightly colored jellybeans, and the news coverage couldn't get any worse. Look, the ENTIRE BATCH of squirrels has to be flushed from the tree. They're ALL proven liars. I wouldn't believe them if they told me my ass was on fire - at LEAST not until I smelled the smoke. With the exception of Keith Olbermann, they are ALL just Weapons of Mass Distraction.
by krypto
Thu Oct 05 2006Appears sincere and unpretentious, nice to look at but not great looking
by baileybubba
Thu Jul 20 2006Chris is generally very polite and professional, but she has her moments. At times she can be moody and impatient, and will even rudely interrupt someone she is interviewing, which is surprising from someone so intelligent. Its probably just the spoilt brat in her from being the youngest of twelve children, and nothing that an occasional spanking wouldnt cure. Perhaps new MSNBC news director, Dan Abrams can provide some discipline.
by shannon7777777
Thu Jul 20 2006I agree that Chris is usually very serene and professional, but is also somewhat temperamental and can quite be petulant, like a spoiled school girl. I volunteer to administer the much needed spanking!
by vincent46
Tue Jan 17 2006Best looking 50 year old I've ever seen
by capross
Fri Nov 18 2005With the continiuing revolving door at MSNBC, it's nice to know that there is at least one quality anchor/reporter that's been there long enough to get used too and comfortable with. And one that you also come to depend on seeing when an important story happens.
by mrlove
Tue Nov 08 2005Kinda makes your heart ache,doesn't she? Smart and sexy...those eyes...
by interloper5
Sun Jul 31 2005At 1st glance she seems ugly, but the more I watch her the more sexier she gets, I love her deep voice, she would be great to have phone sex with. She has a great personality.
by gopmember76
Thu Jul 14 2005The first of the MSNBC anchors to get a 5. She is quite attractive.
by ellis7e4
Mon Jul 11 2005I still prefer Natalie Morales or Contessa Brewer, but if I want to hear a serious news story, I'd like to hear it from Chris or Lester, who are probably the most solid anchors/reporters on MSNBC.
by marpike
Wed Apr 20 2005I like her, but I think she also looks very alienesque.
by eviltwingd
Wed Mar 09 2005Very professional, personable, and I have to admit I think she is very sexy. I could watch her all day.
by nachos
Thu Feb 17 2005The prime example of when to switch channels is when Jansing is on; she is about two levels above her competency level--somewhat below Musumeci and Banfield.
by robert_cavanaugh
Thu Jan 13 2005great new supermodel hairdo on Jan 11. You are a georgeous woman Chris and a good newswoman as well.
by fourdashsix
Mon Dec 27 2004good-looking, very sensible and smart, has potential to go far if NBC let's her. talented.
by chris_fan
Sat Dec 25 2004I saw her interview Perle today and her questions were not appropriate. Sometimes she appears very impatient and she looks uncomfortable under certain situations. A good point in case was Countdown this week. I think she tried too hard to immulate Kieth and that is not her style. I hope MSNBC will think about the personality of anchors before they assign subsitute anchoring assignments next time. But she did look great!!! How tall is she anyway???
by zeeman202
Fri Dec 24 2004Chris Jansing is sexy hot!!! I didn't miss an episode of Countdown all week. She looks great in those short skirts and black stockings.
by richard_j_spencer
Thu Dec 23 2004She means well, I suppose, but she's a pretty poor replacement for Keith Olbermann in MSNBC's Countdown - she has absolutely no presence on the show and is obviously HEAVILY dependent on the Teleprompter. She appears like a kid who just dropped out of Broadcasting School.... I'm sure she means well, but she simply doesn't DELIVER - very hesitant and unsure of herself hosting this program.
by bshep222
Tue Dec 21 2004Ok, I like Chris and I think that she is a great reporter but she really needs to stop interrupting people when she is interviewing them. It doesn't matter who she interviews she always ends up cutting them off before they even get a sentence out. You can tell from the interviewee's reaction that it ticks them off. It comes off as rude and abrasive and as a viewer I don't like to watch it. You can be an aggressive interviewer without being over the top. Hopefully she can fix that. Otherwise, I think she is great.
by swelcher
Sun Dec 19 2004She's like Cronkite compared to most of the news bunnies on cable news. Smart, professional and should have a more prominent role on MSNBC
by decide
Tue Nov 30 2004Perpetually undervalued. Knows her stuff a lot more than any other female talent at MSNBC. Probably the best interviewer they have behind Holt. In a world where looks count over interviewing skills (Amy Robach) or over the ability to talk (Contessa Brewer) or over delivering the news in a manner that doesn't look like High School cheerleading (Allison Stewart) or the network brass inexplicably thinks you're the next big thing (Natalie Morales), Chris stands out as a reminder to them all that you need to be able to deliver news and know your subject at the same time and not just be a pretty face.
by steve207
Wed Nov 24 2004I am mezmorized when she is the anchor. She should be teh evening news anchor. I cant stand Brian Williams. If Chris was the anchor, I would never miss the evening news.
by wwap111
by bloop4ac
Wed Nov 24 2004We should all hope we look that good pushing 50.She's incredible and has the solid skills to back up the looks.She's way under used at MSNBC and should either take the place of some of the eye candy or move to NBC proper as a full time reporter.
by deliverer
Tue Nov 23 2004Chris is one of the best and smoothest I have seen. Her eyes are amazing and she has such a tiny little cute butt!!
by imlynn68
Wed Oct 27 2004She is from where I live and I have always liked her.
by walt_55
Fri Oct 08 2004geisha doll gorgeous, those eyes of hers could melt a man's heart
by stanboy
Wed Oct 06 2004As good an anchor and reporter as there is on TV today. It's just astounding that other far less qualified people get the big jobs. I still think her time will come. And as has been stated numerous times, she is just a stunning woman who's sex appeal is a matter of both brains and physical beauty.
by boston_rob
Fri Oct 01 2004A real professional..but VERY SEXY.
by zenmaster
Mon Sep 27 2004Smart, sexy, professional, she has it all. She reminds me of an anime girl come to life with that little nose and chin and those bedroom eyes. Mmmm...
by rockmydoublewi_de
Fri Sep 17 2004Wow!!! What can you say about those bedroom eyes of hers? She's a porcelain doll come to life. Younger, sexier news babes, you say? Chris Jansing is out of their league.
by notre_dame_law
Mon Aug 30 2004I have watched her since she was with a local NBC affiliate in Albany New York. She has always been a professional and I am not surprised to see her succeed at MSNBC.
by mittd34a
Sat Aug 21 2004Chris Jansing is my absolute favorite cable news anchor. I would like to see her get a prime time program slot on MSNBC. She is smart, projects an energetic personality, is a good interviewer, interacts wonderfully with whoever is paired with her and it doesn't hurt that she is drop-dead gorgeous.
by regguy40
Mon Aug 16 2004I think she's great...
by clpcharnock
Wed Aug 11 2004while scrolling, i noticed that she was tied with 7 other chicks at 3.31...i decided to break the tie...there is something very uncommonly sexy about her...very doable
by ernesta
Tue Aug 10 2004She's really a mouse.
by newsbabelover
Wed Aug 04 2004I became a HUGE Chris Jansing when she covered the Columbine High School shootings, on location. Unlike some other morning news' anchors, who will remain anonymous (Katie Couric!), Chris did her job with respect, reverence and sensitivity. What I can't understand is WHY this vastly underrated talent is still with MSNBC? I mean, they're leaving, over there, like rats from a sinking ship! Chris, honey, DON'T be like the captain of the Titanic; DON'T go down with the ship! C'mon, call your agent, and get yourself over to Fox News for the sake of your career. What, you're a liberal? Not to worry, just repeat after me: Bill O'Reilly is God, Bill O'Reilly is God, Bill O'Reilly is God. Poof, now you're a right-wing conservative. Rupert Murdoch, another convert for you!
by grand1111
Tue Aug 03 2004beauty and brains, what a package
by bostonian
Fri Jul 30 2004Her looks, her eyes, her appearance caught my attention while covering DNC at Quincy Market live...
by eric04
Thu Jul 29 2004When did they move her from the anchor chair to being a correspondent? I hope Alison Stewart wasn't her official replacement.