Chris Farley

Approval Rate: 76%

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    Thu Nov 05 2009

    I was a Chris Farley fan. It saddened me when he died. I loved his performance in his final movie 'Almost Heroes'. I also enjoyed seeing him on Saturday Night Live. On one episode of SNL, Farley went crazy just because he was served a different kind of coffee. They had to break plates over his head to calm him down. That was funny. I wish that he hadn't taken those damn drugs. If he hadn't, he'd still be alive today and we would've seen a lot more Chris Farley movies. I give Farley a 5 star rating.

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    Thu Nov 05 2009

    There was nothing particularly special about his time on the show nor his brief movie career. He was the modern day version of the clown who was sad on the inside and willing to let others laugh at his pain for a bit of recognition and consolation. Countless others have filled the same role on the show to greater comedic effect, frankly. A little taste of fame lead him down the same wrong path that scores of other performers take when they have a sudden brush with the big time. Nothing exceptional about that story. It’s not even a good cautionary tale apparently as it continues to happen over and over in show biz.

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    Thu Nov 05 2009

    Good for a laugh for all the wrong reasons...

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    Thu Nov 05 2009

    Count me among the folks who never found this guy particularly funny. His "laugh at the fat guy" schtick has been done better by many, many others, and the slight remainder of his comedy outside of that routine was mundane at best. As to his movies, I sat through Tommy Boy barely smiling, let alone laughing.

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    Mon Aug 18 2008

    Certainly one of the best physical comedians ever. Most of his other work on SNL was so-so. The bit he did with Patrick Swazey was shockingly funny though. RIP Chris.

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    Mon Jul 28 2008

    He was good and quite funny, I laughed at alot of the things he did and I loved Matt Foley.I miss him.

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    Sat Jul 05 2008

    There is a sweetness and crazyness to most of his characters. Nothing better than his "zagat" reviews with Sandler. You we're always on his side and all his characters as odd as they where you still wanted to be their friends. Never boring

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    Wed Feb 27 2008

    SNL just isn't the same without this fat cokehead. . .

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    Wed Feb 27 2008

    I love Matt Foley, that is great. For the Homecoming skits in high school, I did two of Farley's, one being Matt Foley which of course got laughs. The best one and probably my favorite is Bennett Braurer. In the skits, I couldn't hear myself talking because the rest of the school was laughing so hard.

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    Wed Dec 12 2007

    A couple of funny moments, but people really just laughed at the guy because he was a big, fat doofus. Occasionally funny, mostly just annoying.

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    Sun Jul 29 2007

    One of the funniest men that ever lived. Such a tragic ending to such a talented man.

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    Tue Apr 04 2006

    My favorite SNL cast memeber ever, R.I.P. <3

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    Fri Feb 17 2006

    dont get me wrong phil hartmen is funny but chirws id better

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    Tue Nov 22 2005

    who else can fulfill the same role in every skit or movie he ever did and keep getting funnier? truly a sad day when the world lost this comical genious. i enjoy his movies more than his SNL days, but those were nearly equally as hilarious.

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    Tue Oct 04 2005

    There's no accounting for taste. I'm not a fan of physical comedy, but Chris Farley is the exception. He did it so well that I couldn't help but laugh at everything he did.

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    Fri Jul 22 2005

    We miss you, man... I send you a kiss to wherever you are.

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    Mon Jun 20 2005

    Good physical comedy Look The catagory is not refined comic genius or cereberal comedians As a sketch comedian he was great. matt foley, bennet brower. classic. I have a masters degree but that does not mean I can't get into some first rate crude humor

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    Thu Jun 16 2005


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    Sun Apr 10 2005

    sad, sad, sad.... but funny. his death immortalized him, but i wonder if we'd have loved him as much if he was still alive. doesn't matter. funny. one of the top 25 cast members, but not in my top ten.

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    Fri Jan 28 2005

    Remember when he was in Tommy Boy and he lived in a van down by the river?....That was awesome. A comedic genious. He could get people laughing by any number of ways. Great and much missed.

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    Fri Jan 28 2005

    I wouldn't go as far as saying Farley was a comic genius. He had two gags: looking stupid, and shouting. I guess some people think that's funny, but it certainly isn't indicative of a whole lot of talent. I gave him an extra star for being in the skit with John Goodman THA Bears The Chippendale Trouts were pretty good too.

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    Mon Jan 24 2005

    I liked Farley, but let's face it, a lot of his humor was based strictly on the way he looked. He was hardly a comedic genius. It would have been interesting if he had lost his weight to see how his career would have developed. Sad...

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    Tue Oct 19 2004

    It is perhaps tragic that this good man was cursed with an appetite for self-destruction. But Chris Farley was truly a legend whose outlandishness made audiences crave for so much more. He might have left the stage too early, but he does deserve one last curtain call from the countless fans who appreciated his rare talent.

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    Sat Oct 09 2004

    a true legend who could make anyone laugh.....enough said

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    Sat Oct 02 2004

    Some funny bits, but essentially an over-rated fat guy. He may have idolised John B, but he wasn't on his level.

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    Fri Sep 17 2004

    Liked his movie fanatic character, but that's about it. Like Chevy Chase, depended too much on pratfalls. Same goes for his movies (Tommy Boy and Black Sheep).

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    Sat Jul 10 2004

    A native Wisconsin, he was a hilarious comedian who ran into a few too many problems in life, ultimately dying of a drug overdose. It was very sad too see him go, but many of his characters on SNL and movies almost keep him immortalized.

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    Fri Jun 11 2004

    Died way too soon.

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    Mon May 03 2004

    The great thing about Chris was that whatever he did, he always had heart. He never did mean, he never torn other people down to be funny, he just was a likable guy who wanted to make people laugh.

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    Sun May 02 2004

    Every skit he was in made me roll in laughter. The Gap Girls Matt Foley motivational speaker Classic.

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    Sun May 02 2004

    One of the worst actors to come out of SNL, well next to Will Ferrell anyways. It is awful when anyone dies in the way that he did, so I am not judging him over that. I just didn't care for his acting or his comedy. It was boring and very overrated.

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    Wed Apr 28 2004

    I only wish he had been able to get his personal life in order.

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    Wed Mar 03 2004

    1 word: Halarious! need I say more.

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    Thu Dec 25 2003

    Though he did in some ways play the same guy over and over again, he always seemed to throw in a little twist with each character... but even without a twist the guy was hilarious over and over, and over again.

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    Sat Nov 08 2003

    When he was alive, he was one of the most funny guys in the world. His movies were a riot, and he was great on SNL. It's to bad his addictions got the best of him.

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    Thu Oct 02 2003

    The inspirational speaker was a riot! Any time he played a female was a riot as well!

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    Tue Sep 23 2003

    Ha ha. Fat funny.

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    Thu Sep 11 2003

    dude this is the funniest guy ever and he is 1 uv my idols and i think he is so funny and i wish he wuz still alive and him an david spade made an awsum team 2 bad though i will always remember u chris save me a spot up there nex 2 u

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    Mon Sep 08 2003

    I live in a van down by the river!

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    Mon Sep 08 2003

    Chris Farley was one of the funniest guys I have ever seen on tv!! I loved the movies he played in and they would make you almost pee in your pants you laughed so hard. It is a great shame to see a man who had the talent of making people laugh when deep down he had his own troubles that ultimately led to his untimely death. I wish he could have been around longer to make us all laugh some more but all we can do is watch the reruns of SNL and the movies he made. It also angers me that if that hooker that was with him had maybe stayed around like he asked and maybe called an ambulance instead of taking a picture of him laying there and shutting the door he may still be around!

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    Mon Sep 08 2003

    "Tommy Boy" and "Black Sheep" are 2 of the funniest movies in history. R.I.P.

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    Sun Sep 07 2003

    Funniest cast member of the past 15 years. His death was a tragedy.

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    Sat Aug 16 2003

    All he does is yell. Horrible.

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    Tue Aug 05 2003

    We all miss ya!

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    Sat Jun 21 2003

    Matt foley was one of the funnier things I've seen. He is just plain hysterical, tommy boy was a. awesomely awesome funny movie. I've seen it at least 200 times. He was hysterical!

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    Sat Jun 21 2003

    Matt Foley, El Nino, and the wrestler guest at the White House. That cast he was in was great!

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    Sat May 31 2003

    The king for all fat comics to look up(or down) to

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    Sun May 25 2003

    Chris Farley was one of the, if not the best SNLers of all time. Everything he did was funny. His speech, manerisms... everything. Also, those who say he did nothing but yell, one very funny skit he had was the girls at the mall. He yelled once, and it wasn't even in the context many people are referring to. Chris Farley was a living legend and should be remembered as that. Black Sheep and Tommmy Boy were also good.... HELLLLLOOOO WASHHHINGTON!!