Chris Collinsworth
Approval Rate: 19%
Reviews 0
by kted39
Sun Nov 21 2010Absolutely the worst broadcaster in the history of sports. It's only fun to watch a game that he is working if he is for your team or if your tv is on mute.
by maria1234
Sun Nov 21 2010The guy's a quintessential asshole! He's as partial as announcers get. I'm watching the Giants @ Eagles game at the moment, and there's Chris, clearly partisan to the Giants, suggesting that the Giants defense should physically hurt Michael Vick to slow him down. Chris is an asshole, OK! :(
by noanoa
Thu Nov 18 2010Call me a suckup but I quite like Chris. He's a family man like me and I think he does a great job. I especially like him on the Guisness World Records Show
by matt1017
Sun Nov 14 2010Cris collinsworth is the BIGGEST piece of shit on tv today. He brown noses the pats and basically anyone playing the Steelers as far as i can see. I have no idea how he made it to the pros in the nfl or who's dick he sucked to get his job at NBC, but he sucks and his voice alone makes me violently angry. I wish I could give him zero stars but they won't let me.
by commericalsare_killingsnf
Sun Oct 31 2010The absolute worst Color Commentator on TV today. Him and Al Michaels have to be about the worst broadcasting pair in the NFL today. Their commentary makes absolutely no sense, not to mention you often get their personal opinion on teams that are playing. A great commentator can actually comment on whats going on as opposed to the slant you get with these clowns.
by johnmadden
Mon Jan 11 2010Fire this douchebag. Hire someone that actually knows something about the game other than his pathetic career.
by richardsimmons
Sat Jan 09 2010Collinsfag is the worst biased piece of shit on tv.... I think he is secretly gay for some players.... Give them head Collinsworth and get it over with already. sincerly Richard Simmons
by duncan36
Sun Dec 27 2009Shouldnt a sports broadcaster at least have a good voice? I mean who hires these clowns? Having to listen to his screechy strained voice is irritating to say the least. Also his 'clever' insights on the game, at least he thinks so, are boring and take away from the game. The ultimate job of the announcer is to connect the viewers on a deeper level with the game. All Collinsworth does is the opposite, he tries to get people wrapped up in his little stupid world. Which he manages to do by annoying you. Seriously tell your kids they can do anything in this world if they have a strong will and put their mind to it. I used to see experts and talent in many fields but even today on national tv there are annoying losers. Any of us can do anything the world is wide open to us if these clowns can get paid huge salaries for sucking so bad.
by hasher
Sun Dec 06 2009If I could give him less I would. His voice makes me sick to my stomach. He is by far the worst commentator to ever call a football game. His color commentary is filled with speculation and misinformation and gives little to no insight on the game being called or the game of football itself. His arrogant and pompous attitude have no place in the fair and unbiased calling of a football game. I have begun writing the network demanding his removal from television. I would like to urge more poeple to call, write, or email to demand his removal. He is bad for the game of football.
by chicagogelly
Sun Nov 29 2009I read these reviews and laugh at how pathetic many of you sound. When you climb down off your high and actually read your own commentary, you'll see what I am talking about. Most of the reviews that are negative are based solely on the fact that he said negative things about "your team". Well, the truth hurts and Chris does deliver the truth. Here are some facts about the individual you were supposed to rate. He is quite knowledgeable about the game. He understands nuances that you would never see pointed out listening to a Joe Buck. He is passionate about the sport and what it stands for. His insight is enlightening (although sometimes painful to hear when it's your team with its neck in the guillotine) and he is almost always ahead of the call no matter how subtle it may be. He understands the assignments of every position well and football strategy well. He conveys the message clearly and his analysis is spot on in most every case. I thought he was a complete dork when he showe... Read more
by mrjany
Sun Oct 04 2009is there a way that we can put him in isolation for the whole week so he isn't shoulder deep inside his favorite teams ass by the time sunday night comes?
by netman156
Sun Oct 04 2009One star only because there isn't a ZERO option! Chris Collinsworth is so bad the person who hired him should be fired at the same time. He doesn't add anything to the game other than a onesided opinions such as kicking a teams "stinking butt". Al Michaels is bad enough, with this idiot at his side, Sunday Night Football isn't going to last too long. Maybe he and Roger Goodell can get together to find a way to get more money out of the fans....
by xkcf001
Sun Sep 13 2009I wish there were other options to listen to during a game. He sees the glass half empty. He makes me crazy. The networks need to replace him. We actually turned the sound off and watched tonight's game.
by tom15a04
Fri Sep 11 2009Tomlin said valiant not violent. What an idiot..
by rickab10
Thu Sep 10 2009Collinsworth is THE biggest piece of CRAP I have ever listened to. I really think he is in love with Bradey and Rothesburger on a personnel level. When he is shown to be wrong on a review he shuts up and leaves Costas to mop up after his flub up. Class A moron. Rick Bernico Mundelein, IL
by joe12ded
Sun Aug 09 2009I usually watch Cowboys games and games Madden would comentate and avoid any pre-show or anything that Collinsworth does or his voice is present. Now with hearing his voice on the Hall of Fame Game, I will not watch the Sunday night games at all. Do the Networks not know that he really is not liked?
by pahustler
Wed Apr 22 2009I can't stand Chris Collingworth! The fact NBC is replacing Madden with Collingsworth means I will be replacing my view of games on NBC with watching grass grow. Does anyone like this arrogant scrub of an announcer? Seriously, how is this guy still on TV? Thank you NBC for ruining your football broadcast with this douche. If you wanted to get more fans and keep the ones you have, please dump this dead weight. Sincerely, Every Football Fan Ever
by thelongshaft
Wed Feb 18 2009I can't stand Chris Collinsworth. He is such a jackass. An arrogant piece of shit. Fire Him immediately!
by bullsfan1386
Thu Dec 11 2008Collinsworth SUCKS!!!!!!! what a bag of crap.
by andrewmace
Sun Nov 23 2008Chris Collinsworth is the WORST NFL commentator and the most biased I have ever heard! The man needs to be replaced on NBC. Has he ever said anything good about the NFC North? Hey Chris, instead of constantly putting down the NFC North, try saying something positive for a change, whatever team is doing good.
by deeznutztasteg_ood
Sun Sep 21 2008The only thing Collinsworth is good at is being a huge douche! He sucks and NBC sucks for bringing him on!
by porter71
Thu Aug 21 2008Chris Collingsworth isn't even a good football commentator or interviewer how in the world does NBC invite him to the Olympics? He is terrible and needs to reconsider his choice of professions and try ditch digging. He isn't worth a rating but this thing makes you give at least one star.
by ethangavin
Mon Aug 18 2008Collinsworth, another hate America first liberal. I wonder what left wing country he loves more? I'm done with him.
by turdball
Tue Aug 12 2008Absolutely the second-to-worst EVER! Voice sounds like he has frozen peas lodged in his throat and he is always touting the favored team until they begin losing. He couldn't make it at Fox--I kept hoping Howie Long or Terry Bradshaw would stone him--yeah, he sucks. The worst of course would be Bryant Gumble.
by zuchinibut
Tue Aug 12 2008Collinsworth isn't a terrible football analyst, but he just seems like a big douche whever he is on TV. I don't know why NBC decided to bring him over to Beijing and use him as one of their main correspondents for the Olympics. Whenever he and Costas show up on the set together I imagine them telling each other how great they both are once the cameras are turned off.
by grimeater
Sat Jan 05 2008The guys just loves to hear himself talk, which is a shame, as he has nothing worthwhile to say. Sad, really.
by kevingoh
Sat Jan 05 2008the guy is a damn retard. he speaks too soon on everything and he is almost always wrong. his bias is the most apalling and frustrating thing multiplied even more by the fact that he insists on saying "and i know from experience". fox fired him for a reason, now he is here to torment us on nbc.
by tagge619
Sat Jan 05 2008While I in no way agree with the "poor guys" that murdered Sean Taylor comment, I do usually agree with Chris Collinsworth when he comments on all things football. I find him an intelligent, thoughtful analyst who for the most part get things right before everyone else figures out a situation. For those of you who callm him a dumbass... Go look in the mirror and say it again, but with feeling!
by jiacke
Sat Jan 05 2008I can't stand listening to Chris. He is the most single sided announcer I've ever heard. He always has a favorite team and he makes it very obvious. He makes excuses for mistakes made by the team that he wants to win and makes very rude comments about the team he wants to lose. He needs to be fired from ever announcing another game. He actually said the Redskins were lucky to be in the playoffs. He's an idiott, he's lucky to be announcing the game!
by btmac33
Sat Jan 05 2008I agree. Did anyone else hear his comment about Sean Taylor. Chris feels sorry for the "poor guys who broke into his house to rob and found out he was home". Those "poor guys" took Sean's life. Poor Chris-he's the biggest idiot I've ever heard!
by garyhawks
Sun Dec 30 2007I think Chris Collinsworth and Al Michaels are two of the best football announcers ever. Most announcers are so know-it-all that they ruin the game. Chris and Al are just terrific. Gary Hawks South Dakota
by lynnyboy
Sun Dec 30 2007I have hated this guy since the 80's. He never says ANYTHING good about the Browns. Today he took another shot at them at the Halftime show of the Indy/Tenn game. If I ever run in to him I will kick his ass! He has the worst demeanor in the booth and his comments are always dull and bias. I have hated him since I was 11 years old. BrownsFam out.
by calibre
Sun Dec 30 2007Chris Collinsworth is a dumbass,and a suckass.All he did in the Ny-Patriot game was talk shit and favored the pats,giving ny no credit whatsoever.he reminds me of Dennis Miller,that other dumbass who dident know a thing about football.I finally watched the fourth quarter with the tv on mute-Collinsworth should be fired or given a position where we dont have to listen to him!-Man I hope hes no-where near the Superbowl this year that would suck....
by benchkins
Sat Dec 29 2007Chris Collinsworth is a disgrace to all sports broadcasters everywhere. It is typical that an NFL player makes it as an analyst over the rest of us who are trying to get there. the point of an analyst is not to know the game every which way in and out and thats it. you need to know how to present the information to the audience in a way that is entertaining and informative. Collinsworth does not do this. He is completely biased. The fact is if you are the voice for a teams radio station, it is ok for you to be biased. Collinsworth is a NATIONAL TELEVISED broadcaster...his job is to be indifferent and explain what is going on, and why it is happening. It is ridiculous that he flip flops the way he does. It dissapoints me as a fellow broadcaster. He should be fired. There are so many people who could do a better job. Adam Schefter could do a better job...heck MADDEN is unbiased. I am so sick of former players being biased...there is more to this profession than just knowledge...people he... Read more
by azena83
Sat Dec 29 2007Couldn't take listening to his remarks,ruined the Pats vs. NY game. My father muted the TV after the Pats got an interception 'cause all Mr. Collinsworth kept digging his face deeper into the Patriots winning asses. I can't believe the network has this joke as an announcer for the NFL. I miss the days when announcers actually talked about the game strategy, like how to make plays work, oh and god forbid this announcer actually roots for the underdog once and a freaking while. Goes to show you that some players should NOT be Game announcers. So full of himself he can't shut up or transition to another announcer.
by dsdjsd
Sat Dec 29 2007My husband and I agree with all of the Collinsworth haters. He is the biggest pompous, arrogant ass I have ever seen. He needs to be fired. Very prejudice, once the game shifts he shifts too! You pick a team like everyone else and stick with it not change cause the score changes. I can not believe he played for 8 years, he is completely ignorant when it comes to football. No wonder why the Bengals sucked for those 8 years.
by awful38c
Sat Dec 29 2007Why? Why do we have to constantly listen to this fucking idiot?
by stogiehog
Thu Dec 27 2007He stinks. He is a pompous a**
by negamefan
Fri Dec 21 2007How is this toad on HB freaking "O"? Marino......please just slap the snot out of this second rate goof. Collinsworth, most fans wouldn't want your opinion on the taste of water, but if it would distract you from your opinion on the nfl, we are all for it! I would love to see Belichek, Bruschi, and Harrison tear you limb from limb.
by crazeeman
Sun Dec 02 2007He is a piece of shit. Putting him together with Bryant Gumball was evidence that the NFL is run by a bunch of idiots. Talk about blather and incorrect info. When he comes on, I switch channels
by edog123
Thu Oct 04 2007Chris Collinsworth is pencil-necked geek. He is a loser, anybody that employees him is a loser, and I will not watch a show he is on anymore.
by jpa2001x
Thu Oct 04 2007This guy is AWFUL, jealous of Belichick and the Patriots. Talking about them forfitting a playoff game, are you INSANE? That means don't even play the rest of the season, ridiculous. Every team does something idiot, and this didn't help them win. NBC is losing many viewers because of this guy. Fire him.
by triplej
Sun Aug 26 2007He's an asshole, and I'm sick and tired of him
by larrysou
Sun Aug 05 2007There is only two things I can say about Chris Collinsworth, DORK AND DUMBASS!!!
by louislindner
Fri Apr 13 2007I heard Collinsworth, local sports figure Ken Broo and a group of other white sports figures on the radio openly making fun of hispanics. They were never held responsible with their blatant racism. They couldn't get that off today. This needs to be brought to the attention of the public like the Imus fiasco.
by footballhead78
Sun Dec 10 2006He does a wonderful job of making the highlights boring an unimportant, and his general manner pretty much changes the channel.
by catsalter
Sun Nov 05 2006Collinsworth is an embarrassment to himself, his colleagues and each show that continues to employ this idiot. His comments are ridiculous. I think his colleagues on NBC are sick of him, too. It's starting to show big time. I urge anyone who agrees to e-mail NBC to GET RID OF THIS GUY NOW!!
by gonzo93726
Sun Oct 15 2006Colinsworth sucked when he played in the NFL...and he sucks as a broadcaster...what a DUMB ASS!