Chris Christie
Governor of New Jersey. Born September 6, 1962.
Approval Rate: 58%
Reviews 7
by frankswildyear_s
Mon Mar 23 2015The New Jersey Governor Christie Is slippery, cunning and twistie Piss him off just a smidge And he'll shut down your bridge and commuters will think that's real shistty.
by guy_dc1b
Sun Jan 11 2015Seen hugging Packer fans today.
by numbah16tdhaha
Fri Jan 09 2015He challenges the idea that nobody can be a dick 100% of the time. Sad part is that there are people who will vote for him.
by johnnydevil
Fri Jan 09 2015He has the diplomatic skills of a dictator.
by chalky
Mon Feb 04 2013The guy has a gluttonous bully mentality to him. If he can't make it, then he has a job for life as a Big Boy restaurant impersonator.
by abichara
Fri Jan 11 2013Christie is probably their most viable general election candidate, with broader moderate appeal, but the rapid regionalization of the GOP into a Southern party, with clusters of support in rural areas of the Intermountain West, the Great Plains and parts of the Midwest could end his ambitions as a national candidate. Indeed, Christie is riding high politically at the moment, but there are elements of the GOP who would never support him under any circumstances. And their votes are ultimately the ones that count. He'll have to do some major political bridge mending in those regions if he wants the nomination. But that will require moving significantly to the right, which can be damaging in the general. These fissures made themselves readily apparent in a vote conducted last week for disaster relief for Hurricane Sandy victims, an issue that Christie had lobbied Congress personally for. The Senate had passed a bill providing $60 billion in emergency relief for those living in N... Read more
by ayn9b559
Fri Jan 11 2013Seems to me that he is a decent politician. He attempted to clean the state of New Jersey from corruption and fraud of its public officials. He's not involved in any major controversies or scandals. From what I understand, the public seems to view him pretty well. It seems to me that he's smart enough and he is well educated. He'd make a good candidate. Which is why I'm only rating him a two. The GOP has a bizarre history of making sure that only the most batshittingly insane politicians run for such an important office. Unless it gets reported that he's having an affair with transgendered elf-midgets while seeing visions of a New Jerusalem brought to him by angels of YHWH, I don't think he's got a chance in running in 2016 unless it's for the left or as an independent.