Chivas Regal

Approval Rate: 89%

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    Sun Mar 28 2010

    I am a novice with scotch and appreciate the information all of you have shared. I believe there is snobbery with scotch drinking just like with certain wine choice. I have started with the blends for many of the reasons mentioned here. I honestly cannot taste a difference between Johnnie Walker Red and Black, but that may be me. I like both and Red is cheaper. I can't imagine that the Blue could be 10+ times better than the Red. Tried a bottle of Famous Grouse Gold Reserve because it is always mentioned as decent. For me it was just okay. Chivas Regal is good. I personally like Dewars Special Reserve 12, but do not see it mentioned very frequently. Need to taste The Dimple Pinch before I move into the single malts, but geesh the price! Again, thanks for your good advice. I don't want to pay $40+ and not like what I am drinking.

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    Fri Mar 12 2010

    Scotch is no different than any other whiskey or distilled spirits, wine, beer, etc. Single malt scotch versus blended scotch whiskeys - it's no different than straight bourbon whiskey versus blended whiskeys. It's all in what YOU like, not what somebody else tells you you should like. Also, too many people equate price to better. Price does not equal better, nor does adverstising equal better. Example: Glenfiddich is the world's best selling scotch - however, it is not the best selling scotch in Scotland. J&B is the best selling in Spain; Chivas in China; Johnnie Walker in Bazil. The bottom line - find a drink YOU like, relax, and enjoy! Screw the rest of 'em! For me, scotch is NOT my poison of choice. However, when I have had Chivas Regal 12, it goes down easy and does not leave an unpleasant aftertaste. Three stars.

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    Tue Mar 02 2010

    One of the best blends, if not THE best. A notch above Johnnie Walker Black, as far as blends go. Try Johnnie Walker Black, and then try some Chivas. Chivas is one of the blends that even most of the "single-malt only" snobs can agree on as a good blended scotch whisky. Again, as a BLENDED scotch whisky, I give this 5 stars. As a scotch in general I would give this 4 stars. Give it a try.

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    Mon Dec 07 2009

    This is a great Scotch. When compared to other whiskeys in this price range then I think this comes first. Johnnie walker is slightly more expensive but to be honest I think this is better! However if you want to enjoy scotch to its full potential never put it with ice. If you add anything put a splash of well chilled spring/mineral water in it and that really opens up the flavor. Having lived right next to Ben Nevis I have picked up a few tips on Scotch and I really think it's unfair to judge a Scotch if it's served with ice. Chivas regal is rather deceptive! When I first had this whiskey I drank it with a fine Churchill cigar! What shocked me was that I got drunk so easily without realizing it! I could see, talk and do type and felt fine but I couldn't walk for the life of me! So all I can say is if you do drink this make sure you are comfortably settled at home otherwise you'll struggle to walk! It would be an insult to mix this with anything but water! (Not including tap wat... Read more

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    Sun Oct 04 2009

    For that general price range, I'd say something more along the like of a bit of the ole Dimple, or Dalwhinnie 15 yo if you're a bit more liberal with spending. Between 40-50 dollars for the both of them, and they're much more enjoyable neat or on the rocks. Chivas is perfect for those non-scotch drinkers that come over and want something a bit more mild on the palate. It's also, and god help me for saying this, nothing terrible to splash a bit of soda or Amaretto into. Personally, JW Blue didn't wow me. It's price tag and fame didn't match its' actuality. You can find a bottle of The Macallan 21 yo Fine Oak for about the same price that'll do you much better. Cheers

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    Thu Sep 10 2009

    If only it lived up to its name.  I suppose the price is needed due to their heavier than average marketing, but I've had much better for half the money.  It isn't BAD scotch, it's just a bad VALUE scotch.

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    Tue Sep 08 2009

    Actually kind of bland. A good bar choice though when they don't have Walker Black.

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    Thu Aug 13 2009

    Not bad, but certainly overpriced. I started my scotch venture about 6 months ago with some Johnny Walker Red, which was not very good then I tried the Chivas Regal 12 year. At the time, I'd have given this 5 stars easy as it is so much better. After trying the Chivas Regal I decided to go into the single malts and I can't even bare to go back to a blend unless it is all that is available. On a positive note, Chivas Regal is very thick and buttery smooth. Good flavors overall. Just entirely too overpriced. What can I say? I went to Islay and I never came back.

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    Thu Jul 30 2009

    Chivas is in my Top10 (Probably 8). Its available at EVERY BAR in the country.

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    Tue May 19 2009

    Overpriced, nevertheless still has a good flavor. What I can say if it were a little cheaper I'd give a full recommendation.

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    Tue May 05 2009

    Someone else said its not a bad scotch, its just a bad value. This is precisely correct. For the same or better quality for a little more than half the price of CR, pick up a bottle of the Famous Grouse

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    Tue Jan 06 2009

    You guys are all IDIOTS! Single Malt doesn't equal better ... its just advertising ... and you idiots fell for it! I'd rather have something that is made from MANY distillery's to make what taste's great on my tongue TASTE GREAT ... than being limited to making 'the best' of ONE distillery. Chivas regal is a good, BALANCED, scotch. I would recommend to anyone! However, great entry level scotch for the $.  Seriously ?? ... Johnny Black ??... I am glad you spent your money on the Diageo advertising ... helps support our economy in Connecticut.

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    Wed Oct 01 2008

    Over-rated, over-priced swill favoured by people who don't know any better. Has floated on an excellent advertising campaign for years, without ever producing a decent bottle.

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    Thu May 01 2008

    Chivas Regal is a strange scotch. It tastes good, but I can't begin to guess what the dominant malts are. It has a very different character than most of the blends, not really much fuller bodied but more rounded is how I would describe it. It costs too much for the level of enjoyment that I get from it.

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    Sat May 05 2007

    Honestly I'm not a Sctoch professional, but I'd much rather spend my money on a JW Black.

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    Sun Nov 19 2006

    its smooth and well balanced blend. I always like it with coke or soda.

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    Thu Jun 08 2006

    A very well-balanced blend, and you'll find it smooth and very drinkable. What you won't find is a characteristic flavor. It's aimed at being a very middle-of-the-road choice, and it excels at that task. The guy below who said he likes it mixed with Coca-Cola really should give you an idea of who this is for: it's Scotch for non-Scotch drinkers. For the price, I'd rather drink a blend like Pinch or Johnnie Black.

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    Tue Aug 16 2005

    Ok--usually a bar choice. The price is right. Serve to the gimme a scotch and water types.

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    Fri Feb 18 2005

    Smooth, very clean, very little aftertaste - the 7-Up of scotches. Serve this to people who are afraid of taste.

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    Thu Jan 27 2005

    One of the better blends out there, but still a blend, and not in my top 20 of blended scotch.

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    Fri Nov 05 2004

    3.75 Stars. This and Dewars 12Yr. are a place to start (at the bottom of 4 star line).

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    Sat Apr 03 2004

    Great for mixing, crap on its own.

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    Thu Jan 01 2004

    I like Chivas on the rocks with Coke Cola. Chivas is good stuff, and very worth it when I bought it on sale last week for $21.95 for a 5th. Chivas ranges between $26.99 - $29.99 most places I have looked for the 5th. I figured for $21.95 it had to be a great deal, considering Makers Mark and Jack Danials was around $20.00 a 5th, pay a few bucks more and get some better drink. I am a lover of all kinds of booze though, Jack Danials, Makers Mark, Knob Creek , Jack Danials gentleman Jack, Jack Danials Single Barrel is heaven, and expensive. Any time you find a good bottle of something on sale it is always worth it.

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    Mon Apr 21 2003

    Regular 12 year old Chivis is a very decent Scotch--smooth. Not a distinct Scotch, but better than most.

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    Thu Jan 16 2003

    Smooth as silk, perfect for drinking straight or makes a perfect mixer too

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    Sun Dec 29 2002

    Although Chivas can't quite compare to an entry-level, single-malt whisky, it is about the best of the 12-year old blends. Smooth and inoffensive while not altogether without character, for my taste, it is enjoyed best on the rocks, in which case it makes an excellent apertif or an accompanyment to a poker game - with a good cigar.

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    Mon Jun 25 2001

    mmmm.... YUMMY... From Aberdeenshire... I believe... IN Scotland.. Great place, were relaxing... Even BETTER scotch... (i've never had the GLENLIVET, so I can't comment on that...) But I must say... CHIVAS is a fine beast...

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    Fri Mar 10 2000

    Chivis is fine but nothing compares to Johnnie Walker blue!

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    Fri Mar 10 2000

    Not as good as single malt, expensive, but good.

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    Fri Mar 10 2000

    Have some Bushmills--you may find it even better, as I did! {I did not like scotch whiskey at all until I "met" Bushmills.}

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    Fri Mar 10 2000

    Smoooooth !!

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    Mon Jan 10 2000

    Try a single malt, you'll be a convert!