Chewing with mouth open
Approval Rate: 32%
Reviews 0
by lillyscott
Thu Mar 17 2011it is bad manners as well as annoying and gross when they make noises at the same time.talking with your mouth full is also bad manners. i don't understand why it wouldn't bother someone to do that.
by kassandra
Sat Jan 15 2011Fuk! I'm watching a movie right now with my dad and eight year old brother and he is the only one eating a huge bowl of popcorn and won't shut his mouth! Iv told him over ten times to Shut his mouth and he dose it for the next two then starts again! ITS NOT HARD TO SHUT YOUR LIPS AND CHEW YOUR TEETH AT THE SAME TIME!!!!! Kassy Marshall.
by olga2790
Sat Apr 17 2010I do not understand why people have to chew with their mouth open, and it's not just gum, it is everything from gummy bears to chips, sandwiches, steaks etc. If you can close your mouth while eating, DONT EAT IN PUBLIC!!!! Personally I start twitching when I hear that sound and it annoys many people. It's rude, its disgusting and it's a sign of bad manners!!!! It is not difficult to keep your mouth closed when you are eating, takes a little bit of an effort at first and then it becomes a habit.
by sandyg
Fri Mar 06 2009My thought exactly. I hate when I'm on public transportation and someone is smacking on gum. Sometimes I fantasize I am invisible and I go up and smack them silly. One of these days I am going to muster up a burp and say it doesn't hurt anybody. Smacking gum, especially in public is rude. If I met the perfect man who chomped I would let him know early. If he didn't stop the relationship would have to end.
by eliotw
Sun Oct 05 2008For everyone who says it doesn't "hurt" anyone when people chew with their mouthes open, it is not about hurting is just TERRIBLY annoying. My roommate chews louder than anyone I know, I am not being hurt by him, but when I am trying to study or do anything and all I can hear is the distinct sound of chomping, it's very frustrating. And like many others have said, it is nearly impossible for my to stop hearing the chomping once it starts. I have been trying to figure out a way to tell my roommate but I haven't figured out how to do it without being too rude.
by joh69abe
Fri Jan 25 2008I just started seeing someone and she chews with her mouth open and makes noises and it annoys the crap out of me. I like her a lot but how the hell do I tell her about this. I don't want to introduce her to my friends because they'll have a fit when she does it. How do I approach this subject and not hurt her feelings?
by drkseph
Sun Jan 06 2008My brother does this all the time, ticks me off so much.
by misspackrat4je_sus
Mon Oct 08 2007Hey, if you are not a cow, please try not to chew like one!!!
by return2beach
Sat Sep 29 2007My father makes all kinds of noise when he eats. I can not stand it. I imagine a giant pig sitting there. It is one of those times when murder should be legal. To add to it, he also gaurds his food, and shovels it into his mouth like someone is going to take it away from him. I timed him while he ate a whopper. Had it down in under a minute. Makes me want to feed him till he explodes.
by schadenfreudia_nslip
Mon Apr 23 2007Since each time Brittney Spears is interviewed, I see her pie-hole gnawing on some wad of gum, yeah, it's annoying. What's worse is that it's some sort of cultural thing with people talking loudly enough to be heard over the din of the pit of the stock market, and snapping gum at the same time. Such talent...where do we GET such people? Ghetto/trailer trash are running the show now, aren't they...on any given weekend I could tell upwards of 20 people to knock off the cell phones on the elevators and to close their mouths when chewing gum, like their mommas told 'em, but there are millions more...and they all seem to come from America. Y'all are gonna have to pick up the pace of your asswhoopin' activities, k? I'm gettin' tired of carrying your and my load. [;^p
by blueorchid
Mon Apr 23 2007Doesn't usually bother me because I don't pay attention.
by rjj0ac57
Mon Mar 19 2007I think of it like this. Animals smack their food. Chewing wih your mouth closed goes along with having opposable thumbs and walking upright. There's no way that you should sound the same as your dog when you eat.
by jennylynn
Wed Jan 10 2007I can't stand it. My boyfriend does it and I don't know how to tell him it bothers me. I was taught to keep my mouth shut- I thought it was a universal habit you are taught when you are young? How do I tell him it drives me crazy without hurting his feelings?
by smartmoms
Wed Nov 15 2006What a great topic. I have heard many adults smack their food. I guess they were never taught properly to chew with their mouths close. Many a times I just want to walk up to someone when smacking food and smack them...not really but would love to if it were allowed!!
by suzysway
Tue Nov 07 2006Oh boy, this is so annoying. Especially when there is an accompanying chewing noise. I am way to conscious of how I conduct myself in public to ever do this but some people just lack personal awareness. A continuous five minutes of this could proabably make a sane person anything but that!
by lastmessenger3
Wed Aug 02 2006Especially when you can see bits of meal flying out from their mouth and landing on what you are eating. Aghhhh
by djahuti
Tue May 02 2006Pretty gross and also a cause of gas and indigestion.
by hedonist
Wed Aug 24 2005Unless you cannot breathe through your nose and are risking self-suffocation to eat that hot dog, it's one of the worst.
by alaskanbred
Mon Aug 08 2005absolutely disgusting. it's loud and gross. my mom does this ALL the time. i don't want to hurt her feelings by telling her, but it's so rude and sick. she does it on the phone too. she doesn't even know she's doing it. but it's so loud and so disgusting. this is the worst bad habit ever. ugh i get sick thinking about how gross it is.
by kattwoman
Tue May 17 2005i hate this.we were taught this is not acceptable at all. when i see someone doing this it makes me wonder how could you not tell you are doing this and not no its inconsiderate and gross
by kiwi71
Tue Apr 12 2005Pet hate. It angers me but I never complain. I want to because it really gets to me. My father does it, my flatmate does it. Good guys but I dont want to hear the food slopping around in peoples mouths. It`s fu*king loud too.
by sfalconer
Sun Nov 07 2004I don't mind seeing the food on your plate but no one wants to see what's in your mouth. If you enjoy eating with other don't do this.
by specialboothvi_cjr
Sun Nov 07 2004This is a nasty habit. Just deny it.
by wargamefan93
Sat Sep 25 2004One of the most sick things ever. No one wants to see that! I want a decent meal. I don't want to lose my appetite and throw up on whoever does this habit. So don't do it. Just let others have a decent meal.
by moghedien10
Wed Aug 04 2004Why let something so petty get to you? There's nothing wrong with it. Furthermore, for me at least, the food tastes better if you chew with your mouth open, due to oxidization. For example, if you drink something with breaths in between, won't the overall drinking experience be more enjoyable than if you were to drink the entire thing in one gulp? Same principle.
by inkling
Tue Jul 13 2004I can look away but I can't escape the maddening sound of the lips smacking together. I cured my husband and am now battling my seven year-old stepson. You can be sure the ones coming up will be trained early!
by carla106
Tue Apr 13 2004its a horrible habit. it can ruin a meal for those around them. i have a relative that eats with their mouth open and i have decided never to eat with them again. looking at the food in their mouth, the sickening sound of the mouth smacking, and the slurping. its just gross.
by iastronomer777
Tue Apr 13 2004I can't say much more than has already been said, but chewing with one's mouth open is completely uncivilized, slovenly, careless, and phenomenally abnoxious! I cannot express the amount of disgust I feel when surrounded by people who weren't taught basic manners and courtesies by their families when they were children. It is completely unacceptable and despicable.
by ravensholst
Wed Mar 24 2004This is in the same boat as popping and smacking gum. HATE IT! Those gum/food smackers should be burned at the stake.
by scarletfeather
Sat Jan 24 2004It is really hard to watch someone chewing with their mouth wide open. I just try to look away and I always wish I was somewhere else.
by classictvfan47
Mon Nov 10 2003A gross and useless habit that should stop at childhood.
by tencat
Sun Aug 24 2003A problem I have at school and other social occasions is that there are other people who do not share the same table manners as me. A universal system of chewing with the mouth closed is what we need.
by longbob
Mon Aug 11 2003Whats with the whole thing of making noise when you eat? Why do we feel that we can't asked these people to stop doing it? Like were the ones in the wrong for being digusted, disturbed, sickened, sadness, annoyed, distroyed, i could go on, but you all know what is going on in my head when I hear those noises and see those jaws munching away. And why if you do ask someone to stop it, they seem to think it a good idea to then get closer to your ear and smack away. The years I have suffered with this. There must be help out there, somewhere, its has to be something more that just a noise i dont like, the kettle is almost over boiling.....
by daryl75c
Wed Jul 16 2003Does it really matter either way?If looking at someone chew with thier mouth open bothers you,look away.It's not like they're spitting it into your mouth or anything.
by kahfess
Fri May 30 2003This has got to be one of the most stomach-turning things. When I was growing up, my family knew someone that always would chew with their mouth open. We would try to be polite when this person was eating while near us, however, sometimes I had to excuse myself from the room because it would just turn my stomach. Finally one day, I fed the dog potato chips and taped it eating. I played the tape for the open mouthed chewer, and then they realized just how bad they sounded. I told him then to add the sucking of the teeth sound to the smacking sound. To this day, some twenty years later, I STILL can not stand someone being so rude and crude. It is very offensive and unattractive to chew with your mouth open.
by matt2003
Fri May 30 2003Oh aiye, there are others out there who cant stand noisy eaters. I cant describe how aggravated I feel when I hear someone slopping and slurping away - GGGGGGRrrrrr. Even seeing their jaw flapping around drives me mad. My sympathy goes out to all other 'sufferers'. Does anyone know anywhere you can get help - psychology, hypnotherapy, anything or any other websites about this? Matt.
by redoedo
Sat May 24 2003Ah, there's nothing I enjoy more while eating a meal then seeing the chewed up food of the person sitting across from me.
by vudija
Sat May 03 2003I find this as an extremely rude habit. Granted, some people can't eat with their mouths closed...I don't hold anything against them, it's not their fault, but for the rest of them , there is no excuse. Be kind and CHEW WITH YOUR MOUTH CLOSED ! Thank you.
by snoopy
Wed Mar 26 2003I know some people can't help it, especially if they have nasal problems and breathe through their mouth, but it is pretty gross to watch.
by bigbaby
Thu Mar 13 2003Sorry, but I don't like to see someone's food while thier eating. Completely disgusting, and so many people do it.
by j7778b28
Tue Mar 11 2003chew w/ your mouth open chew w/ your mouth close.... does it hurt you? sure doesn't hurt me
by anselmi
Thu Feb 13 2003I sit next to a fairly attractive young black girl (23) at work.....imagaine having to hear her chew not only her gum but food with her mouth open like a COW!!!!! She slirps and has a unique way of smacking her lips together that makes her so unattractive. I've addressed the issue once, asking her to chew with her mouth closed...she must have not be taught as a child because she does it and apparently must not realize it. 1
by kendra_cmm
Wed Jan 29 2003Imagine laying in bed watching a movie with your significant other.You're all relaxed and content and the person next to you reaches for a candy bar or a bag of chips. The first bite isn't so bad until you hear the next and then the next! All of a sudden you can't hear what's giong on in the movie as you hear the sloshing around of food in someones mouth! It becomes more and more annoying as it seems it's never going to end! Anyway, it's gross and illmannered in every way. No one wants to hear or see the process of chewing food so keep it closed!
by gmanod
Fri Dec 20 2002Probably one of the most annoying features someone can posses, not only is it disruptive it's really disgusting too.
by teaseress
Wed Nov 13 2002I don't understand how people can eat with their mouths open! Surely they must know that the people around them find it disgusting and embarassing? And CastleBee, I'm in my early 20's and I do not eat or chew with my mouth open, I think this has more to do with intelligence than age or gender. What can be even worse is the sound that they make whilst chewing or eating - these people should be recorded whilst in the act then play it back to them so they can see how bad it looks!
by mst3k4evr
Mon Nov 04 2002I hate this habit like you would not believe. With the gum thing, I hate that too but I hate it even more when people in their 30s and 40s(9 times out of ten it is a woman). Grow up, why don't you? Someone said that this is the first thing that kids are taught. Well, my cousin sure hasn't taught her kids this. Her nearly five-year-old does it and it drives me NUTS. I should say something the next time I have the chance.
by lukskywlkr
Sat Nov 02 2002Personally, I think this is one of the worst. When you're eating with someone, and a big wad of food comes trickling down out of their mouth and onto the table, that is by no means an attractive sight.
by addicted
Fri Oct 25 2002yeecchhh
by bb3fan
Thu Aug 08 2002yuk!!!!!!