Chewing tobacco

Approval Rate: 43%

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    Wed Sep 02 2009

    hey did you guys know that you risk breaking an arm when stirring pudding? but im sure that pudding tastes pretty darn good!

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    Sun Jun 28 2009

    I have used it but much prefer Snus to dip..... can do it anywhere with no spitting. I import the 15mg per pouch stuff which is some 3 times as much as a cig. Also you happen to be a TOTAL RETARD if you think there is fiberglass in ANY tobacco product.... look it up before spitting out idiot drool.

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    Sun May 24 2009

    For me when it come making a chooice like chewing i have to think about how it affects someone else such as when you smoke you give someone else your second hand smoke effecting them but you chew you only effect your self aside from spiting i that is helps me make this choice to chew aside from that it is some that i find enjoy and i have made an informed choice i know the kinds of things that can happen to me

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    Sat Apr 04 2009

    No offense chewers on this list, but when ever I see someone dip, I think RedNeck! Health aside ( and health is pretty damned important) if you are going for image: -cigarette smokers are cool, -pot smokers are rebels -and tobacco chewers are hicks. But if thats the image you are going for, more power to ya.

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    Mon Mar 30 2009

    I agree with the rest of the people on here that if you haven't tried it don't bash it. I have been chewing for a little over a year now and I love the stuff. For the person who said that they would rather see their friend smoke is an absolute retard because first off know that person will suffer from second hand smoke and also chewing doesn't have a shitty smell that causes people not to be by you because you stink like shit from cigarettes. Grizz is the best and always will be, but it's always nice to mix things up a little bit and try other brands jus to see if you like them.

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    Sun Oct 12 2008

    get you facts straight! they do NOT put fiberglass in chew. If they did it would cut up ur mouth making ur cums swell and causeing the person to get less nicotean in them. The shinny specs in chew is salt cristals. PEOPLE IF U HAVE NOT DONE IT AND YOUR ONLY KNOWLAGE ON THE SUBJECT IS FROM YOUR BIAS HEALF CLASS IN 8TH GRADE THEN STFU AND DONT COMENT.

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    Wed Sep 10 2008

    I've personally never tried it, or known anyone else who has, outside of one friend in high school who used it for a few years. The remembered image I have is of him sitting in the passenger seat of my car, stuffing the tobacco into the side of his mouth, and chewing it or sucking it or whatever the hell it is you do with it like a cow chewing its cud. He also carried around a red plastic container in the shape of a pot, and would periodically drool slimy brown saliva into it, until I finally lost my cool and told him in disgust, "Take that g*ddamn thing outa my car, man! If you gotta have tobacco, smoke cigarettes like everyone else, willya? Better yet, smoke pot. You might also end up with cancer, but at least you can get high in the process." Ultimately, he gave it up, and remains among the living.

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    Mon Sep 08 2008

    A very bad habit to be sure, the one silver lining about this stuff- and one of the very funniest things on this site was the time that an angry teenage dipper on the main grizz list called irishgit a ' college boy' and then challenged him to a fight.

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    Sun Aug 17 2008

    hi my name is curtis and i have been dipping for nearly a year i think i am slowly quitting i use to have 3 cans a week when i first started now i have jaw problems a little bit it hurts to move it some times now i am down to just 1 can a week trying to stop trying to really stop any good help tips i need all i can

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    Mon Aug 04 2008

    Mouth and throat cancer? Yea!

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    Mon Aug 04 2008

    first off, all u fuckers that have never tried chew shouldn't be bashing it. it gives the rookie chewers a nice buzz and the pros a badass feeling. i chew a lot of those fruity flavored skoals. there alrite but u gotta go with something stronger like grizz if ur used to it. im only 16 and i know wats going on. its prolly not the best for u but hell im still alive and feeling good

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    Mon Aug 04 2008

    I'm giving it a one because that what the scale says is the worst. It looks absolutely disgusting to see someone chewing tobacco while it's dripping down their chin. Real appetizing.

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    Sat Jun 28 2008

    Im a girl and i dip. i love it. it may not be "attractive" but it does save my lungs and it does keep me from being a bitch, because i am addicted to nicotine. i realize what it does to my body. and most people are, telling them that its bad for the is repetitive and unnecesary. so just shut your mouth and put a dip in.

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    Thu May 29 2008

    As personal habits go, this one is disgusting. But, with that said at least it won't give me cancer if you chew, so it's your choice. One request though, spit in a solid (not clear) container and not on the ground or in the water fountain. Thank you!

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    Sat Jan 05 2008

    when i cannot smoke i chew.

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    Sat Jan 05 2008

    My dad has been chewing since he was a teenager and now he's 42, and the dentist says he has the best teeth and gums of any of his clients. If you dip you just need to make sure to take very good care of your mouth, my dad brushes and uses listerine at least 3 times a day. And its really not a gross habit unless you spit on someone's shoe or you accidentally drink someone's dip-spit (seen a drunk guy do that thinking it was beer and barfed, that was nasty.)

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    Sat Jan 05 2008

    It's always a bad habit to poison yourself.

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    Tue Dec 04 2007

    hello every one i have been dippin since a i was 19  i am now 28 and have been dippin grizzly and red man for that time. i go to the dentist regulary and my dentist says there is nothing wrong with my gums. i never have any sores or red gums. so with that said people who have to have anything removed either didn't see the signs or don't care. yeah i may get cancer but anymore i see my family some smoke and some havent done anything. they have had lung cancer. now you people want to bash people who smoke and dip or chew. WAKE THE FU-- UP. u dont need to use tobacco products to get cancer or have to get something removed. i know what these products will do to my mind and my body. i am addicted to nicoteen. and my doctor even says comming off nicoteen is like comming off cocain. know your facts before u right stupid ass crap on here.     good day

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    Sat Oct 20 2007

    I think chewing tobacco is probably just as bad as smoking,and the pictures of what I've seen after guys have to get their jaws/throats removed because of excessive use would be enough for me to think this would be bad habit indeed!

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    Thu Sep 27 2007

    F**K all the nay-sayers! Try it before you criticize!

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    Mon Sep 17 2007

    I have to agree most smells are nasty, and most tastes are too...but when you get into the more expensive chew I.E. skoal berryblend, and has a nice smell and taste, and also gives you a wicked buzz

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    Mon Jul 02 2007

    i cannot believe that chewing tobacco is higher on this list than smoking. i do, however, find to be easy to explain.  There are many more smokers out there and this has become an acceptable bad habit.  But while you sit there with your lit cigarette filling the lungs of others with second hand smoke, my spit bottle will pose no threat to anyone else aside from not being pleasant to look at. (hence i won't do it mixed company.) i don't do it public places, i don't do it in other people's homes, and a certainly don't carry around a styrofoam cup to spit in. is it a bad habit? yes, i know it is.  but if you're going to tell me that it's worse than smoking, well you just be ready for an argument. and yes, i do have a girlfriend. so i guess it turns out that is possible.

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    Tue Apr 24 2007

    Can't stand smoking and this isn't any better.

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    Mon Apr 23 2007

    My dad used to chew it and I hate how the stuff smells. It's nasty and it looks nasty.

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    Mon Apr 23 2007

    Definitely not for me. I don't see the appeal.

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    Wed Mar 07 2007

    Brown's Mule was a favorite of mine in the good old days. It was plug but thinner than normal and was the real stuff. It never hurt me! I looked it up and it is made by Pinkerton Tobacco Company the same outfit that makes Redman.   You can still buy it on the internet.

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    Wed Mar 07 2007

    True story time. Many years ago I served on a committee that included two rather unique individuals. One was an older gentleman who chewed tobacco and always carried a styrofoam cup to spit into. The other was a windbag who spent every meeting interrupting other people with irrelevent stories and generally being a pain in the butt. At one meeting, the two sat beside each other, and as windbag went into his act for the tenth time, the tobacco chewer casually switched the position of his spit cup with windbags water cup (also styrofoam. A few moments later the inevitable occurred, with the predictable result. It is only this fond and happy memory that prevents me giving this disgusting habit one star.

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    Wed Mar 07 2007

    I tried the Swedish snus, a friend gave some to me, and it is smother than the American version of smokeless tobacco. I found a webshop selling snus. Anybody who have tried ?

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    Thu Feb 22 2007

    Try not to dribble on your grad school application. . .

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    Wed Feb 21 2007

    I have been chewing for about 2 years. I really enjoy it. It is a great stress reliever. Grizzly straight is the best type, try it.

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    Thu Aug 03 2006

    Disgusting habit especially when they don't have a place to spit.

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    Wed Apr 26 2006

    hey has anyone heard about the new watermelon or rootbeer flavored skoal?if so please email at [email protected]

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    Wed Dec 28 2005

    Diping is alright. It not anywhere worse than smoking. And to all you brain washed ignorant people that are posting crap about cancer that they learned in school... get your facts straight. Carcinogens are the toxins that cause cell mutation which leads to cancer. Carcinogens are created when tobacco burns, not just sits in your lip. However chewing tobacco is either steam cured or smoke cured in the factory so it does cantain some carcinogens. The risk os getting cancer due to dipping is MUCH smaller than getting it smoking.

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    Tue Dec 27 2005

    I love it. I dip everyday and 2x as bad on nights and weekends. its really more healthy than smoking. you can always live without your teeth but not your lungs. plus smoking makes you smell bad

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    Thu Dec 15 2005

    I considered smoking a really bad habit until I encountered a guy that chewed. It has to be most disgusting thing you can do in public. If they just chewed it, it would not be a problem but they have to spit and they leave the containers all over the place, arrrggghh!

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    Fri Dec 02 2005

    Red Man Golden Blend is so juicy and satisfying I chew it whenever I can. I've been chewing it for years without any harmful effects. But I'm a believer in Aristotle's concept of the golden mean: Everything in moderation. A great alternative to scrap chew, which enables you to enjoy tobacco in public without the nasty byproducts, is Swedish snus (pronounced "snoose"). It comes in 24 gram pouches that you place under a cheek. Very discreet. Very chic. Cigarette smoking in Sweden has plummeted in recent years due to the general population's (including women) switching to snus. Snus fenerates almost no saliva and tastes good, too, once you find out which brand suits you, and there are lots of them. Check out the link and give it a try:

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    Fri Nov 04 2005

    I've dipped Cope for awhile now, started becasue of my Uncle whom I've always looked up to and respected, and secretly always to be like, but it is a bad habit, not one that I'd like to keep up, but one day I'll stop, but I think everyone should at least try it once so they can say the have.

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    Mon Oct 31 2005

    its great everyone should do it its just a way of life

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    Sun Oct 23 2005

    Pretty much every one of my friends chew tobacco. If you look at their gums you can see a bunch of precancerous spots. Some of them have only been using chewing tobacco for 6 months. Girls also dont like it. Very very few of them actually have girlfriends because they dip. Its an annoying and disgusting habit. If you look carefully in a can of dip you can see the little things of shiny fiberglass in there. It will destroy your mouth. My uncle died from mouth cancer and they probably will too if they don't stop. Don't ever try it, and if you are dipping, you might want to stop pretty soon.

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    Mon Jul 18 2005

    wanna quit?

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    Thu Jul 07 2005

    This is a terrible habit that i have developed and im quitting... it took me a while to realize why it was so hard to quit and the truth is ( i know it sounds so unbelievably stupid ) you have to WANT to quit...a good alternative to dip that helps you kick the habit is JERKY CHEW..its made by Jack Links and id recommend it to anybody... sunflower seeds helps too...just keep yourself busy and avoid all thoughts about chew...if you want any tips feel free to email me at [email protected]

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    Sun Jun 12 2005

    my brother chews though i dont know why and wish he didnt. at least hes clean about it

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    Wed May 11 2005

    Bad, bad habit. I've only been chewing since March, and I already want to quit. That said, I'll admit, at least you can do it in public places here in New York State (not that you should) given the stringent no-smoking laws enacted by the government.

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    Mon Feb 28 2005

    I admit it is a disgusting habbit even though I do it a lot. I hardly ever do it around woman ( if it is around women, i certainly am not interested in them) and most of the time i do it by myself watching TV. im aware people dont like it so i try to have respect for their feelings.

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    Sun Jan 30 2005

    I tried it once and it was terrible; I felt so trashy but I probably look just as trashy with my cigarette in my hand anyway...As far as smokeless tobacco being better for you I think that myth was debunked a long time ago.

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    Tue Jan 25 2005

    I chew and there are things I like and dislike about it. First of all, I hate supporting corporations, especially tobacco corporations since they are an indirect enterprise of the government. The federal government knows that both smoked and smokeless tobacco are harmful, but for the right amount taxes and etc. they are willing to look the other way. It makes one wonder if the well-being of the American people is what the government really has in mind. But in smokeless tobacco's defense, if you considered the ratio of people who die from (first and second hand) smoking to those who die from smokeless tobacco, you'd see that smoking is far deadlier than smokeless tobacco. Also, many smokers seem to think that the earth is their ashtray and carelessly throw their cigarette butts on the ground where they please. Smokeless tobacco may contain fiberglass, but so do cigarette butts and I will guarantee that smokeless tobacco is a lot more biodegradable than cigarette butts. Even thoug... Read more

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    Tue Jan 25 2005

    It's all fun and games until you lose a jaw.

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    Sun Jan 23 2005

    Nasty as it gets!!!!!!!....

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    Mon Jan 17 2005

    ive chewed for 4 years now. ive tried to quit more times then i can count, dumped out full cans on several occasions because i was determined to quit and then the next week im back up and chewin again. while it is a nasty habit, the only damage it does is to the person chewing, unlike second hand smoke. my advice to anyone that has started chewing: quit as soon as you can. if you have been chewing for 6 months and think ur gonna quit in a couple of months, you wont. believe me i was one of the people that were like ya, im just gonna chew for a little while then quit. 4 years later, still goin through a can every two days. at 20 i already have precancerous signs showing up. a word to the wise, dont even try a dip or a cigerette, all ur doin is slowly killing yourself and spending a lot of money in the process.

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    Sat Dec 04 2004

    Nasty habit; especially the spitting part. I think that tobacco chewers should be forced to swallow their own spit. ..instead of spitting where others can see it.