Chester Alan Arthur (1881-1885)
Approval Rate: 76%
Reviews 0
by astromike
Thu Nov 13 2008Considering he was never supposed to be president (Garfield assassination). I think Arthur was ok. He did have quite a few accomplishments during his short term in office. I liked him because he knew how to live! He made the most of presidential living. Hence his name Elegant Arthur. One of the most classy, yet, un popular presidents.
by genghisthehun
Tue Feb 20 2007Zzzzz! But then, really what did we expect. This was the era of growth and expansion.
by billyguns2
Wed Dec 13 2006I believe Arthur is one of our most underrated presidents; he brought a surprising integrity and elegance to the presidency, surprising because he himself was formerly shady. A good president!
by johnspina
Thu Feb 09 2006Considering that he had a poor reputation before he entered the White House,he did a decent job by reforming civil service.Surprised a lot of folks with his ability.
by chagoth
Wed Jul 27 2005Arthur established the federal Civil Service which took thousands of federal jobs out of the patronage system so that their occupants would not be thrown out whenever a new president came into power. He deserves credit for starting the process of taking politics out of the day-to-day operations of the Federal government. Where does he rank among the forty-two presidents? Probably twenty or twenty-one.
by mr_democratic
Sat Apr 30 2005Oh, Chester Ass Arthur, he gets a one.
by jeffersonsurvi_ves86
Tue Jan 11 2005Chester Arthur eh? Who cares?
by solenoid_dh
Tue Jan 11 2005It's my understanding that there were two great things about Arthur: (1) when he became president, he surprised his cronies by running an honest and efficient administration; (2) not long before re-election, he realized he had a fatal disease and would not live long, but kept still about it and quietly decided not to run again. His grace and dignity surprised a lot of people, after having had a shady past.
by mysteryman
Tue May 25 2004Just one more fat, bearded fat-cat that I get confused w/ Grover Cleveland.
by dwayne_wade
Sun Apr 04 2004If you wanted a fifth face on Mt. Rushmore, this would have to be it. He didn't redefine America, but he did have incredibly large mutton chops.
by boonta23
Sat Apr 03 2004If it wasn't for him, there'd be no Panama Canal.
by abichara
Fri Mar 05 2004Chester Arthur assumed the Presidency under a very dark cloud after the assassination of President James Garfield. Most people, including his closest friends, expected that Arthur would not be able to do the job. Turns out they were wrong. President Garfield had been assassinated by a disgrutled civil service worker. The civil service was based on the patronage system at the time; whenever a new administration would take office, most government employees were fired, being that they were political appointees. All the Presidents before this had tolerated this spoils system. Indeed Arthur himself was a product of this system. He became Vice President in no small part because he was such a strong proponent of the spoils system. He always maintained a solid record of honesty throughout his career. During his tenure as Collector of the Port of New York, a position used the line the pockets of loyal party men, Arthur administered it honestly and efficiently. Ironically enough, Arthur would go... Read more
by jamestkirk
Fri Sep 26 2003I list Chester A. Arthur as a fair president simply because he ran as honest of an administration as he possibly could. This says a lot considering the background history of his political career. He did not allow himself to be "bought", and he granted few political favors.
by redoedo
Sat Jun 07 2003When James Garfield was assassinated in 1881, Chester Arthur assumed office assuring the American people that nobody controlled him as President. He continued the policies of Rutherford Hayes in order to ensure Civil Service Reform, and due to his support of the buildup of a large navy made up of steam-powered steel cruisers. [1. Crisis Dealings/Leadership: **** out of *****] As President, Arthur faced no serious crises. He did alienate many members of his own party and destroy his relations with the Republican-controlled Congress with his activism for a reduction of tariffs. He called for a 25% reduction in tariff rates, and the Congress, in a slap in the face to Arthur, reduced tariff rates by 2%. While he won no battle in lowering the tariffs, his persistance set the political scene for the next two decades. He also dealt wisely with the Civil Service debates arousing in the country by signing the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act, which established a bipartisan commission to prep... Read more
by klunt033
Sat Dec 14 2002only the best ever!
by rustyfe0
Tue Sep 04 2001Gotta give props to a guy whose first name is Chester. If you've ever seen a portrait of Chet, he's got some SERIOUS sideburns. As our illustrious 21st president, Arthur did much to abrogate the "spoils system" and give political jobs to people based upon merit. Gotta love that. Sorta like Cleveland in that respect. There are rumors that maintain Chet was actually born in Canada, although official records say he was born in Fairfield, Vermont. Chester Arthur---a guy with two first names. I think I'll try to convince my wife to name our firstborn Chester. GIVE IT UP FOR THE CHETMEISTER!!!! WHOO!!!!!
by clover38
Sun Mar 18 2001This guy needs to be at the bottom and again, BigJJ makes me laugh.
by simplus
Sat Feb 10 2001A Tammany Hall machine politician whose primary legacy is that he liked to take bribes. A one-term president who was never elected but became president by mistake after James Garfield got shot. Move this guy to the bottom of the pile. Chester A Arthur is a loser!
by bigjjf92
Thu Feb 08 2001Chester adored pink shawls.