Charles Stanley

Approval Rate: 79%

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    Sun Oct 09 2011

    The Stanley's troubled marriage was made public in the 1990s and caused some struggles in the church because of an unwritten policy that First Baptist not allow divorced men to serve as ministers or deacons. Stanley told the congregation in 1995, "If my wife divorces me, I would resign immediately." He didn't keep his word. He's lost my respect.

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    Wed May 04 2011

    One of the greatest of our times. Thank God Dr. Stanley is sincere. He is a man of God. Unlike Dr. Jack Graham, Dr. Stanley cares about you and your soul. He has signed Bibles for us, answered letters, and is a very Humble and God Fearing man. Dr. Jack Graham would sale his soul for the right Price. Jack graham could care less about your souls, he wants your money. Dr. Stanley is completly diferent. Dr. Stanley will respond to letters. He actually preaches the word of God and actually lives what he preaches. In Touch is a great show and will help you grow in christ.

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    Sun Apr 10 2011

    God is so-----o real and if anyone who thinks God does not daily speak lacks a personal relationship with Christ Jesus. I set aside time to study my bible again and plan to keep going to the end in Revelation. I'm now in the book of Numbers. Leviticus was a horrid book with all of those laws they had to obey and blood sacrifices for breaking them, along with the Guilt Offerings, Peace Offering, Grain Offerings to atone for sins against God and one another. In Numbers the people gave Moses a hissy fit by grumbling and longing for the food they ate back in Egypt and hating the manna (bread) God rained down from the sky for them. As I was studying this I could not believe these children of Israel for being so ungrateful for all the things God had done for them!! He not only bought them out of 400 years of harsh slavery but their shoes and clothes did not wear out for 40 yrs. in the desert. They saw the parting of the Red Sea and ten plagues that indicated the Lord was fighting for them an... Read more

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    Sat Feb 05 2011

    You can listen to Joel Osteen and feel good, or, you can listen to Charles Stanley and feel right.

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    Tue Dec 07 2010

    Always said if he was to be divorced he would leave the position of head clergy......until it happened to him!!! What a sorry piece of dogshit this viper is, but the simple minded sheeple who follow him will continue to keep their noses up the ass of the one in front of them. They FUCKING deserve whatever the hell they get. Stanley probably fucks everything that moves or prefers helpless children. That is the norm in the sick twisted world of religion. I hope they all burn in hell...soon! Keep sipping your koolaid you goddamn fools and maybe your child or grandchild will be next. You fucking imbeciles deserve whatever the hell you get. Ain't god good?

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    Sat Dec 04 2010

    One of the best men of Christ of our generation.

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    Sun Aug 22 2010

    Watched his son on Christian TV yesterday, and I've caught some of Charles Stanley's sermons as well. They both seem genuine and sincere and have a good Christian message. I wish there were more ministers like them, and Joel Osteen which don't beg for cash on TV and have good positive messages rooted in scripture that help motivate and uplift Gods people.

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    Thu Aug 19 2010

    Is this what he went on to do after finding Dr. Livingstone? Ooops, sorry, wrong guy again.

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    Thu Aug 19 2010

    I have grown up listening to Charles Stanley. He teaches, guides, explains, touches, loves, disciplines, in such a true easy to understand way. He is the real deal. I am amazed how he can talk for almost one hour without referring to any notes, just his Bible. No TV or radio preacher gets my full attention like Charles Stanley.

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    Mon Jun 28 2010

    Dr. Charles Stanley is real, genuine, knowledgeable, and down to earth. He is not afraid to say what is relevant to our daily lives and what God says in the bible regarding that. He is an awesome minister. Thank God for him. I have learned so much from his ministry and teaching. He is not arrogant, wordy, and does not demand the attention on himself, but rather continually points all glory to God. If you are reading this Dr. Stanley-stay strong-stay focused--know that what you are doing is worthwhile and is helping countless people. Thank you!

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    Sun Apr 25 2010

    Dr. Charles Stanley is an excellent teacher of God's word.

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    Sun Mar 14 2010

    He is a wonderful teacher of the word but slants it big time like the rest when it comes to Tithing He claims it is still Gods mandatory law even though the Apostle Paul teaching was on voluntarily giving! Charles Stanely said Jesus fulfilled the law in our place then contradicts himself that we must keep the tithe law? Why not the Sabbath which was Saturday and still is for Jews, Surely a great Bible teacher would know this and that there were 613 Jewish laws. Does he eat pork? Does he also teach circumcision and where is his animal sacrifice of a spotless lamb? All those laws had to be kept, God told the Old Covenant Jews in Malachi that they had not kept His ordinances (it is plural) not just that they had not kept the tithe but they had not kept all of the others also. To break one canceled the entire contract. Hebrews 8:6 But now hath he obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promise... Read more

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    Tue Feb 16 2010

    Absolutely genuine

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    Fri Jan 29 2010

    I've read some of his books and have listen tp Charles Stanley for years he is a man of God that teaches from the word of God with no compromises. I was surprised to hear a teaching by him on prosperity that sounded as though it came from a WOFer..! You really have to respect him for serving God and not pleasing men.

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    Mon Sep 07 2009

    He is a Man of God. Speaking the truth and I only know personally what Dr. Stanley did for me when I had no family, friend or a husband in a new town. My husband had walked out for a younger woman and after weeks of crbegging him to return and crying every night in a fetal position I called my college resident daughter and pretended I was fine. Little did she know I was really saying a final goodbye. The TV had been on all night as I lay on the living room couch. I then said my prayers and crying so hard I could barely find the the TV remote to turn the TV off. I had decided that it was time. It was a Sunday morning and I had decided to not go through another week of hurting. My automatic 45 was loaded and in my lap and I was trying to explain to God why I needed to do this. I was brought to believe that why you take your own life, that there is no hope for eternity in Heaven. As an ex law enforcement officer the weapon was mine and no one would be to blame. I didn't want to b... Read more

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    Wed Jul 15 2009

    Stanley and Macarthur are my favorite guides. they are both good men and care about the TRUE Gospel. But at sometime in our Christian lives we have to stop depending on what others tell us about the Gospel and learn by reading the word ourselves. If you have any concerns about what you are told about God and the Gospel from someone else, just pray to God for the understanding of his word while you read the Bible. You will get your answers, he promises that. There are so many different labels for Christians in this time and day that it gets really scarey on what way to turn, the only answer to that is to read and learn for yourself. I'm not a Calvinist or Dispensationalist but I do agree on some of the points they have. But its really isnt a issue with me on what kind of Christain to call myself aslong Christ Jesus calls me one of his saints when he returns. Always remember as long as we accept Christ Jesus as our saviour and repent of our sins we cant be far off. All of this disagree... Read more

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    Wed Jun 24 2009

    I always feel that he is that he is yelling at me and that I could never be sin less enough.

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    Sun Jun 21 2009

    A true teacher of the word. Guarenteed to to show you the way to happiness through the word of God

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    Sun Mar 15 2009

    Stanley is genuine. He truly relates to the person and trials in our lives today. HIs knowledge and words are real and sincere, watch him and you will see.

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    Sat Jan 31 2009

    Dr. Stanley is one of the main reasons I am saved. His clear, no-nonsense, yet non-condemning style speaks straight to me. This man is biblically accurate and REAL. God bless him!

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    Tue Jan 06 2009

    He's baptist which means he mixes Israel's program with Paul's message of grace which is different.

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    Sat Jan 03 2009

    He's better than most but he teaches part of Israel's law program as ours today in the age of grace. He is not dispensational which leads to confusion.

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    Wed Dec 31 2008

    Sorely mistaken about "eternal security". Only those who give diligence to make their calling and election sure will enter into Christ's kingdom. Stanley also fails to preach initial salvation accurately, embracing the doctrine of decisionism (i.e., asking Christ to come into the heart or saying a "sinner's prayer"). Decisionism is a damnable doctrine that saves noone.

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    Wed Dec 31 2008

    I feel he is a Holy Spirit filled man, and I learn from his teaching. God bless. :-)

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    Mon Dec 01 2008

    Unfortunately he too has fallen victim or should I say leader of the ecumenical movement. He, like many other Evangelical leaders, have basically accepted the Catholic Church as our so-called "brothers and sisters" in the Lord. He too has capitulated to the pressure of appeasement and tolerance of the Roman Catholic heresies. He may as well endorse the ECT (Evangelicals and Catholics Coming Together) document. Just like Richard Land ( SBC ) did. Do you know how many freemasons there are in the SBC? Frankly I would sincerely doubt the trustworthiness of the SBC and it's doctrinal statements. The SBC is nothing but organized religion just like the WCC.

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    Mon Nov 24 2008

    5=Great I am a Christin women and I haven been watching intouch ministries well over 10 years!!! My Christrian brother Charles Stanley is truly a child/man of God! Charles Stanley is SOLID biblically in teaching God's word!!! I look forward to continue watching, listeninh and learning via television, radio and online access to Intouch Ministries with Charles Stanley. Thank God for Charles Stanley. Rhonda

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    Sun Oct 26 2008

    People need to shut up about Charles Stanley's divorce of eight years ago.  If Andy Stanley had a problem with it, so what.  Lots of children had problems with divorce.  If his wife didn't know what marrying a minister entailed, don't marry one.  He isn't perfect, but just about.  The Baptists have a problem with rules about divorce.  In the Episcopal Church, hey, you can get married as many times as you want and they have gay bishops, get a life.

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    Fri Sep 12 2008

    Wonderful man and pastor, genuine, and true follower of God. Charles has obeyed God by putting Him first in his life and God will continue to bless him. I have known he, Anna, Andy and Becky for many years. Do not criticize when you do not know all the facts. Satan attacks those God is really using, because he cannot steal our salvation. Satan will try to limit our ability to reach and win others for the Lord. I am so thankful for Charles, his life, his ministry, and the living example both he and Anna have lived before me. They both truly love the Lord and I keep them in my prayers.

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    Sat Jun 14 2008

    I truly believe he preaches the word of God. And, he doesn't beg for money or preach the "prosperity gospel." His ministry thrives, I think, because of God's blessings on his work.

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    Sat Jun 07 2008

    I have been listening to Charles Stanley for 8 years and love his ministry! Thank God for sending a wonderful, down to earth person to spread His word!

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    Wed May 21 2008

    A man who simply preaches the Bible AS IT EXISTS, not per his agenda. I agree, he is "utterly consistent and truthful," just like the Bible. Individual agendas mean nothing when talking about God. Only accurate conveying of what He has said matters. And that "ain't" hard to find. One simply reads it and accepts or rejects based on its claims, not us or any Pastor. We have but one source as to who God is, which makes all other opinions irrelevant unless they convey what God has ALREADY said and commanded.

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    Wed Apr 16 2008

    Utterly consistent and truthful.

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    Sun Mar 16 2008

    Apparently a lot of you people do not listen to the message and what he preaches from the Bible. You are all too busy having your own opinions, and I, I, I. A sin is a sin. He does not say gay people are not saved, you are committing a sin and should turn and change, just like me I do things all the time and I need to change and be more Christ like. I have down things I am not proud of and changed my ways , turned toward the cross, and asked for forgiveness. Jesus loves everyone, Charles Standley preaches this, BUT we have to turn from our wicked ways. We must accept Christ as our Savior and believe HE is the Son of God and died for us on the cross. Mr. Standley is a man just like anyone else and he is the first one to say he is a sinner. He preaches the truth from the Bible, can you imagine how hard it is to do what he does and what he has gone thru. It is not easy doing what he does. I simply love listening to him because he makes me think and hits on subjects that make me ... Read more

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    Fri Mar 07 2008

    He uses God to make a lot of money, look it up, which means he pimps him. What would Jesus think about using his name to spew political opinions? I would surely be afraid if I did it.

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    Fri Feb 01 2008

    Self-help orator with a little Jesus mixed in. He's a leader in the Babylonian church system....head of the dog! Wouldn't know the Holy Spirit if it hit him on the head. Wake up people and come out of her!

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    Wed Jan 30 2008

    He preaches the gospel but not crazy about his step 1,2,3etc. thing. Good man.

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    Sun Dec 30 2007

    Interesting thing about all you so-called spirit filled Christians regarding Dr. Stanley's message about eternal salvation. It's easy for you who believe you can 'lose' your salvation to answer how one receives salvation (Johm 3:16), but none of you dingbats can tell anyone at what measure do you lose your salvation. How many sins does one have to commit to 'lose' their salvation? What kind of sins must be committed before salvation is lost? No one can ever answer that! Dr. Stanley has obeyed God (which includes confessing sin) throughout his life and has fruit to show for it! I dare say that LetMeRateIt never had salvation to begin with.

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    Tue Dec 18 2007

    say,' this now..'

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    Sun Dec 16 2007

    He lived and lives his ministry.

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    Fri Oct 12 2007

    An average preacher. Some I prefer to him, but he is better than some others

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    Thu Aug 09 2007

    This is what Dr. Stanley believes and teaches (so I understand). If a sinner (one who practices sin and does not know Christ. This is everyone before we come to accept Jessus fully!) If this sinner repents of their sin, confesses and believes in Jesus as Lord (Romans 10:9) then they're eternally saved from seperation from God. Now, listen carefully. If the belief and confession is real they are saved. Period! If it is not real, or not from one's heart fully, then it's not true believing and one is not saved. Right? You see, Jehovah has given us all this free gift. All we have to do is accept it. If it wasn't freely given, then why did Christ have to die on the cross in our place? If a person truly repents and turns their life to Christ, then it is a real conversion. Bottom line, the Lord gives us this free gift freely to those that confess their full heart belief in Him. Read the following scriptures and let the Word of God bring you into all truth. Romans 10:9, "that if yo... Read more

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    Thu Jun 21 2007

    I think he does a very good job presenting the gospel of Christ. I only wish he wouldn't exclude homosexuals from that saving grace. But, over the years, I've learned to deal with that aspect of his ministry. As Billy Graham recently said, "True Christians can disagree on theological issues." I know I'm saved even if I am gay.

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    Fri Jun 01 2007

    Still a man of God, but no thank you!

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    Sun May 20 2007

    I think you can definitely go wrong with Stanley. He believes in eternal salvation which is simply not biblical and his idea of a christian is so off base it isn't funny. Come on, a 'carnal christian'? I imagine Paul is rolling in his grave over that one!

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    Wed Apr 25 2007

    Although I don't agree with everything Charles Stanley teaches, I do agree with what he teaches that it is all by grace.  That is, that we are saved the moment we believe the good news that Jesus Christ has saved us simply by what he has done for us--dying for us on the cross.

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    Tue Apr 17 2007

    Charles Stanley is truly a stand-up guy.He is one of the few preachers that you can count on to measure out a healthy portion of truth.The "truth" is difficult to hear sometimes.What he won't do is "feed you a watered down gospel".He brings refreshing insight to a world that is so occupied with "things" that they overlook the important attributes that we should   all strive to have.We as a nation would be hard-pressed to find a president with integrity,character,compassion and common sense and wisdom,let alone a regular Joe or Jane.We idolize sports,new cars,fancy houses, shopping for the sake of shopping so we can feel better about ourselves,we can't get enough sex,Then there is pornography,sports figures that are on steroids,movie stars and recording artists on drugs,and some of us drink or hit the meth pipe hoping that it will fill up the empty feeling we sense inside of us. Deep down we know that all those things help for a short amount of time.And then we are back to square one ag... Read more