Centennial Wireless

Approval Rate: 44%

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    Thu Apr 14 2011

    centennial sucks......... I only have wireless internet untill my att contract runs out on my phone. They sold out to verizon and will be getting a wireless card from verizon. My house burned down last month and I need another wireless card. I went in to the store and for a fee of $120 they will sell me another one. Of course it will be no good july 31st when verizon takes over. They said sorry not their problem. I will not be getting a centennial phone in September, I will stay with att.

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    Sat Oct 23 2010

    i am on talk easy plan my plan is suppose to be 60 dollars a month with spending limit of 50 dollars i pay 20 dollars a week everytime i get paid from unemployment that equals 80 dollars a month 20 dollars more then required minus the taxes still i find my service being interrupted almost every month then they add on 10 dollar reconnect fee when i go in to complain they tell me i paid the balance but not the realtime im like damn this is what the bill says and they reply yes your bill doesnt state the realtime balance which is only accessible by them so why bill me for something but have a realtime balance which i cant see obveiously there are all sorts of hidden fees that are causing me to pay beyond what i agreed to pay each month this is bull .... and when i first got with them service was excellent but now Verizon bought them out and have been making adjustments to the towers now i have plenty of dropped calls and periodically no service at all and they dont believe in given c... Read more

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    Thu Jun 10 2010

    Well AT&T bought them out and I'm stuck on their service at the moment. I don't know what to do, but hope that eventually I can somehow get out from under their stupid contracts. I signed a 2-year contract with them and had 'okay' service-- their coverage isn't great and a few times it seemed like I was being overcharged...in the past their customer service was okay, but not the best. I got a new phone through them at one time towards the end of my two-year agreement. Then a couple months ago, being that it's been almost 4 years of service from these guys, I decided I wanted to try another company, and this is where hell on earth began, and where centennial walks the thin-line between legal business practices and outright fraud. First I'm told I have to go to the store to cancel my account, and that it is just impossible to do over the phone. Then I get informed that if I cancel there is a $500 cancellation fee since I have two lines plus I have to pay my final bill plus one mo... Read more

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    Tue Jan 26 2010

    We sold to ATT and why would we want to take care of customers that we are selling to a different company. We are hoping that the naked man commercial will chase people away in the bible belt. You can't say we did not spend money on the new advertisements. I think our next commercial is going to be stripers...

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    Sun Jan 10 2010

    I do all my bill payment for centennial online at their website. In November of 2009, I made a payment of $207.00 for the month of October. I always make the payment for the month the day before the bill cycle is figured for the next month. When I paid by credit card/debit card online like I always do, the credit card said declined, even though their was money to cover the balance. So I then sent a check through the system, which said it cleared. When I looked at my statement from my bank, it showed I had been billed twice by centennial, so the first payment did go through. I though to myself, "I should have a credit for $207.00 on my account now, since the payment cleared twice." At my own stupidity, I did not check the online bill image for Novemeber's bill which was due by December 13th. I though to myself, I know I have a credit that will cover November's bill. Boy was I wrong. On January 9th when I went to pay my bill online, it showed I owed almost $500.00. I checked m... Read more

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    Wed Nov 18 2009

    Don't even get me started. These idiots kept making me listen to a message every month. Was I over my minutes? NO! Was my payment overdue? NO! I couldn't make a call out unless I listened to that message. I called them and told them, "If you ever do that again, you'll never get another penny out of me for the rest of my life!" Did that stop them? NO! I complained and complained but they wouldn't listen because my name wasn't on the account, my wife's is. Well MY MONEY PAID THAT BILL so I think I have a say, too! My wife will not drop them so I gave her my phone and got a new one. Then they called my wife and complained about ME!!!! No customer service at all. Best of luck to my wife in dealing with these idiots. And I hope you bastard motherf#@kers at CW go outta business!!! NO STARS!!!!

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    Sun Sep 06 2009

    3 year customer- my aircard broke on me- centennial will not replace my card unless I pay an extra $20.00 transfer fee- transfer fee for what?I am not replacing the service- just the aircard!! why I am forced to pay an extra $20.00- I don't know the four "blue shirt advisors" I talked to do not know nor care why- just pay. and then pay tax on top of that, the insurance on top of that. i already pay for phone that sucks. And they will not give me discount because I AM NOT A NEW CUSTOMER- JUST A LOYAL ONE WHO PAYS ON TIME IN FULL EVERY MONTH. not someone who counts I guess.the jokes on centennial while they gave me the run around I found my free wifi signals from the neighbors- that are better the the paid service. I cut down my paid internet in half until i can get out of this contract- and never speak to centennial again. Lesson learned never sign for cell service when none of the salesman in the office know how to run the the computers int he office.

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    Thu May 28 2009

    ive used verizon,sprint,nextel, and virgin. compared to those centennial is simply unacceptable as a company. The monthly price alone is unbelievable. I could have had four phones from sprint for the same price i pay for two phones at centennial. And for the same price an army of phones from virgin. Anywhere I went in michigan with the centennial phone, i could also get service on the verizon and sprint and virgin, there was no difference. The customer service was aweful, their store locations rampant with turnover and constantly understaffed. Nobody had an interest in their product and were often tied up with personal calls and making lunch arrangements. This is the location on east beltline by centerpointe mall. STAY OUT of that store. Cross the street and go to verizon. They have a busy dedicated staff there that will be more attentive to your needs. My contract with them is coming to an end soon, but they threatened me at the store that if i dont give them notice exactly one mon... Read more

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    Sun Dec 14 2008

    I agree with everyone here that Centennial is the absolute pits! I am going to pay the $250 fee tomorrow just to lose these guys! The worst customer service I have ever had in my life. I would need 10 pages to go into all the problems I have had. Stay away, far far away from this company, I pray AT&T; buys them as planned...

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    Fri Nov 21 2008

    Buyer beware, If you change your carrier and port your # over to a different company - Centennial will continue to bill you for at least 30 days for your phone even though you are not using their service (this includes text messages). "Because it is their policy". In our household we now have an Alltel, Nextel, Sprint & Verison and when no one can make a call they all ask to use my Alltel.

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    Sat Apr 12 2008

    I have to give centennial a 0 on everything we have it and are going to change as soon as our contract is up. I would recommend anyone thinking of using centennial to rethink the customer service sucks. The insurance plan is a joke, you'll get the cheapest phone they have to replace whatever you have if you get them to give you anything. I think 2 cups and a string would work better.

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    Fri Nov 30 2007

    The worst experiance I have ever gone through! Horrible customer service, long hold times, And they told me there were no fees for caller ID, voicemail, blue to blue calling, or pick 5. ITs five dollars plus for each thing which I found out about on my first bill and after bringing it into the store all the customer service guy had to say was ....oops guess I didnt realize there were so many fees, and then they promised to fix it for us but gave us the run around for four days until our 15 day free trial was up and then they didnt return any of my phone calls. And all they have said so far was...oops, sorry, but you signed the contract so if you dont want to pay 500 dollars a month for 5 phones then pay the 250 dollars per line to cancel. BAD IDEA!!!! save your money pick ANYTHING else! centennial is a nightmare!

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    Tue Aug 21 2007

    I've had Centennial wireless for two years and would have to say that I am completely fed up.  The website won't let me log in unless I jump through more hoops than my banking website, my last three statements were nowhere near correct, and the payment due that I got online, through the mail (twice, might I add) and on the phone all contradicted each other.  I can't even talk on my phone in my own home, I have to go outside if I want to talk without the call being dropped every few minutes.  I just found out that you have to submit cancellations in writing thirty days prior, even if your contract has run out!  I agree, if you want to get shafted and go through 2 years of hell, then centennial is, indeed, the way to go.

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    Sun Feb 04 2007

    Centennial is the worst company of all time. There plans a terrible and they offer very bad customer service. They Calim to have free incoming texts and calls. "Free" is not the word. My minutes are used when I recive a call. and 1 min for every text I recive. I pay for the minutes so how is that FREE? I have had technical questions that the Blue Shirt guys Have no Answer, I knew the answer to my question after doing a web search. We get so many dropped calls. I mean A LOT of dropped calls. We once were about 20 feet away and I made a call to the other phone and talked about 3 min, then The call was dropped. Worst Service I have Ever had. -Andrew, Elkhart, IN

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    Wed Jul 06 2005

    Centennial is the worst company of all time. I would recommend selling your soul to the devil before signing a contract with centennial. I had them for two years. first of all I was not made aware when I signed the contract that all the features were additional. they had led me to believe that voice mail, caller id, etc was including but it was a charge for everything. what they do is they give you one month of everything free and then charge you after that. you get your second months bill and it shocks the hell out of you. their website sucks. you can add features on the website but you can't take anything off. I was on the phone for a half hour today. mostly on hold. first the phone rang about fifteen times before it was even answers by their computer. all I wanted was to officially cancel my service I started with one person then they said they were going to transfer me to the cancellation department, but after waiting forever for the cancellation department they tell me I can'... Read more

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    Tue Mar 22 2005

    the customer service sucks they lie to you to get you to sign a contract then after they say well you signed a contract i wish they would shut there doors i dont like dealing with people that arnt up front and honest with me

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    Tue Dec 07 2004

    The service is absolutely excellent all over the east and midwest, never tried it out west. My phone always without fail has better reception than my boyfriend's Sprint service phone - no matter where we are. The thing that is really bad though, is that it is a little pricey for the nationwide plan compared to, say, Cingular. A HUGE drawback is that you can't download new ringtones, and every feature you can think of costs extra money per month...nothing is included, not even caller ID or voicemail.

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    Sat Sep 18 2004

    customer service is horrible! the plans are bad for they sock you w/ all kinds of fees! The blue shirt guy that set up our plan..7 phones... screwed everything up and I get billed for phones that I do ont even have accounts for.. told the csr this and my phones are shut off becuz I have yet to get a bill that is correct! bad service and bad plans!

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    Mon May 17 2004

    I have been out of work for almost a year. I had to take a job in MN and Centennial does not provide service there. I now have to pay $250 x 2 phones, $500 because I had to take a job where Centennial is not. Centennial's response was they can't let the customer have everthing they want. Customer service? I don't think so! Say no to centennial!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Fri Apr 16 2004

    if you want to get shafted in making changes to your phone then centennial is the place to go

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    Thu Mar 18 2004

    Horrible customer service!!!!!

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    Tue Feb 17 2004

    pretty decent service for a great price! free incoming calls and night and weekend minutes keep me from switching to one of the bigger companies.... only thing I wish they would do is extend their hom coverage area in the SW Louisiana market.... :)