cell phones

Approval Rate: 61%

61%Approval ratio

Reviews 40

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    Sat Feb 16 2013

    Cell phones are handy. Children should only have phones that communicate with their family and the authorities.

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    Thu Apr 26 2012

    We live in a world where our ability to communicate exceeds our need to communicate by a factor of 10, at least.  There's nothing wrong with a cell phone.  They are decent affordable technology that have a useful purpose.  But there is something wrong with people who are blocking the aisles at the grocery store while talking to someone at home about which brand of paper towel is more absorbent.

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    Thu Apr 26 2012

    I've had cellphones off and on since I was 18, they can be VERY helpful. It's came in handy when my car broke down, keeping in touch with family and friends, and I feel a little safer having one. However there are people who are addicted to their damn smartphones and can't even put it down in social settings. They'd rather sit there on their phone playing games or whatever the fuck it is they are doing than mingle and have a good time with their friends.

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    Wed Apr 25 2012

    I remember having those old house phones and they were perfectly fine with me. Now people think they cannot leave without their cell phones and this is ridiculous. People had to wait for you to come home then you either called them or they call you when they can. Even then, there would be a busy signal if you were already talking to someone else on the line. There is no hurry to need to talk to someone. I always think, "what about when phones never existed at all?" And people didn't mind then either yet now it is on us 24 hours a day. Oh, not only do we have our phones us on everywhere we go but everything that comes with it too, internet and many different types of useless or some useful apps and that people consider them all to be equally important is unheard of to me. It's not that important!

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    Sun Jan 15 2012

    They are gps tracking devices from our friend the federal government.

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    Sun Dec 25 2011

    Helpful to phone companies, harmful to people. Before cell phones, an average household paid $20 per month for a single landline. Now, the average household has 2.1 cell phones and the average bill per phone is $49, for a total of $103 per month. [sound of cash register] All poor people I know, including homeless ones, are cell phone users. They think their cell phone is more essential than food, housing, and a automobile. Government thinks so too. Its Lifeline program gives free cell phones to people on Medicaid, food stamps, SSI and other assistance (formerly charity) programs. What's going on here is some kind of mass psychological aberration. Common sense says a call phone is not a necessity. I use mine only when traveling. Months will go by when I don't use it. It doesn't cost anything during those months because I have a true pay-for-use plan that's probably no longer offered. For $1 a day, it can browse the web and give me turn-by-turn GPS navigation. I'm a computer guy an... Read more

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    Thu Jul 21 2011

    Great from the point of view that you can contact anyone, anywhere, anytime... Somewhat less good when you're trying to relax and shit keeps phoning you to tell you about how they went to work that day and it was ok, but not great.

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    Thu Jun 30 2011

    The two worst things I can think of about cell phones are driving while using it, and hiding behind it and losing your good communication skills/etiquette. One major, major benefit is having a cell phone when you are driving, alone, and your car breaks down on the side of the road. These days, the next person to stop and help you, just wants to kill you or rob you. Having a cell phone has helped me soooo many times, when I've been in situations alone, and I have just felt really safe having it. It's a lifeline! Oh, and I don't have a fancy cell either. I have an LG EnV touch, with no Internet access. I do text, but I'm not cell phone obsessed. But, maybe I give cell phones a better rating because I, myself, know not to abuse the technology.

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    Thu Jun 02 2011

    The reason why no one has any manners any more.

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    Sun Jan 17 2010

    It's a love hate relationship. I love the conveineince of the thing, but I hate the intrusion it causes in my life.

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    Tue Dec 08 2009

    Although they may have saved a few lives,I'm sure there's already several WTC sized piles of them leeching toxins into the water table,and lets not forget how many accidents they cause on the road.Factor in the future rise in brain tumors and it's not a good scene.

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    Fri Jun 05 2009

    Great convenience, properly used. However: ... I don't want to hear half a conversation at the supermarket, or even SEE half a conversation involving another driver on the road. It's a matter of common courtesy or even public safety. Maybe you could call someone that can drive that car for you, since you're obviously too pre-engaged and distracted to safely do it yourself. Shut up and drive. Maybe you could retreat to some area ( we used to have phone booths ) and lower your voice so you don't burden the rest of the world with: " ... Honey, do we need any phukinstoopidkwestions?" ... Nobody EVER needs to hear any phukinstoopidkwestions like that.

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    Sun May 03 2009

    problem with cell phones (course i have one) is you get too dependant on them as in using for a phone book,, etc. etc.

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    Tue Apr 07 2009

    I liked these things better when it was an elitist thing. Now that everyone has one- it's totally ghettoized and a nightmare. No one talks to anyone anymore. No one pays attention anymore. Everyone feels that they have a right to pollute the air with their conversation. When I was an intern there were three 'office' phones and it was far cooler to try (and fail) to impress the lass on the subway by pretending to be somewhat important in the scheme of things- (talking to no one) "What? WHAT? You get the deal DONE! You BULLDOZE those Native-American Senior-Citizens off that land and build my CASINO NOW!" (trying to be like Alec Baldwin in 'Glengarry Glen Ross') Cell phones even out because they help keeping in touch with loved ones and business interests. But people are now more wrapped up in themselves and paying attention to less than ever before.

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    Mon Apr 06 2009

    They give you brain cancer! Aaahhhhhhh!

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    Thu Jan 08 2009

    Driving and Talking on the cell phone

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    Wed Dec 31 2008

    Helpful to use for emergencies and other important matters. Not so helpful when using it (while driving) to chit-chat with friends about the latest juice.

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    Thu Dec 11 2008

    They are definitely helpful. As long as one respects certain circumstances, liek time with family, doctor's offices, hospitals, and driving. Which is their own personal decision. Then Cell phones, are safe, and even very helpful in an emergency situations. For example, if your wife goes into labor, and you're at adepartment store. She could call you, and you can rush home.

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    Mon Oct 13 2008

    Nobody cares about your BFF

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    Sat Oct 11 2008

    I remember when cellphones were just for emergencies..Now cellphones have replaced body parts...Cellphones are messing up relationships and friendships..If you're out spending quality time with a friend then you should turn off your damn phone and be considerate...Plus I don't want to be outside and hear someone's damn conversation on their phone..Talk short on your cellphone...then go home and talk longer where your conversation will be more private..Also people please stop taking pictures on your phone and sending it to people..if your nude pictures end up on the net then its your own damn fault

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    Fri Oct 10 2008

    Excellent for quickly contacting someone in case of emergency, or just chatting with a friend via text message when you can't make a phone call. Can be harmful if used while driving, though...

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    Thu Oct 09 2008

    Bad because - it's frying your brain! I don't care what "they" say. Also, the "big brother" issue. The only person who should know where you are at all times is God! Good because - of many reasons.

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    Wed Oct 08 2008

    well..it can be good, and it can be bad, depending..

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    Mon Oct 06 2008

    convient yes...provides some safety and security...but again...communication- real - face to face- has declined as technology increased. Texting..email...etc...do you write letters anymore?? and public phone calls are rude and annoying...keep it at home.

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    Sun Oct 05 2008

    I HATE CELL PHONES! not that people didn't ignore me before, but now people who didn't ignore me do ore me

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    Sat Oct 04 2008

    Along with the internet one of the greatest inventions in the world today. Immagine going back to a world with no cell phones.

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    Thu Oct 02 2008

    Just barely balances out. Just barely. Just.

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    Wed Oct 01 2008

    great for unappected times

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    Tue Sep 30 2008

    I resisted carrying one for a long time, although now its the only phone I have. I must say, however, that there are times I long for the halcyon days when it was possible to be unreachable.

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    Tue Sep 30 2008

    I don't own one...never will but I think they are good if you are stranded or need help....but on the other side, people who talk/drive and cause accidents/death....then it sort of balances out.

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    Tue Sep 30 2008

    They can be helpful but quite honestly, I managed to survive for many years without one. It is one of those cases where spoiled Americans don't know the difference between luxury and necessity. They should ban you being able to talk on a cell phone while you are driving.

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    Tue Sep 30 2008


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    Sun Sep 28 2008

    Without one you could be stranded with no help.

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    Sun Sep 28 2008

    Should be able to charge people that call *55 with stupid shit!

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    Sat Sep 27 2008

    Were on phones so much it's sometimes hard to pay attention to what and who is important

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    Sat Sep 27 2008

    good-If your car breaks down or need directions. Bad-makes people less sociable, especially when people are quiting jobs and breaking up in a texts!

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    Sat Sep 27 2008

    I think that cell phones help sociaty very very much. I dont see how they could possibly be hurting sociaty.

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    Wed Sep 24 2008

    I do think its rude to talk on your phone when at a business. Hospitals, in front of a cashier, etc.

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    Tue Sep 23 2008

    couldnt live without mine

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    Tue Sep 23 2008

    It is hard to get a hold of people yet there is a thing called respect