Casino Royale
2006 spy film, the twenty-first in the Eon Productions James Bond series, and the third screen adaptation of Ian Fleming's 1953 novel of the same name Website
Approval Rate: 75%
Reviews 0
by christianmarti_nez
Sun Jan 31 2010Daniel Craig...I find him to be a horrible James Bond and a very good action star. I love the movie Casio Royale, I enjoy it...I just do not find it to be an enjoyable James Bond movie. I think it's a great action flick. Thus the mediocre reading.
by victor83
Wed Dec 23 2009I'm late to the party, but this movie was excellent. I thought "Quantum Of Solace" was a bit better, but this was still outstanding. Two interesting sidenotes: I was unaware that Director Martin Campbell also directed "Goldeneye"- my favorite Bond film, prior to these. Secondly, this may be easier for women to watch.....given the torture scene. Guys, if you've seen know what I am talking about.
by nickthequick
Thu Dec 17 2009Echoing the thoughts of many on this thread: Craig is my #2 Bond behind Connery, the film was the best since some of the earlier Connery Bond films, and the opening chase sequence was one of the best I've ever seen. When I watched a lot of the Moore/Dalton/Brosnan films (the Moore and Dalton films later, as some were released before I was born) I always had a bad taste in my mouth afterward, like they were tarnishing and caricaturing James Bond and I was helpless to stop it. With each progressing film (sans Goldeneye, which was a moderate exception), I enjoyed Bond less and less. Thank God, Zeus, or whomever for Casino Royale, which could have been the final nail in the coffin. Craig's Bond (credit also to the director/writers) is a raw and intense, real Bond with whom the audience can feel connected. The other Bond's were surreal and unattainable, but Craig gives the audience someone that is emotional and feels pain, guilt, and even love. The film outside of Craig is top notch, wit... Read more
by jedi58
Thu Jan 15 2009The best of the Bond movies in my opinion. Daniel Craig brings a refreshing new take to the character of James Bond, and is more "human". He doesn't get everything right, things go wrong for him and he suffers because of them which makes it a character people can now connect with.
by amber_ish
Tue Sep 23 2008snore
by fb549726214
Sat Sep 20 2008mooooooooooooooooooola.
by jamie_finn
Wed Sep 10 2008james bond is hot
by spike65
Sat Jul 19 2008Excellent new Bond adventure. Best Bond since Connery. Heart stopping action throughout. Am looking forward to some more.
by iamjeff
Sat Jul 05 2008Love the comedy by this name, hated the recent remake
by feeling_great_and_loving_it
Wed Jun 18 2008Love the cars in it.
by liz7b74b
Wed Jun 11 2008I won't watch this one...this guy isn't James Bond and never will be !!!
by g879b09b
Wed May 28 2008Bond James Bond... Daniel Craig is right up there with Sean Connery & Roger Moore.
by myspace_163342358
Wed Apr 02 2008awsome movie
by trebon1038
Mon Mar 24 2008Not so much the movie was bad...I just can't get into James Bond movies.
by genghisthehun
Tue Mar 18 2008The recent flick is adequate with the new Bond. The old Casino Royale of about thirty five years ago wasn't that good.
by louiethe20th
Sat Mar 15 2008I found myself very entertained with this action packed film. I much prefer Sean Connery though.
by twansalem
Fri Mar 14 2008I've just never been that big on Bond movies in general. They're all relatively entertaining, but nothing that special.
by msparker32
Fri Mar 07 2008I loved it. I thought this movie really envigorated the James Bond series.
by zuchinibut
Sat Nov 10 2007A great Bond film. Cars, gadgets, women, and action...the requisites for a 007 film never change, yet they keep managing to come back strong.
by silverfox
Fri May 18 2007I whole-heartedly agree that Daniel Craig is the 2nd-best Bond ever, Connery being the best. This film was terrific and was helped by the absence of some shticks that marred even the Connery films. First, there wasn't one single supposedly funny, but to me unfunny, throw-away aside uttered by Bond as he killed someone, etc. Even Connery had to suffer through those (which I don't recall being in the books, and I read them all, but 30 years ago). I always thought they were cheap and not befitting Bond. IMHO the whole series degenerated from attempts to "lighten up" Bond into a near-comedian, starting with the goofy Roger Moore films. I preferred Bond as a serious, menacing character. Connery did that best, and Craig, while not necessarily menacing, definitely was serious and more believable. Not the suave always-in-control Bond, but rougher, a bit dangerous and unpredictable. Second, as others have noted, there were none of the hi-tech gimmicks. In sum, they played this straight and retu... Read more
by ventoux1
Mon May 07 2007I'm with Alpepper on all his points, except the knock on the first Casino Royale comedy. That old flick was a classic send-up of James Bond. Admittedly, I don't think anyone tales Bond too seriously, but the comedy was great and what a cast! The latest Casino Royale as really quite good. Excellent story really made it. That opening chase scene was one of the better I have ever seen - even given that I saw it on an airplane screen from a fairly great distance.
by triped
Thu Apr 26 2007This movie, without the poker scene would've been more like "Transporter", some mindless running around, fighting, blowing things up, and cheap romance scenes. Good thing this movie was pulled off with still some style left to spare. The series can go on for another sequel if they dared.
by checkmatedd
Thu Apr 12 2007Craig is the best Bond since Connery. Casino Royale is the best Bond since "From Russia with Love". Craig plays a menancing Bond who doesn't mind getting his hands dirty. Casino Royale was more gritty than Bond has been in 30 years at least. The series had gotten really silly since the Roger Moore days; although I enjoyed "Live & Let Die". It also had the best Bond music score ever.
by varangianbattl_ecry
Mon Apr 09 2007The new bond certently is good, a little ify sometimes but hes still plays the role well. the movie also had a very good plot and a lot of action, a lot of texas hold em too.
by ajnm38a0
Mon Apr 02 2007I much prefer the previous James Bonds i.e. Pierce Bronson, Timothy Dalton, & Roger Moore. This new Bond was to rough and sloppy
by jrhoust
Sat Mar 31 2007great movie Daniel Craig best bond since Connery
by coltseries70
Thu Feb 22 2007Probably the best James Bond yet. Only problem is that James Bond is supposed to be a brunette.
by objectiverevie_w
Wed Jan 17 2007Great movie! Daniel Craig makes a fantastic bond i believe.
by magellan
Tue Jan 02 2007A fantastic action movie. The opening chase scene is stunning - possibly the best action sequence that I have ever seen. Daniel Craig has an edge to him in his portrayal of James Bond - he's rough and physical, and captures a menacing "whatever it takes" aspect that Pierce Brosnan was not equipped to deliver. Casino Royale was the most enjoyable movie that I've seen in a while.
by irishgit
Tue Jan 02 2007Easily the best Bond movie since the early Connery films. Forget the idiotic blonde/black "debate". Craig can flat out act, which is more than most of the guys in this character could do, and unlike all his predecessors except Connery, he brings a sense of menace and danger to the role. That, a decent plot, and a general abandonment of the cliched series of "gadgets" makes for the first movie in this franchise worth a second look in nearly 40 years.