Carrier Dome (Syracuse)

Approval Rate: 59%

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    Sat Sep 05 2009

    I hate Domes, college teams dont belong in domes, fail.

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    Sat Nov 08 2008

    THis place sucks. Who knows why they built it..and it has no air conditioning....yet Carrier the air conditioning company sponsers it.

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    Wed Apr 05 2006

    Does Syracuse still have a team. I thought they folded after Jim Brown.

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    Fri Dec 23 2005

    Loud....great fans.

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    Wed Oct 19 2005

    brings multipurpose to a whole new level. Now all they need to do is play hockey there..

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    Wed Sep 14 2005

    looks terrible also is home to a basketball team artificial turf and it's domed

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    Fri Sep 02 2005

    Just being a member of the Big Least pushes this dump down a few notches. And why does a stadium named for an air conditioner company have no air conditioning?

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    Tue Aug 30 2005

    loud loud loud! now all we need is for the team to be good?

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    Tue Aug 30 2005


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    Tue Aug 30 2005

    indoor football, that's a crime against nature! And using an orange as a mascot that far north, that's like rooting for the Flordia Polar Bears.

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    Mon Aug 29 2005

    Cuse is 15-3 in the dome last 4 years excluding 2002, and the average was only 40,000 fans or 80% capacity. a full sold out Dome is a jungle. even when they sucked in 2002 and went 4-8 they won 3 home games including overtime upset over top ranked Virginia Tech.

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    Mon Aug 29 2005


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    Mon Aug 29 2005

    The home of the Orange! What tradition

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    Mon Aug 29 2005

    The place is a sauna! No air conditioning, and aluminum benches that are horribly uncomfortable. Worst stadium I've ever been in!

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    Mon Aug 29 2005

    They don't call it the Loud House for nothing. When a big game comes down to the wire, fans pound on the giant air ducts and they make a sound like a huge kettle drum. A fantastic place to catch a game.

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    Mon Aug 29 2005

    Unreal Loud on any opposition 3rd down. You can't hear your toughts with all the keys bouncing around. The Hey song after a touchdown chanted at the road team is classic! Night games are few and far between, but they are even better!

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    Sun Aug 28 2005

    First it has beer. It has the new field turf that looks and feels just like grass, nice move. The seats are really close to the field just like that Florida (swamp) stadium so the fans are basically sitting 2 feet behind the players benches and even upper deck seats are very close and very low. The roof caps in the sound so that 38,000 sounds like 55,000 and 50,000 sounds like 80,000. Perfect weather everytime. Its big but you get this feeling that the atmospere is around you. They sell beer and nobody else does. Its just very sweet to be in it because fans surround the field from every angle unlike Miami and many pro stadiums that have huge gaps behind endzones (takes away the energy), It looks great on TV but is way better in person. The fans have teeth and don't spit on you i.e.(West Vir...) Two, new,huge video boards, and amazing sound system from the roof playing down (surround sound). On campus, 10 feet from classrooms, 20 feet from quad. Roof is translucent so afternoon games ha... Read more

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    Wed Aug 24 2005

    Great place to watch a game. There is no way they would fill an outdoor stadium in Central NY during football season. Way too cold. The dome is awesome and it serves beer until the start of the 3rd quarter..nuff said. That gives it 4 stars right there. With the jumbo trons and the new field turf the only thing left to do is get the name changed back to orangemen and get rid of the SJ logo Nike came up with. Gets very loud with a huge play. I love it! Go Cuse!

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    Mon Aug 22 2005

    hot as boiled sh*t, have carrier donate some equipment.

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    Mon Aug 22 2005

    better than the acc crap holes!

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    Sun Aug 21 2005

    a dome, with a crappy program and a bunch of people still obsessed with mcnabb. memo to cuse fans: this is just like every other dome in america.

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    Sat Aug 20 2005

    great college atmosphere.they could step it up a notch or two by painting the walls orange and blue.bare concrete look just doesnt cut it.put some su greats pictures up on the walls .

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    Fri Aug 19 2005

    Awesome stadium to watch football and basketball - really loud and exciting. Always 70 degrees and no rain.

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    Fri Aug 19 2005

    Two Jumbotrons. New Field Turf. One of the most difficult stadiums to play in. Just ask VT, FSU, or ND. And one of the only stadiums in the country that serves beer for college events.

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    Fri Aug 19 2005

    There was a study a few years ago that concluded that the loudest place in Syracuse in terms of decibels was the runway at the Airport. A very close second is the Carrier dome on gameday. Opposing teams have to practice differently because they can't hear audibles. Let Syracuse's home records be an indication. The worst SU teams in the last 20 years still went 12-6 in the dome the last three years. Also, the dome is one of the few stadiums in the country that sells beer during the games. New Field Turf this year negates that old astrotuf sucks claim

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    Fri Aug 19 2005

    great atmosphere and other teams hate having to go there...not that great of a team but when a great team goes in there they come out a loser or barely escape with a win no matter how good or bad that SU team is that year. the other teams have to practice with really loud music just so they can get used to playing with the dome atmosphere cause teams cant usually here their own coaches talkin to are insane and loud

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    Fri Aug 19 2005

    only domed stadium in college football and quite possibly one of the only paces to need it. not that i love domed stadiums, but for the area its better than sitting in 5 feet of snow.

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    Fri Aug 19 2005

    THE Carrier Dome ROCKS !!!

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    Fri Aug 19 2005

    Would be a better place if not for the town in which it is located.

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    Fri Aug 19 2005

    Always comfortable at 72 degrees. Always LOUD for either football or basketball. Great views from everywhere in the house. What more could you want???

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    Thu Aug 18 2005

    Ask Florida, Florida State, Michigan, Auburn, Miami, Va Tech, TN and others how tough it is to play there.

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    Thu Aug 18 2005

    A bunch of know nothing fans that thought there was a basketball game that night. A real craphole stadium, lots of leaks, no air conditioning (good marketing move for Carrier, huh?), and not loud except for a couple of games when McNugget was still there.

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    Thu Aug 18 2005

    Unbelievable, classiest and most gracious opposing fans I have ever been around. They sell beer in there and if the Cuse breaks a huge play the place errupts! I cannot imagine what is like when they pack the place for a huge bball game.

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    Wed Aug 17 2005

    Talk about a dump! I give them a two only because they have beer.

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    Sun Aug 07 2005

    Domes do not belong in college or pro football.

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    Sat Feb 05 2005

    Football should not be played indoors!!!