Car accidents
Approval Rate: 27%
Reviews 0
by twansalem
Mon Oct 06 2008Most of the time, no. But when I'm driving on the freeway in Chicago amid massive amounts of road construction with poorly marked lanes, yes.
by drummond
Mon Aug 18 2008As an attorney who does personal injury, I've been made especially conscious of the fact that we move around at high rates of speed in two ton chunks of metal. And there are millions of them buzzing all around us. Kind of crazy when you think about it.
by aplaxo
Thu Aug 07 2008Car accidents suck because it takes time to file the paperwork, get the car fixed, exchange info with the other person. It just adds another thing to deal with. Also, it can also be traumatic.
by teresag
Sat Jul 05 2008Having been with the Troops, and probably seeing the worst of the worst (and having been in a few personally), this is not a GREAT fear of mine, however, I am very mindful of the damage and kaos that moving vehicles can cause.
by lmorovan
Thu Jun 19 2008Statistically, most car accidents are of minor consequences, like fender benders or crashes at low speed. I am not denying that big, fatal crashes happen on a daily basis. But if you survive a crash with minor bruises or a a big scare, the best way to overcome the fear of driving is getting behind a wheel as soon as possible. It reminds me my coach when i used to practice gymnastics. when I failed and fell, getting even hurt, I was fearful to get back on and try again. But he almost forced me to get up and do it again. I couldn't understand him and was even angry of his lack of understanding. Eventually, he explained me that the worst part of an accident is fear itself, and that the best way to cope with it and defeat it is doing the same thing again, now with additional precautions and increased concentration. When you do something on a daily basis, you become so comfortable doing it that you lower your alertness and become vulnerable to distraction, which are the main cause of failur... Read more
by harlock
Tue Jun 17 2008I wasn't afraid of before, and I used to laught when someone said that was afraid of car accidents. Some day I had a big car accident, and believe me, now I'm so afraid of it. It's easy to not to be afraid when you never had one, it's easier to think that always are the other people who have it, but some day the turn arrive. I hope not to have another in all my life.
by mrtuner
Wed Mar 12 2008Not really. I am a pretty good driver- but on the other hand you never know what someone might do that you can't control.
by molfan
Wed Mar 12 2008It does not keep me from driving. I have a bigger fear of this now because of the way others drive. I see people running red lights every day. it is so much more aggresive now. I get annoyed at people myself but I would not try and run them off the road, run a red light or do something else aggresive or dangerous. it is especially scary that I know of people personally who have died in a car crash. or who have been in terrible accidents. it is unnerving that within a second an accident could occur and change or lose your life.
by numbah16tdhaha
Tue Mar 11 2008Eh, I drive slow and I drive a bigger vehicle than most people do. The one accident I have been in was a 3/4 ton Suburban (me) vs a Honda. Guess who won?
by tranquilgarden_s
Thu Jan 10 2008Being in a car accident is something I think about fairly often. I think what bothers me most is the fact that even though I try to be as careful as possible when driving my safety mainly depends on everyone else.
by zuchinibut
Thu Jan 10 2008For the sake of my insurance payments...Yes, I am afraid of car accidents!
by ladyjesusfan77_7
Tue Oct 02 2007I have been in a car accident before, and I give God the credit for saving my life. It gives you a whole new perspective on life.
by momsandpopscal_lmejoe
Fri Sep 07 2007If peeps werent always in a hurry we wouldnt have to worry about this so much.
by twitchin_monkey
Mon May 21 2007this actually is very scary to me. you can be the most careful, rule-abiding driver ever to get behind the wheel of a car, but once that one idoit drunk driver gets on the road, you're in just as much danger. i just have to try not to think about it.
by blueorchid
Mon May 21 2007They sometimes take lives, of course it's scary.
by xagent
Mon May 21 2007Been in a few so I'm not as scared as I used to be.
by 93century
Mon Oct 31 2005I'm not afraid of car accidents because i have never been in a bad one. If i was in a bad one, i could have nightmares and flashbacks.
by genghisthehun
Mon Oct 31 2005I was in a bad accident many decades ago and I still get flashbacks. I react more when others are driving that when I do. Post truamatic stress syndrome is no joking matter.
by sundiszno
Mon Oct 31 2005I try not to worry about car accidents too much, because there isn't too much you can do about the possibility except to drive as carefully and defensively as you can, try to be situationally aware, and drive a vehicle that has as many safety features as possible (especially air bags). It's a chance you take very time you go out on the road, no matter how short a distance you drive (have you heard the joke about the guy who heard that most accidents happen within ten miles of home, so he moved twenty miles away to avoid accidents?). Anyway, I have been in a couple of relatively minor accidents and walked away from them - although I don't think that that should be any kind of endorsement for accidents being OK.
by sfalconer
Mon Oct 31 2005No so much accidents but what they will do to my insurance premiums keep me awake at night.
by gentle_jude
Mon Oct 31 2005I was once in a small accident (when I was a child) and it shocked me. The impact was so sudden. I do fear accidents because of the fact it is so sudden and one of the most traumatic and painful things you can go through. What I hate about it is you never know when one will happen. Because someone can easily hit a place you can't see.
by cindyo
Wed Oct 19 2005I have known some people who have passed away from car accidents and I know a person that his whole life ahead of him has been changed because of a car accident. (He lost the ability to use one of his legs) Car accidents happen all the time. What scares me the most about them is that I could be involved in one even if I did nothing to cause the accident. (Someone driving too fast or drunk or something) Just being in the wrong place at the wrong time scares me about car accidents.
by kairho
Tue Oct 18 2005I barely do 100 miles a normal week these days, and mostly on moderatly lightly travelled streets. Very low risk = low fear.
by redoedo
Tue Jun 14 2005Depends on the severity. I personally could do without them.
by tjgypsy2
Fri May 06 2005I have no fear of auto accidents in and of themselves. I've been in a few close-calls, but nothing serious. What concerns me is the thought of SURVIVING a serious accident. The potential of years of therapy, rehab, operations, never being able to be the way I am right now....THAT scares me.
by djahuti
Sat Feb 26 2005As carefully as I drive,I live in an area where aggression and road rage are rampant-in heavy traffic.I have close calls all the time.
by vudija
Sun Sep 26 2004Definately an issue where I come from. I have refused to get my license even though I could have gotten it nearly 3 years ago. I'm just a bit paranoid when it comes to safety though; I'm not a big risk-taker
by abichara
Mon Aug 23 2004Definitely a concern but not a fear. What are we going to do, lock ourselves in our houses and never go out? Bad accidents happen everyday, in no small part because of lousy and inattentive driving. Many times, they are preventable, but it is inevitable that we all will be involved in one, so just don't worry about it. Expect the unexpected in life.
by working_class_hero
Wed Jul 14 2004its yes quite scary and i belive that the scary part is the mistry of an accident .. you never know wuts gonna happen after an accident ? you might get killed .. or you might only get scratched !
by classictvfan47
Sat Jul 03 2004The main reason I believe all cars should have specially-trained pilots or automatic, computer-controlled navigation systems. I also believe they should be made out metal and have numerous safety features like ejection seats and escape pods. Having the ability to fly would drastically decrease the number of accidents also, due to the help of a third dimension.
by cherrysoda99
Fri Jul 02 2004I suppose that if you were ever in one, you'd have a hounting memory and be terrified of them, but if you've never experienced it, it's hard to be as scared of it.
by jamie_mcbain
Thu Jul 01 2004The reason why I'll never drive is because there are more maniacs on the road than ever before.
by canadasucks
Wed Jun 30 2004Yikes. What's not to be afraid of? Glass, metal, and plastic zipping along at speeds fast enough to turn the human body into lunchmeat. Yes, I'm afraid. . .people seem to be driving faster and tailgating more.
by minkey
Wed Jun 30 2004I drive slow because of this. Many people drive like idiots - speed, talk on cell phone, drive drunk, don't pay attention. When I'm a passenger I get pissed off if the driver tailgates, speeds, cuts people off, etc. I've had some bad experiences and I don't want to wind up crippled because of some dickhead.
by scarletfeather
Tue Jun 29 2004Was in several in my younger, crazier, days and as a result am not particularly afraid of them. I now attempt to avoid them at all costs, and keep my eyes on the road.