Approval Rate: 85%
Reviews 0
by gris2575
Sat Sep 25 2010Apparently as a Capricorn, I am Unimaginative, Conceited, ambitious, distrusting and Dictatorial. Good thing I don't put stock in Astrology or I'd be feeling pretty Bad about my self Right now. On the other hand we can be Loyal and Patient, so I guess it's Not all Bad.
by thein2a2
Fri Aug 20 2010My last boyfriend was a cappy. And bless his heart he is such a good man. He simply couldn't keep his critical attitude and domineering tendencies to himself. I had to walk.
by scorpiomidheav_en
Fri Mar 26 2010Im a capricorn and we do have lots of negative aspects but lots of positive ones aswell. I tend to think that the negative ones are explaineable from my point of view. apparently we are: cold - Not really, although some are a little aloof. Mostly because we dont like to show our emotions in case we get hurt, capricorns arent great at defending themselves. We distrust others through personal experieince, lots of caps get teased because they are often studious and lacking in confidence- that is why we mistrust others. money obsessed - We value financial security but we also value emotional happiness aswell, but you cant generalise. Insensitive - No, we're not like our cancer counterparts who are very emotional, but we are sensitive. We may not show when we're hurt because we prefer to suffer in silence. We're very shy. Selfish - We keep ourselves safe, yeah we look after ourselves. We are also considerate though. I once knew a woman in our organization had an operation and its very... Read more
by frankswildyear_s
Tue May 26 2009You are conservative and afraid of taking risks. You don't do much of anything and are lazy. There has never been a Capricorn of any importance. Capricorns should avoid standing still too long as a dog might think you are a tree and piss on you.
by kat15lee
Thu May 14 2009The early Caps are my soulmates, not too many early Caps I haven't loved. They're just darn good people... unless they don't like you, but you'll never know it. +5 stars. Unfortunately I'm not fond of late Caps, +3 stars, but I'm still rating +5 stars for my early Cap friends and lovers.
by casiopt1
Mon Dec 08 2008sweethearts and really hardworking (something i really, really respect) but can be ... uuuuuggggghhhhh!!! boooooringggggg. always can use cheering up. i feel cramped and like the air has become stuffy around them sometimes. othertimes, they feel like sitting around a bonfire. something like that.
by tjsmith
Thu Oct 02 2008Let me tell you, as a young Sagittarian male, i've done my research. Capricorn men are completly opposite. Its the Capricorn women, who come across as mean, money hungry, and just plain "cold". Its because they seem to think that they are the "Queens", of the Zodiac. They set thier standards to high for some people, and thats why they are so "Mad" all the time. In fact, Capricorns main trait by nature is "Pessimistic". Even Astrologers say that. Capricorn women are Great people................WHEN THE MONEY IS RIGHT. BUT WHEN IT ISN'T, THEIR ALWAYS MEAN, AND PUTTING YOU DONWN. Capricorn women are Seariously Pessimistic.-Sag
by capricorn12
Mon Sep 22 2008Capricorns are the best. I'm so tired of people relying on stupid astrological stereotypes to judge us (Capricorns are mean! Capricorns are money hungry! Waaah!!!). A lot of us come from screwed up families, so we tend to equate emotional security with financial security BUT it's usually OUR financial security we're interested in, meaning that we want to make our own money. We like independence. I don't care if I meet a guy who's a millionaire, I want my own cash. Also, we're nice people but our BS meters are high. We don't make small talk, and we pick up on lies very quickly. We despise people who constantly make themselves the victim (which is why whiny Cancer is our opposite sign). We see through people the way an adult sees through a child. We are very loyal to the ones we love and woe to the person that tries to mess with them. We're not good at pretending to like people or kissing behinds. We tend to use sarcasm as a defense mechanism. We have an 'off' sense of humo... Read more
by buffguy30
Sat Mar 01 2008usually turn out to be successful late in life
by oscargamblesfr_o
Wed Feb 27 2008Wasn't it Kris Kristofferson who had a hit with "Jesus Was A Capricorn?" (I'd give myself a 2 for country music knowledge- maybe it was someone else.) I forget...anyway, I have trouble believing that an 'aquagoat' controls the destinies of people who happen to be born during these days...
by genghisthehun
Wed Feb 27 2008UPDATE: Capricorn sign members are homicidal maniacs. Mao Tse Tung was born on December 26. ORIGINAL COMMENT: I never knew any men who actually believed in astrology. The only time, in my experience, that men actually said they believed in astrology, was when they were trying to get laid!
by fb591051260
Thu Nov 08 2007but of course WE cappies RAAWK
by raymangold
Wed Sep 12 2007I know tarot says this is the sign of the Devil but I don't belive such nonesense! my Grandpa's a Capricorn and he's wonderfull! and Goat's rock I mean capricorn's rock!
by atillerman
Sat Jun 16 2007Capricorns care about money a whole lot in fact money and "success" is their key to life. I seen them backstab their friends over stupid things at work. They may seem nice at first but their true nature is money and more money so it's like you're talking to a jew.
by tl1972
Fri Jun 01 2007Loyal. Good home makers. Will never cheat unless they find out you are doing it to them, then the gloves are off. Very independent. They make good friends until you start confronting them about their faults, then they will become cold and may even sabatoge your reputation. Their spirit gets younger as they get older. When they are young, they are hardworking and conservative. The older they get, the less they focus on work & they more they master the art of relaxation and enjoying what they worked for. They will not stay with someone they consider a loser or a fool (someone who will embarrass them). They will stay with a person in power or affluence, but if betrayed, they will try to bring you down. They usually want you to work for them and praise them, may even expect to possess you but once you are trusted, you're golden and there's nothing they wouldn't do for you.
by fzta8e08
Sun Dec 03 2006I met some capricons, and I was surprised to find out how selfish and coldhearted they are.
by micheleb
Tue Nov 21 2006Your absolutely right! Capricorns (especially males) are real jerks. They will act so nice & helpful when you first meet them. But their true personalty is cruel and manipulative. At first, they will do you nice favors without you even asking. But later on they will be resentful and will always expect something in return. If you cross them, they will try to turn everyone against you and make up lies about you. I am a libra who was involved with a Capricorn for 6 years. He made it seem like no matter what I did wasn't good enough for him. Then he cheated on me with my friend (who is also a capricorn). I will never date or be friends with another Capricorn ever again.
by sailon
Mon May 22 2006we capicorns are nice and friendly at times when we want to be but we are lovable
by batman44
Thu Mar 02 2006ok u kno how they say leos and aries are the natural born leaders of the zodiac. well i think astrology is missing another leader of the zodiac and thats capricorn. i mean sure leos and aries are really outgoing and always full of energy but but capricorns lead in a cool collected way instead of yelling and using force and i think that a much better way to be a leader because knoone on this earth likes to be pushed around especially leos and aries because they are fire signs so they are very tempermental and how can u tell me that a hardworking, loyal, motivated, determined, always climbing to the top capricorn isnt a leader. they say that capricorns are geniuses and are workaholics, doesnt that make them good leaders. im a capricorn myself and im always the ones taking charge and leading the way in any event or task and all my other capricorn friends feel that they are leaders too. i strongly believe that capricorn should be more recognized by there leadership abillitites.
by goldilocks
Sat Oct 29 2005They're a bit on the materialistic side.
by minusdab
Wed Sep 28 2005capricorns are the best sign out there we are god signature. we help the sick, the weak, and the poor. we also feel others pain and have a great intution. we know how to make this society right, it was never right in the first place but we shed our sweet and blood to bring harmony to each others life.
by houseofm
Sun Jul 31 2005I married a Capricorn, while he isn't perfect (because nobody is) he is perfect for me.
by computergal
Tue Jul 19 2005I have a Capricorn rising and I feel as if I am a Sun sign Capricorn. I have not met many Capricorns, but they few I've met I have found them to be hardworking but gloomy. They are old when young and young when old. It is true that a lot of responsibilities get tossed on us either because we are the oldest or because we are the only ones there willing to do the work our other relatives don't wish to do. We have a Cinderella complex with the exception that once a Capricorn overcomes their insecurities they are servants no more. Capricorns are very reliable, organized and deeply care for their families. They often times deny their own wishes and desires if their families would not approve of them or carry them out in private. We are hard to get to know, but that is because we are sensitive and require loyalty and love from the ones in our lives. Capricorns worry about everything and often feel like the sky is falling on them. But unlike Pisces, they don't sit around feeling sorr... Read more
by x_factor_z
Fri Apr 15 2005Most people with a Capricorn Sun should are blessed. Excellant position for Mars as well since it tames that malefic's angry influence.
by blogthingy12
Tue Jan 11 2005Capricorn is the best, most dedicated sign of the zodiac! All hail the goat!
by wolfgang1979
Sun Dec 12 2004This is my favourate sign apart from myself: Taurus! :) These people are so damn funny and make really great dependable friends! They will never let you down, especially when your in trouble! I've known many Capricorns.. the males seem a little.. outthere.. but the woman, oh my, they are amazing! They are really strong and yet loving.. perfect mix! Some may see them as cold.. but are you forgetting that tail? There is hidden depths to this sign.. I admire them!
by aquaria
Wed Nov 03 2004there ability to coldly reason, organize and their ambitions r amazing...however, why so negative? i mean being realistic doesnt mean always looking at the worst-case scenario, but litening it up a bit. u dont NOE ppl will react in that particular way...evryone's diff. sometimes u make it sound like there is no hope in this world at all (from ur obsession w saving money, being rigid, and being reputed) and we shud all just die. not most of the capricorns i noe initially fit this, but sumtimes if u look past their exterior, they all exhibit that. let urself b free and cheerful, cuz capricornians free has always bin fun.
by daccory
Mon Oct 18 2004Actually a warm and down-to-earth sign, Too cautious though and has to work for things to happen whereas a Leo clicks his fingers.
by ws6freak
Wed Aug 11 2004Capricorns are great. They understand pretty much every other signs efforts and frustrations because they've been there before. They are the masters of the Zodiac when it comes to success and protection of loved ones. Unless they had some really bad childhood experience they'll always be leaders and 'masters' to whom people will always ask for advice. Capricorns are respected because they respect others in the first place. And if you ever get caught by a Cap you'll know exactly why.
by scarletfeather
Mon Aug 09 2004How do we know that Jesus was a Capricorn? I do know that the Marx Brothers, the Three Stooges(also known as the Scarletfeather Fan Club), the Four Tops, Simon and Garfunkel,and Sly and the Family Stone were all Capricorns.
by timurc37
Mon Aug 09 2004Read two latest comments and was really suprised how many legendary people were born under this sign. Considering that Jesus Christ, Buddha, were Capricorns I have no any other choicejust-to rate it as a great sign!
by goal12c7
Mon Aug 09 2004The most outstanding people are Capricorns. Achievers of inexplicable degree and who stays in annals of history forever. If a Capricorn lives past the fifth year of life, he or she is likely to live longer than most other signs-- except for Leo and Sagittarius. In the early years there can be reserve and fragility, but ruled by tough Saturn, Capricorns learn to be state-of-the-art survivors. Most Capricorns 'begin' at fifty. Capricorn kids seem like small adults almost from birth. They have a no-nonsense way about them, and a somewhat disapproving demeanor that prompts others to indulge their needs. All of this changes abruptly when they enter school. Something about the Capricorn circumstances, or physical size, or manner, or something may prompt class mates to taunt or bully them. Most children face this but such abuses can throw Capricorns into a psychological pit. This forces them to develp their inherent humor, toughness, and intelligence. Ambition becomes a defiant need. Su... Read more
by andre_mccall
Mon Jul 26 2004I think that Capricorn are one of the best people to be with just not saying that because I'm a Carpricon myself were goal getters and a great personality and true to are self and woman and don't give up know matter how hard it gets.
by bullpower
Fri Jun 18 2004They like to be super observant, i dont know if there as anal as virgos but there up there.
by saiiormn91
Tue Jun 08 2004Capricorn... where do i begin?? the one who wants to be so different from everyone else, and through thier practicailty move up in careers that everyone wants.. very confusing idividuals, who i think are confused by themselves. SOOO SENSITIVE, and yet so aware of other people that they become unsensitve to them.. they think they know more about other people than they do, and and this makes them judgmental, and with thier sarcastic view on life they seem to hold themselves higher than everyone else but have the lowest self confidence at the same time. Although they are very wonderful to talk to about deep intellectual things. also they are very passionate about thier own thoughts and intrests.. even though they shun the rest of the worlds petty concerns Capricorns are very confusing sensitve and intellectual people, they are strong willed, but judgmental. they try so hard to not be trendy while creating thier own group of non conformists.. very backwards. They also hold a lot of emotio... Read more
by ansgard
Mon Jun 07 2004i think i love this sign cos my boyfriend is a capricorn. I think they are so fascinating and loving, maybe cold if they dont know you well but then they warm up. they are serious lovers and they are known to be good husbands heheheh
by drakainia
Wed Jun 02 2004The list is probably a reflection of the birthdays of people using this website. Looks like Pisces outnumbers everybody else just a little at this moment.
by sodomized_monkie
Sun May 23 2004this is hard for me to rate cuz one of my teacher's is a capricorn so i can't help wanting to write stingy asshole as a comment. but i know this girl who is really cool and she is a capricorn. i don't know enough people well enough to make a good conclusion.
by mariep
Tue Apr 06 2004Woo-hoo!! My sign is rated number one (at the moment). Just remember that your sun sign is only a fraction of your total astrological makeup, and there's other important factors to consider. So all you (fools) that think astrology isn't real just because the newspaper horoscope wasn't accurate, remember that it only took into account your sun sign, not all the houses and other planets, etc in your chart. They matter too. I have found astrology to be extremely accurate when used properly. Once you get beyond the pop culture stuff about astrology you'll find it's true. And besides, there's more extreme ideas out there, like, say...Christianity, Judaism. Islam, etc.
by jaded314
Wed Feb 25 2004capricorns are not the best sign but they're def on the top and climbing there. Isn't what they do, always climbing to higher places. This is one of their best characteristics. They may seem cold and dull, but they're far from that. If you get to know them you'll discover what they're all about. Thy're driven and ambitious, never stand in their way. They always get what they want.
by lunareclipse
Sun Feb 22 2004I am a capricorn, but i have to admit that i am not at all like one-probably because of my libra moon. But really! All of my capricornian friends are adventourous, fun and creative- not dull and pessimistic. So i think this signs stereotype should be turned around! YAY for all the non-capriconish capricorns out there!!!
by wonderfulmagni_tude
Tue Feb 03 2004My best friend and sister are capricorns. They have wonderful hard working personalities. The only bad things are they don't value friendships too much if it gets in the way of their success. HOWEVER they are very very honest. Great Sign
by tvtator
Mon Jan 12 2004I don't get this rating the zodiac signs, but I do have an interest in them. All of us are unique, no matter what sign we were born under. So shouldn't each sign get 5 stars?. Capricorns have the reputation of being the hardest working and most conservative, but what I love about them is out of the blue they will start acting silly or out of character.
by madamdot
Wed Nov 26 2003cappy are sweet- and yes they have faults- work way too hard...and they take a lot of work to make them feel comfortable. But I know a lot of cappies and theye are deeply sensitive - as long as they know they can trust you... you can have them eating out of the palm of your hand. Very down to earth, kindest people I know. BTW- my particular favorite cappy is 36D so definitely not flat chested.
by freebird_0128
Fri Nov 14 2003Even though I'm a Capricorn, I'll be honest. It's not the best sign there is. I mean, Pisces is sweeter and Leo is more fun but Capricorns are hardworking and loyal. we often have problems with loneliness but are ambitious and commit easily. I enjoy being a Capricorn(there have been many great ones) but I'm not about to claim its the best. There's true greatness in diversity and that's what the zodiac provides us with.
by morphingback
Sun Sep 14 2003Capricorn women are incredibly easy to read, its a shame. They truely get trapped in this cycle of behavior patterns and have no way out, which makes them semi-unattractive to the opposite sex. Most Capricorn women are flat chested. Damn, I feel sorry for the Capricorns.. they have almost no hope.
by kolby1973
Wed Aug 27 2003It seems the majority of the most important men in my life are Capricorns, and every single one of them I love so much. They are loyal, hardworking, great guys. I have probably met a female Capricorn before, but never realized it. Considering the track record of male Capricorns, I am sure they are great people, too ! Overall, Capricorns are probably the 2nd best Zodiac sign. Go Capricorns ! :) PS* I love you Beau !