Approval Rate: 63%
Reviews 75
by bretticusmax
Sat Feb 16 2013Yeah, everyone else gets richer while we do all the work, BS.
by mamamitzvah
Thu May 10 2012bs'd Someone does not understand Capitalism or pyramid schemes.
by omicreon
Tue Sep 20 2011An economic system where the poor people are essentially slaves who do all the work (except they have to pay to be slaves), while the rich get richer. Anti-capitalism_color.gif Capitalism encourages consumption, thus being the opposite of what the word economy means.
by b0rk1557
Thu Jul 21 2011A completely shite system, but better than every alternative I've heard simply because people are too greedy and lazy for any of the incentive-free systems.
by ralphthewonder_llama
Tue Apr 12 2011Benefit of the few at the expense of the many. Well, at least its days are numbered. Wait 'till end of June/beginning of July when the 2nd quarter earnings reports come out, and we see the REAL damage the Fukushima earthquake did to the Japanese economy (and hence, the world economy). Watch the NYSE plummet like a rock, and our inflated capital melt away like a snowball in a bonfire.
by magneticd
Tue Apr 12 2011The penalties for fraud just aren't stiff enough.
by resistpropagan_da
Wed May 26 2010Capitalism is the best economic system for growth. Growth is the best way to allow everyone to achieve success. "Capitalism" has "failed" in America (relatively, of course, I mean look at everywhere else) because it has been interrupted by national banks, antitrust legislation, the Federal Reserve, spending on useless wars, Keynesian economic policies, federal regulatory agencies, Social Security, welfare, government control of education, Medicare, public housing, unbacked paper money, high taxes, radical untimely tax cuts, government takeover of failing industries, bailouts, skyrocketing interest, corruption and now almost complete socialization of health care. Expansion of federal involvement in the economy expands corruption as well and gives the men in charge limitless control and they are the ones who end up benefitting from "hard times", and this is seen most in the Federal Reserve. America is a country of equal opportunity, so there is no problem in letting children have a f... Read more
by pharaoh111
Sat Apr 17 2010Again,moderation please.
by bigandro
Thu Apr 15 2010It is true that some people fail and others never get a decent start, but in general, Capitalism and our Democratic Republic gives "OPORTUNITY" to every individual. That explains why our standard of living has surpast any and all in the history of man. There are many reasons for individual failures; however, even where goals may not be realized, lives are improved from one generation to the next. Many of those who never get a decent start are victims of poor/a lack of decent parenting, absentee parents or both. America's "Individual Freedom" is a two-edged sword. Can we have one without the other? I think not.
by zorohem
Tue Mar 30 2010The only way to go!
by ronaldtheriot
Tue Mar 09 2010Free Market Capitalism is good. I wish the USA would allowed free enterprise. Instead, the USA has promoted Socialist Capitalism since at least 1933, and really, since the 1890s. The thing that we see is a form of utilizing capital under big-government supervision and collusion, but it is NOT free enterprise. It's a form of Fascism, to tell the truth.
by rogerg
Wed Aug 26 2009The logical expression of the nature of man.
by dutch91701
Wed Jun 03 2009Laissez faire FTW.
by worshipjesusno_w
Sun May 03 2009Say what????
by quarterhorse51
Mon Apr 13 2009Political freedom and economic freedom go hand in hand.
by frankswildyear_s
Thu Mar 26 2009It's been in decline ever since they started fluoridating the water.
by tlbs101
Wed Mar 25 2009Free markets have been around since the dawn of civilization. They have always corrected themselves even when greed was rampant FOR MILLENIUMS! It is only when governments institute such strict controls that the markets are not truly free, that problems arise. The latest economical disaster can be traced directly to government screw-ups with the markets. Capitalism helps very very much.
by fitman
Tue Mar 24 2009A vast improvement over feudalism, nearly brought down by corporate greed. I'm standing back and watching to see whether or not Obama can save the racket from collapse like FDR once did. Obvious - to all but the most fanatical - is the fact that mixed economies have been the most successful since the syndicalist experiment was crushed by the combined efforts of capitalist, fascist and state capitalist (Stalinist) authoritarian and totalitarian regimes in 1939.
by eschewobfuscat_ion
Mon Mar 23 2009What used to exist in America.
by sk4u2009
Wed Mar 18 2009Its so bs..... simple as that
by astromike
Mon Mar 16 2009I would be embarassed to relay on the government for EVERYTHING. Anyone can achieve anything they want if they just get off their lazy ass and take charge and show ambition.
by kaylastarshine
Sat Feb 28 2009I think that for the most part that capitalism is a good thing, but obviously it has to be managed right, and not put into the wrong hands. The U.S. is a largely capitalistic country, but we of course have many aspects that are more socialistic, such as medicare, welfare, etc. But at the end of the day, I think that each person should work for most of what they have, with as little government aid/interference as possible. There are some systems of government that can't be completely capitalist, but for the most part it is a good thing. I mean, if you make no money you can't buy food, clothes, gas, pay your rent/mortgage, etc... And you can't have a high quality of life, when capitalism is done the right way, everyone has the opportunity to get ahead, if they work hard enough and have a little bit of luck.
by nomashah
Wed Jan 21 2009atleat it is better than socialism
by michmandrmo
Sat Jan 17 2009Only okay to a degree.
by daniel_cff
Wed Dec 31 2008its ok to a point
by kuzbe55d
Sun Dec 21 2008"Let the money goes to capital owner and those who "produce" take a little" No.
by jennifer1661
Sun Dec 14 2008A waste of time bullshit scam
by christine_sedita
Thu Dec 11 2008Hey, if you want to invest in a scheme go for it, some people are successful, others not.
by nb71e54c
Thu Dec 04 2008Few ideologies have influenced the American psyche like capitalism. Capitalism drove to the discovery of this land, where European discovers sought to accomplish their merchant ambitions. Capitalism allowed people like the Carnegies and Rockefellers (not to mention the much lesser person) to live a quality of life unimaginable to the rest of the world. Capitalism helped develop our individualistic attitudes, where we take responsibility for our success, and accountability for our failures. The saying You can be anything you put your mind to, is an American mantra, derived from individualist believes related to capitalism
by will292
Thu Nov 27 2008its inevitable...without it our world would collaspe with it our world will collaspe
by tony_galento
Mon Oct 13 2008It's helps unleash the human potential.
by victor83
Thu Oct 09 2008The only system that has worked throughout the ages. Corruption will always exist. As we now see (painfully), the regulations of big brother government only serve to turn potential into disaster.
by jim9713
Thu Oct 09 2008A great system WHEN not overwhelmed by corruption. (like our system is right now)
by christie3498
Mon Oct 06 2008grrr...i'm going to get in trouble here...I believe capitalism has its place..and is a good thing...however...the concept cannot over shadow your natural obligation to help those around you and those less fortunate. While I do not suggest socialism...or a redistribution of wealth...greed cannot overcome the greater good of society as a whole. If the society as a whole is not healthy and thriving...then that is bad for everyone...even the capitialistic hogs at the top...
by aesahaettr
Fri Oct 03 2008Are we talking a free economy or are we using the 19th century definition of a capitalist? There's a very big difference there!
by mcchido
by priest85
Mon Sep 29 2008Sure it would be nice, if it actually worked like its supposed to, but things rarely do...
by dave3044
Sat Sep 27 2008Laze Fare - not good. Regulated - good
by 3_l0v3
Wed Sep 24 2008the american version of capitalism with its short term profit agenda and lack of future planning is killing us currently.. not that capitalism itself is necessarily bad but the way we practice it is criminal.
by fb1438239506
Tue Sep 23 2008I think the ideal and ultimate goals and dreams which helped form Capitalism should still pan out today, the person who wisely invests his savings or takes risks in order to accomplish the realistic goal of self sufficiency. A welfare state where everyone is guaranteed a hand-out is not an ideal way of promoting the American Dream!
by valkyrievoice
Tue Sep 23 2008Depends upon who you ask I guess. There's always going to be a rich class and a poor class, but there won't always be a middle class.
by sheronda
by michael_jenkins
Wed Jul 23 2008Its great, its our system, and its the american dream.
by mike667
Wed Jun 25 2008Needs a second-look and serious reform. Capitalism is responsible for a great deal of the mess we are in now.
by myspace_30849171
Wed May 07 2008good that people can earn things, but the lure of greed is too much
by cyclee
Sat May 03 2008This is where I stand after experiencing both this and the socialism with equal share of my life. Unfortunately, I moved from the right place for me to the wrong country.
by samantha
Fri Apr 11 2008I don't necessarily agree with get goods from overseas that are dangers or poisonious.
by trebon1038
Sun Mar 23 2008Im for it.
by twansalem
Wed Mar 12 2008I think capitalism is good, as long as monopolies are somewhat kept in check. But a few well enforced trustbusting laws should take care of this. Other than that, I think competition generally makes products and services better, and if there is proper competition, it can help keep prices reasonable.
by louiethe20th
Sat Feb 23 2008It works everytime. We are more and more working our way away from it though. If Osama Obama wins or the "Hildabeast" it may be gone forever!