Capella University

Approval Rate: 85%

85%Approval ratio

Reviews 48

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    Thu Sep 08 2011

    There is clearly a large difference between traditional brick and mortar schools and online schools. Having said that, I have attended both after having started my degree program at a traditional school and transferred to Capella for the final three years of my B.S. The drawbacks of not being able to simply raise your hand and ask the professor a question and obtain an instant answer or converse with fellow students is mitigated through participation of the professor within a chat or email environment. I agree it is not as efficient as it would otherwise in person; however, the majority of professors I have had push students to interact with each other as much as possible. The curriculum follows a rather basic tenant of semester long projects with each week building towards an overall complete end project. Initially, I assumed this would turn out to be a "search online and find the answer" task with little to no challenge. While some classes are simpler than others, for the most ... Read more

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    Wed May 25 2011

    I have a doctorate degree in clinical psychology from Capella University (I graduated in 2006), and it took me about 5 years to complete the program. I am proud to say that I was able to obtain an APA accredited pre-doctoral internship and I am now also working as a licensed psychologist in the state of California. The benefit of the course work and what one learns depends on the student, and having gone head to head with others from APA accredited programs, I seem to hold my own in my area of specialization (which is treating those with developmental disabilities who also have mental illness). My experience with Capella was generally good, however I do very much regret that my program did not obtain APA accreditation, which was promised very early on only to be redacted closer to my time of graduation. Not having APA accreditation as a psychologist is a big deal (a huge deal), and this lacking area will limit my job opportunities and my ability to work in certain states. I am al... Read more

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    Wed Apr 27 2011

    Hello. My name is Michael and I work for Capella University. I just wanted to let you all know that Capella has recently updated our website that is dedicated to showing the learning and career outcomes of our learners and alumni: We believe it raises the bar on transparency / accountability in higher ed and sets Capella apart from most schools that are reluctant to share this level of information. Please let us know what you think. Thanks.

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    Mon Mar 21 2011

    Do not go here! This is the worst online Univerity. Professor Dennis Hart is the worst professor. He does not participant in the classroom discussion. Depending on him mood, He will give you a D or A. I submiited the wrong assignment and received an A. If you do not want to work and pay $2000 per class and not learn anything and get a degree from an University that has a reputation of a Dilpoma Mill. GO TO CAPELLA. I am no longer a student at Capella. All my classes do not transfer over. Capella was a waste of money.

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    Fri Mar 11 2011

    I received my MBA from Capella in 2003, when online programs were still pretty nascent. The curriculum was challenging yet rewarding. I learned a lot and draw from the teachings regularly. My Capella MBA helped me to reach many professional goals. I highly recommend an online program if you're a working professional, Capella is a superb choice.

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    Sun Feb 27 2011

    For anyone reading these reviews and considering Capella as a place to earn your degree, take into consideration that in just about all customer oriented businesses complaints will always out number compliments. Most satisfied customers are rarely going to go out of their way to say job well done. Satisfied customers just go about their business, while those who may have legitimate complaints will seek out a place to vent their disastisfaction. I am approximately at the half way point in my doctoral degree program and have found the coursework at Capella to be challenging, most of my fellow learners to be exceptionally bright, with many years of experience in their area of academic pursuit. When I complete my program, I can honestly say that I worked my fanny off to EARN my degree. Finally, let me say, I work at a for-profit college and the industry as a whole has not always operated with the best integrity and ethical behavior. That said, many students who attend for-profit school... Read more

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    Sun Feb 13 2011

    Has Anyone had any experience with the DrPH degree? I am considering the program and would like to know if its worth my efforts?

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    Sat Jan 15 2011

    I have been a student at Capella for years. I am currently in so much debt its ridiculous. My goal was to get a PhD. I have high grades, went through the courses pretty quickly. The professors would help at this point. Once I reached the comprehensives, the problems began. It has been worse since arriving at the writing of the dissertation phase. No one helps. They view it as though "its all up to you now". They forget that we have never gone through this process before. If I could change this, I would have just received another masters or quit after the course work and attended a traditional college setting where I could have gone in to get the clarification and help needed. Online is not a good way to earn a PhD, especially when no one is willing to help guide you in the right direction. I tried to find another college to attend, but I wouldn't receive all of the credits and would have to start basically from scratch. Don't attend Capella if you want to earn a PhD. ... Read more

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    Mon Jan 10 2011

    It is a reasonable option for people who do not have institutions of higher education in their geographic area. Of the online institutions, I find Capella to be one of the LEAST diploma-mill-like institutions, along with Walden and Argosy (from what I can tell). With this said, though, I am highly uncomfortable with what the proponents of Capella frequently say about Capella education being top-notch. I have attended both traditional and online doctoral programs, and I have found Capella's "read on your own and post your reactions twice per week" model to be painfully unchallenging. There is nothing "top notch" about this model because no actual teaching takes place; we just read the books on our own and post discussion entries--and complete a couple of short papers. Most of the time, the instructors aren't even monitoring our discussion entries, and they seem to be just looking at "buzz words" and praise us to death. By the same token, the papers are graded by a "point and click... Read more

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    Tue Jan 04 2011

    I have been in the M.S. in Counseling program since May of 2010. I have completed 3 courses in my program with a GPA of 3.667 cumulative. I have found Capella to be a mixed bag. Of course, when you call regarding applying for admission, Capella is painted as the best Graduate program you can possibly attend by the admissions counselors. The reason for this is Capella is a FOR PROFIT university, like any other business, their number one priority is to make money. No students = no money coming in. With that said, I am not implying that Capella is easy or that the programs they offer are not comparable to other Brick and Mortar Universities. Just remember that they are out to make money, and if you use financial aid you WILL graduate with ALOT of debt from loans used to pay for this school. I personally believe that the value of an education far outweighs any debt incurred while attending but we need to be realistic. If you graduate and owe the U.S. Department of Education 700 do... Read more

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    Sun Jan 02 2011

    Great school, great educators. I highly recommend it!

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    Mon Dec 20 2010

    I completed a Masters in Information Technology in the summer of 2007 and actually enjoyed it. For all of you used to the traditional Brick and Motor University, get ready for a change. As in everything, there are some pros and cons to this university. (PROS) I found no problems with the faculty and administrative staff. Just about every professor was accommodating and attentive when contacted for clarity on my assignments. Administrative staff was extremely helpful with the enrollment and financial process. I am former military member and used my GI Bill. So for those of you in the military, this university is very military friendly. I found just about all of the courses relevant and up-to-date with current trends. (CONS) The cost of the courses is crazy, at the time I was paying just under $2000.00 a class! What my GI Bill didn't cover, I had to pay out of my own pocket. Still not bad I guess. The only other thing that concerned me was that I received a 4.0 in every class... Read more

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    Wed Nov 10 2010

    3 stars (put your rating here! 1-5 I'm interested in the masters in accounting degree from Capella University. Has anybody had any experience with this program?

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    Mon Nov 01 2010

    Working on a Bachelor's in IT with Capella, and I've been there for almost 3 years now. Pros: Flexible schedule allows me to work on my schoolwork when I have time to do so. I have found most of the course content to be informative, and at least in the IT courses, it involved things that I actually wanted to learn. Cons: I have run into several courses that were just plain poorly designed. For example, the assignment for a particular week may have nothing at all to do with that week's reading assignment, leaving all of the students confused and asking for clarification. In my experience, the instructors at Capella lack interest. For example, if a student asks for clarification on an assignment, he or she will be provided with a one phrase answer that provides no help whatsoever. Also, if a particular week's assignment actually requires feedback from a professor, be prepared to wait days at a time for that feedback, and be prepared for it to be meaningless and unhelpful when... Read more

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    Thu Oct 14 2010

    I cannot complain about anything at Capella. I have 3 courses left to complete my Master's in Human Services and I feel it has "stretched" me intellectually and academically. I have had so much compelling dialogue with my classmates in the online courseroom. I have never had an issue with advisors, professors or financial aid. All of my instructors expect the highest level of accountability. Participation is 50% of the final grade...sometimes I did not even go to my classes as an undergraduate yet still managed to get mostly A's. For reference, I earned my Bachelor's from a Tier 1 brick and mortar university (top 100) and I am currently working concurrently on my RN degree. Overall, I have had a completely positive experience and I definitely say go for it. Edit 10/13/2010: My degree was conferred last month and I am very pleased with my decision to attend Capella. I would like to share the most recent statistics on default rates for Capella University since it is such an im... Read more

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    Tue Sep 28 2010

    I have to say...What a great school. I am a University of Phoenix Alum...and I like this school more. Amazing curriculum & practicums. I would absolutely recommend. P.S. If you are honestly considering Capella, don't read these reviews. You will hear horrible things & wonderful things. You need to experience it on your own.

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    Wed Sep 22 2010

    Two words - rip off! Want a diploma mill education and have the funds to buy it? This is the school for you. If you're serious about your education, look elsewhere.

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    Tue Sep 14 2010

    I am in my soon to be third quarter or half way through (with transfer credits) the PhD in Business Organization and Management. I already have an MBA from a Private Top rated University and Capella has been wonderful. I am a lecturer at two Universities one public/one private in Ohio. Both have welcomed my experiences from Capella with open arms as their educational trend is shifting towards distance learning and learning options. Having experience in Brick and Mortar as well as online learning has made me a step above the rest. I appreciate all of my professors help, the staff in my experience have been wonderful. I was never surprised or upset by hidden information but initiative is key. In the online world, or anywhere for that matter, one has to take some responsibility to initiate conversations and ask questions, as well as be self-motivated in exchange for the freedoms of asynchronous learning. It's the logical trade and one that many have to become accustomed to if thi... Read more

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    Sun Sep 05 2010

    I am a student attending Capella University and I can truthfully admit this is a wonderful school! Capella is expensive, but the education is outstanding! I have attended several other online and traditional universities in the past and hold two degrees. I have never before encountered this level of work at any school previously! Each class takes around 35 hours per week. This school is not for lazy individuals! Hard Work! Great Education! No Regrets! I love Capella! Respectfully, S Hunt

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    Sun Aug 01 2010

    With the exception of one professor, all of my professors in my Capella PhD program were extremely helpful and knowledgable, and set and enforced high standards (every school has at least one dud). I completed my Master's degree in an online program at Boston University and the format of the two schools was virtually identical. The standards at Capella were tougher than at BU, but the difference was likely more due to the difference between PhD and Master's level learning and expectations. Both schools were awesome: neither gave away any grades and both made us work and learn. The biggest difference was that at Capella, the professors taught the classes, but at BU, teaching assistants taught. I don't know if this was because of the difference between doctoral and graduate-level work, or a difference between the schools. Both programs are very relevant and comprehensive: I have used what I have learned in both programs at work, sometimes on the very day that I learned it. Aside... Read more

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    Wed Jul 21 2010

    The proof of money grabbing shines brightest when you receive your cardboard diploma that any 5th grader can print off their computer. When I called and complained they offered to send me a Capella "medallion"!!! Stay as far away from this money hungry abortion of an on-line school!

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    Mon Apr 26 2010

    I would really counsel anyone considering an online PhD program to do what I would counsel anyone considering advanced doctoral work to do: know your long-term goal. I have designed and managed enrollment and admissions programs for "proprietary" or for profit schools like Capella. Because their entire operating budget relies on student fees it is expensive. For instance, a one year beauty school program at Empire Beauty School will cost you about 20k. An AA from ITT will be approx. 20k and 40k for a BA. Capella's PhD program is advertised at 60k. Assuming one has no other student loan debt from undergraduate that equals an approximate monthly student loan repayment of you can expect a monthly payment of $680 upon graduation. ( nts.cgi) The question then becomes, "does the value of your degree offset that monthly expenditure?" If you think that earning this degree will then you have crossed the first threshold. The second conside... Read more

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    Mon Apr 26 2010

    I am actually sorry to have to rate this school with even one star. I would invite anyone who is considering attending there to seek any other alternative. Frankly, they almost destroyed my faith in higher education for a variety of reasons and just remember they get paid no matter what... Does everyone there get straight A's too? Grade inflation aside, I attended good schools and am only sorry I didn't pull the pin on the doctoral program sooner. Their psychology program was a complete bait and switch. They advertised publicly years ago that they had APA accredited continuing education credits and insisted to all newcoming students they were absolutely going to obtain APA accreditation. After 5 years of trying and lying, they died and left everyone who was counting on them holding the air. Once you figure out the mindset and experience the nightmare you are in for nothing but financial pain. Do not in any way shape or form let them by with not sending you out an annual financial state... Read more

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    Mon Apr 26 2010

    I am thinking of enrolling in PhD for emergency management and Disaster Response. Anybody in same field please share your experience.

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    Sun Apr 11 2010

    As a current student of Capella University. I must state to all interested persons that it is a great way to advance your career. The school is stable and it has structured programs. The evaluation process is very structured and fair. The level of class work is challenging but it can be done. It is not a easy school that offers easy programs. This school is very dedicated to your development as a professional. Its primary focus it to educate and allow experiences of its student professionals, educators, and the course work to lead you to success. I would reccomend it highly. Respectfully J.E.Rice Sr.

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    Mon Mar 22 2010

    I am currently taking my first course at Capella University. (Masters in Mental Health Counseling). I must say that I have learned more from my first few assignments in this course than my last YEAR at the brick and mortar university that I attended. The assignments require you to apply the information to everyday life experiences, and I get MORE feedback and interaction with my professor and peers than I have ever gotten before! I am thrilled that I chose Capella! Keep up the good work :)

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    Tue Mar 16 2010

    I researched 34 schools and never could seem to get any transparency. Every school I contacted was unsure of my credits or wanted me to apply to the university and take one semester before granting an evaluation of my credits. Some of these supposedly “nonprofit” universities wanted me to retake some of the exact classes again, but this time at their university. I truly researched 34 schools and the only transparency received was from Capella University. Capella University offers superior higher education and I learn more per class than I ever did at any traditional university. My enrollment counselor Chad Pittenger, was honest with me and has guided me through every step. The course work is quite heavy, but a good school is not easy and this degree will not be a hand out. I would recommend Capella to anyone who wants to go to school to learn. Capella is not easy and the course work should not be taken lightly, so if you just want a piece of paper for a degree and you have no interest ... Read more

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    Thu Feb 25 2010

    We all at times struggle in academia. Whether is independent studying and or classroom. Currently a collegue who is getting her masters in counseling seems just plainly LOST....yet arrogant yet I can tell she is struggling with the application and knowledge of counseling theories, while using effective skills and techniques competently. You can read all of the books..and read!! and write, but going to class online is not the same environment as someone who ALSO reads and writes for assignments. I read all of my assignments and still manage to be in class for four hours at a time...but it must be hard work for capella students to figure out particular theory/models and not get any immediate feedback. One can write academic/research papers but how effective are they, how do we know if they are reliable in the end? ex: I got an A on my paper, ohh worked hard trying to figure it out??...So it mustve being an EXCELLENT paper, capella is amazing...right? anyway this lady is doing her in... Read more

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    Fri Feb 19 2010

    I took one course, and dropped the second one a day too late. I appealed the no refund policy because the reason I dropped late was that the instructor made a mistake posting the course requirements. After getting about 5-10 messages about it from students (including a few from me), she finally realized it and posted the course requirements. I found out that the course required APA formatting, including citations and references, not only for papers, which makes sense, but also for weekly postings AND responses to your fellow students. As someone else mentioned, this is fine if you want to write books or journal articles as a career goal, but I was hoping to actually learn from my instructor and my fellow students, as well as share my own experiences and get feedback on them. This is not the way programs at Capella work. The reason I didn't know this is because my "sales person" was very high pressure and didn't inform me of this situation even though I told her I wanted to look... Read more

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    Thu Feb 11 2010

    I am a current Capella student (M.S. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology program). I've got three courses left to finish the program. I already have my M.A. from a very prestigious brick-and-mortar institution, but chose the Capella program due to the flexibility of online learning. There were not very many options for an online master's in IO psych, but my experience with Capella has been great. Yes I miss the engagement, interaction and dialogue of my peers in an in-person setting, but my main objective was to learn. And learn, I have. My academic writing and research capabilities have evolved due to the prolific writing expectations of this program. My ability to apply every learning objective to my job has helped me develop professionally. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

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    Sat Jan 30 2010

    Capella University offers absolute convenience combined with a quality education. Learn in your pajamas with a schedule that works for you. This is the only way most of us can continue our education as adults with the responsibility of family and full-time jobs. Like all schools there will be a couple professors that you do not click with but overall the majority are excellent. It is important to note that because Capella is online, the program requires more reading and writing than most brick and mortar schools. This will not appeal to all. On the upside, it is guaranteed that your writing skills will improve during the process. Capella has received multiple types of accreditation. Please do your research prior to starting to make sure your education plan will support your future goals. Be proactive! Example: Certain adjustments to your course plan may be necessary to meet licensing requirements in your state. Licensing requirements are unique to each state and in constant flux. ... Read more

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    Wed Dec 30 2009

    I am considering Capella for a PhD so cannot comment on the school per se. I'd like to share my thoughts on the impact of attending various kinds of schools on employability. Do you agree or disagree, and why? BACKGROUND I have completed courses in the classroom and online. I have attended community colleges, completed a master's degree in a private tier 1 graduate school (4.0), and am an affiliate professor in a tier 1 graduate school. I have completed post-graduate work at Stanford University. I have worked internationally as a manager, executive and consultant in Fortune 200 companies; for a Bay Area tech firm; state, local, and federal government, and in the DOD and intelligence community. I've been a chief information officer, and currently make nearly $200K/yr. My salary doubled from what it used to be based mostly on adding the MS and on post-grad work at Stanford University to years of material accomplishments, or so I’m told. CONCLUSIONS I do NOT always agree with... Read more

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    Sat Dec 12 2009

    I am currently enrolled in the PhD psychology program at Capella. I have never taken a course in an online environment before. I can truthfully say at this point that Capella's training approach is more rigorous than land based reputable colleges and universities I have attended at both the graduate and undergraduate level. If you want to improve your writing skills, learn to interact critically with substantive information in your chosen field, develop a scholar-practitioner approach to learning, enjoy flexibility and saving travel time and money, like accessibility to professors, prefer the flexibility to research and explore areas of personal interest in your chosen field of study, want honest professional feedback and critique of your abilities and coursework, and enjoy frequent thought provoking interaction and discussion with other students regarding specific assignments and coursework then I would recommend Capella University without hesitation. In terms of cost I think ... Read more

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    Wed Dec 02 2009

    I obtained my Ph.D. from Capella in Psychology with a specialization in Family Psychology. I am already licensed to practice mental health counseling in the state of Florida. I can only say that my program journey was extremely rigorous and challenging while at the same time being enjoyable. I originally approached a well known B&M school here in Miami, FL about whether I could attend and also work since their 15k stipend for Ph.D. students could not pay my mortgage and feed 4 more mouths. With disdain and arrogance, they said, "Don't bother applying. We are not interested in you!" I could not believe how Neanderthal these traditional academicians were. I am thankful for my time at Capella. I was able to have an incredible mentor and dissertation chairman and also learn under a Family Therapist that has sat under most of the great names in that field and had 30 years or more experience as a professional. I felt validated, supported, affirmed, cheered on, and caught the excitement and ... Read more

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    Wed Dec 02 2009

    If anyone is interested, I completed my BS in Information Technologies there in 2005 and will be completing my MBA there this month. First the short info: they are fully accredited and have a few that some of the smaller B&M schools have yet to achieve, it isn't easy don't fool yourself, DO NOT fall behind in a masters course - you'll never catch up. Most of the true negative reviews here mention the financial aid office and I'd have to agree with them on that. However I never used financial aid at any of the other B&M schools I've attended so I have no point of comparison, I just find them tough to deal with. Cost - it is friggin' expensive, but so are B&M schools. One of the things I like about Capella though is the other students. I'm taking courses with heads of major companies and top ranking officers in the military. You just wont get that at your local college. Back in 03' when I started this path I looked at every option I had including all the local universities an... Read more

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    Wed Nov 25 2009

    I think it's a good school. If you want to read a review I wrote of it go to: line_mba_review_capella_university.html?cat=4

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    Sun Nov 22 2009

    I attended a traditional Ed.D. program in Education for a year, prior to transferring to Capella's Ph.D. program in Education. I found Capella's program to be informative and rigorous. After completing my Ph.D. with Capella, I was offered several full faculty positions at highly regarded universities. I was nervous that traditional schools would misperceive the quality of Capella's program, but I am happy to say that most of them positively regarded my online experience as they are attempting to use more distance learning themselves.

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    Tue Oct 20 2009

    I have been a PhD student at Capella for almost a year. I have had some great professors and have learned a great deal that I can apply in the workplace. As a matter of fact, when I was preparing for the Texas Administrator's test, I was able to use the knowledge I gained while attending Capella. Although the classes are informative, and the learning is good, there are some downfalls. One of the biggest ones is the amount you have to pay. In order to receive your PhD, you have to attend three residencies. These are not part of your $4485 tuition every ten weeks. Therefore, you have to pay your $1485 for each residency, $500 (approximately) for the hotel, $500 (approximately) for flight fee. I am a single mother who is trying to get ahead by earning a PhD, so I can give my children a better life. However, it is hard to make ends meet when you are worried about how you are going to cover the bills while knowing that you have to attend another residency. Besides the residencies, I have... Read more

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    Fri Oct 02 2009

    Here is my two cents worth. I am deciding on whether going to a brick and mortar or online school makes much difference. In my line of work where I live I do not think it does. I have worked in a clinical mental health agency for five years(10 years of experience in mental health all together) and here is the breakdown of all the workers Regional director(highest degree in our company)-Liberty University online master's degree(licensed) Clinical director-satellite courses through Radford-just needs test to attain a license in social work counselors-all master's level University of Va(plus 25 years of experience)-no chance of advancement with this one-no licenser Radford University-for her there is only a chance for advancement because she is getting her licenser(just needs the test)-she got treated awful before this Director for TDT- a brick and mortar school-only got position due to licenser readiness So in my company get licensed. It does not matter what school you go to here... Read more

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    Thu Sep 17 2009

    Sounds like a recent reviewer (mabby) needs to do some anger management work. FYI I have helped a half dozen "Capella" students finish their thesis and graduate, so I DO know something about Capella, although not from the vantage point of a student. You might also note that 50% of PhD students fail to finish the thesis because the process is so overwhelming. I am willing to wage that the non-completion rate is higher for Capella (or any distance education)students. But I am sure you know that since you are a self-proclaimed genius and ... oh yeah, the 1986 Scripps National Spelling Bee winner ... LOL

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    Tue Sep 15 2009

    I am a first year undergraduate at Capella University. I am currently taking my first class and so far I'm very pleased with how quickly, efficiently, and easy the whole process was for me to get enrolled and started. After researching for most of the summer, I was pleasantly surprised with all of the positive reviews for this school. It does seem students studying for their MA or phd seem to dislike Capella, but undergrads are pleased with the school. So far the expectations of Capella students have a healthy balance of challenging and achievable. If you dedicate yourself to reading everything that the professor writes, and if you follow directions well, you shouldn't have a problem. Out of almost 30 students in my class, only a fraction of them have done what was required. Either the other students haven't reviewed the syllabus or they are still waiting for someone to knock on their door with a lecture hall packed in their briefcase. It's amazing to me how many students have go... Read more

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    Sun Sep 13 2009

    I attended Capella from 2003 until 2007 when I graduated with my Masters in Information Technology. I work full time as a network consultant and with my Masters I was able to start teaching online. After a little more then a year off I decided to go back to Capella and get my PhD in General Information Technology. I only did this after a lot of soul searching and assuring myself that it was the right thing to do. Capella gave me 48 credits for my previous course work which is max. I'm filling out the application for their $5000.00 grant and I've gotten the federal loan to pay for the first three quarters or until the end of the school year. OK, somethings to know about Capella. They have a great online classroom and I can't recall ever having a bad course. Some instructors were better then others but all were pretty top notch. Capella will put a bounty on you if you owe them money. They love their money but they have some of the best accreditations I have seen for any col... Read more

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    Mon Aug 10 2009

    Hi I have a few questions that maybe someone who has graduated from Capella U can answer. 1. I know Capella U is Accredited with the state of Minnesota but how does that translate to other states if you get a degree from them? 2. Are their degrees accepted everywhere? 3. What is the placement rate in jobs for graduates of their programs? Thanks,

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    Wed Jul 22 2009

    I’m a senior engineer at NASA with over 20 years of experience working on high tech stuff including Space Shuttle and satellites. I’ve got a B.S. in Electronics Engineering and a M.S. in System Engineering from Johns Hopkins University – a prestigious brick and mortar school. I have also completed PhD courses at Johns Hopkins, George Washington University, and the University of Maryland. My M.S. degree took me 3 painful years to complete that involved driving 100 miles round trip 2 – 3 nights per week. The worst part was dealing with all the stupid group projects with a bunch of strangers that I will never ever see again. I work in groups and teams every day in my job, and I don’t need any of that hassle while trying to earn a degree. Don’t get me wrong, I am thrilled with my M.S. degree, I just did not enjoy the logistics involved. I have taken several courses at Capella University towards the PhD in Organization and Management. Let me put it this way, at all the brick and mor... Read more

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    Wed Jul 08 2009

    For those of you who are going to Capella for the doctorate programs or are in the planning stage - beware! Capella is a rip-off! I completed my phd program while I lived in Florida and then relocated here in Kansas. When I attempted to apply for licensure here in Kansas, imagine my surprise when I was informed that Kansas does not recognize Capella University due to their residency requirement (no face to face with your professor)! I then contacted Florida's Board and they informed me of the same thing! As a matter of fact they went so far as to tell me that no state recognizes their program except Minnesota! I then contacted Capella and spoke with my advisor (whom I had for four years) and she told me "yes that's true." Why didn't you tell me this prior to my loss of $107,000? Of course if you want to do nothing but write books, then Capella is the place for you. But if your like me and want to counsel, then you're SOL!!! I can't believe this! Now in order for me to counsel h... Read more

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    Wed Jul 01 2009

    A little background - I have an associate's degree, two bachelor's degrees and a Master's - all from face-to-face (F2F) institutions and all summa cum laude. In the past, I have been enrolled in a face-to-face PhD program, which I left because of philosophical differences with the Graduate Department Chair. I am a straight-A student and scored over 700 on all components of my GRE and an 88 on the MAT. I started in the MBA program at Capella, then moved to the PhD because I could complete the PhD in nearly the same time (except the dissertation). I will finish the MBA after completing the doctorate. I chose Capella for its completely online format, flexibility, and reputation (from colleagues). I have found the online instruction to be more challenging than F2F settings because there is no "lurking" in the back of the room (so to speak) during class. Each student must participate by creating structured and well documented posts and responding to the same from other students. At ... Read more

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    Mon Jun 15 2009

    I am student at Capella. I have attended several other online acredited colleges (four) and have taken indepth looks at many ohters, and my experiance at Capella has by far exceeded that of the other online schools. I have also went to school on a college campus as well too. Capella offers a great quaility education. The staff has been amazingly helpful, and I am learning a lot. There have been no mix ups or mess ups with my financial aid etc... either. I am VERY impressed with the education I am getting at Capella. It by far exceeds the other online schools available. I myself have not had to look for a job yet, since I am not finished with my online degree, however, i know of several people in my community who went online to the University of Phoenix, and they had not trouble whatsoever getting jobs with their degrees.

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    Mon May 18 2009

    DON”T WASTE YOUR TIME AND MONEY! Horrible experience with the MBA program! The learner support team representatives were rude, unresponsive and told half-truths on more than one occasion. Each quarter I would contact then to make sure my financial aid package was progressing properly. I was told that everything was in order. However, there was always some unexplained delay to my financial aid processing. I also discovered that the representative failed to even document my calls. Moreover, they kept cutting my financial aid award. One quarter I didn’t do well because I couldn’t afford the course textbook. They refused to give me a book advance. By the tie I was able to buy the book, half the course was over and I was late for several assignments. I received a C for the course due to the delays from the financial aid department.