
Approval Rate: 41%

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    Thu Jun 30 2011

    The men & women are very different in this one. I've had lots of male cancer buddies. "Still waters run deep" applies to some. They're usually attached to their homes & keep them neater than your average bachelor. The women tend to be crabby.

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    Mon Feb 01 2010

    I myself am a cancer so I feel a bit obligated to at least put a decent score of ourselves up but...Well. We are ruled by the moon. Some loves us some hate us. We are capricious, changeable and rather malleable at times and then others we are stubborn to the point of stupidity. We have a sense for the "important things" but that can also prove to be a terrible double edged sword as we have a trouble not taking things too seriously because of it. It's easy for us to get self absorbed, though personally I think it's less us being self absorbed but more of us being....caught up in our own dreams so much that we can't focus on anything else. Empathy is great but we can take it too far too. I'd say we are as decent as anybody else but very prone to be a bit otherworldly and off compared to a lot of others. As for being domestic...true to a devastating degree :[ When your girlfriend tells you that you'd make an excellent house-husband how exactly do you take it? My reaction was nervous laugh... Read more

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    Thu Jul 30 2009

    I hear I am crazy a lot lol. Since I think and feel different than the "masses", I am misunderstood. If something insults me to the point where I nag or cry. I tend to go inside myself and later on it never bothers me again. This makes people think I am nuts lol. What I never get credit for is being strong. Someone dies, I get emotionally hurt or I have a setback, I sort it out and build an immunity. My strength is the source of my looking insane. I never forget anything, that doesn't mean it hurts anymore. I can kind of see why, one day something really bothers me. I build an immunity while others find a way to be compassionate, they try to comfort me about it and I don't care anymore. I am easily hurt because I always know what people really mean. It can not be hidden. For example, if my lover says "Is that what you did all day?".. I know he meant "Didn't you do anything all day? You are lazy and that was a stupid way to waste a day". People deny that I knew what they meant. But wi... Read more

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    Thu Jul 09 2009

    I agree, as a Cancer, we can be moody, clingy, and abit slight unpredictable. As for cold, and selfish? I like to think, that I am the exact oppisite of that.

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    Sun Dec 14 2008

    :P Cancers...can be.....difficult. I'm a pisces (the ultimate compatible sign with the cancer) and we've been together for 1 yr and 2 months. Now, I'm not saying cancers are absolutely terrible, because they're not! Most of my best friends are cancer and I love them to death. And cancers are DEFINETELY  not boring! But, my cancer has a problem with over reacting, over sensitivity, abd anger issues. And being a pisces is a very hard thing for me, because I'm very senstitive and easily hurt, and well he has a problem with insults...I love him to death, but he's so-gr! My only beef with cancers is how sensitive they are, it can get really hurtful at time, and their crazy mood swings drive me nuts. DX

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    Wed Feb 27 2008

    Cancer sign members don't know how to drive. They are large and frequent purchasers of shoes.

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    Wed Feb 27 2008

    good cancers can be lots of fun and great friend.  they have a magic that noone else has.cancers and drugs are a really bad combination.  it is a slippery slope that they never escape from especially since cancers lean towards depression during their mood swings.

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    Wed Feb 27 2008

    The official zodiac sign of Grizzly Chewing Tobacco. Those born during this early summer sign all have a tendency to frequent RIA to post reviews about the grizz.. as in "Cain't beat the mighty Grizz"..For some reason, Cancers, all of whom post on this website about grizz only come in two types: Type A are run of the mill high school hicks and Type B appear to be none other than Pap Finn from Huckleberry Finn wannabees...

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    Wed Sep 12 2007

    There's alot of things I find worng with Cancer but I love those wrong thiings there so wild crazy and rude and even thu that's bad I find it entertaining!

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    Fri Jun 01 2007

    Females are Mother Hens.  Always seem to know what's best for you, but that's only because their lives are so screwed they need to focus their attention elsewhere.  They will take a lot of abuse and are VERY hard to get rid of.  They more rejection they take, the more they want to come back and fix you.  Cancer men only want a woman with a lot of money in the bank... they could care less about much else.  Moody drunks... stay away if you don't want a fist in your wall.  They use the excuse of drinking to do something stupid, otherwise, they aren't very fun to hang out with.

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    Thu Jan 04 2007

    Hmm...Cancers. We`re the most well-intentioned of all the signs. We could never mean anybody harm, and even if we thought we did for a second, we`d soon find that our emotional and momentarily upset and revengeful mind tricked us into this. I`m a cancer sun, leo moon, and that makes me incredibly sensitive. As a cancer sun I`m already sensitive, but imagine how much more sensitive it gets when your moon sign of vulnerability is in Leo--the most easily slighted of all signs--along with Cancer--b/c they take everything personally! (Please note I do not mean SUN sign I mean sign of the in not a particular person)..I`ll finish l8er.

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    Fri Nov 04 2005

    I am also a cancer. I like being a cancer when I am in one of my good They say cancers like to keep money for rainy days - well I'm still looking for mine. If you ever need a friend a cancer person is definatly one to have. They are very loyal and know whats wrong before you can even say a word.

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    Fri Aug 05 2005

    Well, my Mom, my daughter, my grandmother, my cousin and my Mother-in-Law.......all Cancers. And they are some of the best people I've ever met. So it is insulting to hear someone be so judgemental and negative about their sign. So they have flaws.....who doesn't?

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    Sun Jul 17 2005

    Crabs are more like sea urchins, you don't know where to grab them from without them pinching you. Very unapproachable and prejudiced. The only opinion they see is their own. They are VERY cliquish and like to be the mother hen of the group. They can be mean yet expect others to understand them when something bad happens to them. Their patriotism is unparralled. They make great cooks though. My mom's a Cancer and she's great!

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    Mon Feb 07 2005

    URGH!! DO SHUT UP!! I think your shell is cutting off the circulation to your brain!! I hate cancers! So clingy.. needy.. and BORING! .;; Not to mention your all too frequent mood swings. Ultimate zodiac sign.. heh.. dont make me laugh. My dad is so overly home-orientated that he wont even leave the house.. not even to WORK! Hmm.. *thinks* ok maybe I have issues.. err.. sorry for being biased.. some of you can be ok.. ish..

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    Sat Jan 15 2005

    Being a cancer rocks! This is somebody who is very home-oriented, and cares about the family a lot! I love it!

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    Sat Jan 08 2005

    The ultimate Zodiac sign, say no more!!!

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    Tue Oct 19 2004

    When I was a kid and I found out about the Zodiac, I thought that being a cancer ment I was going to get cancer. I was scared sick for like two days untill I finally told my mom what was wrong.

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    Wed Sep 15 2004

    Cancers just understand people better and are more in tune to their and other's emotions.

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    Fri Aug 06 2004

    Cancers (being one myself) fit all the traits the others have wrote about. It is totally freaky how true this zodiac really is, both with the good and the less than desirable traits....I however, have never met a cancer I did not like. It took me a long time to realize this (being in my head quite a bit) but cancers think, feel and speak a different language than all others. At times cancers' ego fools them in thinking that this is not so..and that can bring a lot of confusion into their world...It takes a very long time for them to realize their is not a bad thing...actually it is quite cool, and once they understand it is ok, once they accept that, things can be quite a bit easier. Usually getting to know another cancer really well can be helpful in understanding themselves more. Cancers see past the shallow and focus on what is important (a little too much at times actually) We can be amazing at being self-aware and totally inept at the people and things around u... Read more

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    Mon Jun 07 2004

    i know a lot of cancers and you better stay away from them. Usually i noticed every cancer has some kind of tics, and they are weird in general. Males tend to be feminine and women the opposite. Plus they are too weak in my opinion.

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    Tue Apr 13 2004

    i am a cancer and i really like it because i wouldnt want to be any other sign. cancers are very nurturing and loving. there is the downfall of worrying too much and gettng too clingy but, i think thats better than someone who is unemotional and cutoff from their feelings.

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    Tue Mar 02 2004

    I like cancers. They make me feel warm and fuzzy and stupid alot of times when I am acting dumb and shallow. Which is alot of times.

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    Mon Jan 12 2004

    The sign you identify with home and family. Cancers do not like to be left alone so do tend to be clingy.

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    Thu Oct 23 2003

    Being a Cancer myself, how could I give this sign anything other than a 5 star rating? I agree with both Janey and Kyes' comments about Cancers. Cancer women may appear hard on the outside but are often soft on the inside. Cancers love to laugh, though they do not tend to be the life of the party. But what sucks about being a Cancer-at least for me-is being hypersensitive and prone to depression. Also I have to avoid sad movies, or I end up bawling and making an exhibition of myself.

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    Sat Sep 06 2003

    I don't believe in astrology much at all, but since my husband seems to fit the "stereotypical" Cancer profile, here's what I think: he was very reserved at first. He always looked mad, and he had a very cold exterior. But, once I got to really know him, he was VERY (perhaps even overly) sensitive; though he might not care for strangers at all, he cares a lot about the few people he loves. He can be a bit on the moody side, but it's good to know that he cares. Cancers are often described as "domestic" beings, and I can kind of see why--he was perfectly ready to settle down and commit to a long-term relationship. He's the only Cancer I know, but if they're all like he is, I wish I knew more of 'em.

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    Wed Aug 27 2003

    Cancer is probably my 3rd favorite sign, as these people are so down to earth and loving. I can't thing of one bad trait. I guess maybe sometimes they tend to get too sad on occasion.

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    Mon Jun 30 2003

    Cancers are ok - leave me a little cold, but they're pleasant enough. I like that they try to get along with everyone, but their feelings get hurt a little too easy. They like to laugh, they just don't ever want to be laughed at. They often have weight / health issues. Very nice people, if a little stand-offish.

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    Mon May 26 2003

    The most caring of all the zodiac!

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    Tue May 13 2003

    As a cancer I have to admit, that we are moody, not self-assure, jealous and running away of conflicts . But..... Cancer is the most tender, gentle, caring, loyal, relaxing, understandable sign. What else? Cancer mail is a perfect man- he knows how to support his spose, he is a good listener, he is a great lover ( that's what my female friends tell) because he's enjoying only when his mate is enjoying. This unique talent of making people happy usually cost to cancer a lot of effort, but when he sees smile on his girlfriend/wife/child face he gets his energies back.

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    Tue Mar 04 2003

    If I could be born under any sign I think I would choose Saggitarius; despite it all I am a Cancer. The problem is that I cannot let go of what I know I should let go of, leaving me to exist in a world far behind the one I reside in. Come visit my website at for more info. Good night. JD.

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    Sun Feb 23 2003

    ok, Although my sun sign is in Capricorn. Both my asc. and moon signs are in Cancer. I show alot of both traits.. So it would be crazy if I didn't vote for each of them!

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    Fri Oct 05 2001

    My horoscope keeps telling me I'm going to be romantically involved with a Cancerian. I hope that's not a prophecy; only Cancerian I know of is a 54-year-old rock star. Cancerians are ruled by the moon. They are inuitive, artistic, and tend to love home and family life. Sure, they can be hard to get along with, but that is only because Cancerians are emotional, but they are allergic to pity. They feel they have to hide thier easy-to-hurt feelings. Cancerians can sometimes be selfish, because they like to dwell on their own dreams, but they have a hard time facing reality. Overall, I'd say the typical Cancerian is a prety cool person.

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    Sun Sep 09 2001

    Good qualities: Nurturing, sensitive, faithful Bad qualities: Clingy, dramatic, hypochondriac Best careers: care giver, parent, singer Famous Cancerians: Yul Brynner,Helen Keller, Gerald Ford, Kris Kristofferson

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    Thu Aug 16 2001

    of course i must rate cancers high as i am one. and just about everything janey lane says hits the nail on the head - at least for me. though i tend to take criticism heavily, fortunately i'm very introverted (as cancers also tend to be) and keep quiet as i struggle to put constructive criticism to good use (unless it's from my parents). i always have trouble with confrontations. but it's true, i am definitely a hopeless daydreamer. i can often deem a person untrustworthy or flakey long before my friends do, and always take criticism for my scorn (until they see it, too). and i tend to prefer very small, intimate crowds to big crowds....but as cancers tend to be unsure of ourselves, i can never give warnings or advice with any hope of persuasion.

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    Sat Aug 04 2001

    The Cancer is caring, protective and domestic. But they can also be very sensitive and can get jealous and moody and don't take critisism very well. However they are very good at fantasizing and not many could be as funny as they are. The Cancer has an incredible intuition but are known to sometimes use it to manipulate and control. They can get upset about details and get worked up for no reason. Then they say things they'll later regret. The Cancer want to be in charge and make others depend on them. However they also want to protect everyone they care about and are good at comforting. Maybe that's why Cancers are so emotional. Tears, laughter, screams and hugs go arm in arm in an impressive speed. They are stubborn and don't give in, but keep going on and on about the same thing over and over. They want to own others but don't want others to own them. Some famous Cancers are: Rembrandt, Henry VIII, Julius Caesar, Louis Armstrong, Ingmar Bergman, Ernest Hemingway, Rose Kennedy and R... Read more