Camel No.9 Menthe
Approval Rate: 77%
Reviews 0
by kristenreynold_s
Sat Oct 17 2009I would die for these cigarettes. I've been smoking them for about a year now, and they're awesome!
by kelly04
Tue Sep 29 2009I love this light cigarette & i love the menthol taste. Its not all strong and knappy like marlboro is. yay for Camel No. 9 Menthe
by islanders12
Tue Sep 29 2009I totally love the cigarettes. They taste amazing and yes, their light. I believe it'd be better for all of us to enjoy a lighter cigarette anyway! The Menthol is totally noticeable but isn't as strong as camel menthol. However i believe Camel's idea was to make these a smooth, light cigarette for everyone. I wouldn't recommended for heavy heavy smokers but its simply amazing for occasional smokers like myself. Also, if your looking to quit smoking or possibly want to trim down a bit on your daily nicotine intake, these are a great way to go. I would rather smoke these and have a lungs a few more years then purchase a stronger cigarette lol I Completely *Recommend* to anyway who is willing to enjoy a smooth cigarette. Go Camel!!!!
by camelfan4ever
Tue Sep 29 2009I have tried many many brands of cigarettes and nothing compares to Camel No. 9 Menthe. Their so different and so smooth you wont regret it. Its a light cigarette which probably explains the white filter but even for heavy smokers you'll enjoy the taste & the satisfaction that Camel No. 9 will bring you. Yes i have tried the regular Camel No. 9 and they too taste the same except for the menthol taste. 500% recommend. Camel fan for life right here :)
by kimmyann05
Tue Sep 29 2009I believe this is a great cigarette for those who actually enjoy a cigarette instead of inhaling the whole thing down for a buzz! If your one to enjoy smoking then buy Camel No.9....its a must!
by yummy4life
Tue Sep 29 2009I have been smoking Camel for a few years now and i have got to say that Camel No. 09 Menthe is the best i've tried. Its light, its smooth and the packaging is also slick. Must buy for anyone.
by bigdaddy0412
Tue Sep 29 2009I am a trucker who used to smoke a whole lot of Camel lights menthol. I stopped at a gas station and they were out of my usual brand so i tried the Camel No. 9 Menthe. I love them. Must buy.
by camel1985
Tue Sep 29 2009Would recommend to anyway. You'll love this light cigarette and you'll love the taste. Camel is better then the others and Camel No. 9 Menthe will prove it.
by stressguy12
Tue Sep 29 2009If you want to relieve some stress and enjoy a cigarette then try Camel No. 9 Menthe or regular. Their amazing and the menthe will hit the spot. Trust me!
by stevenhartley8_4
Tue Sep 29 2009I love the menthol taste & and really really love how smooth it taste's as well. I recommend Camel No. 9 Menthe to anyway!!
by tastetobacco
Tue Sep 29 2009Camel No. 9 Menthe taste sooooo good that their totally worth dying for ;) Love the smooth taste & you will too!
by bigpappa
Tue Sep 29 2009Yes i am a guy, however the packaging & the taste is to good to pass up. 5 stars for Camel No. 9 Menthe
by joey18
Tue Sep 29 2009Great menthol taste and great price. I love me some camel no. 9 menthe.......and yes i'm a guy :)
by tobaccopleasur_e
Tue Sep 29 2009Lets just say that Camel No. 9 and Camel No. 9 Menthe are really a "Pleasure To Burn" :)
by mikysmith
Tue Sep 29 2009I love the smooth menthol taste. Camel No. 9 fan here
by rockyroad31
Tue Sep 29 2009Gatta love the smooth taste of Camel No. 9 Menthe
by camelstyle
Tue Sep 29 2009Tobacco at its best! I too agree, 5 stars!!
by joecamel12
Tue Sep 29 2009These are all i buy! 100% recommend
by hellowmammam
Tue Sep 29 20095 starts & a must buy!
by cannonjenni
Sun Aug 09 2009i started smokin these several months ago when the cost of cigs went sky high...i prefer virginia slim menthol but 4 the price these are really good...will keep buyin and suggest 2 others
by robert_l
Fri Aug 07 2009Wow... I don't really know how to explain these... They are pretty bad. The menthol is hardly noticeable, and the mix of tastes is shitty. Too light as well.
by nitrogentsrh
Sun Jul 19 2009These cigarettes are only OK. I got a two pack special down at the gas station and I thought I would try them out. The box is very appealing, but they are way too light for me. I don't know if the fact that the filter isn't orange but white means that these are lights or not, you never know with camels, but they definitely taste like lights to me, I have to inhale an entire breath just to recieve any effect whatsoever. I would recommend these as lights, but if you are looking for a true menthol cigarette, Newports or Kools are the way to go.
by cuddles21
Thu Mar 05 2009they r great to smoke and when u feel sad or mad and so on just take a smoke of camel no.9 menthe like i do.
by dominionxp
Mon Mar 02 2009I just don't get some of you people. These are like the weakest things you can buy, the menthol flavor is not even notiacble. These are garbage, and they're so weak. Start smoking something that will actually give you nicotine, Newport 100s
by tsol82
Tue Nov 25 2008I only smoke Clove cigarettes for years now. I enjoy the taste and the buzz i get from them. I don't like any other cigaretts cus they taste nasty but my neighbor gave me free pack of no. 9 and i had to say that i really liked them. if fact when i finish this pack i'm gonna buy another back. haha
by kelthomas
Tue Nov 18 2008Camel no. 9's are just the way to go. I don't think they're 'lights' honestly, they're perfect. fulfill you're craving and don't smell as bad as other cigarettes. menthols aren't my favorite but I can deal with these
by jenou7d7
Tue Nov 18 2008These cigarettes are very disappointing. You first see the stylish pack and the bright pink wrapping foil and you think to yourself "This is gonna be nice." Then you light up and the taste of low grade tobacco and weak menthol hit your palette. They satisfy your cravings, but that is just about all they're good for. A 1/5
by gct8142
Tue Oct 21 2008Amazing cig's. I'm a guy and they are all that i smoke. I have smoked since i was 15 unfortunantly and smoked newports or kools since then. I was looking for something different and my sister gave me a Camel no. 9 menthe... Been smoking them ever since. I was 16, am now 18. I have no interst in changing. They are almost always Buy One Get One free! Another amazing thing.
by stedlund
Mon Sep 29 2008not that bad, something is kind of off about them.
by allstar87
Tue Sep 09 2008these things are so nasty. it doesnt even taste like real menthol. dont even bother buying these if they are on sale. not worth the money.
by wearyknight
Thu Jul 03 2008Very light, but not unpleasant....not harsh at all.....need take a bigger draw on them, to get even halfway close to full flavor....a good reason to wean off cigs all together.....ya do get the nicotine fix, though....diehard smokers might do better to not even light one....then again, withdrawal ain't pretty...
by bkod0476
Mon Jun 23 2008These are gross. Why would you want to spend money on this crap. You people have no idea what you are smoking and HELLO it is MENTHE that is VERY VERY VERY VERY bad for your body it is stupid to buy these. These ciggrettes are for girls cause they are targeting them with the colors and says its light. As I speak Camel is testing these ciggrettes on monkeys, dogs, cats, and african people that live in Africa. I would never buy this in my life cause I am against corporate tobacco and I am glad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by anticore
Sun Apr 27 2008I can see how hardcore menthol smokers would not like it. But for me who normally smokes higher end cigarettes these were a nice change up. Mint flavor with a hint of vanilla and something else. It had overtones of what I would describe as a chocolate covered cherry, that ended in a smooth toffee note, the mint didn't stand out strong so a person who doesn't like the heavy menthol feel might enjoy these a lot. These are not for the blue collar chain smoker. These smokes have character and are for the most part a novelty. I would buy these again.
by zappyisfun
Thu Apr 17 2008i purchased these because i was out of cigs and needed abuy 1 get one for me and my girl. i thought hmm i'll try em. FREAKING WASTE OF MY 7 DOLLARS. when you smoke one you dont even know if your sucking on the damn tip it's so light. and you dont know if your inhaling or not u just cant feel it. they have a pretty good after taste but thats the only good thing about these. i went threw 5 of them in about 10 minutes they are so light and small. im use to harsh menthol 100's so i geuss that's why i cant taste them. overall they are bad cigs. AVOID!
by sufe70
Sat Mar 29 2008Garbage. As a menthol smoker(kools & Marlboro Menthol) for 15 years. I to tried these as they were a buy one get one free. I smoked camel filters for years before switching to menthol so I thought they should be good. They suck. And they stink.They have a faint smell of a cigar as well as a taste of a cigar.That will draw in the woman.... They have no taste of menthol. Maybe thats why they spell it menthe and not menthol.... These are one of the worst tasting ciggs I have ever smoked. Total garbage.
by zyzzy22
Tue Mar 11 2008i have a theory that these cigs were put out on the market for young poor women in order to weed out the pack... like viagra on old guys... these things make me hack up a lung. what do they put in these?! 1 pack = 30 days shaved off of my life expectancy. score 1 for the tobacco company. bastards. lawl.
by jtown093
Sat Feb 16 2008these cigarettes sucked nutsack, sweaty sweaty nustack. i got them because they were buy 1 get 1 free, i would have been happier with one pack of BASICS, thats how bad they were, oh and you people suck too. newports, marlboro red, camel turkish jade, and marlboro 72's are the way to go p.s. suck my balls
by grizzlydipper
Fri Feb 15 2008awesome cigs
by tomdelayfornow
Mon Feb 11 2008The black pack with the green outline is menthol with a hint of vanilla. Excellent taste!
by coughcoughcanc_ersticks
Tue Feb 05 2008my friend threw away a whole carton of these. the fucker should've given them to me. i like them. they're really chill tasting and provide a very nice buzz. the first time i smoked one i was like DUDE what is this!? It's not my favorite, but it's a good one.
by drkseph
Thu Jan 03 2008Well they are chick smokes, and they don't do jack for me but they bring back memories of summer and freedom when I had my car and just started smoking. No. 9s were the first pack I ever bought. Bad smoke, good memories.
by jebril
Wed Sep 05 2007The box looks wicked.
by webcooler
Mon Sep 03 2007As a way to slowly cut back, I have been smoking Salem Ultra Lights after smoking Kools and Salems for years followed by Salem Lights. I was looking for something light, but possibly with more flavor. I had tried USA Gold Menthol Lights and Sonoma Menthol Lights (which both tasted about the same - made by the same company) and found them to be okay, but a bit stronger than I wanted. Camels and Marlboros have always been good, so I decided to see what they had in a light menthol. After researching on the internet, I decided to purchase a pack of the Camel No. 9 Menthe, noting that cigarette advertising and marketing towards women normally means a smooth, light cigarette that is not harsh or bitting. What caught my eye was to see them offered in the King Size 85MM box. I was pleasantly surprised at the taste and mildness of this cigarette. No harshness or aftertaste, just a smooth enjoyable smoke. Keep in mind, if you do not like light cigarettes or the taste of menthol (albeit l... Read more
by nova799123
Thu Jul 19 2007pretty good cig overall, but theyre for chicks
by copesnuffrules
Mon Jul 16 2007i'm 16 and i chew. i started to smoke after my gums got all tore up. my friend got me hooked on these. i did smoke newport but after i smoked these newports suck.
by drs0043
Mon Jul 02 2007i agree, i did tend to smoke a lot more when I had the no.9 menthe compared to when i had reg. camel menthol lights.
by lovexmeantxyou
Thu Jun 14 2007the only ones i smoke.
by isaacbaranov
Tue Jun 05 2007These are too light for me and they aren't as mentholated as I would like.... I feel like they could be compared to camel menthol ultra lights.
by xerinn
Sun Jun 03 2007Excellent. A Full Blend. Great aftertase, and genius style.
by lappse43
Wed May 02 2007the menthe no.9 are much better than the regular 9's in my opinion. but im a menthol smoker anway. i did enjoy the menthe 9's, but i hear they're bitch cigarettes. that kinda turns me off. but still are good.