Camel Filters

Approval Rate: 70%

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    Mon Jun 18 2012

    Bring back the old blend Camel.!!! These remastered are just plain awful and if they didn't make camel golds and non filter i wouldn't be a buyer.

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    Fri Jul 22 2011

    Camel Online - Good price and quality. P.S. 2% discount coupon code: 1b3d31ab9c

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    Tue Jun 28 2011

    Most of today’s top brands like Marlboro, Newport and Winston began their heyday in the 60’s and 70’s; the exception is Camel, which was a top brand well before the war when Chesterfield and Lucky Strike were best sellers, and this older heritage shows in the fuller, richer taste. They have a smooth buttery flavor with a touch of caramel/butterscotch sweetness. Burns somewhat slower than PM products, not as slow as Pall Mall. An enjoyable and satisfying cigarette, one of RJR’s best.

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    Thu Jun 23 2011

    A good quality cigarette very smooth

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    Sat Apr 16 2011

    not a bad cigarette. they're really isn't anything insulting about these cigs, but nothing really special about em either. they have a somewhat unique taste. i prefer the taste of these over the taste of Marlboro reds.

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    Mon Nov 29 2010

    I have been a smoker for 22 years and had never tried a Camel Filter until recently. I started many years ago on Winstons and smoked them until maybe 3 years ago when I switched to Marlboro Reds. Reds are very harsh and make me cough like crazy. So I decided to give Camels a shot since Winstons just don't do it for me anymore. From the first drag I knew I had found my new brand. These are the smoothest and easiest smoke I have ever had and I am a heavy smoker and I truly love these. I will only smoke Camel filters from this day on. I don't know anything about the change that took place years ago but I know now that RJR has brought me back. This is the first cig in a long time that I have found that is satisfying. LOVE THEM!!!

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    Sat Aug 07 2010

    Camel Filters are the only cigarettes I enjoy. I hate the taste of menthol and these are fabulous (:

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    Tue Jan 26 2010

    These cigarettes are ten times better than marlboro reds. Whenever I smoke a red I feel like im smoking cardboard. These are the best non menthol cigarettes I've ever tried

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    Mon Nov 16 2009

    Zero stars. The new camels are discusting. They taste and seem like gross generic ciggs. Every time I smoke one I get a headache. It's something about how it is set up to look like a "light" cigarette. the filter paper goes down way over the other paper and it's like waxy or something with too much ink. stomache ache and headache city. Stupid.

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    Thu Oct 01 2009

    good cigarettes strange feeling to em when you start off almost like a menthoal feeling without the flavor, kinda like marlboro no. 27 blend which i would reccomend over these somewhat....scratch that go with reds, theyve never let me down...but if you are the camel entheuziest, these are a great buy, note. i could givee 2 sh*ts how i spell online

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    Thu Sep 03 2009

    the closest cig i found to the old blend is Kamel Reds also RJR, they are a bit pricy and rare but very much worth it. they are the shit!!!

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    Sat Aug 08 2009

    I'm trying to quit smoking. I decided it would be easier to quit if I started smoking really nasty cigarettes. Camel filters are really doing the trick. I can't believe people smoke these because they LIKE them! Update: after smoking half a pack of these, my throat is killing me like never before and it feels like one of my lungs is collapsed. I'm NEVER smoking again, thanks to these.

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    Thu Jul 30 2009

    if marlboro reds not doing it for you this will make you happy.

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    Wed Jul 08 2009

    Not bad considering it's popular in America. Nice rich blend of american and turkish tobacco. However still not as good as the unfiltereds.

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    Tue Jun 23 2009

    Not very good. Really harsh and smelly, sometimes make me gag. Try Camel Turkish Gold. They are much, much better.

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    Mon Feb 23 2009

    Very earthy flavor. Less harsh than Reds.

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    Sun Feb 22 2009

    I have finally been eased up to Camel. And they aren't so bad, but I don't like them that much. I bought a pack of Camel 100's and it was certainly better than marb 100's. If you want a better tasting camel than buy camel wides, they are superior cigarettes.

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    Fri Feb 20 2009

    Favorite cigs ever!!! My #1 choice.

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    Wed Feb 11 2009

    Good cigarettes, I'm an occasional smoker but I really enjoy these. Great flavor and pleasurale smoke. Sometimes I can dedect a faint hint of gun-powder like flavor, weird I know but i enjoy them in combination to Swisher Sweets. Also, asa vocalist in a metal band, I've found that smoking a couple of these before a show helps my vocals as well. Good job Camel!

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    Thu Feb 05 2009

    I'm a young smoker and i always smoke newports..but Camel filters taste really good..and i enjoy smoking them

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    Sun Jan 18 2009

    Ive smoked Camel cigarettes for 30 plus years now, and let me say that I LOVE THE NEW BLEND!!! When I first started smokin' Camel, the cigarettes were great... great taste, great strength, easy draw etc...etc. Around 1998 Camel seemed to change. Change for the worse the cigarettes started to taste like warm garbage(walk by a dumpster on a hot day to see what I mean), and WAY TO SMOOTH(like breathing in warm air), and a horrible draw. I stopped smoking Camel Filters soon after, in about '98-'99. Once and awhile I would buy a pack to see if I was just buying some "BAD" packs, but NO every time I bought a pack and lit up I would gag and throw away 19 hand a half of 'em. So when I heard Camel was changing their blend I was happy but a little worried that it would be the same old same...But NO. THE NEW BLEND IS GREAT. It taste kinda like the Camels of the 70's and 80's. Sweet and ROBUST, and full bodied. The strength could still be stronger(it is a Full Flavored cig anyway right)...but at ... Read more

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    Sun Dec 28 2008

    I have been smoking Camel since 1978.I find that the brand quality has deteriated. When you get to about a third of the Camel, The hot ash just falls off either burning your shirt or your hand as you try to extinguish the hot tip preventing it from burning your cars carpet. I think its time for a change.

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    Tue Dec 23 2008

    The new blend of camel filters is realy nasty. Taste is stale and the experience i once had with camel is gone. I wont buy the new packs, I refuse. Winstons suck too. Also produced by RJ reynolds. All I ask is that camnel being back the original blend of filters. Re-brand if you like but bring them back. I will pay twice as much for them I dont care just bring them back in original non re-mastered form. The new smokes make me cough funny and dont pack the same smell or punch as the old style.

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    Thu Dec 04 2008

    i love camels the new blend is okay there decent but the old blend was really good im always changing brands because of cost mostly i've smoked doral,marboral,ace,pall malls,and others but camels r always the best in my opinion

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    Sat Nov 08 2008

    I have to change the oil and gas filters on my pickup  every so often.  Once in a while the air filter needs changing.  I wonder where the filters on on a camel?

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    Tue Oct 28 2008

    the new Camels are terrible. i smoked Winston Lights for a while after they changed them. i recently made a discovery of some sort. i saw that Pall Mall's are going for less than $2 a pack. i never liked them in the past but then i also noticed the box is now more rounded and wondered if they changed the tobacco. they taste very good and remind me exactly of the old Camel LIghts. i'm sticking with them for sure. did they take that tobacco and use it in the Pall Malls? note that both brands are from R.J. Reynolds. they even smell similar to the old Camel Lights. CHECK THEM OUT. i'd be very curious to hear someone else's take on this. there may be something to it.

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    Fri Oct 24 2008

    I love smoking cigarettes. I dont want to stop smoking but now that Camel changed its Camel Filter Soft Packs I have been unable to find a replacement. Every other cigarette I have tried including the "new" Camels makes me feel like I am hurting myself. Every cigarette on the market tastes to me like it is a light cigarette and makes my stomach hurt. I am rolling up cigarettes from the butts of the last several cartons of the old Camel Filters that I had. Each one of these that I smoke is deeply satisfying and makes my stomach feel fine.In fact after upsetting my stomach with some other cigarette smoking one of my buttrolls will actually calm down my upset stomach. I can no longer find any old Camel Filters and I am almost out of butts. I am getting very depressed. In the 70's i smoked Winstons. The old Winstons had a blue seal on the top of the pack.These cigarettes were deeply satisfying. In 1981 Winstons were changed and the new Winstons had a red seal. At that point what I went ... Read more

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    Tue Oct 14 2008

    I started smoking Marlboro Red but they were just a little too harsh for me. my throat always burned afterward and I couldn't ever get the smell off my fingers. Camel Filters are by far the best i have had yet. I look forward to everyone of them that I smoke. A plus side is my friends that don't smoke find the smell of them afterward to be less offensive.

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    Sun Oct 12 2008

    Camel filtes are the best ever

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    Sun Oct 05 2008

    By far the best Full flavor cigarette. Smooth and rich tobacco taste. It has become my main brand. If I want a change I'll smoke a pack of reds, which are good or smooths if  I have a cold. I give camel filters a 5. I once had the  old ones and I must say the new blend is the best! good thinking RJR

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    Sat Sep 13 2008

    Camels are still the best cigarette. they are cheaper than any other premium cigarette out there, plus they offer the most variety. The new blend is just as good as the old blend its just different and takes some getting used to. After a couple of packs you wont care. Besides what other cigarette tastes so much like a cigar.

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    Sat Aug 30 2008

    Camels are by far the best. I look forward to many years with RJR.

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    Tue Aug 19 2008

    I'm in the minority here - I actually like the new Camel Filter 99s. The pack is too trendy though and the blue Camel looks silly. But again, I really enjoy the smoke itself. I'll keep buying them

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    Wed Aug 13 2008

    I have a friend who used to work for Camel promoting them at bars. He said that they changed them because of a new "Fire Safe Cigarette" campaign. I thought he might not know what he was talking about. I was just at another blog, and a couple posters mentioned this. Looks like it's for real! Once again these Big Brother fucks have meddled in peoples affairs and have killed the best brand of cigs. The link to these fuckers website is here: Check it out. They have killed the Camel! Fucking cocksuckers!!!!!

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    Mon Aug 11 2008

    I have one had one of these Camel cigarettes. I thought the taste wasn't as harsh as the Marlboro Reds but for me I didn't get as big of a Nicotine buzz. I thought it was a good cigarette though.

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    Sun Aug 10 2008

    What the F? Camel Filters were my first love, and RJ Reynolds has killed my baby. The purple ring and overall color scheme of the packs disgust me. They produce awful headaches and taste worse than a Marlboro Red-- something I never thought I would here myself say. Though I could never support the dirty, mold-tasting marlboros, I will not smoke another Camel until they bring back the old formula. Sure these new ones burn for days, but at what cost? It only subjects one to a prolonged, agonizing experience. Eat S and die RJR!

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    Sat Aug 09 2008

    Had a pack of these in Europe, they were excellent, smooth going down and leaves a great taste in your mouth. Their probably different than the kind in america because everyones giving them bad ratings.

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    Wed Jul 16 2008

    24 year smoker of camel filters. New ones are disgusting ! WTF were they thinking ? Ex camel smoker !

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    Thu Jul 03 2008

    Been smoking Camel filters for years, but changed to Marlboro reds after they came out with the new blend. I can't stand it. I really hope they change back, they must be losing a lot of business.

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    Wed Jul 02 2008

    I can't believe they changed the Formula either(These were also my favorite). They are probably doing the "New Coke" approach. Once everyone complains about these Camels, RJ Reynolds will bring back the original Camels that everyone missed and make twice the profit. For everyone who misses the old Camels - buy Camel 99's. Same original formula,just longer. To conclude, the new Camel Filters aren't bad,but defintley not as good as the old.

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    Wed May 28 2008

    I have smoked Camel Filters for over 10 years. I tried the 'new' forumla and hated it instantly. I will not buy another pack of Camels until they change back to the Camels I love!

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    Wed May 28 2008

    Use to love camel...New Blend goes to lower standard than the cheapest smokes...

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    Mon May 12 2008

    Is this the New Coke all over again? Seems that a soda is alittle less expensive and personal as a cigarwtte that I have been smoking for 25 years. What fresh out of school brain came up with this one!... If RJ Reynolds would just look at the box to soft pack sales differance since the change, may sheld some light on the matter. Hard pack was first to phased out in my area. I even emailed them with my questions and concerns....yep like the rest of corprate America..they we oh What scares me... the new replacement has to be cheaper and much worse for ya..I just bought a Marlboro product instead..Think it is time to quit. After all I switched to Pepsi years ago, after pouring my new coke down the drain...but quit soda too. OK I'll have to become a corpa drone sheep I guess.

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    Wed Apr 30 2008

    whats up with these fake camel filters? on the box they say fiter camels.. but there being passed out as camel filters..this is not good ..the guys that work at the store dont know the differance,they all think they are te same but they are not!!!ive tried them and they are totaly different....remember when you buy..get camel filters not filter camels ...that is the diffeance..they need to change the name of the imposter camel filters to somthing else

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    Fri Apr 25 2008

    Total bullshit move, changing the blend. I've gotten into several arguments with retailers who say that nothing's different, as if they would know better than someone who's smoked the same brand of cigarette for twenty years. For all the trouble Camel's cost me, I'm switching to Winston. Fuck you, Camel. I hope RJR goes down in flames.

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    Mon Apr 21 2008

    I find the taste is awful, don't care about the burn. bring back the camel filters in the gold and yellow box or soft pack. Does new coke ring a bell with anyone?....