
Approval Rate: 80%

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    Mon May 30 2011

    It's my home and always will be so I am biased I admit. I prefer the southern part,although there are great places throughout.

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    Sat Jan 22 2011

    It really is a lot like Florida, but with dangerous smog levels. Violent crime is always out of control and it seems the people get more rude by the decade. And I for one get tired of all the Hollywood celebrities acting like they are relevant when it comes to politics. With the exception of Charles Heston. RIP Charles and God help us if they take away our guns...bastards. Go NRA!

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    Fri Nov 26 2010

    This review speaks strictly of the forested, non-san-fran northern California: if you can go without a nightlife, go here. the mountains, the bike shops, everything you hear about those wild rockies states applies to this PNW corner as well. things are naturally more expensive out west as one hears (excepting Pork and other meats) But this is a wonderfully down-to earth culture with sunsets 24 hours a day!(figuratively speaking of course). I almost wish I could stand being away from my family more, then I could live out here. San-Fran, by comparison is a tourist trap. Which admittedly would attrat some people. I'll go for Mount Shasta any day! I'm sure there is a nightlife buried somewhere in all the trees and deer, I just didn't try hard enough to find it.

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    Tue Nov 09 2010

    UPDATE: Great article: 6904575592612400443370.html?mod=WSJ_newsreel_opinio n Five stars for the top half, one star for the bottom half. That evens out to three stars. Yeah, lots of beautiful places. Then there are places such as Death Valley where the temperature can climb to 134 degrees. Full of fruits and nuts.

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    Sat Nov 28 2009

    I love CA! Lots of variety w/ different cultures everywhere, AWESOME weather, lots of places to have fun! Except the economy is a bit screwed up here, but who cares? :D

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    Fri Sep 04 2009

    i live here and i've enjoyed it..i think you have a lot of diversity in cali, esp. in climate and culture.

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    Mon Jul 06 2009

    California is just an ok place to me. I like Northern Cali much more than SoCal. The atmosphere up there is more laid back and less superficial. I really don't like all the smog in the state though or the earth shaking! All and all its an ok place.

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    Tue May 12 2009

    California is the best place in the world.

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    Mon Dec 15 2008

    How can one rate CA?  There's so much to it and so much variety. You want big cities, small towns, urban, suburban, rural, mountains, desert, ocean, lakes, industry, farms, entertainment?  CA has it all.   If you can't find it in CA, it probably doesn't exist.  It's a country within a country.   Everything you might want is there at your fingertips.  It's an exciting culture. When I lived there, I used to say "California is to the United States as the United States is to the world.".   I still think that sums it up a lot.  Bigger, faster, richer, more materialistic, more advanced, more sophisticated, more everything; good & bad. On the flip side, it's terribly crowded.   Plenty of crime, gangs, illegal aliens.  English language & white people have become a minority.  If you're into any shooting sports, forget Calif - it's one of the most anti-Second Amendment states in the country. I lived in Orange County 12 years, and go back for vacation visits annually.  Will probab... Read more

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    Fri Dec 05 2008

    I lived in California nine years as I was growing up.  I left there in 1974.  I'm never going back.

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    Thu Dec 04 2008

    While I can't speak for the entire state, I have visited LA and San Francisco.  LA, I liked more than I had planned on.  San Francisco is truly one of the world's great cities.  Even if the rest of the state were a total dump, the bay area would make up for it and then some.  Simply exquisite.

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    Thu Jul 17 2008

    I never wanted to live here (too many earthquakes, floods, fires, serial killers), but I used to LOVE visiting it. From my perspective, it is one of the most beautiful states in America, although I haven't been there since 9/11. As a kid, I went there with my parents and saw the conventional tourist attractions-- San Simeon, Universal Studios, the Redwood Forest, etc. Later, a friend of mine and his wife lived in various places throughout the state over the years, so I used to travel there as often as I could afford a plane ticket, crash at whatever place they were living in at the time (Pacific Palisades, La Jolla, San Diego, Valley Center, L.A., etc.), rent a car, and drive to all the "esoteric" places I wanted to. The graveyards in California are magnificent, although you might have some trouble seeing the gravesites you're interested in (despite the obstructionism of some of the people working at the cemeteries, I saw the graves of Humphrey Bogart, Sharon Tate, Bela Lugosi, Bugsy S... Read more

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    Thu Jul 17 2008

    Im sure the state is beautiful,  but its some of the whackos that live there that don't make it a favorite state of mine compared to others lol.  Not to mention the earth quakes

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    Thu Jul 17 2008

    Parts of California are as beautiful as anywhere I've been on earth.  Big Sur, the coast north of San Francisco Bay, the Mount Shasta area, are stunning, and the Bay area, particularly San Francisco is among the most intriguing urban areas on the continent.There are downsides, however.  LA is something of a wasteland (although there are some things worth finding there) and the San Joaquin Valley (or at least the part you can see from I5) is as boring a piece of real estate as the continent offers.

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    Thu Jun 12 2008

    my roots are in Santee, CA(suburb of san diego) I've only been around so cal. Beutifal area to live and I will return one day.

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    Tue Apr 29 2008

    I love California, no all parts of it equally, but Northern is the best. Climate and scenery, nice cities and peaceful countryside. Snow mountains at Tahoe and desert in Palm Springs. Even thou the land already gave to the people all hidden supplies of gold, it is still a Golden State.

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    Mon Nov 12 2007

    I love California! San Fran and San Diego are the shit. And you gotta love the Governator.

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    Sun Nov 11 2007

    i live there

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    Sun Oct 07 2007

    I rarely visit California.  Despite a wealth of natural attractions and beauty it is too, too crowded.  I can't enjoy Yosemite or Tahoe or the Redwoods when there are hundreds of  people all around.  Also, the weather is too dry in the summer.

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    Fri Sep 21 2007

    land of the low lows and beautiful ho's no greater place in the world

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    Fri Sep 21 2007

    If you leave California, you're a fool! The jobs are better and so is the weather!

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    Fri Aug 10 2007

    I don't like California, Traffic horrible and everbody who lives there seems to love.  If they love it soooo much why are they flocking to Texas! now we have ties to california which include bad traffic and high crime rates.  To get a house out thee you have to be a millionare.  The cities are sooo overated and there not that nice

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    Mon Jul 23 2007

    I have lived in CA nearly all my life and like any other state it has its pros and cons. But one thing we definitely have over most other states is VARIETY! CA has mountain ranges, deserts, beaches, forests. It can be 80 degrees at the beaches while just three hours away its 20 degrees and snowing if you prefer to ski or board. I noticed a lot of people commented on the massive amounts of immigrants. Well it's not a problem if you take it positively. Because of all these immigrants we can get thai food or a taco or ethiopian food. Sometimes all are on the same block. CA has the 7th largest economy in the world, so a lot of the money the US receives is from the state. I think a lot of the negative reviews are from people who were just travelling through and had a bad time or their attitudes are just bad. If you live here for any amount of time you would understand that. By the way, SF is one of the most beautiful cities I have seen in my lifetime.

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    Fri Jul 20 2007

    Dirty, Filthy, Dangerous, Full of illegal immigrants who don't respect America & don't attempt to learn English. Besides Beverly Hills, the beaches, & the food, it's disgustingly useless.

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    Thu Jun 21 2007

    California is one of my top 5 favorite states!

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    Wed Jun 20 2007

    UPDATE: Today's history lesson shows us that California was admitted as a state in 1850. The State had no electricity. The state had no water. The State had no money. Almost everyone spoke Spanish. There were gunfights in the streets. Basically, it was just like California today, except the women had real tits and the men didn't hold hands. ORIGINAL COMMENT: It used to be great--now it's Californicated! I hope it doesn't move too far East.

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    Tue Apr 03 2007

    It seems people either love or hate California and judge it based on one place Los Angeles.  Well I'm here to tell you that California is more than LA.  Like Oregon and Washington State it is a very diverse state from the people to the climate.  Northern California is night and day different from Southern California in terms culture and climate.  Not to many states where you can go from sunny beaches to snow within a couple of hours.  The climate is ideal for year round activities.  It doesn't get five stars due to poor air quality in most of its cities especially in Socal.

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    Mon Mar 26 2007

    The Golden State. Great place to visit, but expensive. been here since 1978 for frame of reference

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    Thu Feb 22 2007

    I visited California last year and I loved San Francisco and San Diego but I didn't  like Los Angeles. Way too much traffic and frankly the city isn’t very nice.

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    Sun Feb 11 2007

    It's all good in California. Los Angeles is the best in my opinion. San Francisco and San Diego are nice also. I think a lot of the attitudes stem from jealousy. There are certainly cities with MUCH worse smog such as Detroit.

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    Thu Feb 08 2007

    Too damned many people have moved here. It's absolutely ruined and devastated what used to be a lovely slice of paradise. Wish they'd all fly back to the midwest (or Mexico) and leave California to the natives. The rents and real estate here are abhorrent. Smog and pollution, trash and homelessness are out of control. Too many illegal aliens flooding the place from every direction and making it seem like a third world country, wrecking the schools and the hospitals. All the "nuts and flakes" are not real Californians, but wanna-be losers who have migrated here to try and be cool or Hollywood. Traffic congestion everywhere. Again, all of these problems can be traced back to the problem of TOO DAMNED MANY PEOPLE! I am a 4th generation California native and I cannot even afford a home here anymore. SAVE CALIFORNIA: WHEN YOU LEAVE TAKE SOMEONE WITH YOU!

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    Thu Oct 19 2006

    California: you have to know where to go; the state is HUGE! Personal favorite locations (honeymoon friendly): Santa Barbara, Cambria, Monterey, Solvang, Crescent City, Visalia (King's Canyon), Morro Bay, Lake Tahoe, Mendocino and... There are too many good ones! Definite things to see: the redwoods, Yosemite, Sequoia Nat'l Forest, Big Sur. Least favorite: theme parks in the south! I personally hate large crowds, so I tend to avoid the likes of Disneyland, Univ. Studios, and San Diego Zoo. Also, if you're thinking about living here, think again - housing prices are absolutely outrageous in CA and wages haven't kept up.

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    Fri Oct 06 2006

    Far too many people. California would deserve the rating it gets if there were 30 million fewer people there.

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    Fri Sep 22 2006

    The ocean and the waves here can't be beat. The sun shines all the time and the weather is mild. The thing that kills California is that the secret got out years ago. It is too overcrowded and unaffordable for most people, and that's the way they like it. They don't want people moving here. So unless you like renting a bedroom or living with your relatives the rest of your life, I wouldn't recommend it. If you don't mind living in a small cramed place with a bunch of people or paying enormous amounts for a 1 bedroom apartment, move here by all means. The job market pays decent here but not enough to ever buy a big house. If you are into surfing, outdoor barbeques, skydiving, snorkling, and outdoor malls, it's a very nice place to be.

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    Thu Jun 22 2006

    I grew up in California. During the 80's and early 90's it was the best place in the U.S.A to live. Now like any other fad, California has sunk with the rest of the U.S.A. There are millions of illegals from Mexico here which have infested both ends of the state with crime and desitution, making this place rather dirty. L.A & Hollywood are broken and dead with homeless people everywhere. The rich have sheltered themselves away on little hills and suburban gated communities to live in their illusions, while the shrinking middle-class struggles to keep their jobs and buy an old suburban home and find a safe school for their kids. Absolutely no money is put into the educational system here whatsoever! Textbooks are backwards and old, teachers are underpaid and programs are getting cut left and right. The weather is the only GREAT thing about California. Topography is nice, but not superb. California is now only a "lost dream." UPDATE: After living in the other states for t... Read more

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    Mon Apr 24 2006

    California means many things to many people. It leads the nation in traffic jams and earthquakes- has ultra left and ultra right people and even some in the middle. Sparkling, interesting cities that harbor great wealth and many poor. Sprinkled with equal parts of glamor and smog and populated by a mixture of sunbronzed beach lovers and eccentric night people. And seemingly focused on the triple nodes of Hollywood, Disneyland and the Golden Gate. Once a great place to live- with its benign climate, economic opportunites and outdoor recreational opportunities it has become very expensive. With housing that is the most the most pricey in the country, and an increasingly paranoid culture, separated by a deep chasm of those who have made it, and those who have not, and those in deep debt who think they have made it. A beauitiful state of diverse envirionments, with a wacky but compelling culture. But no longer a great place to live.

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    Tue Apr 04 2006

    I have been to California, up and down the coast, multiple times. I have had both pleasures and displeasures with my visit. Pleasures: Berkeley is nice, especially around the university. However, rather dirty with homeless people laying around on-campus. Palo Alto is pretty, and Stanford University if beautiful. The Pacific Coast Highway is super to go with the top down on your convertible. The Redwood Highway up by Crescent City, CA is gorgeous, but beware of awful wind currents on the northern coast and by Sonoma. Yosemite is an absolute charm, and you can get anything you want as far as the great outdoors when you go up to Tahoe or Yosemite. San Diego is nice, but exorbitantly expensive. You can't beat the weather. Fisherman's Wharf is nice, as well as the Golden Gate Bridge. Displeasures: San Francisco and Los Angeles are crowded and traffic-snarled. LA has an air quality problem that surpasses any other American city. LAX is not an airport I ever want to experience at the sec... Read more

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    Mon Mar 20 2006

    The weather is great, but the mentality there reminds me of the Battle of Dunkirk during World War II; everyone is just looking to get away the first chance they get. It's overpriced, too many illegals, sounds like a bad situation. I love San Diego though, but Los Angeles is scary.

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    Tue Feb 28 2006

    Remeber all your relatives that moved out of Chicago, NYC, and Philly to move to California? They used to brag about the weather and great lifestyle??? They and many other folks are getting out...and moving back east. California used to be paradise...not anymore.

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    Fri Feb 24 2006

    I've lived in California most of my life and it's an ok kinda state. There's lots to do and things to see. The climate is pleasant, but contrary to poplar belief it can get pretty cold during winter months. I also enjoy snow in the mountains, sandy beaches and redwood forrest. I happen to live in a desert community and the sunsets are breathtaking. There are things about California that I dislike. Too many illegal aliens, spanish is becoming the language of choice. Housing is not affordable and there are too many people. Traffic congestion is unbelievable and the people are somewhat plastic and kinda rude. There are too many gangs and too much crime. I've visited a few other states and I think I'll stick with California--"The Goldplated State".

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    Wed Feb 01 2006

    California defines the term "paradise lost". It was a great place for an American to start a new life once upon a time. Now uncontrolled immigration, smog, traffic, street gangs armed to the teeth, million dollar starter homes and the most hideous left wing politicians imaginable have made it a far less desirable place. I even wonder if it will be part of the United States by the middle of the 21st Century. The simple fact is, if you're looking for a place in the good old USA to start life anew, just about everywhere is booked up. It certainly is in California. Too bad, southern California is probably the most physically attractive place in the US, so for the moment still three stars. Like I said, paradise lost.

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    Sun Jan 15 2006

    I could write forever about California. I will try to sum it up. I lived in San Diego while in the Navy. I fell in love with San Diego and it's still one of my favorites. The only thing really wrong with it is that it helps to be bi-lingual and the cost of living is so bad that only the wealthy can truly enjoy it for what it has to offer. Mission Beach very tourist oriented, Imperial Beach kinda in between, La Jolla (The Jewel) is a very pretty area, and my fav. Ocean Beach is where most of the Alts. hang out, hippies and surfers n' such. I obtained some of the best weed I've ever had from that area. Nothing's better for watching beautiful sunsets or walking around downtown, or even going to the best zoo in the US. SD is an health fanatics paradise, as well the outdoorsy types. Most people without college degrees and even some with, have to have 2 or 3 jobs to support themselves, kinda defeats the point of living in paradise. The weather is perfect except during late winter, which ... Read more

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    Thu Jan 05 2006

    It is the greatest part of america hands down, getting abit crowded in parts but still lightyears ahead of any state in any way.... However Hawaii is an apple's to oranges tie. Nagging about Political views and LA(as bad as it may be, it is still far better place to put up with than any other city of its populace in the world) is mearly a testiment to how far people have to reach to find something tangibly wrong with California; People bitter with their own territory in life more often than not.

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    Fri Dec 23 2005

    California is a Huge and Diverse State...Their are Mountains,Hills,Valleys,Deserts, Beaches..Their are areas that Look and Feel like your in the Northwest,Midwest,Northeast,South,Southwest or other parts of the Continental U.S..Their are Hot Areas,Cold Areas,Cool Areas,Dry Areas,Rainy Areas,Foggy Areas,Humid Areas,Cloudy Areas,Sunny Areas...Their are Rich Areas,Poor Areas or in Between...Their are Very Safe Areas,Very Dangerous Areas or in Between...Their are Expensive Areas such as along the Coast or in or around the Larger Cities,but their are also More Affordable Areas such as in the Central Valley or in the Deserts... California also has Huge Cities,Small Cities,Big Towns,Small Towns,Densely Populated Areas,Sparsely Populated Areas,Clean and Beautiful Areas,Dirty and Ugly Areas or in Between...Their are areas that are Predominantly White,Black,Hispanic,Asian or all Mixed Together...California also has an Extremely Diverse Economy with a Great Variety of Entertainment... So what i... Read more

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    Tue Dec 06 2005

    A lot of people that are rating Cali obviously never lived there (which is probably a good thing). I used to live in San Diego and I was happy to move out. Southern California is full of traffic jams, underpaid labor, and overpriced housing. A small house here runs around $600k and an apartment runs anywhere from $1400 to $2200 a month, depending on how close you are to the water. The climate is probably the best part of living here as it is very mild. However, don't let the sunshine image fool you, it gets chilly in Dec. - Feb and sometimes drops down to the 30's at night. The waves here are second to none and the beautiful hills and valleys can't be beat. However, the traffic problem is enough to drive any sane man crazy. People out West speak in terms of minutes rather than miles. I worked 4 miles from where I worked and it took me 35 minutes to get to work. The people are very laid-back, which is nice, but some of them are very clicky and pretentious. San Diego is filled... Read more

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    Sat Nov 26 2005

    You cannot beat the weather in California- especially along the coast.Outdoors there is more to do then you can imagine. Great beaches, mountains, deserts, forests, skiing, great cities (Including San Fran) The most beautiful city in North America, and of course there is Tinsletown, etc etc. Incredible. However there is too much traffic in the urban areas, a sort of shallow culture, and high costs throughout most of the state- which make the quality of life questionable.

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    Wed Nov 16 2005

    The countryside and scenery is superb, expecially in the north and east. Too bad the place is so crowded and that so many of those are simply crazy. Good for comic relief, though.