Cablevision Optimum Online

Approval Rate: 43%

43%Approval ratio

Reviews 48

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    Mon Oct 03 2011

    after years of being over-charged by Cablevision I decided to switch to Verizon; I paid all my debts (?) to Cablevision but after only ONE MONTH they vindictively sent my name to a collection agency for a bogus fee; I believe that before long Cablevision will be forced to go the route of AT&T which, after they had gotten such a bad reputations, had to switch their name to Cingular for awhile; Cablevision is a shabby, vindictive company...

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    Sat Jul 23 2011

    THE ONLY THING OPTIMUM SEEMS TO OPTIMIZE IS PROBLEMS FOR THE CUSTOMER. Optimum just took over Bresnan cable, and they changed our service over without notifying us first or checking with us after words to see if our service was still working. It took calls 4 different times over 2 days to get our internet working again and our phone service back. Now they say we have to change our email. Problem is that my user at is not available on the at I am being forced to change that as well. Also if you want to use a router, you will have trouble connecting more than 1 computer to the internet. Out of 3 computers connected to my router only one has access to the internet. This also went from working fine with Bresnan to Not working in one fell swoop by OPTIMUM.

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    Sun Feb 27 2011

    The cablevision service is pathetic. Its internet service is suppose to give atleast 8mbps but what we have been getting is just 0.79 download and 0.69 upload speed. To report the problem is itself a problem. If you choose phone it will take forever (in my case it took 29 min) to get to speak with the real person and still did i get the solution?? NO. They tried blaming my router but after connecting my computer directly to the modem situation never changed. So then they fix an appointment for a week later. And all that while you are paying for the service. in a day I reset my modem atleast 18-19 times. I would not recommend cablevision to anyone. Beware!!!

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    Thu Jan 27 2011

    I currently have Verizon and am very happy with it, Cablevision "was in my area this week" and randomly stopped by as my fiance and I were getting ready to go out. The gentleman that stopped by was Howard Schreiber. He was relentless in trying to sell his product to my fiance, but we had to leave, so he finally allowed my fiance to go without slamming the door in his face after an appointment was scheduled for THURSDAY. On Wednesday, as my fiance was leaving to pick me up at work, in a BLIZZARD, he showed up again, and held up my fiance for another 10 minutes, again trying to sell his product. Finally, he let my fiance come pick me up at work, and said he would be back tomorrow for their scheduled appointment. My fiance called Verizon as we have everything through them, and absolutely love their customer service and everything about them, and they gave us an UNBELIEVABLE DEAL to keep our business. My fiance called Howard and told him that there was no need for him to come out in... Read more

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    Tue Jan 04 2011

    Called Corporate office to talk to sales person. The phone system is set up so that the caller MUST select either English or Spanish BEFORE the system will connect the call. Other corporate systems assume that this is primarily an English speaking country and if no selection is made the system defaults to English. Right on Cablevision.

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    Wed Oct 06 2010

    Freaking amateurs. I ordered Cablevision and my neighbor here in Brooklyn did the same. Not a single time did they come at the schedule time. When they come - they forgot to put in the phone and gave us the wrong cable box. Only the internet was installed correctly. Then the give you windows like 11-2pm but they always call that they'll be late. Then they sent a guy to take a quick look and tell that this is a special installation and he needs backup (even though it's not a special installation). The guy disappears and I have to spend an hour on the phone trying to find out what happens! The ONLY ONLY ONLY reason to use this company is if you have no other option. Once the installation is setup the speed and quality is fine. But prepare to loose your temper more than once even if you are normally a pretty easy guy!

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    Fri Jul 09 2010

    I've used Optimum Online for years and almost never have problems with it. When I do have an issue the customer service line is always free and available. The rates are high but the service is fast and reliable. I wouldn't switch and have recommended it to many friends.

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    Tue Jun 22 2010

    Cablevision are the highway robbers when it comes to tv, phone and internet service. Their sales practices are ilegal. I was promised free DVR, 2 free movie tickets every week, free calls to a country my mother in law calls and got nothing. When I spoke to a supervisor about the international calls to this country he said it was a sales agent error and I should basically suck it up. When I called back for the charge for the DVR I was told it was an agent error and should just return it or pay the $9.99 a month. And by the way, it was their error and now I have to take time from my day to drive to their office to return it. They just promise (or lie) all kinds of stuff to get your business then they blame it on agent error and you get nothing. I will wait until my promotion is over and bye bye cablevision.

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    Sun Apr 25 2010

    Cablevision SUCKS..... They have too many billing errors. Finally frustrated with these billing error every month I disconnected my service on 08/01/2009. I paid my last bill over phone in FULL. I paid the whole amount the customerservice representative told me. And then almost after one year on 04/23/2010 I received a notice from a debt collection agency saying I own Cablevision $105.00. I was shocked with this notice and called Cablevision for clarification. Where they told me that that was their systems fault and our representative gave me a wrong amount. My next question was.. then why didn't you send me a notice or final bill... Why was this reported to a debt collection agency???? They had no answer... Long story short....... my credit history has badly affected because of Cablevision's faulty billing system........ I will never recommend this service to anyone.

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    Thu Apr 15 2010

    I have been a customer for 15 years. When the triple play came out I joined up and the promotional rate seemed like a great deal. It has been less than a year since my one year promotional rate ended and my bill has increased over 75%. In addition I endured losing service with some of my favorite channels with no compensation while Cablevision negotiated new contracts and when I bought a new computer (MAC) I could no longer log on to the website to pay my bill as it was not compatible. I spent eons talking to technicians and also to the sales department to see what could be done. I also said that if nothing could be done then I would look elsewhere for service. They were not bothered by the idea of losing customers which says something about the company itself and where the priority is! (Profit over customer service) Well a timely advert from Verizon and positive feedback from friends and neighbors has won over my former loyalty to Cablevision. I will be getting more channels, faste... Read more

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    Tue Apr 06 2010

    I had Optimum TV and Internet for about a year and was relatively pleased with the service. It was 'ok', got the job done. Internet worked and i had TV to watch (I don't watch much TV anyway) when I wanted to and could record the shows I liked so i could watch them. Thats about the only good thing i can say about Optimum, their services worked, for about $95 a month. Now, on to the bad. Cablevision harassed me on the phone relentlessly to get me to sign up for their phone service. I'm not talking about once a month phone calls, I'm talking more than once a week! They still call me every couple days even though i am now a FIOS customer. Each person leads with the same line of "we can save you money" and (at first) I would always say "OK, how?" and each time they would explain how they can add a phone line to my home and my bill would be 100 a month. I would reply with "my bill is 95, and last time i checked 100 was more than 95, how does that save me money?" "Oh well for the e... Read more

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    Thu Mar 11 2010

    I very rarely write reviews on anything but I had to for Cablevision. I was a customer for 15 months and had the triple play. I have to say the customer service is absolutely outstanding! They are efficient, polite and extremely patient. Every time that I have spoken to any of their customer service peeps, I am truly on the end of the phone thinking 'whoever trained these people did a fantastic job'! So well done. Unfortunately I've moved over to the opposite coast and have to use Time Warner Cable now :(

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    Wed Mar 10 2010

    I would give it less than 1 star if that was an option. They are the only ones with problems with networks. They also have HORRIBLE costumer service! This past Sunday with the Oscar fiasco, cablevision allowed it's costumers to download movies for free. My friends and I tried to download for 4 + hours and couldn't! We've have plenty of problems with their services. Often times our DVR will freeze up and when we call, they say the same thing "unplug and restart." When we do that, we lose our DVRed shows that were being recorded! One time I was told that there was an update sent to all the boxes but some of them "didn't work," so I was told to restart the box. I am an IT person where I work and I could have figured that out on my own. My question was "why weren't we notified of the "update" because if we were, I would have made certain that it went through or needed some work?" Cablevision needs to stop thinking they are a better service provider than anyone else. I know th... Read more

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    Fri Mar 05 2010

    cablevision sucks, reduced services and increase fees. I switched to Verizon, those folks from Cablevision even came to my house asking me to switch back and they would pay for the penalty for me to cancel the services with Verizon. It turns out the monthly fees for Verizon is cheaper than Cablevision, and I have two digital converters and six regular converters for regular TVs. Bye Bye Cablevision.

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    Fri Mar 05 2010

    We are all getting screwed....If they can make a rocket ship go to the moon how can they not make smaller technology that works in every room. They tell me I get service for 3 TV' bill is high enough. I buy 3 brand new flat screen TVs in my first home. Come to realize I only get all my channels in one need to rent a big goofy box for every room. My TVs are up on the wall so there is no where to put these big goofy boxes. I realize that not only do I have to rent a box for every room but I have to buy an IR transmitter for every room...what a rip off...most people do not realize this until they have their cable installed (what could we do anyway, we are forced to buy expensive cable w all this bullshit or get no tv at all.) So now our cable bill will be really high and we don't have a choice. Amazing how we are getting screwed every minute everyday. They do this on purpose so you have to buy/rent all of this so they scam you for more money. Why can't they make... Read more

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    Wed Jan 20 2010

    Horrible Customer Service and many or too many errors in billing. Please do read your bill carefully and good luck trying to fix the error. HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE!!!

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    Sun Jan 03 2010

    Just got the new cable bill from optonline, it went up about $10 but they dropped the wife's favorite channel FOOD network which is one of my favorite channels as well. They made a big stink about FIOS not having News12 but I only use News 12 for traffic and Google has that information anyway. So why do I stay with Cablevision which feels like it can pull programming we signed up for at their pleasure? Why care about customers. I guess it's just like the FIOS commercial: Why care about customers"? They claim that they were fighting for us! The only reason I still use Cablevision is I that I have foolishly used the optonline email as my user account info for hundreds of on line accounts. Switching is a big task. Otherwise I would have FIOS guy over for their [very long] install next week. I will start to migrate all my accounts to gmail so I can dump optonline at my pleasure. It will be a pleasure. F-U Cablevision. I want to add to an earlier comment here, Optonline will do nothi... Read more

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    Sat Jan 02 2010

    Had Cablevision in Westchester, NY since it was TCI, (a smaller, now defunct company). Everything's gone downhill since the 90s. The past decade, our bandwidth has been cut in half due to newly subscribed customers (and shared optimum/Cablevision lines). I pay $95 for family cable and 2 stupid iO boxes. The repair man told us he would need to rip open walls to add new wiring to increase bandwidth. Some channels don't even have audio, others are without picture because of weak signal strength. We don't have enough bandwidth to run most of the HD channels, rendering the boxes useless... until they made major cuts to the basic family cable service. Now we NEED the boxes ($10 rental each per month) to view channels like MTV, VH1, E!, and even more mainstreem cable networks like TruTV. Our Lineup has been cut in half, they dropped Food and HGTV (out of their own cheap behavior, as they refused to pay Scripps a fair price to show their channels). They also pulled VOOM networks from... Read more

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    Fri Jan 01 2010

    They got rid of the best two channels HGTV and Food Network. That's right you can not watch HGTV or Food Network on Cablevision. I am definitely going to switch to another provider. Beware do not get cablevision!!!

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    Wed Dec 30 2009

    Well after hours of conversations and considerations of many options and variations of services I have decided to return to Cablevision Optimum Triple Play. I drove the Cablevision representative, Renee R. (Jerico, LI), crazy throughout the entire afternoon today. During the course of our conversations she had to enumerate each of the Triple Play Win Me Back options several times. I even forced her to find a supervisor and achieved a concession regarding the already discounted re-installation fee. In the end her perserverance, willingness to understand my dilemma, and clear/readily available knowledge of the Cablevison offerings is what won me over. I was always pleased with their products Internet/TV/Telephone and after two days of Fios' fuzzy broadcast channels and unenhanced telephone calling features and slower internet I know why. I am returning to Cablevision after installing Fios only 2 days ago. Oh forgot to mention, for the next 12 months I will be saving $55 per mont... Read more

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    Wed Dec 30 2009

    Originally signed for cable TV in 1976 Signed up for Internet via cable as soon as it was available Finally signed up for triple play a few years ago. On Monday I canceled Optimum and installed Fios from Verizon. Today I received a call from Cablevision asking me to come back....I MAY return to Optimum Triple Play and here is why. 1. Fios internet speed (25/15) tests out at 3.1Mbps vs Optimum Online test consistently at 4.5 - 6.1 Mbps 2. broadcast TV channels 2,4,5,7,9,11,13 are "fuzzy" on my new Samsung 32" 720p TV with Fios vs crystal clear via Optimum 1080i 3. telephone features were not automatically setup with Fios vs call-id, call-waiting callID and follow-me from Optimum worked great On Monday it took 6 1/2 hours to install the Fios... by the way the installer was GREAT, Competent, knowledgeable, neat and took great pains to clean-up any old cabling that was no longer being short the installation was long BUT VERY NICELY DONE. He gave me a brief "how to" on the us... Read more

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    Tue Jun 23 2009

    horrible service!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i had internet and cable but they kept calling for me to switch over to the triple play - they told me i would get the package deal ($100/month) , even sent me a new modem that I had to set up, i called them and they said it was fine and even gave me a phone number with my deal i look at my bill today and it was the exact same amount. i call them and apparently it was never set up at all. i come to find out im not even eligible for the package since i had two of the services before and its only for NEW customers. i also find out i would have to pay MORE to KEEP the phone even though i clearly told them before i didnt even need it. this is the worst experience with service ive ever had

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    Wed Jun 17 2009

    Services constantly fail, terrible customer service. I warn against signing with optonline.

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    Mon Jun 08 2009

    I'm really sorry you all had such shitty experiences with Customer Service. No matter what company you call, unfortunately, there will always be someone who answers the phone who is a complete douche bag. Please don't judge all reps by your one or two bad experiences. It really sucks for reps like me that really do care about the customer and truly do want to fix the issue. Personally I love my job and take it seriously. I do everything i can to make sure my customers are getting the best help I can possibly provide. On that is a snap shot of what WE experience.... customer calls because we have disconnected them because they didn't pay their bill for 3 months....DO they ask what can be done to get it back on? NO, they scream and yell at us, curse us out, tell us we're nothing but stupid @ssholes who can't get a better job, and threaten to get us fired. Is it really my fault you didn't pay your bill? no. What did you think would happen? if you don't pay your cell phone bi... Read more

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    Mon Mar 02 2009

    Cablevision was horrible when I first became a customer in 05! Recently, it's been ok - not good, not horrible - just ok. Customer/Tech. support is a joke. They have you "troubleshoot" your service (cable, internet, phone) over the phone as just a waste of time - most of the time, you'll already have done the exact same things they ask you to do. Two techs that actually came out said the phone tech support reps were idiots and/or didn't know what they were doing. It's a trip. Rebooting the cable box - what a joke. You have to reboot the box 5 times before it will work. Go with Verizon or Comcast....cablevision is not great. But if it's the only provider in your area, sorry! If you do have problems, complain every single time and demand a credit to your service. Always ask to speak to a supervisor if the reps try to jerk you. I will note, however, that the actual techs that come out to service the equipment (not the phone techs), are decent for the most part. One tech was t... Read more

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    Mon Jan 05 2009

    DON'T DO IT!!!! Stay away from Cablevision. Bad people, horrible service. Take it fron someone who spend countless hours trying to get the bill corrected. They will jack up your monthly bill for no reason, and don't fool yourself, you're not getting your money back!!!!!

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    Mon Jan 05 2009

    Worst service ever!! I can not even begin to explain how rude these people are. When inquiring about a missed installation appointment, the staff actually told me that the customer service center lied to me, then hung-up on me. DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THIS COMPANY!!!

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    Mon Dec 22 2008

    All these folks below rattling about how bad cablevision service is ..wait till you move out to some other part of the country where cablevison is not present and you will realize..I recently moved to Phoenix, Az and I am already suffering.. I had been a Triple Play cablevison customer for 2.5 years and although I did have problems once or twice..(once a tech ripped off our entire connection while connecting for my neighbour below..had to call up customer care and they sent another tech to fix it in a day), cablevision was the best in terms of superfast internet, great phone service and great cable. I have to shell out almost 30-40% (considering I moved from Grade A city to Grade C city, I should be shelling a lot less) more in Phoenix and the service is not even half as good as cablevison. Leave alone the free movies that my partner and I used to enjoy almost every tuesday..if the best service provider here in phoenix could just match the internet speed that cablevison provides, it ... Read more

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    Wed Nov 12 2008

    recently we became aware that our home security system was not sending a signal to the monitoring company. an inspection by the security company showed that cablevision had bypassed the alarm system modem when switching from our other phone service. they have used the excuse that they were not told a security system was on line and it was not on the work order, even though there are signs all over the house. they have offered a very small compensation even though the problem has been found to go back at least two years. the service has otherwise been very good, barring electrical outages, and i don't have a problem with their personnel, but i feel that their response to this problem is beneath the responsibilities to their customers. if others have the same problem and it is wide spread enough it may warrant a class action case.

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    Mon Oct 13 2008

    Optimum sends out bills that are due on the 15th of each month so that it collects money way before it does the service of the following month. When I cancelled my subscription I still got the bill for the next month and had to pay for one more month for nothing. I called in and was told that the monthly bill on the 15th was covering for the present month, not the next month. Knowing that this is not true I, like most busy people, gave up the talk and paid unwillingly the extra monthly charge for no service.

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    Thu Jul 17 2008

    ImOnYourSideIdiot---I believe your uneducated rate proved everyone's point about the customer service. Are you saying because you don't get paid huge sums of money you should not take any pride in yourself or your job? Are you trying to get us to believe that the issues with the service and unresponsive installers are all in our heads? My dear sir or madam, as paying customers, people should expect a level of professionalism and knowledge from our providers. I call for a service man to come and fix an issue....because I pay for it. We expect proper billing...because it's our money. I have also experienced OOP for a number of years and I can say this for certain. The service in my area is very good. Cable, phone, and Internet all provide basically what was asked for. HOWEVER, the customer service reps and installers are appalling. Upon installation, I was told the installer was not at my home at the appointed hour because I had rescheduled it! They insisted this to be true until he show... Read more

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    Fri Jun 13 2008

    I am a tech support rep for optimum, and there are a couple comments I'd like to make. 1. True, field techs could be a little smarter and less lazy, but keep in mind they don't get paid by the number of hours they spend at your house, but the number of jobs they do. This is because customers consistently demand techs for issues they are perfectly capable of fixing in their own home but lack the ability to actually listen to the guy on the phone(or the common sense of a trained monkey). This means that there are a lot of bullshit calls a field tech needs to deal with daily. Tip: If your router is a $20 piece of shit and stops working, DON'T DEMAND A TECH, MORON 2. The argument that "oh its been like this for uber years! nothing could have possibly gone wrong!" Try using that statement when your junker car decides to finally break down. One thing we like to say is that splitters are like lightbulbs (sorry we need to make childish comparisons but its to the point where we need to as... Read more

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    Fri Apr 18 2008

    Zero Stars, im currently persuing a law suit on cablevision. PLEASE IF YOU HAVE ALSO BEEN MISLEAD OR MISTREATED BY CV PLEASE DO THE RIGHT THING AND FILE A BBB REPORT! HELP OTHERS NOT FALL PREY TO THE BUSINESS PRACTICES OF THIS COMPANY They have billed me double the amount offered. They told me im eligible for a deal to have 3 services for 99 $. I get billed for 155$. They tell me im not part of that deal, that im not eligible. IF that is the case, why then are they still sending me advertisments stating i am eligible for it, ADDRESS TO ME.

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    Sun Mar 02 2008

    Some of the Cablevision's customer service reps are unprofessional!!!! Three days ago (Wednesday), I came home from work to find that not only was my cable tv not working, but I had no phone or internet service either. I called customer service and this particular rep was helpful. She advised me that my service was not disconnected from the pole and even tried troubleshooting from the office. Having no luck, she scheduled an appointment for a technician to come by Saturday (today). As my friend and I were watching the technician from my kitchen window, it took a minute for the technician to realize he was at the wrong address (yes, I had come out on the porch, wave to get his attention as he was looking confused and tell him the odd numbers are on one side and the even numbers are on the other!!!), he finally came over to the "correct" house! The technician although slightly embarrassed was very professional. After checking over the equipment, he went outside to check th... Read more

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    Wed Jan 16 2008

    I got screwd by them, even though I do not have their service. They CUT the telephone line after the previous tenant of the the place I live in now moved, so AT&T; had to send a person over to completely rewire the place. Also they keep harassing me because for a moment I was thinking of going with their service and they have been calling me for the past week and a half...Bad company with bad business practices...

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    Sat Oct 06 2007

    I figured people only post when they problems most likely. So I thought I'd take this chance to give optimum props. I've since moved and I am forced to use Charter. Unlucky me. I pay $50 for some "Silver" package which couldn't hold a candle to the basic service I got from optimum. Charter drops off almost daily as well. It's so much worse on the weekends and summer that it's pretty obvious they are overselling the service compared to the infrastructure they have in place. Optimum even back in the day, a basic package was giving be 1/2 a meg a second up to 700Kb a second. Real download speeds. So that's Kilobytes a second, not bits, and not some speed test. I did try the speed tests and it performed well above average. Now I'm well below. Cablevision TV was better too and they had several offices non was ever far away. I have a running joke with a friend. We say someone at charter has a hot wife and "serviced" the Mayor. Only explanation a joke of a company gets a regulated government ... Read more

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    Sun Sep 23 2007

    We have been optimum customers for at least 10 years, way back when it was still cablevision and were a few of the first to get the cable-modem service. We have ALWAYS had problems - around every 2 months regularly we will have a "splitter" go bad. Or our own house cable lines "must be too old and are deteriorating" it generally entails us being without internet for 2-3 days because they have slow/lazy workers that make the house calls. Then i have to deal with the workers problems as he spills his guts to me about how horrible their infrastructure is and that the company is junk bla bla. Verizon fios looks better every day. Do a search for optimum online problems and look at all the pages that come up. Then do a search for verizon fios problems - and people are only saying that the problem was that they did not switch to Fios sooner !

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    Sat Mar 24 2007

    The worst customer service.

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    Thu Nov 30 2006

    the downloads and uploads are faster than any other internet provider I know of.

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    Wed Nov 22 2006

    They have the worst customer service of any company I ever dealt with. They made 3 appointments for instalation and never showed up all 3 times. I called and was told someone would call me back shortly. They never did. I spoke to a supervisor and he promised to call back within the hour. He never did. I figured if they were treating me this bad and I wasn't a customer yet, how bad would it be once I was. So now I'm stuck with Dish Network and Verizon Online, with no options.

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    Thu Jul 06 2006

    The internet is great. People who don't know they can use a router get shafted to 1 single computer connection which is speeding up the service for the rest of us. However, the customer service is terrible. Very rude. I had a person in the cablevision store once tell me the people on the phone don't know what they're doing and start complaining to me about them. This is while im in the store trying to resolve a problem. Overall great cable and internet service...WATCH YOUR BILLS THEY WILL DOUBLE BILL and then tell you they didn't double bill for 20 minutes until they realize the error. Be prepared to wait on hold....

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    Tue Nov 15 2005

    I have no problems with the service. Although the contractors that come to your house can be lazy. The installer did not want to drill a hole in the wall.He had wires running through-out the inside of my home. As for the billing department..... Please watch your bills for overbilling. I was payed up to date and yet recieved another bill for 300 dollars. What a mess all they do is keep adjusting it up and down!!! With my credit card statements I am waiting on review.

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    Thu May 19 2005

    Keeping me off of their network while charging me for the service, even though reps promised they'd put me back makes this a bad choice in my opinion. I made the change to Verizon and I'm satisfied.

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    Fri Feb 25 2005

    Fast reliable service for 6 years .Its a little expensive but here in my area (long island ny ) it cant be beat.

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    Sat Oct 23 2004

    Periodically, the connection becomes unreliable or the bandwidth drops to zero between 9pm and 11pm. This problem can last for months, before returning back to norm. The technical support reps are rude and useless. All they know is to instruct you to power down your cable modem and the computer (?!) for one minute. If that doesn't work, they'd blame your splitters, routers etc. Telling them that you had the same configuration for years and it worked for extended periods of time does't help - they would not listen. Just be patient - it'll go away a few months later. While on hold, you'd be listening for recorded messages about the outage in your area (they always have outages), but the rep will never admit that they have a problem. Asking them for the ETA is therefore useless. On the other hand, my friends in some areas enjoy 1.5 Mbit/sec all the time trouble-free. My guess: they oversold their capacity in some areas and can't/don't want to buy more switches and routers. They hired mon... Read more

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    Tue Aug 24 2004

    the best ISP on the planet until this year. steadily deteriorating service and now its downright horrible. you can't get a steady connection to your neighbor. if you've got a business, you need to get a dedicated T1 or fast DSL line. might be more expensive. and might not have faster 'burst' speeds, but it will be steady and reliable. which is what optimum online no longer is.

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    Sun Jun 15 2003

    Have had Optonline for more than a month now. And I can honestly say I really like it. The speed is really fast no major problems as of yet.The cost is comprable with DSL services. Time will tell. Wish I could say the same for there cable TV service. It just out and out stinks it took me less than 2 days to dispize cable TV. Sattelite is 1000 times better.

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    Fri Jun 06 2003

    their telephone service doesnt work so great...other than that they are OK