Bush Doesn't Care About Black People

Approval Rate: 61%

61%Approval ratio

Reviews 16

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    Thu Jun 03 2010

    Mike's awful haircut offended me more.

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    Sat May 29 2010

    Who really knows deep down how Bush feels, except for God and himself? I do know that he and Mrs. Bush are good friends with Condoleeza Rice. Furthermore, I heard that she even spent time on the Bush family ranch. I personally don't believe he has any hate towards African Americans, or any other race in particular.

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    Fri May 28 2010

    I have no way of knowing how Bush feels about black people. It's hard to believe that any president would be so openly racist in a disaster the scale of Katrina. In my opinion it was government incompetency at every level beginning with the local and state government. Still, it was hard not to conclude, after looking at the footage, that black people were being completely ignored and left to their own resources. It was shameful regardless of the reason.

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    Fri May 28 2010

    I feel that Bush was probably more worried about how much money was going to be taken from HIS war on terror, rather than his feelings for African Americans!!!! He certainly did not take a quick role in helping those dealing with the devastation. There may or may not have been some racial feelings, but I really don't think it was a pivotal part or reason to why help was so slow! I just think it took him and others time to work out how and when to infuse help. I think what has struck me now, is how help was quickly disbanded to Hati. Huge difference between Hati’s help and the help that was given after the devastation of Katrina! We can only hope that OUR leaders have learned by this and move forward to NEVER let it happen on home soil again!

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    Fri May 28 2010

    Awkward?This asshole spends his whole life rehearsing for awkward moments.Next time,I'm hopin' some Country Western singer knocks his ass out for insultin' Patsy Cline...or what was her name..?

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    Fri May 28 2010

    Can't judge how Bush really feels about racial issues, but we do know that he did staff his administration with African-Americans at the highest levels. I personally don't think the guy is racist, but many others do. His slow reaction to Katrina was truly inexcusable, especially since several contingency plans were already in place in the event of the levees collapsing, which was a real possibility given the trajectory of the storm and its strength. I remember a particularly cogent moment when Bush spoke in public and claimed that "no one had anticipated the collapse of the levees". Don't know on what wavelength he was operating on, but at that point, it became evident to middle America that this guy didn't know what he was doing. He followed that up by congratulating his inept FEMA secretary, just to add insult to injury. "Brownie" inevitably took the fall for the administration. I don't think race played a role in Bush's response. It was one mistake that escalated into ma... Read more

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    Fri May 28 2010

    Everytime I watch that I keep expecting the camera to zoom in on Meyers' face and for him to blurt out "Live from New Orleans! It's Saturday Night!" and then the band to kick in with the horn section a-blazing .

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    Fri May 28 2010

    Let me make this clear. Kanye West is a big mouth knucklehead, but this time he was on point. He had every right to say what he said. Why? It was simply the truth. Americans were being muzzled during that time by that DICK-tator you call Bush so I'm glad someone saw the light (even if it was Kanye) and took a stand and told it as it is.

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    Fri May 28 2010

    Very few privileged rich people care about poor people, regardless of race, creed or national origin.

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    Fri May 28 2010

    No shit.

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    Sun Apr 12 2009

    That's telling him, Kanye! By the way, love the end of the video!

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    Sun Apr 12 2009

    While I normally hate to see people take their political direction from music celebrities (will Bono and Madonna shut up already?), this seemed like one of those rare moments where reality broke through the TV, and became a major flashpoint in the public perception of Bush, stating something that Bush himself (who admitted that he was governing only for his constituency) probably in his heart wouldn't disagree with. While Mike Myers seems to be reading from the PSA teleprompter, Kanye broke away from the script, giving him a rare chance to rattle the mainstream cage. While Kanye made himself look much less eloquent than in his prefab rap, I respect the fact that he took the risk of sounding stupid for the sake of controversy; he even stumblingly apologized for being a hypocritical rich guy, which I found pretty cool. An authentic moment.

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    Sun Feb 15 2009

    You know its bad when they cut away like that.

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    Sat Feb 14 2009

    Not so much a meltdown as some flash in the pan more concerned with factless political stereotypes than raising money for the people he's supposedly there to help. I do sometimes wonder if Mike Myers had to change his underwear after this one.

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    Fri Feb 13 2009

    In fairness to Dubya, I'm not sure it's a racial issue for him; I don't think he cares about anyone residing outside of areas like Greenwich, Connecticut, Orange County, California, or Bernardsville, NJ-- regardless of their skin color.

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    Thu Feb 12 2009

    Should we just wait for Eschew to get here to defend Bush, and for the usual, predictable, nonsensical filth from the McGowans and souljunkies of the site? Or should we just save them some time and write their reviews for them?