From Wikipedia: "Dharmic faith, is one of the world's major religions, with between 230 to 500 million ...
Approval Rate: 72%
Reviews 0
by ralphthewonder_llama
Tue Aug 09 2011Today's score: Gloucester Lobstermen 534, Dumbass Buddhists 0. http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/arti cles/2011/08/09/released_lobsters_retaken_group_say s/?p1=Local_Links
by magneticd
Fri May 06 2011More or less everyone is a Buddhist. When you die, you REALLY DO live again as something else. Usually a pack of worms. Every single Buddhist I've met has been a completely shallow slut. I have no idea why they would choose this religion, but it's most likely because they have no idea what it is.
by misusinggrace
Tue Mar 22 2011You have to be reincarnated a millions times and maybe you will one day reach perfection. The trouble is you must pay off your negative karma and no one knows how many times you have to come back or what life form you will come back as. Far too much of a risk and no guarantees that you have satisfied the quota.
by jester002
Tue Jul 06 2010Buddhism bases its beliefs and practices on the teachings of an evil renegade monk from the eighteenth century BC called Futon Sudoku. It is widely believed that the doctrine of Buddhism spread by Sudoku actually is a plagiarized work belonging to his art history instructor Hippocrates and his sex education instructor Socrates from Devry University. Ancient statutes and texts support the depiction of Sudoku being the first philosopher to don the ceremonial tin foil hat. However, research indicates that Sudoku developed super galactic schizophrenic tendencies (otherwise known as enlightenment) and began hearing voices after several months of abusing opium, heroin, and several underage concubines. The Buddhist philosophy follows the traditionalist Three Stooges path to liberation. The stages of the Three Stooges teachings include the Buddha, where the student learns the path to morbid obesity including tons of food followed by lots of non-action. The second step is the Dharma (pronounc... Read more
by frankswildyear_s
Tue Jun 22 2010My closest direct experience with the faith was practicing the Buddhi system when swimming as a youngster.
by kjsean
Fri Nov 27 2009A peaceful religion that doesn't try to shove their teachings into my throat (unlike Christians).
by ayn9b559
Mon Jun 29 2009Five points to anybody who can tell me what you are supposed to do when you meet the Buddha.
by nirose
Mon May 25 2009Well i think one of the best religion. And He was born in My country and I am Buddhist.
by focusonthis
Sun Mar 29 2009A great philosophy but not an eternal answer.
by opie_onion
Sat Jan 24 2009Its' the real deal. If you want to experience it in its purest form, check out a Theravadin (Theravada) temple, and bring an open mind. If you want to warm up to it read "What the Buddha Taught" or any book by Achaan Cha.
by dandvf0c
Thu Jan 22 2009At least they don't proselytize.
by ouib2a5a
Fri Jan 02 2009i love the buddhist... they all are very kind.. and the Buddha's teachings is the best teaching on earth. He knows everything...
by pcozzy
Wed Dec 17 2008Proven 1 GOD even in the Buddist articles of faith.
by goldengrain
Sun Nov 30 2008Buddhism meets the person where he is, it seems. You may or may not believe in God or an afterlife. Buddhism tries to pick you up from where you are presently and widen your spirituality. Also, there are paths a person can take through various practices like meditation or the martial arts or chanting. You do not have to be a 'type' to be Buddhist. There are vegetarians and meat eaters who are Buddhist. There are some Christian teachings that say God is within. So you can study and attend, etc, and get nowhere. The key is finding the point within yourself that intersects with divinity and follow that road, which is the one God gave you. It is your only path and none can follow it but you. I see Buddhism as easing your way in finding and tracking on that path. It seems to cut out the dogma and show you to yourself, and if you stive to know yourself you will ultimately see your link with all that is. I have great respect for this religion because I see more clearly in it th... Read more
by edboogie2004
Wed Sep 10 2008I'm no expert on this faith, but I like the fact that these people are generally very peaceful and accepting unlike many so called "Christians" and "Muslims". Plus meditation can be relaxing, so four stars in my book!
by ryan24
Sat Jul 12 2008Pretty decent religion seems to focus on how to be both a kinder being as well as how to adapt to harsh realities of earth: Downside is that it's very foreign and foreign terminology can be hard to understand to those in the western world. Also, for those who want to view the divine in more personal human ways this religion will leave them dry.
by ms_167855084
Tue Jul 08 2008I'm a christian.
by jennifer845
Mon Jul 07 2008i like to meditate though
by cute_but_psycho
Thu Jul 03 2008I'm pretty sure my cats are Buddhist
by caleb983
Thu Jun 26 2008I don't know much about Buddhism; altho it does seem that it is a 'peaceful' religion that if nothing else seems to do very well at being conscious of human welfare issues .
by bumblebee
Sun Jun 22 2008ITS OK BUT it s a dark religion!
by nathan550
Thu Jun 19 2008maybe the only "think for yourself" religion out there
by oo_michelle_oo
Wed Jun 18 2008The only part I don't get is that there's no afterlife. But a lot of the practices are really awesome.
by private_punx
Wed Jun 18 2008Buddhism is not even a religion, wtf? It's not comparable since Buddhists don't wish to kill everyone who are not Buddhists. The only other civilized religious people I know of are Hindus.
by meghann
Mon Jun 16 2008Ultimately peaceful.
by eric_offshore_drilling_is_cool
Mon Jun 16 2008Budda has some good things to say and was very wise but still not the right path.
by mazdadon1
Sun Jun 15 2008For the individual seeker Buddhism is a great source of insight, and its harmonistic teachings allow adherents of this faith easy to adapt to the ways of others. I think among the only flaws of this religion are deification of its original sage, and suceptability of its followers to fall into a monostatic or even ascetic way of life. Buddhists replacement of return to the higher power, with a form of sage worship has hindered the progress of this enigmatic movement. This deference to a once living sage, I believe has caused confusion of spiritual destiny for its devout, and so hinders their ability toward lasting insight.
by the_original_sin
Tue Jun 10 2008Got to love the Buddhist
by myspace_353361342
Tue Jun 10 2008no thanks!
by natalo
Tue Jun 10 2008heck no!
by myspace_313886635
Mon Jun 09 2008Baptist
by lisa45
Mon Jun 09 2008Once again; God said I am the way the truth and the light; No man cometh by the father except through me.
by myspace_387493239
Mon Jun 09 2008I don't kno much about Buddhism, however everything I've ever known/heard about it leads me to the conclusion that it is one of the most peaceful and loving belief systems in the world
by lmorovan
Sun Jun 08 2008Another religion founded on a men's theology and doctrine. Describes a bizarre relationship and interaction of humans and gods.
by myspace_65280043
Sun Jun 08 2008there peaceful ppl...but no
by tom899
Sat Jun 07 2008buuudddaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by rovert_or_trevor
Fri Jun 06 2008I don't believe in the idea of reincarnation, nirvana, or anything like those, but the qualities followed wouldn't be bad to follow as a philosophy rather than a religion if their wasn't a set I already use.
by funeral_empyre
Mon Jun 02 2008supports philosophy more than most religions.
by gold_dragon
Mon Jun 02 2008People are born into this world in a state of "WANT!" When we don't get what we want, then we suffer. We cry to our parents, our boss, ourselves, and its never enough. If we recognize where this nagging ache to have things our way is coming from, then we have found the road to peace. "IF you meet the Buddha on the path, kill him. He is not the Buddha you are."
by marcus
Sun Jun 01 2008lawl
by myspace_330034233
by ryan838
Sat May 31 2008more than one god is horrible
by myspace_101265817
Sat May 31 2008all about spirituality
by love_lipe
Sat May 31 2008A very old Religion. It's accually pretty kool.
by myspace_185695433
Sat May 31 2008I used to practice buddhism... and I believe in Karma, but that isn't a life pursuit of mine.... faith is!
by hdgfhfdgjhgfjt_rhtfjtyh
Thu May 29 2008peace
by linette
Thu May 29 2008Again another religion that seems very peaceful but I don't know much more about it.
by twansalem
Wed May 28 2008While I can't say that it makes much sense, at least most Buddhists are quite harmless.
by x_factor_z
Wed May 28 2008I like this religion because they are peaceful and believe in reincarnation.