Boston Public
Approval Rate: 86%
Reviews 0
by hugeass
Sat Jun 16 2007Much better BEFORE Jeri Ryan joined the cast.
by canadasucks
Sun Jan 28 2007Television has no concept of what a public school looks like. . .and when I compare domestic to international student capacities, neither do parents. . .
by kissofangel2
Sat Jan 27 2007I was really starting to follow this one. I thought the storylines were good and it had some good acting in it. It was a really good show.
by edd10329
Tue Jan 02 2007Annoying and boring from the onset, Boston Public was typical shark bait even in it's first season. It started off fairly decently with Nicky Katt and Jessalyn Gilsig, but even on their watch the series was showing obvious signs of going downhill. The Hook Lady, then Jeri Ryan and Michael Rapaport showing up merely clinched the deal, not that Mike and Jeri were really directly to blame. I really blame the hack writers and FOX for sinking the series and I doubt ditching Jeri Ryan and Michael Rapaport would've made any difference (Nicky Katt was leaving anyway).
by donttredonme
Sun Aug 06 2006remember when that chick had a baby in the toitlet? redicuklous
by ungodlyugly
Sat Jun 03 2006Get rid of Jeri Ryan and this show would have been MUCH better...
by williamb
Wed Apr 12 2006I really enjoyed the show. I can't explain why because it seemed so far removed from how school was when I went, but still I tuned it in every week. The teachers seemed more immature than the students! I never heard it was going to be canceled all of a sudden it was gone!
by kattwoman
Thu Jun 16 2005we thought this was a really good show that dealt with some real issues facing kids today in school but before we knew it the show was gone.
by sabasimba
Sun Jun 12 2005Was good until they started featuring Jeri Ryan. Needed to keep Harry Senate and his ex on the show. Took on some important topics, but too often fell back into a T&A; show for the teenybopper viewers.
by big_a_hole
Fri May 27 2005loveit! Love Spader!
by classictvfan47
Sat Jun 26 2004I cheered with relief when I discovered that FOX had finally decided to kick this egreciously-offensive show to the proverbial curb. I simply do not understand why any dramas that feature teenagers have to have them acting bad and negatively. I'm still waiting for a show with teenagers as heroes and without angst. As for Boston Public itself, however, it could easily be a template of how NOT to do a dramatic hour-long show. The acting is horrible--even the talented and beautiful Jeri Ryan couldn't save that. The writing is much, much worse. Plots are highly sexual and lack a moral message to them. There's also extremely-crude bodily function references and tons of profanity. The teaching methods of the teachers are quite questionable, and yet they don't get arrested and replaced by upstanding educators? Also, the staff seems to have no control over the students! Give me a break! Where are the positive role models? Not on this show, that's for sure!
by miss_thing
Sun Apr 18 2004I love this show, i admit that sometimes can be unrealistic but it rocks anyways! My mumm is a teacher herself and the few times she watched it she could totally realte to most of the situations specially when dealing w/ parents. I also love the fact that Jeri Ryan is on it, she Rocks too.
by micahan
Sun Dec 21 2003i love any show jeri ryan is on
by jed1000
Tue Nov 18 2003Unrealistic to the point of ridiculous. Not to mention that it doesn't look, feel or especially even sound like it's taking place anywhere in New England.. never mind Boston.
by forgotten_hero
Mon Nov 17 2003If the teachers in my area were this dedicated to their students then there wouldn't be so many kids dropping out of school.
by rjwells
Sat Oct 04 2003A really good show to watch, casting is excellent
by vanilla_tiger
Sat Aug 23 2003Wasn't particularly interested in this show at first but by accident watched it one I love it. Some of the teacher's antics are hilarious. A good drama show that keeps my eyes glued to the tv every wednesday night.
by spazc7bc
Sat Aug 23 2003I love this show because it seems to show the reality of highschool and what both the teachers and the students go through everyday, and how a school is run.
by nycitalian
Tue Jul 08 2003Very entertaining and well acted show. Touches on alot of important issues. It may be a little over the top at times.....but anyone who has ever attended a large inner city high school....can definitely relate.
by snlgirl
Sun Jun 22 2003Although this show is completely unrealistic, and at times very silly, it is very entertaining, and that's the most important thing to me in a show.
by molfan
Sat Jun 14 2003Not bad. I watch this with my teenage takes place in Boston in a large public school. Over the few years it has been on it has had a lot of cast changes amongst the teachers and students. there are some pretty good actors on here. I like Chi McBride as the principal and Fivish Finkel as the older teacher who tends to be very outspoken and does not always show much tact. Loretta Devine is good too. Some of the cast I like less but I won't be nasty and name them. this is pretty well done for the most part. Not my favorite show about school but not bad.
by themyth
Mon Apr 14 2003I graduated 2 years ago, and some of the stuff that happens in this show is similar to things that happened at my high school. Many people criticize the show for unrealistic situations, but believe me, this could happen. The assistant principal has one of the worst Napoleon complexes I've ever seen, but you still gotta love Scott. A great show, one of the few on Fox.
by zuchinibut
Mon Dec 09 2002I dont know if anyone here knows anyone from Boston, but they all have such obvious accents. I havent heard one of those kids use the word "wicked." And there are a lot more Irish in boston as well.
by loneusfullhous_efan
Sun Sep 01 2002Man my highschool had problems, but it was never this bad! Totally unrealistic. But what do you expect, it's Fox!
by norelle
Thu Apr 04 2002it is a funny show. i watch it every monday
by oodie030
Mon Apr 01 2002about as unnormal as high school gets--i realize the social structure of high school but does this overly dramtic series have to be affected by EVERYTHING in the popular mind
by whitedevil311
Wed Mar 20 2002This show is just plain good and the story lines are fantastic.
by charliethetuna
Wed Feb 06 2002This is one of the best shows on television. While the show is somewhat of an exaggeration of all the things that can happen and go wrong in an inner-city high school, it's thought-provoking and heartfelt. David Kelley's character development is phenomenal, as is most of the acting. More than any other writer in television, David Kelley writes his roles for the actor he chooses to play the role. This is a rare talent, indeed.
by callmetootie
Sun Feb 03 2002Boston Public is possibly one of the most respectable and most likeable shows on Fox. Although it has some unwanted storylines, the show has a wonderful writing team to support it.
by ellajedlicka21
Sun Feb 03 2002Boston Public is really a cutting edge show. It is probably the only one-hour program that I watch. It's a little over-the-top, but still is entertaining and funny at times. I myself am a freshman in high school and every Monday I look forward to see what challenges Stephen Harper and his crew of teachers will be faced with. It seems to always deal with current events and extremely controversial subject matters (hey, it's high school, right?). They've had shows about school shootings, gang violence, the death penalty, race relations, homosexuality, freedom of expression on the internet, death, abortion, pornography, and terrorism, among other things. Harry Senate is a great example that as uninspired and identity-less teachers can be, some really have the drive to influence their students. Harvey Lipschitz is also essential to show the old type of teacher who is bigoted in their views and won't back down from anybody. Scott Guber is also the stereotype of a Fascist vice princip... Read more
by mystique
Sat Feb 02 2002Great show, lousy time slot.
by olsaintnic
Mon Sep 10 2001if this is that show with andy dyck from newsradio in it, then I hate this show because of him, he's the biggest geek, he's not even funny he's like that erkle from familly matters. If he's not in this show then disreagaurd this and let me know so I can take back the rating. I just found out that andy dyck from newsradio is not on this show...maybe he was a guest on one show or somthing. Since I can't not rate the show now, I'll change the rating from 1 to 3, just 'cause i cant't remove my rating. If anybody knows how to remove a rating please let me know. Thanks to "TheFreak" for letting me know that andy dyck is not on, since watching the few minutes that i have I've never watch any more boston public.
by thefreak
Sun Sep 09 2001Boston Public rules. Maybe it's a little unrealistic, but it's sooo cool. I look forward to this show all week long. It's extremely well done and better than a good deal of the crap people watch today. My favorite character is Harvey Lipschultz---he's really funny. My favorite episode was the one where Marla Hendrix sent her entire class to the principal's office. That was far-out, wild. There are not many shows where I am willing to sit through the commercials just to see what happens next, but this is one such show. If I do say so myself, I have a pretty worthwile opinion when it comes to television, and everyone should watch at least one episode of this show. It will do you a lot of good. The acting is incredible, what with talented actors such as Fyvush Finkel (who had his first English-speaking role in 1992, so that shows you how good he is), Nicky Katt, and Anthony Heald. I look forward, at least during the regular season, to Mondays so I can find out just what happens ... Read more
by gplm2000
Mon Jul 09 2001Awful plots and characters.
by danmuse
Thu Jun 28 2001I have come to love this show. Definitely one of the most thought-provoking dramas on television. The teachers' stories are interesting and even riveting at times. I can see that the writers are sometimes taking dramatic license with situations, but I see it as appropriate to the points made. It is fiction after all, and very creative, humorous and touching fiction at that. The acting is splendid all around. I hope this program has a long, productive future.
by knightofho
Mon Jun 25 2001I happen to like Boston Public, it's not like real school but that's why it's a drama, if it was a real school all we'd have is a buncha teachers gradin papers all the time and nobody wants to see that!
by spiralingmarce
Fri May 25 2001They'll never run out of characters, though some of the plots are already beginning to feel strained. A friend and I always discuss the show after; asking each other's opinions of everything from the kid on the speech team whacking his opponent to the recent stalking bit. Hopefully young people who see it will decide to become teachers.
by matkab
Thu May 10 2001started watching from the beginning good show but starting to get a little hinky. like the cast except for Fyvil(spelt wrong) if this is based on how kids and teachers act in school we are in real trouble. good acting hope this is fiction thank you
by one_viewer
Tue Apr 10 2001If this is public school in Boston it may explain the odd behavior of some of the tourists we get in Florida. There is not one character on that show that should be allowed unsupervised contact with a minor. If there is any resemblance to any real teacher in any of these sociopaths GOD help this country.
by the_ptbs
Wed Mar 14 2001It's just plain addictive! I started watching a few weeks after the pilot and I wish I started sooner!
by trixie
Mon Mar 05 2001this is a great show. Being a prior teacher in NYC, it surely brings back memories. However, storylines should sometimes be positive regarding the teachers....not always negative and should revolve around students, the staff helping them rather all about the teachers. By the would be interesting actually seeing some teaching of lessons in the stroy line as well
by rm2200
Sun Feb 11 2001I think this is a excellent progaram. Like the other David Kelly programs he gives you charecters and stories that you can absolutly really get involved in. I don't agree with a teacher shooting a gun in class and then not suffer the consequences.(especially when news reports of students being expelled for no less offence than bringing blunt nosed sissors to class. It happened.) However, the actors are all first rate and the stories have as much humor as they do drama. keep up the good work.
by meg414
Mon Jan 29 2001This is one of the best new shows on television. The actors are great and the writing is excellant. What more could you ask for in a show?! Whenever I watch it i find it hard to stop. I am a relativley new fan of the series because i didnt think it would be worth watching at first but when i actually gave the show a chance, i saw that it is a high quality tv show. Everyone should at leat give this show a chance.
by sayz_me
Thu Jan 25 2001This show is very refreshing!! It has some serious topics and ongoing problems that keep you watching. I think it has some really great humor. I have come to like every one of the staff and cheer for those who take a stand. It is just funny to me that every time a teacher does something out of the ordinary the parents soon come calling to complain. In reality, it makes you think. In school I don't remember telling my parents too much about my classes. And this shows parents acting interested in what goes on in their child's classrooms. This is different from what you usually hear about parents huh?? I love the show, I make it a point to watch it. It is good TV and I hope more people will give it a chance. So what if it is a little over the top, it is Television!
by shawns
Mon Jan 22 2001This show is great. You have a cast of nobody's that can attract an audience. Hooray for David Kelley. By the way all of you who said it was unrealistic are probably the same dumbasses who watch Ally Mcbeal. Come on a nasty dancing baby is that so real!!!
by ireen95b
Fri Jan 05 2001It has the potential to become a great TV show, if given the chance. I hope that the network sticks with it and gives it a chance to develop an audience. Sure, it's not all realistic folks. You want reality, watch the news! This new group of actors deserves an opportunity. I think that Chi McBride is excellent as the administrator who tries to keep it all together. The rest of the cast can be revamped as needed. In a lineup faced with Survivor clones, let's keep something worth watching on TV. Give it a chance, people! Let's see where the writers take us...
by gtill5d5
Sat Dec 23 2000Definately the best new show this season.
by kippy33
Tue Nov 21 2000Here's to real reality TV. Schools can sadly be like this one and let's hope if more people become aware that sadly this is what our teen agers deal with day to day as well as our teachers we can make sure they get what they deserve, better pay and better help.