
Approval Rate: 66%

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    Fri Feb 05 2010

    I understand that alot of people that like the current shit on the radio wouldn't "get" Boston.........but get real, the largest selling debut album for over 15 years ( they have been eclipsed in the last 10 yrs), classic rock radio staples like Don't Look Back, Foreplay/Longtime, Smokin', Hitch a Ride.... all songs that don't sound alike........ the orginal "power ballad" A Man I'll Never Be... 3-4 songs from Third Stage were ALL OVER the radio in the 80's. Tom Scholz's style & recording techniques have influenced many, many guitar players that probly won't admit it..... not to mention him manufacturing his own line of effects & amps later on. One of the reasons they didn't produce albums like some people pop out welfare babies is due to a lawsuit with their label after the 2nd album. If you think Madonna desrves the R&RHOF before these guys, you are either gay, or don't like guitars.

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    Fri Nov 13 2009

    Should have stayed in Mass.

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    Thu Oct 01 2009

    less than a feeling

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    Sun Sep 20 2009

    not a large enough body of work for inclusion

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    Fri Aug 21 2009

    Although the band's subsequent albums didn't quite live up to the promise of their first, that first album alone qualifies them for induction.

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    Fri Jul 24 2009

    great debut but do they really have enough work to warrent a Hall induction? no

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    Wed Jun 17 2009

    more than a band

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    Thu Apr 23 2009

    The debut album changed the face of music forever. Rock music never sounded the same again thanks to Tom Sholz production and overlaying of guitars. Brad Delp also had the best voice in all of arena rock (only Steve perry could match!). Also they had two more number 1 albums in 78 and 86 despite people thinking they only had the debut. Plus they had more hits including the number 1 hit Amanda. Still arena rock will never get its due from the HOF. Just accept it!

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    Sun Dec 14 2008

    I remember the ads in the rock press for the first album, "Boston - The First Bionic Band!" This didn't make me want to listen to them! The songs were good and Brad Delp was an incredible lead singer. Tom Scholz may or may not be the genius that some insist, but he sure doesn't seem to be a good guy. This was a studio band and not really part of the Boston music scene. All things considered though, Boston did give us some rock classics.

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    Mon Oct 27 2008

    I love Boston but they have a lot of material that drags on. Their first album is as good as it gets.

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    Mon Aug 11 2008

    They were a fine group with one particularly memorable album. "More Than a Feeling" is a rock song which flirts with perfection.

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    Sun Mar 30 2008

    Forgettable group.

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    Tue Mar 25 2008

    A very good band, with a trademark sound. Better than 95% of the bands on this list, and had a number of brilliant hits, including the newer Higher Power, Cool the Engines, Livin' For You and the epic borderline-prog Foreplay/Long Time. I also liked their take on the Star-Spangled Banner, as they gave it a fuller and cleaner sound than Hendrix did at Woodstock.

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    Thu Mar 13 2008

    Sorry, but every song sounds EXACTLY like the other. No Hall for you!!!

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    Tue Jan 29 2008

    The Top Rock Debut Album of The 1970's. Come On, Get With The Program, RRHOF. Too Bad Brad Wouldn't Be Here To See It. Stop Waiting and Start Inducting More Artists.

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    Fri Dec 28 2007

    brilliant supernova

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    Fri Dec 14 2007

    This band gave us soaring vocals matched with soaring guitar riffs that made you feel like you were flying along with them.

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    Thu Dec 06 2007

    a huge debut two number one albums 4 top five singles and a #1 single as well why the hell arent they in yet

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    Mon Oct 29 2007

    Their highly polished overly produced studio sound sucked all of the life out of the music and its mega success almost killed rock and roll.  In fact it took about a decade for Kurt Cobain and his class of '89 to get back to the basics when they finally broke punk in America.

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    Tue May 29 2007

    Unmistakable sound-Great Band.

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    Mon Apr 09 2007

    I have more than a feeling, that in three or four years, maybe.  On whenever, RRHOF feels like it.

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    Fri Mar 30 2007

    More than a second city. The finest city in the tradition of the American revolution, and well worth more than a few visits. Home of the greatest baseball team in the world.

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    Mon Mar 19 2007

    INDUCT BOSTON INTO R&R; HALL OF FAME!!! CUT AND PASTE THE ADDRESS BELOW - THEN CUT AND PASTE THIS REQUEST... or better yet, write your own. [email protected] Dear Sir or Madam, I am requesting that the band BOSTON be inducted into the R&R; Hall of Fame this year. I can think of no other band more deserving of this honor at this time. They were self made, sold millions of albums, and treated everyone with the upmost respect throughout the highs AND LOWS of their incredible career. They stood thier ground when bullied by their money hungry record company, and always gave their fans nothing less than one hundred percent. BOSTON'S music conveyed a positive message, and the band walked the walk. They were known in the biz as "nice guys". The unmistakeable combination of Brad Delp's voice and hamony arrangements, and Tom Scholz melodic guitar riffs and unique recording style were nothingless than groundbreaking. Brad was often called the "best singer in rock and roll" by both... Read more

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    Sat Mar 10 2007

    While on a musical level I couldn't care less, it's worth pointing out that here in Boston, Brad Delp's sudden death yesterday (inappropriately enough, in New Hampshire) has opened up tremendous torrents of grief. I feel for the large numbers of distressed fans that are posting their thoughts to discussion groups everywhere. There were a lot of people who identified with Delp's overcoming depression. Musically, meanwhile, Boston deserves no more applause than REO Speedwagon, but they definitely still rank higher than Chicago or Kansas. At least they didn't title their first album "Metro [insert city name here] Transportation Authority," as Chicago did.

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    Wed Feb 21 2007

    Yes, their debut is one of the biggest ever, but they did absolutely nothing after that. One album does not a Hall nod make.

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    Sat Jan 27 2007

    it will take more than a feeling, but won't be a long time coming, rock and roll band does not have enough to merit 3 stars.

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    Mon Jan 15 2007

    Boston is considered one of the poster children bands for 70's arena rock; however, due to the group's sound being dependent on Tom Scholz' overdubbing, the music, and Bradley Delp's layered vocals, Boston's highly distinctive sound could not really be duplicated in a live arena. Nevertheless, one cannot really argue much with success, and no other artist has ever duplicated the band's sound (assuming that there have been attempts). As the group has had relatively few releases, the no brainer start is with their 1976 self-titled release, which was the highest selling debut for many years (until Men at Work). For fans of classic rock, there really is no weak track on this release (save for perhaps "Rock And Roll Band") and should be used to supplement any compilation that doesn't include that album in its entirety. The same can basically be said for the sophomore "Don't Look Back" (1978) which is also solid throughout (save again for the possible lone exception of "Party"). Nevertheless... Read more

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    Mon Nov 06 2006

    The best thing about Boston was Brad Delp's voice esp on 'more than a feeling'. For a corporate arena rock band they were better than Kansas, Styx, Journey, REO etc. The debut had several good moments but the other albums are pretty uninspired.

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    Sun Nov 05 2006

    Although they were a huge success in the 70s,I don't think they are all that influential or relevant today.The most notable thing about them,in my mind,is that they were self-produced and recorded their debut album in one of the members basements.This was WAY BEFORE the time when this became more common (with the advent of affordable digital recording technology).I have to respect them for that.

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    Sun Apr 09 2006

    Since most of the US is hick and lacking culture, it's not surprising that in comparison Boston appears to be so rich culturally. But, Boston, overall, is overrated and overhyped. Streets are filthy, public transport is dirty, and antiquated, and there's practically no acknowledgment that any other community except Irish, Italian and Yankee exist. It is an insult to European cities, and to the people living there, to compare Boston to any of them. Europeans are are much more egalitarian in their outlook than status-conscious, and close-minded Bostonians. Plus, Europeans are a lot more tolerant of racial and cultural diversity - from ALL over the world, not just other parts of Europe. Diversity in Boston means Italian! Give me a break! The main problem is lack of racial diversity in the workplace (unless you count minorities who dominate menial jobs), and in the neighborhoods, which tend to be segregatd along color/racial lines. Sure there are Thai, Indian, Caribbean, Middle Eastern res... Read more

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    Fri Dec 09 2005

    I don't need to repeat the accolades from others except to state that Boston is exceptional. If you have any feel for history or the foundation of our country, you must go to Boston and see the sights and the sites. One thing I am still irritated about and that is the government philistines tearing down, paving over and renaming Scollay Square!

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    Sun Dec 04 2005

    Falls in the Styx, Journey, Kansas, Foreigner grouping.

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    Fri Oct 28 2005

    Many of their songs are repetitive, but they have recorded some real gems over the years, such as "Rock and Roll Band", "Peace of Mind" and "More Than a Feeling". I wouldn't object to their induction.

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    Fri Oct 28 2005

    A band that put out a heck of a sound but it was the same sound over and over again. How do you know when a Boston song ends and another one begins? No one knows!

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    Sat Jul 16 2005

    B-word is far too good not to be in the HOF. Why does arena rock not deserve to be in? It's some of the best classic rock in there is.

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    Sat Jul 16 2005

    For anyone who deosn't think Boston should be in because of repitious song writing, one word : AC/DC. And, unlike Boston, the sound AC/DC gives is utter crap. Boston more than likely won't care what the crap you htink of them, because they make enough money on their engenerring degrees to get by, and the band is a side thing. These guys are aweosme, a classic rock great. No reason these guys hsouldn't be inducted, unless the HOF is truly afraid to incorporate good music.

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    Thu Jul 14 2005

    This corporate, Arena rock, over indulgent 70's garbage does not desereve to be in the HOF. I will go to Cleveland and protest if they ever get inducted. Many will follow me Im sure.

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    Mon Jun 27 2005

    The seat of the American Revolution. Has tons of culture. You would never guess, but the population really isn't quite that big. It's only about 580,000.. compared to New York City, with over 8 million. But you wouldn't think it. With all of the stuff there is to do, all of the world famous landmarks, you'd expect it to be much bigger, but it's not. It is just a very high quality city. Oh yeah, and it is not where the majority of the molesting preists were, it had more than any other city, but duh, it is the most catholic city outside of Italy, so of course it is going to have the most preits, and therefore, the most (most meaning about 10, out of tens of thousands) preists who molested children. It does not by a long shot mean that all of the preits in Boston did that.

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    Mon May 23 2005

    Very nice history rich city. People for the most part are very friendly (unlike New York). A city with culture and class. And it's the home the best baseball team in the world the Red Sox!

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    Tue May 10 2005

    Boston are a great classic rock band, they should be inducteed.

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    Fri May 06 2005

    I saw these guys in concert two summers ago and they can still rock hard. Tom Scholtz is a amazing guitarist who deserves more recognization. Boston in the hall of fame would be awesome.

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    Fri May 06 2005

    Tom Scholtz is Boston

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    Tue Apr 19 2005

    No, no, no, no!!! Sounds repetitious like their music doesn't it?

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    Thu Mar 10 2005

    NO! but great first album!

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    Thu Jan 06 2005

    alright. better than New York. i really dug the Boston Common, and b/c i like Robert Parker, wandering down Boyleston Street was sort of fun. there are some traps like the Cheers bar. go to the aquarium if you can.

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    Thu Dec 23 2004

    My favorite US city. Great culture, universities and very walkable. One of the cities with culture in the US and close to NYC. I love this city it reminds me of European cities

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    Thu Dec 09 2004

    To all those who gave Boston one star: Good! Stay away. We neither need nor want your type of person here. Go back to whatever festering stinkhole of a town you live in.

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    Thu Dec 02 2004

    If i don't go to College in upstate NY like i want to, Boston will be my next stop. I could care less about new england winter, i like the cold and the snow. It is one of the coolest cities in america, i know its expensive, so i probably wouldn't ever live their though.

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    Mon Nov 22 2004

    Boston is dirty, stinky, and disgusting, and thats just the people. I am not fascinated or enchanted by Boston at all. As a matter of fact I try to avoid going there as often as possible (but get dragged there at least once a year anyway)I usually send an envoy in my place. Empty people with empty self-serving agendas, a modern Soddam and Gomorrah. People go there for business or school and as soon as they are done they go back to their real homes and real lives as fast as they can. Hopefully the dont bring Boston back with them. Some of the restaurants are very good though and their transit system is great. It's sad that the people in Boston actually think they are living and that the way they live is the way things are and should be everywhere. One of the most unhappy, astonishing places I have ever had to step foot in.

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    Sun Nov 21 2004

    Boston is a nice, northern city with a lot of unique, appealing aspects to it that makes it one of the more fascinating cities in the USA. Boston has history, culture, and had a lot going on compacted into a relatively small area. It's a major , urban metropolis that is really smaller than you'd think. There are half dozen area colleges that bring a constant stream of young people and there are locals ranging from generations of Irish catholics, WASPS, yuppies as well as minorities from every major ethnicity, including a large Portugese population.I like the accents, they're cool to me, but I grew up listening to them. For all it's plusses, there are some big negatives that drop it a Star for me. First is the weather, which is bitterly cold in winter. Boston also is notoriously segregated and has a history of racial problems that the city is slowing overcoming. The people have the typical Northern hospitality and tend to have an attitude/chip on their shoulder which goes with a natural... Read more