Borders Books & Music (Nationwide)

Approval Rate: 80%

80%Approval ratio

Reviews 45

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    Fri Jun 24 2011

    Further update: Not all the Borders have closed, as I initially believed. I was surprised to find that the one in Butler, NJ, is still open, and I imagine a few other ones are as well. I'm happy to see anyone keep their job, and I don't take any undue pleasure in seeing a business fail (unless it's Enron or WalMart), so I guess that's good news. The store in Butler, though, now has a section on e-books, which I guess is their concession to the times we live in. I still do most of my book buying through Amazon. Update: Had forgotten about the one in Danbury, CT., where I go when I'm (infrequently) in the area to check out the Arcadia book series on local history and use the bathroom. I stopped by when I was in the area yesterday, having forgotten they were in the midst of closing. It was depressing actually. Denuded shelves, chaos and clutter all over, "sale" signs everywhere. I stocked up on numerous books and found the pretty young lady who rang me up very friendly and talkative. She... Read more

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    Thu Mar 03 2011

    Borders Books is unfortunately in Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization. As such, they're closing many of their locations, including one just down the street from where I live. Their case is illustrative of how not to run a company. Truth be told, they had been in trouble for some time. Back in 2008 their financial condition began to deteriorate amidst the banking crisis. Borders started looking for a new buyer, as their debt burden and lagging sales became difficult to handle. Reality is their management started losing its way back in the mid-1990's, when they first went public. Companies go public for many different reasons--to produce liquidity events for shareholders, to help increase access for financing, for prestige, and other causes. Normally when a company goes public, Wall Street pressures management to grow earnings. Borders was no exception to the rule in this regard. Borders decided to target the mass market by buying Walden Books and changing the locations of i... Read more

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    Wed Mar 02 2011

    Borders was always okay in my book (sorry about the pun). It's pretty unfortunate that most stores will be shut down. A national book store like Borders simply can't compete w/internet outlets like Amazon. The only good thing about Borders is that it was tangible. Even w/Borders' going-out-of-business sales, prices are still cheaper on Amazon. I'm surprised Barnes and Noble didn't go out before Borders, because they seem to have a whole lot more inventory. Anyway, I remember pre-internet going to Waldenbooks, and things seemed a lot more easier.

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    Fri Feb 25 2011

    Used to like this book store as it was the only one nearby without going into the city centre and had a better selection of Waterstones (the only other book store left in Leicester). Sadly it the company went into administration and no longer has any stores in the UK... so I don't like them any more lol

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    Fri Feb 11 2011

    Looks like Borders is about to go belly-up:

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    Fri Feb 11 2011

    Borders erred when it did not get into the e-book business. It did, sort of - by partnering with, which was a bit like the Patriots taking a partnership offer from the Jets. Amazon would have loved to watch Borders fail, and it did. By filing for bankruptcy though and closing a third of its stores, it could breathe new life and create some room for stability. There have also been 3 ceo's here in 3 years...need some leadership stability, too.

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    Sat Aug 21 2010

    The prices seem a little steep. The unfortunately 86'ed the CD selections at the locations in my area ( prior to that they had an excellent selection of CD's and DVD's, I personally blame Itunes). However, I do like the coffee shop there.

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    Fri Jun 25 2010

    Borders used to have a decent CD section,& I love the headphone feature for checking them out,but the one near me has gone down the tubes.They're cool about letting you hang out & read,but the bargain section is lame.

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    Tue May 18 2010

    A lady I work with, her niece worked at Borders in Smyrna, TN and was fired for missing work. The girl had a brain tumor and was in the hospital. She had brain surgery on May 10th and was FIRED. This is just MESSED UP and very unfair !!! I see Borders really has compassion for their employees.

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    Tue May 18 2010

    Borders needs to get a Union in there to teach them how to treat their employees. Firing a employee while they were out with a brain tumor. I will never buy a book from Border and tell everyone I know not to buy from Borders. Whoever runs this company better get down on their knees and do some serious praying cause Karma is going to bite you in the butt.

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    Mon Jan 04 2010

    A perfectly awful experience, and I used to frequent the Cuyahoga Falls store quite often. No longer. They have been taken over by a team of psuedo-intellectual types whose lack of natural intelligence fits hand-in-glove with their missing common sense. While other major (and minor) retailers in the Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, area are able to accept my husband's unemployment funds via debit card (which is how the State of Ohio issues unemployment benefits), the employees at this store are unable to make the quantum leap in logic from my husband's name to my name, despite the fact that they are the same and we reside in the same residence. Apparently, state money isn't good enough for them to make a sale. The worst part is that their only lame response was "store policy," yet none of the ding dongs behind the counter could answer the "why" part -- they had absolutely no clue in the world. While our unemployment situation won't last, their stupidity undoubtedly will.

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    Wed Oct 21 2009

    DO NOT ORDER FROM BORDERS.COM! I have to agree with the other posts regarding their so-called customer service. After placing my initial order with these people (which was a complete disaster-the receiver of my gift did not receive the item for two weeks, and I paid for express shipping!) I thought, well maybe it was a fluke, but NO! The next order I placed, which is the one I am currently waiting on, has not arrived and it has been two weeks, again. I spoke with customer service, which was no service. All I received was excuses, and the people cannot seem to do any thing but say they cannot do anything. Absolutely no problem solving skills were involved. The “supervisor” was condescending and rude. They will tell you that they are the corporate office (in Tennessee), but it is not. The corporate office is in Michigan! They are very deceptive, and not worth the headache!

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    Sat Oct 10 2009

    Never order anything online from Borders. Horrible costumer service. Deceptive practices. Ordered a 4 disc animal baby DVD set for my son's birthday--ordered it one month out. After two weeks checked status and it still said in-process. Attempted to call, but got disconnected. Emailed, took 2 days but got an answer that it was on back order and could take 6 to 8 weeks and a rough estimate of when I should get it. No emails ever came so after 8 weeks emailed back. 2 days later was told item was still on back order. 1 week later received an email stating my order was canceled and I was issued a refund. Problem is I used a gift card & I never authorized the cancellation. Emailed and got 2 different responses, called and finally got an explanation. Was then told gift card would be mailed to me. 2 days later receive an email stating gift card will be sent to my local border's. It's been 3 weeks since and I still haven't received my refunded gift card. I have sent 2 emails an... Read more

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    Tue Oct 06 2009

    Boo Borders! You are now carrying BEAR MAGAZINE by omnimedia formerly brush creek. This disgrace of a magazine has been ripping off subscribers for a long time. I was even told by the new editor Steven Wolfe to 'F*** off' for asking about what happend to my subscription. I wont be shopping at borders knowing you carry this.

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    Wed Jan 07 2009

    Beware their deceptive business practices online -- and expect to be disconnected when you call Customer Care and ask for a supervisor. That's what happened to me today. I ordered the Batman TV series DVDs for my son online on 12/23/08 and told him not to expect it until after the holidays since shipping took "3-8 days" according to the web site. Checked order status online last night, which was "in process" -- and no other info. Called the customer care center today; the item is on backorder 2-4 weeks and has been since 12/24, the day after I ordered it. No attempt was made to notify me it was on backorder so my son has been checking the mail box -- and extremely disappointed -- every day. Why didn't they just tell me it was on backorder, I thought? Curious, I checked the web site and put the same item in a new shopping cart -- it took my order quickly, saying it would be 3-7 days shipping with no mention of backorder. Then I was really irritated and called Customer Care bac... Read more

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    Sat Dec 27 2008

    I went out to Border' to buy Planet Earth on Blu-Ray ... it was marked down 20% to $79 ... I decide I will apply the discount of 20% from my "Borders Rewards" coupon that I got for registering online ... but wait - the discount is off list price - so the cost is the same ... I have a gift card from my mother -- I wish I could use it at Amazon ... the movie is $20 cheaper at Amazon (without any coupons);=dvd&qid;=1230 327744&sr;=1-1 Even if I bought it at $79 (a 20% discount by Borders estimate ...) and they gave me the 20% for the my coupon ... -- it would still be cheaper at Amazon ... So then I decide to comparison shop -- its gets even better -- it is cheaper at Best Buy as well 51&st;=planet+earth&lp;=5&type;=product&cp;=1&id;=162255 9 And at WalMart d=5765342 ... Read more

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    Tue Dec 23 2008

    Never use I ordered five books as Christmas gifts, the website promised four days delivery. We are at fifteen days and counting. My relatives will receive empty excuses, rather than Christmas gifts. I was trying to use up some gift cards, so had I failed to do the obvious thing and buy from Amazon. I will never visit a Borders store or order from I urge all of you to buy from Barnes and Noble storefronts and websites. Borders will knowingly lie to you and let you down.

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    Thu Dec 18 2008

    Through the Storm: A Real Story of Fame and Family in a Tabloid World]] Lynne Spears with Lorilee Craker Thomas Nelson, Inc., 2008 ISBN 978-5955-5156-6 ISBN 978-1-5955-5207-5 (IE) 210 pp. (HDBK) This absorbing, well-written book will speak to folks with overwhelming problems that the author has learned to overcome. Parents who long for their children to live fully committed to God will also relate to Spears story. Lynne Spears, a farm girl, never anticipated the problems hurled at her family when Britney pushed toward her dreams. Lynnes oldest daughter, self-motivated from childhood, won contests with her singing and dancing and reached the top as a teenager. This account contains two villains. The first, Lynnes alcoholic husband of twenty-four years, came to God after their divorce. The second, fully despicable, a man named Sam, took advantage of Britneys vulnerability, maybe through intimidation and prescription drug doses. He soon controlled her actions and everyone ar... Read more

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    Fri May 23 2008

    I like Borders.  The atmosphere and service seems more casual then the stuffy book giant Barnes and Noble.

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    Sat Feb 23 2008

    I visit Borders once in a while. Shopping online is becoming a better alternative, mostly because the books I am looking for are hardly ever there and I have to order them anyway. Borders is the kind of store that I spend a lot of time in finding nothing. I've mixed experiences with their customer service. I've had some issues with them when it comes to ordering books, as they have called before with an order only to be utterly confused when you go to pick it up. I now have the orders delivered to me, making the trip pretty much a waste of time. I also feel like they should hold the orders longer than they do. But they do have a great magazine section and some of their prices are pretty good.

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    Fri Dec 28 2007

    I purchased gifts for my son for Christmas using my debt card. During the season someone repeatedly attempted to use my card number so the card was canceled and reissued with a new number. Borders will not give me a cash refund. They will only give me a store credit even though it has been 4 weeks and I had the receipt. I will not shop there again. Go to Barnes and Noble. They are much more customer friendly

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    Thu Nov 15 2007

    They carry a lot of books, but the staff tend to be white unemployed actors and art students who have stopped doing their art. I work at one where the entire management teem is female, and most of the supervisors are female. I have signed on as seasonal help and I am lucky to get fifteen, where all the gay males get 20-25 and the woman as much as they like. But that is the reality. Even if they asked me to stay on I probably will not. They use too much part time help. It is problem with retail.

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    Wed Oct 31 2007

    yuck, all i can say is yuck. i worked at a borders in lower manhattan. please , stop shopping at borders, order online through amazon or wherever. they are all about lieing to the customers. i know all thier secrets. first, they changed thier stupid rewards program ( it was crap to begin with) and they made it even worse. you have to bring in your own coupons, the savings suck. they pushed us tp promote "borders rewards" , we were forced to ask every friggen customer if they had a borders card , or would like one and say " all we need is your email to sign you up" . they would keep score on the bulltein boards. cashiers are on the registar for hours a day so obviously they ring up more customers and have lower score, the booksellers and ipt are only on reg to cover our lunches, an hour a day. the bosses only care about making money and using the customers, like all companies, but here, this "borders rewards" is useless. a few cashiers were under such pressure to get thier score up the... Read more

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    Wed May 30 2007

    I like Border's the best of all. When I am traveling, I know I can count on at least one in any given city. They are predictably set up the same all over and always have the largest selections of books compared to smaller stores. If I am somewhere new, I enjoy the local interest section to learn more about the history of where I am.

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    Mon Apr 30 2007

    I think that Borders Books has a better selection than any other large book corporation. They provide excellent service and are very knowledgeable in all aspects of their store. I live close to a Borders in the northern Sacramento area and it is also a great place to study. As a college student, I am appreciative of their clean and studious environment and it doesn't hurt that they have a cafe.

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    Thu Mar 29 2007

    I live near a Borders, and if anything, it has to be the best bookstore to go into and study for hours. Don't get me wrong. Borders is prospering, and this particular store is definitely no exception. But it feels nice not be bothered while you are reading or looking at the latest books, magazines and music (and the selection is top notch). Along with very helpful salespeople, comfortable leather sofas to sit at and just read the latest 'Bathroom Reader' book (and of course to buy it), Miles Davis and Stan Getz playing softly in the background, and sipping a 'Seattle's Best' mocha latte, Borders is a great store to sit at and just enjoy a relaxing evening all for yourself.

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    Thu Feb 22 2007

    I like Borders. It is a bit better than Barnes IMHO. Stay out of Waldenbooks though. Their service is also very nice.

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    Wed Jul 05 2006

    Ok, that's how it works for me. Bargain section is wonderful and I normally buy something everytime. Regularly priced books are affordable, but still pricey(I normally try to get everything relatively new in paperback), music section is a rip-off. When it comes to music, go to Best Buy or Target, they have much cheaper prices.

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    Fri May 05 2006

    Borders Used to be the best of the mega bookstores. Back in the day they seemed to have invented the idea of the big store. But in the last few years they have fallen victum to the you got to have a card discount thing. They own Waldenbooks and WB started the discount card thing. WB was a great little mall bookstor chain good service and slection. Then they became all about there card and lost all of there book people. Now Borders is doning the same. Borders needs to go back to bacics. Sell Books and give good service. I should know I was a bookseller for 21 years.

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    Fri Mar 03 2006

    Borders Books is similar to B&B.; Their selection is mainstream and the atmosphere is like shopping another retail wherehouse. Their prices are retail, except for the bargain section. They also have a wide selection of mainstream music and dvds, which doesn't seem to be very popular. Theres a decent section for the childrens books, lots of places to sit down, and a cafe. And like B&N; they will let you read a book for hours if you choose, for those who like to use the bookstore as a library.

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    Fri Jan 06 2006

    Their stuff is ridiculously overpriced! I went to Borders today so I could look for a new CD. I ended up not buying one. A lot of the CD's were at least $18.99 and up. I think better deals on books and CD's can be found at garage sales, my hometown's flea market, Half Price Books, CD Warehouse, and even on eBay. Also I found a book at Borders that was a softcover and it was $19.99! That's usually the price of a hardcover. To all Borders stores: You could have more of my business if you lower your prices!

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    Wed Jan 04 2006

    Excellent selection. They even carry some scholarly works.

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    Sat Oct 15 2005

    Great variety and selection, and I also appreciate the layout. I wish we could get a Borders in the remote outpost where I am located.

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    Sat Oct 15 2005

    Where else can one find DVD collections of British shows? Seriously.

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    Mon Oct 03 2005

    Wish we had a Borders in town.

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    Thu Apr 07 2005

    i would have to say borders is my 2nd choice its just not as laid back as b & n. but has a nice selection

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    Sun Feb 20 2005

    The best smelling stores ever.

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    Sun Feb 20 2005

    What I look for in a bookstore is a place to browse, and to buy in the rare cases I can't find the item online or need it immediately. Borders beats Barnes & Noble on both counts. Their stores and cafes just seem more inviting and casual than their B&N; counterparts. Nearly all Borders stores seem to be of a certain size (unlike B&N;, where store size varies widely) which is a good sign for selection. The title locator kiosks are a nice time-saving feature.

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    Tue Jan 11 2005

    Local borders has an aggressive/offensive policy of kicking out people who are reading magazines in their cafe. if you are using your laptop, they also will kick you out. the policy is no working or studying at the tables and a maximum of one hour sitting. This is even if the cafe is empty.

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    Sun Dec 12 2004

    Be careful! Prices are deceptive. I was in there today to purchase a book as a gift. The sticker price said $35, but was partially peeled back. Under the Borders sticker was the publishers list proce of $19.95 (I subsequentially purchased the same book for $13.50)! I will NEVER go back after that obviousy deceptive move.

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    Mon Sep 20 2004

    Can you say OVERPRICED? The shopping experience is better than Best Buy or Circuit City, but the CDs are too expensive. If you know what you want, and it's popular--go to Best Buy (I can't believe I'm endorsing that place). Just be sure to get out of Best Buy in five minutes or you will go insane.

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    Mon Sep 20 2004

    There is an obvious liberal slant to the books that Borders showcases at the main entrance as well as their 'so called best sellers list.' You have an abundance of 'Bush Bashing Books' but don't offer anything that is an alternative without an in-depth search. If you are lucky enough to find an alternative, it will be in limited quantities and hard to locate. I witnessed a Regional Team coaching the Store Manager of 'what and where books would be displayed' at a Sacramento area Borders. There was no mistaking that there was an 'agenda' that had been passed down from Corporate as to content, subject and location of 'their' prefered books. You had better believe that people notice your left wing slant, because many have mentioned it! Just supply books, and let the general public figure it out right or wrong!

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    Sun Sep 12 2004

    I go here and don't really wanna leave. I like checking out the comics and Video Game strategy guides.

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    Tue Aug 31 2004

    In regards, to music, Borders blows Barnes & Noble off the map. The music selection is not only more extensive, but also more sophisticated. However, when I go to a bookstore, I care more about the book selection above all else. And the selection here is terrible. Most stores are significantly smaller than Barnes & Noble, and tend to be more disorganized.

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    Fri Aug 20 2004

    i used to be quite a fan of borders due to their selection. but found their customer service lacking when i asked to see a manager and was flat out denied. as a 19 year old at the time, the employee must have thought i would let that slide. i didn't. i did see a manager and have never gone back since. as nice as it is to have a good selection, i'll take good customer service anyday