Bo Derek running on the beach in "10"

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    Sun Jun 20 2010

    She looked like the average 9th grader at my high school in this movie. Not bad at all, just had some growing to do. Until last week I thought it took CGI to make Bo Derek and Ellen Degeneres look like, well, you know... skanks? But I read somewhere that there was almost no CGI in the '70's, and Ellen uses some kind of latex and spray foam effect to pull it off.

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    Tue Jan 10 2006

    You know, it was okay. But when I finally saw a lengthy interview with Derek (along with her husband), her shallowness (matched only by her husband's) was just too much to swallow. Ruined my whole fantasy.

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    Tue Jan 10 2006

    I like in the movie "Any Which Way You Can" when they paste a picture of Ruth Gordons head over Bo Dereks head in a fantasy.