Billy Graham

Approval Rate: 83%

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    Wed Aug 15 2012

    Do we really need a list of this man's nonsensical brayings? The anti-semetic remarks? Silly proddy who proves that you can say anything in this country if you have the moniker 'reverend' in front of your name. Charismatic followers of fairy-tales don't help the cause of democracy or freedom. . .they are impediments.

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    Thu Mar 24 2011

    There has not been an Evangelist of his caliber on the global scene for decades. You have to give him respect for no scandals with women and no hidden money agenda. He did not live a lavish lifestyle with jet planes and diamond rings on each finger. His reputation remained as good as it gets. I'm not saying he was perfect but his reputation was about as close as you could get. When he dies all the accolades will be given, we should give them to him now and not give him flowers later. I'm sure God will reward him in Heaven though

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    Thu Mar 10 2011

    I would like to thank this dear man of God for not ever selling the gospel for dollars and for being scandal free. His sweet wife Ruth went home to be with the Lord several years back but I hear he is still living. He has passed the mantle over to son Franklin. I pray he does not start appearing on Christian television pressuring people for money like some others. I firmly believe it is best to show documentaries of your work and mission then tell people to give as the Lord impresses upon them to give. Promising everything from God but the kitchen sink to get people to suppport ones ministry is way over done. That horse is beat to death.

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    Sun Aug 22 2010

    I don't know much about any of the people on this list, and I feel better for it. Graham, at least to my limited knowledge, appears far, far, less venal than the others, most of who are nothing more than successful and disgraceful confidence tricksters. While I am not about to extol Graham's virtues (of which I freely admit I have no more knowledge than of any of his possible sins) he at least conducted himself with a dignity lacking in the others.

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    Sun Aug 22 2010

    I can read Billy Graham's writing and only cringe a little bit. He's trying to help people it seems. I imagine most members of this site hate him for not being a ridiculous doomsday proclaimer, or a magical healer.

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    Mon Mar 22 2010

    I am sure Billy was a great guy to sit down and share a soda with, he certainly had the ear of many a president. That being said, he really started to dumb down christianity by his shallow understanding of the scriptures. He could really get a crowd going. The problem with his theology is he replaced 'FAITH' with 'RECEIVING' Gods grace. Or receiving God into your life. How do you do that!! On what basis can you receive God into your life, God does not want to come into your life, He (GOD) wants to kill you. Your a sinner, you have nothing to offer God. I know I am being technical here but that is what a person of the word should be. The thing Billy did not preach is that we must have FAITH in what Jesus did on the cross for our sins. He lived a sinless life, he was born of a virgin, he performed miracles, he shed his blood on the cross for remission of sins, he died, was buried and rose again after three days, having victory over death and fullfilling the all the scriptures. It is ... Read more

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    Tue Feb 16 2010

    Authentic man of GOD!!! His words have been an inspiration and his message has never changed. May he and his family ministry enjoys the fruits of GOD's blessings

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    Fri Jan 15 2010

    I just want to say that I love Billy and what he has done.  I do have a problem with him teaching that we must show remorse for our sins before God can Save us... ed

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    Tue Jul 21 2009

    I am presently reading Frank Schaeffer's work, "Crazy for God." He comments on what a weird duck Billy is. One thing that struck me. Graham pulled his 17 year old daughter out of Wheaton College and arranged a marriage with a rich Armenian domiciled in Switzerland who was twenty years her senior. She never met the man until Billy introduced them. Bizarre and worthy of an oriental sheik.

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    Sun Jun 21 2009

    A true gatherer of lost souls who has arguably spread the good news of Jesus Christ to more people in the US and abroad than any other Evangelist. The Holy Spirit is truly working in him

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    Wed Dec 31 2008

    What can one say about Mr. Billy Graham that hasn't already been said... Great man, very Holy Spirit filled. God bless. :-)

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    Wed Dec 31 2008

    He's been preaching decisionism (asking the Lord to come into one's heart) for decades. Contrary to popular belief, he doesn't preach the same gospel as the apostles and is to be avoided.

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    Sat Dec 13 2008

    What can you say about Billy Graham??? He is the one you think of as  a true "man of God"... My mother was saved under his preaching....God bless him and may many more come to know Jesus because of him.....(its God I know.... not Graham, he's the vessel)

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    Sun Nov 16 2008

    Snakeoil salesman!!

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    Fri Nov 07 2008

    I'm not sure what I think about him. He's made some major left turns, yet lives as if he truly believes it. At least he doesn't appear to be knowingly decieve people...

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    Sun Jul 06 2008

    "Excellent" preacher!!!

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    Wed Feb 20 2008

    Billy Graham has been preaching the simple salvation gospel message and for many years has led many to the Lord through his crusades. This Godly gentleman has my all-around respect.

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    Wed Feb 20 2008

    Generally speaking I don't like most TV Evangelists, but there is always the exception to the rule. I have a lot of respect for Billy Graham as it seems to me he is the only one out there practicing what he preaches, as it were. He is like an old country preacher and doesn't give off the impression he is just there to get his face on television and his hand in your wallet.

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    Wed Jan 30 2008

    Preaches the basic gospel for non believers to get saved. When many seem to have forgotten the calling.

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    Mon Dec 17 2007

    The epitomy of the best preacher, evangelist, and Christian television personality. A man of strength and integrity.

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    Sun Dec 16 2007

    I hold what he has done over the years in highest regard. Some of his faculties are failing him, but that should not matter when he gets to that great homecoming. I expect Paul will be one of the first to greet him.

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    Mon Nov 05 2007

    Be careful and study his life.  He is a 33 degree Mason.  Look it up... He does teach Jesus Christ is the way to salvation, but listen and see what if ever, he shares regarding repentance and turing your life over to Christ, and dying daily to follow Him.

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    Thu Oct 25 2007

    I don't always agree with his theology but Billy Graham has been the Evangelist to the World for the 20th Century and beyond.

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    Sat Sep 15 2007

    You can't say he doesn't preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ

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    Mon Aug 20 2007

    BG has been a first rate actor/salesmen since the 50's and all the fraud clergy fall at his feet.  Most of the people who attend his "crusades" are church people and most who come to the front to get saved are church people. You can fool most of the people most of the time, especially the cultural christians. He is ecumenical, friend of deceivers, and loved by the world.  The best preachers are on the streets, without salary winning the sinners, not church people, to Christ.

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    Tue Aug 14 2007

    Personally, I don't think Graham belongs on this list. I think most would agree that he is a good and sincere man.Billy Graham had a close personal relationship with and fondness for both the Reagans and the Clintons. Unlike others on this list, I think this proves his objectivity in Christ.

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    Mon Aug 13 2007

    He's an amazing man of God who is reaching the nations and bringing them the love of God

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    Sun Aug 12 2007

    This man is a great preacher. He is a Bible based minister, and had brough millions to Jesus. He does not stand between man and God. He believes that the only way to God is through Jesus. Also, he is the only evangelist I know that still lives in the same cabin on the mountain that he bought when he began his ministry. He lives a humble life, unlike 99% of other evangelists. He truly uses his money for others, not himself.

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    Thu Aug 09 2007

    This is what the Bible teaches us. If a sinner (one who practices sin and does not know Christ. This is everyone before we come to accept Jessus fully!) repents of their sin, confesses and believes in Jesus as Lord (Romans 10:9) then they're eternally saved from seperation from God. Now, listen carefully. If the belief and confession is real they are saved. Period! If it is not real, or not from one's heart fully, then it's not true believing and one is not saved. Right? You see, Jehovah has given us all this free gift. All we have to do is accept it. If it wasn't freely given, then why did Christ have to die on the cross in our place? If a person truly repents and turns their life to Christ, then it is a real conversion. Bottom line, the Lord gives us this free gift freely to those that confess their full heart belief in Him. Read the following scriptures and let the Word of God bring you into all truth. Romans 10:9, "that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in y... Read more

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    Mon Jul 23 2007

    Don't agree with his Theology, but a great Human Being

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    Sat Jun 23 2007

    Billy Graham is NOT preaching the true gospel, but a distortion of the gospel. Billy preaches a part grace and a part YOUR works gospel. Graham does teach that Christ paid for our sins by what he did on the cross, BUT, Graham adds that you must do your part and repent and clean up your act, and forsake your sins, (which we can only at best do a very poor job of, even with our best efforts), and if you don't you won't be saved and born again no matter how much faith you have in Christ' shed blood on the cross. The Bible tells us over and over that we are saved by God's grace simply by our accepting His grace, PLUS NOTHING ELSE ON OUR PART.  In fact the Apostle Paul in his epistles condemns any adding of our works or efforts to the shed blood of Christ. Yet Rev. Billy, in his subtle way, throws salvation back in our hands from the cross, and in doing so he is saying "Christ did his part, now you have to do your part and make your salvation good by your repenting of your sins and changing... Read more

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    Fri Jun 22 2007

    He is of the Devil his father.

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    Wed May 02 2007

    I find this man a disgrace to the christian religion. I am a mother of 4 and the idea of having this man prmoting such bad ethics to my children is sickening. Gd is not on your side Graham! You are the greediest human being on earth and might as well the devil, your spot in hell is surely reserved my friend. May God bless you, you certainly need it.

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    Wed May 02 2007

    jesus h. christ how old is this old fart? hasn't he scammed enough money to get into heaven yet? and take your goofy son with you...

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    Tue Apr 24 2007

    A good and honest man.

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    Thu Apr 05 2007

    I have always loved Billy Graham, my mother inlaw and I went to one of his crusades in portland and really had my eyes opened to the gospel ( this was around the time I got saved about 16 years ago). the altar call was amazing sooo many people went forward to give their hearts and lives to Jesus it was wonderful!. from what I see he is a very good humble man of God and he always preaches from the word of God.

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    Sat Mar 24 2007

    The only one in this list with a modicum of integrity. Still completely wrong of course because there is no God.

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    Sun Mar 18 2007

    Just another Nicolatian clergyman.  Beware of ANY man who stands between you and the Father, that is called an instead of Christ or antichrist. He and his crusades are full of fraud and deception. Most of the people who come streaming down to BG feet are volunteers. I think it is sick to see all the other idolitris preachers grovel at the mention of BG's name. Judgement day is going to be full of suprises, I'm afraid.

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    Tue Mar 13 2007

    IMO, the best ever. I feel that his son (Franklin)  has made it more of a business than a mission to save people from their "lost ways".

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    Sun Mar 11 2007

    I didn't care for a couple of statements he has made but by far the best on on this list I also haven't enjoyed having his crusade's interrupt programing for every network " come on Billy every channel " oh well.

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    Fri Mar 09 2007

    Generally speaking, I would agree with the sentiments of Irishgit. As an agnostic, maybe I have an unrealistic view of religion, but my feeling is that clergymen, particularly those with the prominence of someone like Graham, should be out helping the sick, the poor, the weak, and the afflicted of society. The only images I have of Graham in my memory are those of him playing golf with various Presidents (I believe both he and Nixon shared similar  anti-Semetic sentiments). Graham has also been guilty of making silly and grandiose statements over the years; he once said that the majority of people in Houston, Texas, were going to end up burning in hell. Still, compared to guys like Dobson, Falwell, and Robertson, Graham does comport himself with some degree of dignity and restraint. Maybe it's because he's reaching the end of his life, but I get the feeling that he's sincere about his Christianity and perhaps regrets some of what he did or said in the past. That's more than you can say... Read more

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    Mon Mar 05 2007

    Unfortunately, one of the few evangelists completely above reproach in our modern world. One has to wonder if we will ever again see the likes of someone so driven to help others without self-aggrandizement. His organization's openness about financial accountability set the standard by which all others are judged. When you see the Benny Hinn's, the Kenneth Copeland's, the Creflo Dollar's - with their total disdain for opening their books in order to avoid having others scrutinize their wealth - remember the man who did it the right way. In my book, he'll aways be a 5 star. Even though he often sided politically with those who leaned to the right, he still attempted to remain balanced and fair.

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    Sat Mar 03 2007

    I have a little different perspective on Mr. Graham.  First off, I was offended by his statement during the service in the National Cathedral for the 9/11 victims, where he said that he was certain that "some" of the victims went to heaven.  I mean, honestly, that was just not the time to say a thing like that.  Secondly, for several years I served as secretary for Dr. Alesandr Haraszti (it's been a while, I'm not spelling that right) who was the man who helped Mr. Graham get behind the Iron Curtain for his crusades.  Dr. H had served Mr. Graham faithfully for years, getting doors opened to him that there was no way Mr. Graham could have done himself.  Dr. H. had been a well-respected doctor and scholar in Hungary and was able to open doors for Mr. Graham that made all kinds of things possible.  When I met Dr. H, he was in his 80s and had cancer.  He had no insurance because he had put aside his practice to help Mr. Graham.  He had asked if he could get insurance coverage under Graham ... Read more

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    Sat Feb 10 2007

    I think Graham's big appeal is that he's preached for thousands of years and has not one sexual or financial scandal dirtying his reputation. I personally don't have anything against him, I am just very leery of his embrace of freemasonry(If that's true), among other things.

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    Mon Jan 29 2007

    What can you say about Billy? He is a kind man and I feel a true Christian,he works tirelessly for the Lord and I feel is a good example as a Man and a Christian.

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    Sat Jan 20 2007

    Dr. Graham told people how to get to Heaven: John 3:16.

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    Sat Dec 30 2006

    Rev. Graham had quite a calling on his life and won many souls. I admire him for that.