Bill O Reilly

Approval Rate: 42%

42%Approval ratio

Reviews 36

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    Thu Jul 22 2010

    6/09: He's on a bender against "Big Oil" and speculators, something near and dear to the left. 7/22/2010: You may have heard the story about Shirley Sherrod, a woman who worked for the Agriculture Department. She was fired by the Obama Administration on Monday for making alleged racist remarks at a recent NAACP conference. The condemnation from the NAACP and the firing (Demanding resignation) by the Obama Administration were based off a short video clip posted by conservative website publisher Andrew Breitbart. Bill O' Reilly from Foxnews called for Sherrod's resignation three nights ago. Long story short...This woman did nothing wrong, The Obama Administration and Bill O' Reilly were wrong for demanding Sherrod's resignation without having ALL the information available. I sent O'Reilly an email yesterday morning asking him to apologize to Mrs Sherrod. Andrew Breitbart has lost all credibility by posting a bogus video clip that didn’t show the entire Sherrod speech in context. On l... Read more

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    Thu Jul 22 2010

    Once again, he is not a reporter, but a commentator, analyst, spin doctor, propagandist, entertainer or whatever phrase best suits your personal feelings about him. Like all such creatures, his bias is irrelevant, since he makes no pretense of objectivity.

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    Thu Jun 11 2009

    I do think O'Reilly is more objective than some but his show is pretty much celebrity news nowadays from interviewing Jon Voight, talking about Carrie Prejean, Great American Culture Quiz.....I mean you are better off watching Entertainment Tonight w/your wife.

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    Thu Jun 11 2009

    He is biased against idiots like Pelosi and Reid for sure. Bill is a straight shooter who more than ruffles some feathers. He must be doing something right: April 2009 ratings. O’Reilly Factor —3,287,000 viewers Campbell Brown—935,000 viewers Ed Show —834,000 viewers How to Fix America’s Economy – 185,000 viewers Nancy Grace –1,082,000 viewers More than the others combined. To the previous review about his lack of Vietnam service, he entered college in 1967 and the draft was not until 1969. So, unlike Bill Clinton, who openely admitted to dodging, Bill was legit.

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    Thu Jun 11 2009

    Bill O'Reilly is biased toward Bill O'Reilly. He can be equally condescending to the right and the left. After all, no one is as smart as he is- don't believe it? Just ask him. I lost respect for this guy and quit watching his show about five years ago. As to the previous review however...not sure what his lack of Vietnam service has to do with anything.

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    Thu May 28 2009

    He is a little biased to the right, but you can trust him to tell it like it is 90% of the time.

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    Fri Feb 20 2009

    It's been over 20 years since he's been anything but a right wing commentator, so he doesn't even really fit on the list. I'm sure when he was a beat TV guy in Scranton he must have worked over-time to be fair and balanced.

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    Sun Feb 01 2009

    Nothing wrong with bias, as long as you admit it and have the logical arguments to back up your opinions. Bill is merely a blowhard.

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    Sun Feb 01 2009

    Like Keith Olbermann representing the left, Bill O'Reilly is a commentator who some confuse as a reporter. I find that MSNBC and Fox News intentionally blur the line between the two roles. Commentators are allowed to show their bias, but reporters should be ethically bound not to.

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    Thu Jan 03 2008

    Take away the lies...  Take away the trying to cheat on your wife with your producer...  Take away the fabricated stories about "the war on christmas".... Take away the right wing spin in the "no spin zone"... take it all away and hes great!

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    Tue Apr 24 2007

    News reporter? Did someone say "news" reporter? I thought he was a cultural warrior (and sexual pervert)...

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    Fri May 12 2006

    News reporter? How about a disgrace to the media.

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    Thu Apr 27 2006

    Fact of the matter, Bill O'Reilly doesn't report news, he reports opinion.

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    Mon Feb 13 2006

    After a lifetime of being forced to listen to so-called "liberal" bias in everything - news, broadcast, textbooks, college courses - O'Reilly is a breath of fresh air. Of course, the "liberal" label is a joke, because they really deserve the label, "controllers." So my jaw drops when I hear the very sources who have been censoring facts and calling it "news" ever since I was a child, now claim that HE'S the censor! I remember the nasty distortions on the Spanish Civil War when I was 11, the Stalin lovers in the 1930's when only the Journal American published pictures (when I was about 9) of some Ukranians slaughtered for hiding some potatoes so they wouldn't starve to death, like the other five million or so Ukranians who were successfully starved in Stalin's artificial, planned "famine." That fake "famine" and its horrible result was unreported by the New York Times, of course, or by any of the other "balanced" sources which are now screaming because they are finally, and most des... Read more

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    Sat Oct 15 2005

    Bill - you're simply the worst and you make it look so easy! It's a shame that personality transplant graft never took. Never mind, keep up the awful work and remember - it's hard to make Dubba look like an intellectual giant; but next to you, he's world class!

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    Sun Sep 04 2005

    Worst of the Worst.....Should be banished to Iran!!

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    Thu Sep 01 2005

    If you don't like what Bill has to say, you can't handle the truth.

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    Thu Sep 01 2005

    I'll give him a 1 but he's really an N/A. I don't remember ever regarding O'Reilly as a reporter. Anyway, his viewpoints are inconsistently conservative, I consider him a right-leaner but not a conservative. I believe he views himself as a hero, giving voice to people and causes he deems to have a valid gripe and no medium to express it. He's the only talking head on the landscape consistently delivering higher and higher ratings, an undeniable five year trend. He's doing something right and Fox isn't about to relinquish the audience he's assembled.

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    Thu Aug 11 2005

    I'm only going to give him 4, because he is quite obviously bias and totaly spins everything on his show, but what others have said is right; He isn't a news reporter, and his show isn't a news broadcast. Same thing with John Stewart, He is a liberal bias, but his show isn't a real news broadcast either.

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    Wed Aug 03 2005

    He is somewhat biased, really more of a libertarian, I find him boring and rude to most of his guests. He is a pompous sexual pervert.

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    Sat Jul 30 2005

    Where is Neil Cavuto too add to this list. They are the worst.

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    Mon Apr 11 2005

    Three words...Lame ass douche bag!! Ooops that's four..Four more than this moron has ever delivered with any sembalance of credibility..

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    Mon Feb 21 2005

    Bill is a talking head and doesn't claim to be a reporter really- it's his opinion 100% of the time. Yes he claims to be the no spin zone and then spins for a full hour but the show itself isn't put on as a news broadcast like the Nightly News or Good Morning America.

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    Mon Feb 21 2005

    The first thing to remember is that Bill O'Reilly is not a reporter or journalist, nor does he pretend to be. O'Reilly is an analyst and in that type of work a bias is more likely to be prevalant, however, I do believe he does a decent job on presenting both sides of an issue.

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    Sun Feb 20 2005

    He is not biased. He just a jerk.

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    Fri Feb 18 2005

    Too bad the lowest ranking is a 1..wouild love to give him something lower than that. The biggest hypocrite in the world. His self righteous rants about morals ring hollow now after he pays off the woman he was having phone sex with! Whether it was consensual or not, he's married and he took the pedophile Michael Jackson to task for paying his accuser off but he does the same thing! A hypocrite!

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    Fri Jan 14 2005

    I do think that he is pretty fair, he presents the fact and when he gives his opinion he says it.

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    Tue Dec 28 2004

    The title of this category is Most Biased News Reporters... not Most Opinionated News Journalists. O'Reilly is not a news reporter, so therefore, his name doesn't belong near the top. His job is to be opinionated people. If you depend on him for a news update, you are as stupid as many people think Bill O'Reilly is.

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    Tue Aug 24 2004

    5 stars, yes, he is THE MOST BIASED so called journalists on air today. Either biased or completely insane as his view of reality is warped beyond recognition.

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    Mon Jul 26 2004

    Does this man EVER admit when he is wrong?

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    Wed Jul 21 2004

    Every time his mouth is moving, he's biased. Why doesn't he just tattoo Bush/Cheney '04 on his forehead?

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    Fri Jul 16 2004

    He is smug and in love with himself but he is not the most biased unless it's about how great he is.

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    Thu May 13 2004

    You mean the most neutral of all news reporters. He's not really a reporter either. He's a journalist and is brutally honest in his assessments. He has no bias, which is rare for any news personality these days. O'Reilly makes people think, and for some viewers, especially those who don't like him, that is too much for them to handle.

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    Sat Apr 10 2004

    I can't watch him. He's perpetually PO'd and won't let anyone talk. He makes me want to run.

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    Tue Mar 16 2004

    Ha! Fair and balanced my a$$. You'd think certain parties were paying him or something.

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    Tue Mar 16 2004

    O'Reilly is certainly biased, but it is also worth noting that he is not a news reporter. His show is a political talk show in which various opinions are expressed. While O'Reilly may be extremely biased and stubborn, he certainly does not belong on this list, as his show is not a TV news show but is a political talk show in which the anchor and his guests are entitled to their own opinions and have the right to express them.