bikini/Speedo (men's swimwear)

Approval Rate: 56%

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    Fri Aug 26 2011

    they give men freedo of choice and proud of what they have,Americans put a label like" homosexual" if you wear the foowling GROW AMERICA

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    Sat Jul 30 2011

    If fit women can wear bikinis, why can't fit men wear speedos?

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    Fri Jul 29 2011

    Most guys should avoid speedos.At least that's what the ladies tell me. Gay men are probably the only fans of them for obvious reasons.

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    Fri Jul 29 2011

    They stink!

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    Fri Jul 29 2011

    Most people that wear these, shouldn't....

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    Mon Jul 25 2011

    There is nothing like a skin tight speedo to show off my muscles and it even brings out my mullet even more.

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    Fri May 27 2011

    to each his own but they are not attractive on most men. the one obsessed with his speedo and that hes been wearing one for 20+ years(probably the same one) needs to find out why he would waste his time to make up so many accounts to promote speedos because really we just don't care that much.

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    Sat Dec 04 2010

    l hate bathing sunt to knees l put a speedo on under it when l get to the water the bathing sunt come off an speedo is it it gave you a good tan l thint speedo is coming back for men some women look some don,t

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    Sat Aug 15 2009

    I feel one of the benefits of staying in great shape (among many others) and paying attention to personal grooming is the ability to wear minimal clothing in the appropriate setting. I wear Speedo -type trunks when swimming laps , and I fail to see what the issue is. They serve a purpose (less drag) , and I also am confident enough of my body to wear them. Sure it is going "against the grain" a bit , but I could care less. I have been complimented numerous times for doing just that , usually by women who don't seem to have the hang-ups that the Speedo-bashers have. The male Speedo bashers are usually fat , hairy old dudes or fat punks with a "tinky dinky" , waiting for the right time to come "out of the closet". Any negativity towards what I choose to wear , and I just have to consider the source. In closing , if the sight of my lean , muscular , nicely-endowed physique is unappealing to you , avert your eyes. Pretty simple.

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    Mon Aug 10 2009

    I find it very bizarre that any woman would state that she only wants a man to wear his bathing suit down to his knees and there is no other option acceptable. Texasyankee, I feel sorry for any man in your life, that you would see the male form as so repugnant. So many women say that they are only okay with seeing their own guy. PLEASE! Let me translate this attitude: "Honey, I think men are ugly and gross, but since you are my man, I will tolerate your ugliness." YOU WOMEN ARE PATHETIC! I think it is sad that so many men have to qualify their masculinity, and we women who get so "grossed out" are not helping. Speedo or not, I do not care, but please get rid of those long baggy balloon board shorts that make all men, buff or not, look like topless clowns. They look ridiculous. I do not care how good looking you are, or how great your body is, you cannot, I repeat, CANNOT look sexy in those parachutes. That goes for the goofy baggy shorts that go down sometimes to your midcalf too. Yo... Read more

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    Tue Jul 07 2009

    I am a straight man and much prefer speedos and bikini type swimwear to those heavy, loose, baggy things that pass for men's swimwear. In San Diego, as with most every where else in the USA, the wearing of speedo/bikini type suits is not common. I've seen more men wearing them around the nude beach where its actually the "conservative" thing to wear. I am not a nudist. But around Ocean Beach, Mission Beach and Pacific Beach, the wearing of them is almost non-exhistant. In La Jolla especially near and at Black's Beach, they are somewhat more common. It is odd and a shame that Americans have such a big hang up about this type of suit. As a young adult, I was encouraged by some in my family to wear what was most comfortable for me and so I did. I like the sun tan I get as well. I have no problem and am actually encouraged to see other men wearing them. However the average, (non-overweight), male form looks odd and out of place wearing big baggy shorts. In some cases they appear... Read more

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    Fri Jun 26 2009

    As A gay man, i like to see other men in speedo type swimwear. ( speedo is a generic term, use the word bikini) When you see a fat guy on the beach, or pool wearing a bikini. He might be from another country. In alot of places, wearing a bikini is like wearing board shorts here. Its just normal. Or, you can say life is too short, and the guy is trying to feel ( at least) a little sexy. There is nothing wrong with trying to spice up your life a little. Or, he wants sun all over his body. With no funky tan lines. This is also true with the women. If they want to feel a little sexy, or just want suntans. You dont have to look at them. So why should it be a big deal? Just remember, you could look like them in a few years. Live and let live. You wont like some young thing, saying ewww yukky. I prefer the thong. I have great tan lines and im proud of them. However i dont wear them in public. You have to keep in mind the children. I really think men in speedo type bathing suits are acceptable... Read more

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    Wed Jun 24 2009

    I much prefer to wear speedos when swimming because they are much more comfortable to wear in the water than boardies. I also prefer to get a tan on all of my legs rather than just from the knee down. I dont understand what people have against them.On young buff guys they look really sexy.However they should only be worn by young slim or buff guys,not guys that are old or obese.There is nothing worse than seeing bald men in their 60s or 70s wearing speedos.Its even worse if they are obese men in their 60s or 70s.Definitely not a good look.The baggy shorts are like something from the early 20th century. A female work colleague was saying recently how much she hates guys wearing speedos.I piped up and said whats wrong with them. She then asked me what era I was from and stated that you only like speedos if you were around in the 1950s. In response I said that the modern speedo did not first appear until the 1970s.I in turn then asked her what era she was from pointing out that the curre... Read more

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    Thu Jan 08 2009

    Speedo or brief style suites rule & more guys should wear them. They are just more practicle, you can wear them under your shorts and when you get to the beach or pool, off with the short and bam you are ready to jump in. When you done towel off and bam again your speedo is dry and your ready to get dress and go.

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    Sat Nov 29 2008

    i have worn a speedo/bikini style swimsuit at the pool or beach most of my life and i cannot imagine anything else for me.the first time being when i was on a swim just seems ridculous to me that while so many womenwear such brief swimsuits.the main complaint i read and hear is that most men do not have the body to wear one-well, if that is true many men should not have their shirts off in public ! ever!if you do not look good in a speedo you should probably not be out by the pool.the whole anti-speedo thing is just an american thing.

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    Tue Nov 18 2008

    kp What is the aversion to the male form? Women wear swimwear next to their skin - sometimes outlining their labia and nipples! I challenge all men and women to compare wearing form fitting swimwear to trunk style swimwear. Speedos keep me cooler, less chafe, and they do not drag as much air and water.

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    Tue Nov 11 2008

    I rate Speedo/Nike/TYR and most men style competition suits great,1 thing you kind of need the body for them I guess,second they are as said while swimming the best support,third they dry so quick. Last point I scuba dive and having shorts all bunched up under your wet suit sucks a men's style competition suit fits nice-drys quick and no need to be embarrassed on the tight quarters of a dive boat having to get naked or do the towel trick!

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    Sun Oct 26 2008

    I have now worn m t string to the beach two weekends running and now have a sexy tanned butt. I just make sure I am waxed in all the right places and it looks great. I agree, women wear skimpy clothes and beach wear so why not guys.

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    Thu Sep 11 2008

    I think Bikini or Speedo suits are the best. They are super for working on your tan and when its comes to comfort- well there is nothing that comes close. When you in the water doing laps they come out tops. Better looking , better feel- better- better- better . Long board shorts- no ways , no thank you. As far as the GAY issue goes- well I am not Gay and I only wear Speedo suits and when I tan I wear a Speedo thong. They the best for all round beach fun and as long as you spend some time in the gym and visit a salon for your monthly wax session there is no reason not to don your Bikini and hit the beach. Lifes is what you make of it and allowing other people to dictate what we guys should wear to the beach or pool is just stupid. Enjoy every moment in you comfy Speedo.

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    Thu Jul 17 2008

    Here is my personal experience. I've been wearing "speedos" (or similar brand) to the beach for the last 3 years. My only regret is not starting sooner. If you've spent your life wearing baggy shorts that baloon up in the water and take forever to dry, you can not imagine the level of comfort you are denying yourself. I live at the beach and finally got fed up with shorts. Now I will only wear swim briefs on the sand or in the water. If the idea of wearing them is remotely interesting to you, do not let this summer pass without giving briefs a try. I can tell you this, you WILL get noticed. Here are the reactions I've gotten:70% Do not appear to notice my swimwear at all. 20% Stare blankly from their beach chairs. 5% Stare and smile. 4% Stare, smile and adjust their position to get a better look at me. 1% Will look away or move away.Now I'm talking about everyone on the beach in those numbers - men, women and children. However, it is almost exclusively women who fall into the approving... Read more

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    Wed Jul 16 2008

    The problem with Speedo/bikini/banana hammock type swim wear for men is that the 90% of men who shouldn't wear this type of thing ruin it for the 10% who should.  Unfortunately we men do not posess the appropriate skills of self- assessment and cannot be trusted to determine if we belong in the 90% group or the 10% group, so they should be outlawed for all of us.  Women on the other hand are hyper self-critical and they do err on the side of conservatism.  Although there are exceptions, most often the ones wearing the bikinis are worthy of the exposure.

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    Sun Apr 20 2008

    I'm gonna wear my speedo to the beach on April 26th, anyone from so cal  want to go? Who wants to wear their speedos to the beach? I'm gonna start wearing my speedo to the beach if anyone wants to go, guys and gals, (straight guys prefered I'm not looking for a date). I am going to wear what I want. You only live once live it up. After a while everyone will be used to it and no one will care. It'll be fun lets go. Check out my poll. If you want to go hit me up [email protected]. I've been wearing speedos since I was 14 and I've never heard a bad comment and everyone I show my pics to seems to like them. They just make more sense. I'm not going to regergitate the same old spiel about why I like to wear them. I'm just going to start wearing them all the time

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    Mon Feb 04 2008

    Really, wear what you want. I mean, when it comes down to it, only a handful of guys and girls look great in a swimsuit. If you are a buff guy, you will look good in a speedo or boardshorts. If you are a hot babe, you will look great in a bikini. I am certainly not a buff guy but I am good looking and in shape. I wear speedo bikini swimwear because it is comfortable. I don't feel like I swimming in my clothes (which it feels like with board shorts). As for impressing a woman, I only want to impress my girlfriend, and she loves me in my speedos.

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    Thu Oct 11 2007

    Wear what you want. Its your body and your own desicion.

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    Wed Oct 10 2007

    I guess I'm one of the last American men who'd feel embarrassed to wear baggy pants for swimming. I'd feel equally silly in a thong or micro bikini. Real men wear Speedos!

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    Mon Nov 13 2006

    The disparity between men's and women's swimwear in America is so vast it is ridiculous. Men are expected to swim in what is actually knee length pants, some even with cargo pockets and women's are about three square inches from being nude. The anti-speedo comments are just plain absurd. The ladies with the "mystery" comment....when a man is wet, especially in water temperature well below body temperature, you're not going to learn anything anyway. The "gay" comment is really old. So homosexual men are the only males allowed to swim comfortably? I suppose with that logic women who wear Levi's we can automatically assume are lesbian? And for the comments made about the men who are not in perfect physical form, okay now how about all the women out there in their spandex suits with the exposed gluteus maximus that resembles two bags of cottage cheese hanging out? We're talking about women of all ages, all sizes and shapes wearing spandex panty and bra sets - no ill comments. However a man... Read more

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    Mon Oct 23 2006

    I can't believe anyone would wear anything other than speedos. Swimming in shorts looks like something left over from the victorian era. For some bizarre reason, I find the younger swimmers (14-30 age group) are the ones mainly wearing the silly shorts & the older swimmers wearing proper swimwear, such as speedos.

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    Sun Oct 01 2006

    Men's bikini swimsuits rule! Obviously you have to be in shape to look good, but there are some people that should not wear them. I wear them all the time at my pool or at the beach. I was hesitant at first because I thought I would be ridiculed, but now I could care less what people think. They dry fast, allow for a great tan, less drag in the water, and feel great! So go ahead Speedo bashers...bash all you want. It's not going to stop me from wearing what I want to wear!

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    Tue Mar 14 2006

    speedo comfortable, colorful, and great for racing.

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    Mon Jan 23 2006

    I love speedos especially the nylon elastane ones. bronze colour micro thin layer hugs the lunchbox when wet looks see thru and all is revealed in them. you can run but you can't hide in speedos. Under water very see through, sunbaking very bulging and often a suprise for any one watching. I f I see a cute girl I get semi aroused and WOW a big bulge for all to see. I cut the inner layer out so even more see through. Get an ererction and no where to go just see it all. I love my speedos but then I am an exhibitionist.

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    Tue Nov 08 2005

    I've read all this and think the speedos vs. shorts is old. I do wear speedos and for they feel great but there are times when I wear shorts also. The short are the people that dont like the speedos for what ever... I like speedos others dont so I do the nice thing and have shorts around. I dont like the net style lining in swim shorts so I remove them and wear the speedos under shorts. It also lets me take the wet shorts and get dry or get a nice tan.

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    Mon Aug 08 2005

    I recently just bought a house with my own pool. I never wear anything but a Speedo in my pool. I did however wear my regular shorts when the family was over and thought to myself, how the hell can people like wearing these? The shorts took forever to dry, they were a big, sloppy mess when I got out of the pool and very uncomfortable. The look of a Speedo may not be everyone's cup of tea, but let's face it...they make SO much more sense for swimming! I guarantee that whoever wears one at least once will never want to wear board shorts again!

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    Fri Jul 29 2005

    I don't get it. You probably don't like brief style swimsuits because your embarrassed about your bod. So you cover up with those ridiculous shorts. Then you work out in the gym, sweat, strain, build a great bod, but now have those hidious tan lines. Look, if you like long swim shorts fine... I think you look ridiculous, but thats your choice. If you like to wear competition swimwear, fine, that to is your choice. If you like to wear nothing, fine, that is your choice. As for some of the womens remarks here.... I would venture to say that a lot of you don't frequent the beach, and when you do, are shall I say, not particularly attractive in your swim attire. People are drawn to what they like, if you don't like it keep it to yourself. When on the beach I don't walk by a particularly repulsive woman, overweight wearing a suit by AAA tent and awning and make rude comments. I keep walking, and ignore her. However, if I'm wearing a speedo, and walk by her, 9 times out of 10, she... Read more

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    Fri Jul 29 2005

    Americans need to get a grip!! It's a BATHING SUIT. I've been wearing speedo type swimsuits for 24 yrs, since before high school. I love the way they look and feel. And yes they don't weigh a ton when you get out of the pool and the tan lines are great. Let's catch up with the rest of the world in this area, trivial as it is, and just be happy being ourselves. We're among a very few people in the world that freak out about how they look on the beach to others. It's time to chill out America.

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    Fri Jul 29 2005

    Two words: board shorts. Anything else is scary. UPDATE: We don't need to be enlightened about bad looking swimwear.

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    Fri Jul 29 2005

    Sorry, I like to see a guy with bathing suit to the knees. I know the ones who are swimmers don't have a choice and that's fine. But for hanging out on the beach... no way to the speedos! I don't care how buff you are!EDIT: man this makes me think of the day we went to nascar and in the drive-in section in the center of the track was a guy sitting on top of his camper weighing no less than 300 pounds, all tanned and in a black speedo. My brother had to show us it, my husband claims it burned his eyes and like a horror show that you can't stop looking at, our eyes were continuously drawn to this awful sight throughout the whole race. ACK! EDIT: to dcj; who was dictating what everyone should wear? For your information, this is an opinion site,and this is what we do; make our opinions heard!

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    Thu Jun 02 2005

    I always feel attractive in my speedos. Having said that, I don't linger too long before reflective surfaces when I am wearing them: I lie there, focus on my tried and trusted inner beauty and the warmth of the sun on my skin.

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    Mon May 30 2005

    No matter how old he is or what he looks like,it never looks good.

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    Fri May 27 2005

    Oh, Jeez!

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    Fri May 27 2005

    Check out my website for info on a day to wear speedos at the beach.

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    Thu May 26 2005

    I hold almost anyone of either gender suspect who feels that the male body looks better in droopy/baggy clothes.

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    Wed May 11 2005

    I love wearing Speedos. They allow for a great tan and feel great in the water. If people don't like to see a guy wearing a Speedo, then they don't have to look. I wear what I want to wear because life is just too short.

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    Tue May 10 2005

    If a man go to beach for tanning and go to pool for swimming, those long surf pants don't accomplish neither of them. Why scroll up your pant for tanning when you can just wear a speedo or square cut or even a short pant? Why bother how people look at what you wear when you go to beach is just for relaxing? For me, this bathing suit to the knees is just look awful. If I vote for which country has the most attractive men on beach, I would vote for Australian. American men, they are not even on my list.

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    Fri Apr 22 2005

    I have been wearing speedo's for more than 20 years. As far as what to wear when swimming laps, there is nothing more comfortable or practical. The general objection that speedo's reveal too much of a man's package is often lost when one considers that even board/dork shorts cling and mold to one's body when they get wet.

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    Sat Apr 02 2005

    speedos not attractive to me. its not a manly look to me. i prefer a little more mystery to it. i want to have the option to see or not to see.

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    Fri Mar 11 2005

    Yes, to the Speedos

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    Thu Mar 10 2005

    Dork shorts are heavy when wet, chafe, and leave ugly tanlines. Speedo briefs do not. For years it's been the same old thing, the puritanical trying to control those who want to live there life their own way. Enjoy life, ignore what you don't like, and let others be themselves.

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    Thu Mar 10 2005

    Unless you are built like a Greek god, and/or are looking to get some fudge packed by a Greek god, lose the Speedos. When I drop the kids off to the Y Pool for swim practice, every now and then I see the scary visage of a fat bald dude in a Speedo. It's almost as bad as a bloody car wreck -- you don't want to look, but I end up staring at dude in aghast, then dude looks back at me and I quickly jerk my head away from dude.

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    Sat Jan 29 2005

    I started wearing speedos as a swimmer and a triathlete My wife and I love the beach. I try not to wear anything else but a speedo style swimwear. I don't get why people have a problem with speedos. It is just an article of clothing

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    Sat Jan 29 2005

    Well i guess its cool if your a guy wearing a thong, if your rockstar wearing leather pants or somthing. Or it depends on where in the world you are, and what type of beach your on. There are places in Europe where you have dress codes for swimwear.