
Approval Rate: 87%

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    Thu Apr 16 2009

    The show was entertaining enough but Darren was so mean and bossy to Samantha. I can't believe she put up with him.

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    Mon Nov 24 2008

    I was in love with Elizabeth Montgomery!  She was strikingly beautiful, and so perky on the show.  Even as a kid I was taken in by her!  I was never too thrilled with the Darren's they had though.  And the show was silly, but that was the point, wasn't it?

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    Thu Apr 24 2008

    Loved it as a kid, but was strangely scared of it. Grandmama was too freaky and why were there 2 Darrens and noone ever thought that was strange???!!! Wanted to be Tabitha!!!

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    Thu Apr 24 2008

    I did't care for elizebeth montgomery being in this show, seemed forced, not natural acting, those unattractive facial contortions or any circumstance were painful to view as a child, but the first darren was the far best part of the show, an the odd ball other witches and warlocks.

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    Thu Feb 21 2008

    That was a great show! Imanginative, and with great insight into what would make people tick, with her husband Darren, or Durwood as her mother Endura would call him, what a cast of characters, calling Dr.Bombay, what about her twin Cousin Sabrina, and her Aunt Clara, and her Father, and the great comedian Paul Lynde he played an Uncle, I can't think of his name off the top of my head. The show was just great never mind her busy body neighbor, and Larry who always got to see most of the odd ball spells that Endura put on her son-in-law.

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    Wed Feb 20 2008

    Elizabeth Montgomery was a MILF!

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    Thu Aug 23 2007

    Five stars for the early run. Dropped a touch when the first Mrs. Kravitz went away. Second big drop when the first Darrin gave it up. Die hard fans kept watching though and soldiered on to the not so great end.

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    Tue Aug 21 2007

    darren was a majorly abusive alcoholic. fairly ugly as well. couldnt see what sam saw in him. supporting cast of mortals equally dull and meanspirited. endora was right.

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    Thu Aug 16 2007

    The best show ever created.  Groovy!

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    Thu Aug 16 2007

    These witches, together with the so called creative minds behind this nasty, repulsive trash, should have had a deep and personal encounter with Cotton Mather. It would have done them, and us, a world of good.

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    Fri May 25 2007

    I thought this was the greatest TV classic ever made. I have collected all of the episodes and even created a myspace page at I also put some greate stuff on Please stop by for a fun visit and leave comments!! Have a great day!

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    Mon May 21 2007

    The  best show ever created.  Samantha was so sweet and beautiful.

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    Wed May 16 2007

    Bewitched is one of the best shows ever! It is so entertaining.

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    Thu May 10 2007

    Where is"I Love Lucy"!

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    Tue May 08 2007

    I love Bewitched; the show was fun and dealt with an issue that some during that time said was taboo. I guess in all fairness maybe it should have been, but she was a NICE witch and since her powers were more superhuman like and not evil we tended to love her.

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    Tue Oct 03 2006

    Best show ever.

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    Mon Sep 18 2006

    OK I've seen enough episodes of this show to fairly rate it. Not a very funny show in my opinion, but good-natured and somewhat entertaining. 2 and a half stars

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    Fri Aug 25 2006

    Given the current ranking of "Bewitched" on this list (#2), I'm clearly in the minority in rating this series as average, but this is primarily due to the latter seasons and personal preference. One of the obvious flaws of the show is that the producers didn't know when to call it a day, namely when Dick York (Darrin Stephens) left the show for health reasons and was replaced by Dick Sargent. York played the part bumbling and affable while Sargent came across as downright mean and bitter. Sargent simply show no real comedic talent on the show in my opinion. The series did stay somewhat fresh by having interesting recurring characters (e.g. Dr. Bombay played by Bernard Fox), but this was countered somewhat by repetitive storylines of Darrin always being the butt of some magical joke or the nosey neighbors almost discovering the family secret. In the end, "Betwitched" gets rounded down a bit to three stars.

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    Tue May 16 2006

    I grew up watching Bewitched, it is one of my all-time favorites.

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    Mon May 15 2006

    Samantha was beautiful and her cousin Serena was so hip. I didn't care for the first Darrin. He yelled a lot and his shrill voice was annoying. I never believed Sam would have put up with his crap. Uncle Arthur was so gay! Loved the episode where a bunny turned into Carol Wayne.

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    Mon May 15 2006

    Oh, this show is a true classic!Bewitched forever!

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    Tue May 02 2006

    Just a simple, funny comedy where love always wins at the end of the day. I never could figure out why Darin didn't want Samantha to use her powers, though. If my wife were a witch, the list of things I could think of for her to twitch up would be endless. I loved Samantha and thought she was beautiful and so nice. And, I loved all her crazy family members. Aunt Clara was so precious. Aunt Hagatha. Uncle Arthur. Endora! A classy lady. Very clever show even if it did repeat story lines. We loved it!

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    Fri Apr 21 2006

    Lovely entertaining show, I still like to catch whenits on. But I do agree with lowmanonthetotempole, that in hindsight this show had a lot of other things going on. People did drink a lot and use traquilizzers--but that was part of the culture too--and sometimes you got the feeling they were trying to make a point about other differences between people than witchcraft versus mortals. Also TPTB recycled too many of the stories and made the last few seasons less than they could have been.

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    Sat Feb 25 2006

    Although the plots were often repetitive, it was always amusing to watch and consistently entertaining. Funny too!

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    Sun Jan 08 2006

    Well It was good clean fun but it got old with the same theme re-cycled.

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    Fri Oct 07 2005

    A classic award winning top 10 show. One of the best shows ever created. All the actors & actresses were so great in character, especially Elizabeth Montgomery. She was so beautiful and sweet as Samantha. Great show one of the best!

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    Tue Oct 04 2005

    A true classic, I still like watching Bewitched everytime it comes on. I also like Dick Yorks character as Darin, I guess because I am so used to him because I seen him in more shows then the other guy that played his character, also his personality seemed better. Occasionally their is times where I wish I could twitch me up something that i need, but oh well....Good classic show 5 stars

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    Mon Oct 03 2005

    It was one of the shows not to miss when it was on. I am not sure if I enjoyed the show or just watching Elizabeth Montgomery but either way it keep my attention.

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    Sat Oct 01 2005

    this was a great show. i also liked dick york's darrin. he was more easygoing. dick sargent always seemed mad. agnes moorhead was just wickedly fun as darrins mother in law. and aunt clara was funny with all the messes she accidently created.

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    Sat Jun 18 2005

    The message this bewitching show brought to millions was: Love conquers All! Samantha, as a minority (being a witch) had to stay in the closet, so to speak, and not reveal her heritage. Darrin did not want Samantha to use her supernatural powers, but yet, still loved her above anything else. Hence, Love does conquer all!

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    Sat Jun 11 2005

    One of my favourite shows. I've always presumed there was a metaphor to the show (i.e. hiding your indentity). Liz Montgomery was illuminous. I have to give only 4 stars because it tapered off in quality towards the end.

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    Tue Jun 07 2005

    I LOVE Bewitched Samantha was my friend's favorite character.

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    Tue May 31 2005

    Best 60s television sitcom ever. Get it? Elizabeth Montgomery was a beautiful woman with alot of talent, and I think she was meant for the role as Sam. This is a funny series about a witch that marries a regular, mortal man, Darrin. Samantha(Elizabeth) uses her witching powers to do all sorts of things! Tabitha, Samantha and Darrin's daughter, gains her powers too. Like mother, like daughter!!! It's hillarious, especailly when Sam's relatives like Endora or Serena(my personal favorite character) or Uncle Aurthur are around.(When AREN'T they? LOL)IT got a little less interensting with the Darrin-switch, (from York to Sargent) but otherwise, it is awesome.The whole family can enjoy this magical sitcom. *twitches nose*

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    Sat May 28 2005

    Just a loveable, everyday...witch? What's next, a show about the goofy comic misadventures of a nice middle-class family of misunderstood Satanists? Where did they get that about witchcraft being something you inherit? I thought the Wicca people wanted it classified as a religion (not a race). Yup, guess I've managed to offend just about every PC person out there, but some things are too repulsive to be funny.

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    Thu May 19 2005

    I used to twitch my nose hoping Samantha's clothes would fall off. Stupid kid.

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    Tue Mar 29 2005

    One of the best shows of the sixties. Could anybody but Elizabeth Montgomery have done Samantha. I still don't know how she could wiggle her nose that way.

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    Mon Mar 28 2005

    Loved this show in the 70s, liked imagining what I could do with magic powers.

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    Mon Feb 07 2005

    One of my all time favorite 1960s TV shows! I was born in 1969 when the Darrin switch began, but me personally, I like Dick York's Darrin the best of the two because on the show, he obviously loves Samantha, his expressions are funny, and he made a very good Darrin. Dick Sargeant was too serious on the show as the 2nd Darrin and looks like he's mad at the world. My favorite character is Mrs. Kravitz...her scenes are priceless! LOL

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    Mon Jan 31 2005

    i think that Bewitched was a good show but i like I Dream of Jeanie better. Barbara Eden clearly is a better actress than Elizabeth Mountgomery. And Jeanie is alot more Prettier than Sammantha. plus I Dream of Jeanie was more amusing than Bewitched. But i have to addmit Bewitched is A good and Funny show.

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    Thu Dec 02 2004

    One of the best show's since its debut 40 years ago in 1964.

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    Sun Nov 28 2004

    BEWITCHED IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE THE GREATEST SHOW EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Thu Aug 19 2004

    It's a dumb show!

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    Sun Jul 18 2004

    Loved this show since its inception. Perfectly cast. Dick York suffered brilliantly. Always will be a classic.

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    Sat Jul 10 2004

    This was one of the best TV shows even if they had 2 actors playing Darron

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    Wed Jul 07 2004

    What a great classic television daughters love this show...only complaint were the numerous cast changes over the years...but Elizabeth Montgomery was a jewel! Loved her as Serena...and who can compare to Agnes Moorehead as the dark mother in law.

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    Tue Jun 08 2004


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    Thu Jun 03 2004

    oh my gosh the best best best i love shows with magic and stuff

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    Thu Apr 15 2004

    Bewitched is great. It used to be my favorite show. Elizabeth Montgomery was very talented and beautiful. I loved Agnes Moorehead as Endora, too. Paul Lynde as Uncle Arthur was good, too, quite a character. Sam's cousin Serena was quite funny, too. I love how she called Larry cotton top. The only thing that bothered me about this show was that it was kind of sexist. Sam always did what Darrin wanted. Still a great show, though. Wholesome, unlike the crap on mtv and hbo with all the swearing and nudity. When I get older and have kids, this is a show they could definitely watch.

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    Thu Apr 15 2004

    A true classic television show. Elizabeth Montgomery was perfect as Samantha and her fun loving cousin Serena(she was so good, that you swore at times it was a different actress) Her mortal husband was played superbly first by Dick York then by Dick Sargent. The rest of the cast was terrific, legendary screen actress Agnes Moorehead as Endora the meddling mother in law, the wonderful Marion Lorne as the fluttery Aunt Clara, the hilarious Alice Pearce then Sandra Gould as the noisy neighbor Gladys Kravitz, the terrific character actor George Tobias as her husband Abner, the hysterical Paul Lynde as the practical joker Uncle Arthur, the dynamite Shakespearean actor Maurice Evans as Maurice, the wonderful Bernard Fox as the over the top Dr Bombay, the great Alice Ghostly as the well meaning but flustered Esmeralda, and the fantastic David White as the money hungry but likeable Larry Tate. With a cast like that the show could not go wrong. The storylines were also hysterical, pulled o... Read more

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    Sun Mar 28 2004

    The cast is great, especially Samantha. She's a wonderful actress (Elizabeth Montgomery) who is also very beautiful. The rest of the cast is fine. The problem is that the plots are repeated over and over again.