Benjamin Franklin Reviews | RateItAll

Benjamin Franklin

American polymath who was active as a writer, scientist, inventor, statesman, diplomat, printer, publisher, forger and political philosopher Website

Approval Rate: 87%

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    Thu Feb 17 2011

    As Numbah noted,Franklins influence was mainly an American thing.However,his influence here was pretty powerful.Besides the many achievements noted below,I think the fact that he did not patent his Franklin Stove because he wanted as many people as possible to benefit from the more efficient design speaks VOLUMES about his character.No Capitalist Swine was he !!!!

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    Sat Sep 11 2010

    On a world scale I'm taking off a star, but he's an easy five for the US for his influences on politics and his contributions as an inventor.

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    Mon Feb 14 2005

    Though I cringe when I always see these interviews where dude asks, If you could have dinner with any 3 people in history, living or dead, who would you invite. [99 out of 100 respondents say Jesus while the other choices range from anything from Curly Howard to Hitler] Well, my short list for dinner would include Ben Franklin (though my honest choice is that I prefer to eat alone). Ben Franklin is one of them dudes who could have been cool any time in the history of the world. He was an entraordinary scientist, statesman, inventor, and writer. He was also an accomplished swimmer. The guy was even a freakin' Fire Chief. In fact, he invented Fire Departments, as well as free Libraries and non-denominational college in the U.s. (U. Of Penn). I bet if he were alive today, he would either be President, a Rock Star or one Hell of a Texas Hold'em Player. If you ever make it to Philly, check out the Franklin Institute on the Parkway. You will see his many incredible accomplishments and... Read more

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    Mon Feb 14 2005

    Ben Franklin's contributions are well documented. Post master, scientist, writer and numerous other achievements have made him an influence which is still felt today. However, my favorite writing by Franklin was a letter dated June 25, 1745 when he wrote to a young man and explained that if he, the young man, was to take on a mistress and have an affair, he would be far better off to do so with an older woman rather than a young one. These, in Franklin's words, were his 8 reasons; (1) Because they have more knowledge of the world, their minds are better stored with observations, their conversation is more improving and more lastingly agreeable. (2) When women cease to be handsome, they study to be good. They supply the diminution of beauty by an augmentation of utility. They learn to do 1000 services great and small. Thus they continue amiable. Hence, there is hardly such a thing to be found as an old woman who is not a good woman. (3) Because there is no hazard of children, which ir... Read more

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    Sun Feb 13 2005

    While rumours of being a womanizer may detract from his character, they are largely unsubstantiated. Franklin was among America's greatest founding fathers as he helped revise the constitution, improve building safety codes, was an accomplished inventor, and he was primarily responsible for the French's involvement in the Revolutionary War, through many credit it more to Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Franklin and Jefferson, together, helped found an alliance with France which would last into the early-20th century. Franklin's humble nature however, is probably what kept him from running for a high public office...not that it kept him from being among the top five most influential people of all time.

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    Fri Feb 11 2005

    An inspirational man, (forgotten, and uncredited) founding father, successful diplomat, swinger, inventor, scientist, this man had just about everything, except fame...until now.

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    Thu Sep 09 2004

    Aside from wanting the turkey as the National Bird, Frankin had much to do with our lives today, than most people give him credit for. Most, if not all, respect him as a politician, but many fail to remember his inventions of the potbellied stove, and bifocals, among other things. Some may argue that these would have been discovered later on anyway, but that's the same with everything.

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    Fri Apr 30 2004

    Not much

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    Fri Feb 20 2004

    Franklin's influence on this country, the world, and modern living can not be underestimated. His work as a diplomat in France gained their support in our revolution. We would have not been able to win our freedom without the help of France that Franklin negotiated (and at such an old age!). His negotiation skills were also essential in joining the 13 colonies into a union, writing the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Franklin inspired libraries, fire crews, lightening rods, bifocals, and the best way to heat a home to this date. He was a Renaissance man for the New World and an inspiration to us all.

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    Sat Feb 14 2004

    Everyone knows his greatness, yet he remains vastly underrated!!