
Approval Rate: 62%

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    Fri Mar 25 2011

    I can recommend a reputable pharmacy (Benadryl) I received the order and it was on time and the pills work great.

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    Thu Oct 01 2009

    I've struggled for years with sinus/ear infection problems and have tried EVERYTHING, even getting my adnoids (sp?) removed. I also have all my life gotten gigantic welps whenever i get bit by mosquitos or anything else. Finally my boss suggested Benadry and OMG it works on all of it; if i get bit, it takes down the swelling and helps with the itch; if i feel the signs of sinus issues (i'm assuming now its from allergies since this works) then i start taking it and get better IMMEDIATELY. the only bad thing is it does make me really sleepy but i deal with that by only taking it at night or on the weekends. hope this helps!

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    Mon Apr 06 2009

    Benadryl is alright for the runny nose and watery eyes of a cold as that is the only sympton it is supposed to help. I use it mainly as a sleep aid as it has pretty much the same ingredient as most of the otc sleep aids. I also use it in the summer when i get mesquito bites, but only at nite time or when im not going to be doing anything that i need to be alert for.

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    Mon Nov 03 2008

    I must be allergic to this stuff not only does it knock me makes me drowsy the next day and very tired...

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    Mon Nov 03 2008

    I find this really is one of the better allergy medications. I just don't like the fact that it puts you to sleep, especially when you have things to do.

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    Mon Nov 03 2008

    I'd say this is pretty decent for an OTC allergy medication. Although it may occasionally make me drowsy, I find that keeping busy seems to work for me. I guess reactions to a given thing depends a lot upon a person's makeup.

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    Mon Nov 03 2008

    Not only does it make me drowsy when I don't need to be drowsy, but it only works for four hours.

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    Mon Jul 28 2008

    I have had severe sinus congestion for over 1 year now, I have been suffering really bad with alot of pressure and burning in my nose & face. The last 3 days I took a benadryl and finally I have no symptoms of sinus congestion, or burning in my nose. I have been on all kinds of allergy medications, as well as nasal sprays, i have tried every kind to no avail. This really works! I wish a doctor would have told me sooner!

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    Thu Feb 28 2008

    Benadryl is great for allergy symtoms. If you don't have a prescription medicine for allergies then this would be the way to go. It does tend to make you drowsy, but it really work well. My daughter gets hives really bad from allergies and if she runs out of her prescription meds. then this is what I give her until I get more from the doctor.

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    Sat Mar 04 2006

    This takes my allergy sympthoms away quickly!! It rocks

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    Sun Sep 11 2005

    Another AWESOME product when i feel a nose and throat cold and flu coming on, its not only good for allergies you know, i use it mostly for any of my cold conditions, knocks me out once i take it, i sleep like a baby!! Highly effective to destroy that cold!!!!

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    Sat Jul 17 2004

    i don't use these for colds but they work good if you have trouble sleeping.

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    Thu Jun 24 2004

    I only use Benadryl to help me sleep...since it really does knock you out! I found that it doesn't really help with sinus congestion, so I'm still left with a stuffy nose...but it helps with sneezing, somewhat.

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    Thu Aug 14 2003

    Benadryl works wonders for allergies. It is a little too steep in price, but it sure seems worth it sometimes ! It can still do circles around some of the newer prescription allergy drugs.

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    Thu Aug 14 2003

    Benadryl pill form worked quickly to get rid of my allergy problems, which were absolutely horrible, the only problem was I was asleep for most of my new-found freedom from the allaergies! Benadryl will put you to SLEEP! However, now when I have a stuffy nose late at night, I turn to Benadryl.

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    Wed May 21 2003

    When I'm really suffereing, it is the ONLY antihistamine that will work. The fact that it knocks me right to sleep can be good, and it ALWAYS gives me the weirdest of dreams. If i manage to stay awake, it makes me feel loopy. Side effects aside, it's cheap, and ALWAYS works.

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    Thu May 08 2003

    I use Benadryl Allergy & Sinus Headache capsules for my tree pollen allergy symptoms, and they WORK! While Benedryl does make me a little drowsy during daylight hours, it's well worth it because at least I can breathe. I've noticed that it has the opposite effect on me at night. I get a little jittery and I cannot hold my legs still to save my life! That's probably the worst side effect for me, but all in all, I like the product.

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    Thu Oct 31 2002

    This will help your hay fever, but for me personally, I couldn't stay awake very long after I took it.

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    Fri Dec 28 2001

    It cures my headaches, but knocks me out in the process. Makes me very, very drowsy within twenty minutes of taking it. It would be great if I could be headache-free wihtout falling asleep so's like I have to pick between dealing with a terrible headache, or taking one of these (the only medicine that effectivly gets rid of my headaches...other medicines just don't seem to work for me) and getting all drowsy, sleepy and light-headed. It is also good for people who suffer from alergies. All in all, it's an ok medicine...just don't enjoy the side effects of it, though.

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    Thu Oct 25 2001

    Benadryl made me throw up. Awful! Didn't work at all.

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    Sat Jun 02 2001

    Are there different types of Benedryl or something? I assume there must be, because this medicine, though I do like the taste, never helped me with a cold. It was just good tasting thick drink to me, or something. It also makes me very awake, so if I took it at night, I felt just as miserable with my cold, but now I couldn't sleep either! Yay?

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    Fri Jun 01 2001

    doesn't work

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    Fri Jun 01 2001

    I agree with Molfan; I have found Benadryl to be an excellent allergy medication. Though, in my own case, it only tends to make me drowsy rather than hop me up at all. One other thing - I've been told it's good to keep around incase you suddenly feel you are having an allergic reaction to some kind of food. Even if you think you don't have these kinds of allergies, they can develop and crop up over time and Benadryl could help keep you from getting hives or worse.

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    Fri Jun 01 2001

    Benadryl works well for the allergy or cold symptoms I have had. Whenever I have sinus allergies it helps sooth the problems for awhile.the only bad part is this medicine usually makes me drowsy during the day and at night somtimes it is the opposite It keeps me awake instead. { go figure} otherwise it does help a lot with the symptoms.

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    Mon Jan 15 2001

    It works great. It relieves all of the symptoms you are suffering from, especially if it is hay fever. But, the only downside is that it makes you very sleepy.

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    Mon Jan 15 2001

    Benadryl is a very good antihistamine. The only drawback is how drowsy it makes me. I have used it for nasal congestion as well as allergic reactions(hives). However, I can't use it when I need to go to classes or drive.

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    Fri Jan 12 2001

    Works most of the time but it wears out quickly. Great for allergies.

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    Fri Jan 12 2001

    Long lasting with few side effects. Good variety (there are many different kinds for all symptoms). A little expensive, but worth it if you have major allergy problems. Very good as a over the counter medicine.

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    Wed Jan 10 2001

    I use this for allergy symptoms. It takes care of them. The only bad thing about it is it makes me sleepy. It also doesn't relieve my itchy eyes.

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    Wed Jan 10 2001

    I like the children's liquid as it works well with rash/allergy. A part of my medical kit as I had to take it once for a serious medical reaction to a prescription.

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    Tue Jan 09 2001

    Gets rid of my allergy symptoms(itchy eyes, runny nose, sneezing). I am able to take only half a pill a day or I get drowsy.

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    Mon Jan 08 2001

    Benadryl is awesome. It's hard to have a cold during class, but Benadryl relieves all, at least most, symptoms. However, it does create drowsiness.

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    Mon Jan 08 2001

    I'm one of those people that gets knocked out when I use it, but it works. So if you get drowsy easily, I wouldn't advise using it. But if you don't, be careful because it could make you really hyper.

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    Thu Nov 30 2000

    I have always loved Benadryl! It soothed the itching of the poison oak I got as a child, cleared up mild nasal allergies, as well as allergies from the common cold. The only negative effect-it always put me to sleep! If you constantly suffer from poison oak or nasty bug bites try caladrye, a clear combo of Benadryl and calamine lotion!

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    Fri Nov 24 2000

    Benadryl did not help with my cold or flu symptoms. After taking it, my symptoms never was relieved. I don't recommend this product.

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    Tue Nov 21 2000

    It will make you feel worse than you did to begin with. This is medicine head to the extreme. Yuck!

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    Tue Oct 31 2000

    Although Benadryl helps with symptoms I can only take it at night. It puts me to sleep.

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    Mon Nov 22 1999

    Benadryl is probably your best bet but over-the-counter medication does not really do much. I reccomend Biaxin.

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    Thu Nov 04 1999

    Benadryl sucks.

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    Tue Oct 26 1999

    Benadryl is a good remedy for when you have allergies or bee stings.

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    Tue Oct 26 1999

    Best as a sleeping pill