Bell Mobility

Approval Rate: 38%

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    Wed Apr 28 2010

    Bell is a terrible service provider - they continue to send me my bill online no matter how many times I request my bill to be sent through the mail. I am planning on switching providers, their customer service is outrageous and the woman I spoke with informed me that Bell CAN NOT mail me my bill because it has already been e-mailed to me. Why? My bill use to be mailed to me. Why did they start e-mailing it to me? I was also charged for my bill to be mailed to me, she informed me that there was nothing she could do about it and if I wanted to receive it in the mail I had to pay the fee even if I WAS receiving it in the mail prior to my e-mail. I was aggravated and agreed. I do not want to pay my bill online! I am still in school and I have a limit on my credit card! I asked FOUR different times if my bill would be sent to me in the mail and she assured me that it would. I just received it as an e-mail AGAIN. I just don't understand. Although, I spoke with a woman from Bell earlier tod... Read more

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    Tue Mar 02 2010

    Bell Mobility Canada has the most misleading advertising of all time. Throughout the Olympics we all saw the ads that Bell has the largest network in Canada, but there are some things you need to know. Unfortunately I'm finding this out after signing a three year contract with them. Don't make the same mistake. First if you are getting a new phone beware that most new phone technology works on a HSPA network. If you have an HSPA phone be prepared to NOT get service in several areas, Saskatchewan or Manitoba are two in Canada. So consider how much you travel outside your service area. They say they have service in over 200 countries, but that is only if the third party provider in that area has an HSPA network. Next if you go on a shared plan in order for the features to work all phones must be paying for the identical same feature, otherwise the service is not shared. Make sure you take this into consideration when comparing plans. Bell also charges Data at $ 51.20/MB which is outrage... Read more

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    Fri Jan 29 2010


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    Thu May 22 2008

    I was once an idiot that somehow ended up working for Bell too! But I didn't let their shitty company policies ruin everybody's lives! As a customer service rep, I tried to get all my customers the most respect I could for their bucks but clearly, the management didn't like it. 5 years ago, the employee's morale was low, now after many rounds of cuts, it's lower than most thought it could go. This company used to be the pride of our country. Greed simply spoiled it. Sell fast cause' it's going down!

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    Sun Mar 23 2008

    Bell sucks !!! The are a bunch of idiots and no one know what the hell is going on there. All they do is transfer you from idiot to idiot and in the end nothing has been accomplished..........

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    Sun Mar 23 2008

    O.K, So I'm one of those "IDIOTS" that work for Bell.....yes i am the Devil!! I'll be the first to admit that some of the reps are rude....I sit in a call center 9 hours a day and i hear what goes on....but thats not everyone, what people don't seem to realize is we have to follow the company policies whether we think its fair or not, it's that simple......or loose our job. Sure it's a call center, it's not the best job in the world, but the pay is decent, the benefits are good. I would love it if every single person i talked to would hang up the phone happy....I really really would, but that's just not possible. I have rules to follow. When you finally get through Emily (Yep i hate her too!!!) it's a real person your talking to and MOST of them really do want to help you. 95% of the customers are great.....even when there frustrated, The other 5% not so much, i've seen reps get off the phone and run to the bathroom crying. Don't sit on the phone with a customer service rep and say YOU... Read more

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    Fri Feb 08 2008

    I don't have one good thing to say about bell. They are a bunch of liars and thieves. I had to cancel my contract with a couple of months owing and I called them to explain the reason i was cancelling was because I wasn't getting any service and my phone was losing calls and not ringing. They said that we would just have to pay half the cancellation fee because of this reason. I asked them for a confirmation via e mail and they said they couldn't do that but be assured that we would be getting a bill for half of our contract. Guess what? we got a bill for the whole amount. I called them and like you say you are tossed around to everyone else because they don't want to be bothered with you. One day I was on the phone for four hours being shuffled around from person to person and nobody would admit to telling me about half the contract cancellation fee. I thought all the calls were monitored? Only the ones they want to monitor. They are nothing but liars and thieves. I had all my... Read more

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    Tue Jan 22 2008

    here is a website which lists the executive email address for Bell

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    Tue Dec 11 2007

    I would like to start by saying that reading reviews about Bell Mobility, or any other cell phone provider has turned out to be pointless. Most of the providers end up being givin negative reviews thanks to people who are upset with the company, and are looking to vent. I have been with Bell for ages, have never had a problem with customer support, or my phone. I am sure that in comparison to the customer base that Bell has, other companies have the same amount of people that are upset with them. I would reccomend Bell to anybody, without hesitation. Thanks for providing biased views.

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    Thu Dec 06 2007

    Absolute worst company to deal with! Sorry, I shouldn't say DEAL WITH as it is "their way or too bad"!!! A 30+customer of Bell Canada, internet and cell use. That means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to the "canned- pencil pushers - they call service reps! They do nothing except read the "scripts" that 10 WELL PAID "managers" put together and have their reps regurgitate to the customer. This company is too big to remember what "customer service" means, OR even care anymore. To that end... I've got a Samsung m610, bought 6 days ago (I buy outright not on a contract) for $500.00. It has manufacturing flaws with the sound (see reviews online about this phone..) and they refuse to acknowledge or refund as I do not want this piece of garbage. Remember their policy is 15days or 15 minutes of air time! The time "THEY USED TO TEST THE UNIT OVER THE PAST 2 DAYS WERE COUNTED AGAINST ME"! My advice... STAY CLEAR OF THESE (bell) CROOKS IF YOU CAN! Again, long time customer means nothing.

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    Sat Aug 04 2007

    What an awful experience dealing with cutomer service. I recently upgraded my phone to a new one that arrived defective. After dealing with tech support they offered to send me a new one. That one arrived with the exact same defect. I then decided to cancel the phone (Within the 15 day remorse policy.) and the service I signed up for after activating the new phone..... A word of advice to anyone reading this.....don't say the word cancel until you know you're speaking to the correct rep. They will punt you around their phone system until the end of time, throwing in a rude rep every second or third transfer. Usually offering this throw away line "That is the policy of the company I work for".

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    Wed Mar 21 2007

    As a customer of Bell Mobility since 1992, I will not be renewing any contracts with them when my next contract runs out. Their terrible customer service reps are rude and no one follows up when you call to complain about it. I was told that it would take 24 - 48 hours to call me back. It took three weeks and nothing was resolved.

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    Wed Apr 05 2006

    What a NIGHTMARE their "Customer Service" is. 55 minutes on hold, then they hang up. I asked "How can you charge WAY more for LESS services than Rogers?" She (Leslie Parker) said "I won't argue with you about plans; I am only authorized to offer what we have. Your choice." I want OUT of their contract, and will PORE over my last year of invoices. If I find ONE discrepancy, they're history. They want $200 EACH for 3 lines that I have with Bell Mobility to back out of the contract. Thieves. All I want is a fair price for wireless services and reasonable customer service. I get neither. Never again.

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    Thu Sep 08 2005

    I have had the same problems with Bell Mobility except they answer my e-mails.I asked about cancelling my contract and going prepaid with the same phone as my needs have changed.I was told it would cost $299 and $45 to go prepaid.I then questioned the amount of cancellation as I only had 2yrs left on the contract and they informed me it couldnt be pro-rated.How is it okay to break a contract when you change your phone like I did in 2004 because the reception was terrible and they wouldnt change it otherwise.They do not honour their contract and their billing was all screwed up and they were charging huge bills at a time.When they were questioned about this they were rude.I would have paid a minimal cancellation fee but not that amount as I am a senior on a fixed income.I have dealt with 2 girls recently and they were helpful but I guess it is Bells policies they have to follow.

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    Sat Jan 01 2005

    Fullfilled my 24 month contract, I looked forward to cancelling the day after. When I called to cancel the service to go back to Fido, they informed me that I was required to give them 30 days notice(couldn't find that on ANY part of the service agreement). So, I will receive invoices for 2 additional months for a phone I don't use anymore. Thanks!!!!!!!!

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    Wed Oct 20 2004

    I have been having the same issues as I am sure most Bell Mobility Customers are having too! I work in an industry where we are governed by the CRTC and this sort of fiasco is inexcusable. I have recieved many bills lately not showing payments that have been made. When I have record the payments being made, and there is nothing worse than opening a huge envelope.. and I mean huge and seeing an amount owing close to $1000. I have been unable to cancel my service as it is impossible to actually speak with someone. And what really boogles my mind, is they actually have staff cold calling people to get service thru them. How I know this, is today my Mother received a call from Bell Mobility asking her to sign up. She then said to the person on the phone, my daughter already has a phone for her and me.. and she is very dissatisifed. the girl then acknowledges that they are having billing issues and some customers are being double billed. Now I have a weekend to look forward to.. ... Read more

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    Tue Oct 05 2004

    The WORST company. Kayla (below) who finds their service always excellent clearly works for them. I have written 3 letters to this company over the last 6 months and received NO REPLY. Today I phoned the company. There was a recorded message saying that they were having customer service problems and so they won't be answering the phone for the next month. That's right - it's now October and the message said to call back in NOVEMBER. And at that, sometime in November. I'm not kidding. The number is 1-800-667-0123, try it, you'll see. I checked out the company with our local better business bureau once, while I was on hold with them for 45 minutes (back in the glory days when they answered the phone - well, sort of) and needless to say, they were ranked very very very poorly. So Kayla honey, stop lurking around, pretending to be a consumer, and go do some real work.

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    Mon Jun 23 2003

    For Bell Mobility, you should be able to select a rating below 1 (terrible)... This is the worst so called 'customer service' experience I have ever encountered!!! EVER!!! I am a long time (7 years) bell mobility paging customer. I recently purchase an 857 Blackberry (R.I.M.) and added it to my current subscription. I wanted the blackberry because it had both wireless email and also the paging function. So everything was fine for 2 months, then the Blackberry started acting up by resting it self. So I called customer service where I spoke with a service representative and he told me that Bell was migrating the 857 Blackberry out and they were giving us a 6750 blackberry. He told me to go to m and fill out the migration form. So I went to this web site and started filling out the form and when I got to the end it said “check here, *I understand that I will no longer have paging functionality on my Blackberry 6750.” So when I read this... Read more

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    Mon Dec 23 2002

    Always EXCELLENT customer service and quality!!! I love dealing with this company!!!

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    Sat Dec 21 2002

    For Bell Mobility, you should be able to select a rating below 1 (terrible)... This is the worst so called 'customer service' experience I have ever encountered!!! EVER!!! I was in the process of researching cellular phone companies to purchase a Christmas present for my husband when I had the misfortune of dealing with Bell Mobility. Oh, where shall I begin??? Day 1... I spoke with a very friendly chap who rhymed off product and plan information like he actually knew what he was talking about......WRONG! First of all, once I placed my order for a phone and a 'Solo' plan, the computers were down so he wasn't able to provide a confirmation number at that time. "That's okay" I said, "I'll call you back later and you can give it to me then". He insisted that he would be the one to call and asked if I would be home within the next hour; I informed him that I would be. When I didn't hear from him five hours later, I called back. Apparently he had gone home sick, but the perky Cust... Read more

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    Tue Nov 05 2002

    This is obscure, Bell Mobility has been screwing me out of cash ever since I had the misfortune of falling into their two year, opps we charged you for THAT tomfoolery. First, I paid one invoice with visa, they proceeded to charge that same invoice on the card twice and refused to reverse it until I provided written documentation from visa saying, yeah it was YOU guys who messed up. Then they went ahead and used that number for my next bill, um THAT wasn't authorized. So, I get another bill early on that's pretty big so I'm like, guess I better change my plan. I changed it, Yes Sir, $45 for 300 anytime minutes, free evenings and weekends. Fine, but my next two bills come back just as big, so I call them. Er, um , No I'm sorry Sir that plan doesn't have free evenings and weekends. So, here I am, $100 down on Visa and rolling the dice for what plan I am actually on. Positive feedback, I've already made mine, went to Future Shop and noticed Bell doesn't carry my brand of phone anymore. B... Read more