Being sick
Approval Rate: 25%
Reviews 29
by livuva
Sun Dec 20 2009Sure as a kid I sometimes faked being ill. It never worked mom would take me to the dr and it would ruin my plan.
by kraduate
Fri Oct 09 2009I don't have to lie. I am one of those people who seem to have a cold all the time! I rarely call in sick, though.
by chalky
Fri Oct 09 2009I lied about being sick a lot to stay home from school..... but once I got to high school and had a car, I just became sick and ditched. In my professional days, for my last job, I called in sick a few times a year when I wasn't but I still had the most sick time in my department. When it came to that company, the place was a compete joke, the fat-cats who made a lot of money were always 'working at home.'
by sk4u2009
Mon Mar 23 2009Ok, so i don't usually admit that i'm sick........
by astromike
Mon Mar 23 2009Come on, you know you've done it (made up a lie, and called in sick). Probably when you were younger, and had that job you really didn't care about. Im sure everyone is guilty of doing this at least once in their lives.
by genghisthehun
Wed Sep 03 2008I have used the old flu routine to get out of social engagements. Who hasn't?
by angie8673
Fri Aug 29 2008if i am sick i will tell u
by cherol
Wed Aug 20 2008Lets face it we have all played a little hooky from work or school. Is hungover sick?
by meghan861
Fri Aug 08 2008Being fine it what I lie about...
by falling_4_him
Wed Aug 06 2008If I feel sick then I feel sick, I don't like to be sick so why fake it.
by valkyrievoice
Mon Aug 04 2008If ever there's a time when I absolutely cannot get out of something to go do something that is worthy, or just plain necessary to do and whatever is in the way of me doing it? You bet I'll lie. And have.
by hiedie6c
Sat Aug 02 2008Never....b/c if you are not sick then it will get you...
by damn_it_its_me_waynefcgngr
Fri Aug 01 2008im like nvr fucking sick?
by coolchix
Thu Jul 31 2008There weight, or how much they make an hour.
by kristyn718
Tue Jul 29 2008not too much...i can't afford it...I used to lie about this a lot but not anymore...
by paula5816
Tue Jul 29 2008BAD KARMA, if you lie about this you will eventually lay on your bed suffering from the worst stomach flu and wonder the whole time if it's because of that one time you told your neighbor you were sick when they asked you to get their trash cans while they were away...NOT NICE!!!!
by brenda
Mon Jul 28 2008If I lied about it, I'd be ill the next day!
by lmorovan
Sun Jul 27 2008There is nothing wrong with saying you are sick when you actually are sick. The misconception is that, if I say I am sick, people would avoid my company, so, I lie. But who am I lying to? Them or myself? I believe both. I lie to them by telling an untruth and I lie to myself believing that people would stay with me because I told a lie. Lying is a no win action.
by alysec55
Sun Jul 27 2008No point in lying about being sick..if I say Im sick then get caught walking around at the store or something everyone knows I lied.Plus I just dont lie.
by jennifer
Sun Jul 27 2008Yeah a few times or so...maybe more than a few.
by castlebee
Thu Mar 08 2007I was thinking of lying when calling in sick...which technically I have never done. Now, was I really all that sick technically each time I called in. NO. But, then again, there is a lot to say about the use of a mental health day in the prevention of potential supervisor homicides. In retrospect, it may have been a good addition to the contracts of Postal Workers (and a whole lot more).
by donovan
Fri Jan 19 2007People don't realize it but they lie about this all the time. Joe asks "how are you today Jim?" Jim states "I'm great, how about you?" Joe says "fine, well take care..." both shake hands and leave. In reality Jim has cancer and Joe is so depressed he didn't want to leave the house this morning. When we ask people how they are many times we really don't care or have/ make time to listen.
by numbah16tdhaha
Wed Jan 17 2007I try to hide the mental illness...
by reenyf4b
Mon Mar 06 2006i can't count the number of times i have lied about being sick
by djahuti
Fri Mar 03 2006People will "play sick" for any number of reasons.They will also tell their loved ones they "feel fine" so they won't worry or make them see a Doctor.
by edt4226d
Fri Mar 03 2006Given I've suffered from intense migraine headaches since I was a child, it was easy to utilize this as an excuse if I really wanted to get out of going to school or some other unpleasant obligation. As an adult, I've tried to minimize doing this, but occasionally it is something I'll "white lie" about if the anticipated activity or event is something I deem too onerous.
by oscargamblesfr_o
Thu Mar 02 2006Physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, or just twisted sexually? Guess which three of the five.
by trebon1038
Thu Mar 02 2006Oscar made a good point....I never lie about any of them...ok I put rarely cuz most people don't really know just HOW twisted I really am!
by vudija
Thu Mar 02 2006Okay, so I think this is the only thing on the list that I lie about more than I should ha! But honestly, I was sick even if it was all in my head. Stress makes me physically sick, what can I say?