Being Homosexual is healthy and normal

Approval Rate: 67%

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    Sat Aug 22 2009

    Kids inherently believe Homosexual activity is not normal. I thought it best not to make a big deal out of it, I let my kids draw their own conclusions.

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    Sat Aug 22 2009

    Being Heterosexist is healthy and normal?

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    Sat Aug 22 2009

    Don't think health has anything to do with it if you wear a condom. As for normal, yes homosexuality is normal for gays and abnormal for straights.

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    Wed Dec 10 2008

    How is it normal/natural.. Natural is being able to procreate. Homos can't do that, hence it is unnatural.

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    Fri Apr 25 2008

    Who's to say? So many people are so entrenched about it and none of us really know enough to make the call.

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    Thu Apr 24 2008

    Even science is divided on the issue: homosexuality is neither healthy nor normal. It is an aberration and a perversion. Teaching children that homosexuality is normal and healthy tells much about the parents twisted and sinful minds and convictions.

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    Thu Apr 24 2008

    Healthier and more normal than some of the twisted rage I see in some of the reviews on this list, at least.

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    Sat Mar 29 2008

    If your child were gay what would you tell them?that they where abnormal and unhealthy,it would suck to be your kid!

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    Sat Mar 29 2008

    Like most animals human males will naturally try to screw anything that moves.

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    Sat Mar 29 2008

    I would never encourage it, but I would teach them that it is perfectly alright and not to discriminate. That is a lesson I had to learn.

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    Thu Sep 13 2007

    For me, being heterosexual is normal and healthy. As for someone else...

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    Wed Jun 28 2006

    A persons who teaches a child that homosexuality is normal and healthy is either a knave or a naif. The relentless iron-clad truth of history shows that it is a deviant condition or abberation of human condition and against the laws of nature. Modern science also shows it is dangerous and often deadly if practiced.

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    Wed Mar 16 2005

    Well, for 1 thing... AS a GAY man, I believe that I was born this way, and I have a very loving long term relationship with my other half...and for all those fundimentalists out there...Just remember the old adage.... THOSE WHO LIVE IN GLASS HOUSES SHOULDN'T THROW STONES!!!! I say to each his own... and as of 3/15/05 WAY TO GO SAN FRANCISCO!! We'll have marriage for all!!!!

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    Wed Mar 16 2005

    No. . .but pretending to be gay is one of the all-time underrated method of getting chicks. And I'd rather have my kids be gay and happy than straight and full of bigoted ideas that hurt other people. And obsessing over where people put their little pee-pees is very stupid.

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    Tue Mar 15 2005

    When will some people finally get it that no one has the right to police the bedrooms of other consenting adults? Your children will be gay if they're gay and straight if they're straight no matter WHAT they're taught in sex education.Do you think only gay people have gay kids?Most gays I've met had straight parents!I think heterosexuals who have issues with homosexuals are really afraid that if being gay is OK then they will be forced to come out of the closet. I am a straight guy and secure enough in my love of women to have gay friends.Sure,once in awhile they hit on me,but I just laugh and tell them Sorry-not my flavor.They respect that,because I respect them.

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    Mon Mar 14 2005

    that's no progressive idealogy just a basic human fact. if i had children, which i wont, they'd know this pretty early along.UPDATE: actually everyone is a little bit gay. it's been proven. poor poor folks in denial. i've heard they are the worst kind.

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    Mon Mar 14 2005

    I'm pretty much on the same page with Lance on this one. Again, homosexuality is still the lifestyle of only a small percentage of a individuals in our country so how normal being gay is quite debatable. Health wise, I suppose it's no more unhealthy then a heterosexual relationship but there are some diseases that while they are not restricted to only homosexuals- they tend to be caught more often by them. In the end, though, it's important to teach them to be tolerant and avoid ingraining them with a mentality of bigotry.

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    Mon Mar 14 2005

    Don't obsess on it, they'll pretty much figure most of it out before you get around to enlightening them, particularly if they ride a school bus. My kids are all college age and above and we had a discussion about it recently which featured a frank and shockingly graphic discussion about how gay men are regarded differently in our culture than are gay women, with which we were all in agreement. But when the old man suggested that what straight men cannot fathom is that, while there are pitchers and catchers, how do they decide who gets to play which role? A guy who chooses (or worse, gravitates toward) being a catcher is difficult to identify with for most of us outside the loop. You should have seen their faces.

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    Mon Mar 14 2005

    Though children should be taught to always respect others- the promotion of the gay lifestyle is simply a lie. There is nothing normal about homosexual behavior and nothing healthy about the lifestyle. Homosexuality is a deviation from an empirical Natural Law. The acceptance of homosexuals is fine in the context of tolerance but the promotion of the gay agenda falls short of a logical standard of positive law- and it surely makes no sense to promote such perversion to children.

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    Mon Mar 14 2005

    Nothing is necessarily 100% healthy or 100% normal, but I will certainly teach my children (if ever I have them) that being accepting of others is a character trait that they, and others should posess.

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    Mon Mar 14 2005

    Seems to be healthy and normal for some people. More bizarre to me are those who think that trying to legislate away homosexuality is healthy and normal.

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    Thu Mar 10 2005

    What has this world come to? For a start, the Bible condemns the practice but secondly the reason why it is wrong is because it goes against the laws of creation. A man can't procreate with another man. For creation to be complete, he must be married to a woman. I've never known a man to give birth or 2 lesbian woman to have a baby, when they have never had intercourse with a man. Also they think there is nothing wrong with homosexuality and use the argument that we should get with the times. But funny enough, these people think it is wrong to have sex with little children (even if the children consented.) Or for someone to be incestful. What would these homosexuals do if there were a couple committing incest who told them to get with the times. I'm sure they wouldn't accept this. Homosexuality is no different. The difference between homosexuality and incest is that one is acceptable now days!

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    Tue Mar 08 2005

    if u think aids is a disease restricted to the gay community you are sorely mistaken and teaching children to be accepting and tolerant of different people is important. Not to mention if the child is gay himself/herself they need to know they'll have the support of their family

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    Tue Feb 22 2005


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    Wed Jan 26 2005

    Being homosexual in itself isn't healthy or not healthy, it just is. I believe that some people are born homosexual, if God doesn't make mistakes then it must be normal.

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    Sat Dec 04 2004

    Well, my children will have an auntie that is a lesbian, and I have gay friends, so I will certainly not be teaching my children that being gay is wrong and abnormal.

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    Thu Dec 02 2004

    I try very hard never to lie to my kids. Its easy here becasue it is so important..this would be a bold face lie. This is where you just preach the Live and let live thing. We must co-exist with it, we dont have to condone or tolerate it without a fight. Dont let something seem ok just because it is accepted by parts of our society...that is the real important ideology here.

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    Wed Dec 01 2004

    Yeah, let's beat on the homosexuals. It sure worked for George W. Bush. He got folks all stirred up over a non-issue like gay marriage, so no one would look too closely at his tax cuts for the rich, and so no one would be inclined to look too closely behind the reasoning behind the War for Haliburton.

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    Wed Dec 01 2004

    Not sure how homosexuality is relevant to physical health. As to the second supposition, homosexuality isn't normal of course, but I was under the understanding we lived in a society that tolerates diversity.