Being Buried Alive.

Approval Rate: 27%

27%Approval ratio

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    Sat Jan 10 2009

    Youv'e been watching too much "Kill Bill" type movies. That is really a interesting scene, but thankfully for Uma Therman she is up to the job.

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    Thu Dec 04 2008

    Sure thing! .... that's why I told my wife to burry me with a cellphone in my hand, battery fully charged (ofcourse).

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    Tue Oct 14 2008

    Yes this would SUCK!!  After so long,  i would just give up and just deal with it lol

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    Fri Sep 26 2008

    This would be the worst death, imaginable.

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    Thu Jul 10 2008

    I used to wonder what it was like. Must be pretty boring. I hope when i die they bury me with a deck of cards, and a walkman!

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    Sat Jul 05 2008

    This is probably one of my biggest fears (aside fire).  Not that I feel it would ever happen, just a nightmare to me.

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    Thu Jun 19 2008

    Not that I often think about it. But yeah the movie 'the vanishing' comes to mind and it's pretty bad.

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    Tue Jun 17 2008

    I suppose if I were a contemporary of Edgar Allan Poe, the possibility of this happening might cause me some sleepless nights (unless I had the money to construct a special mausoleum like Ray Milland did in the boring movie Roger Corman made allegedly based on Poe), but the likelihood of it happening today seems truly remote...surely the embalming fluid would kill you before any premature burial could. Of course, it is true that miners and, as Magellen mentions, those who engage in certain types of winter sports are still in danger of this happening, but since I'm not a miner and don't engage much in sports, winter or otherwise, I don't personally fear this.

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    Tue Jun 17 2008

    As edt4 points out, the modern risk of this is bourne primarily my miners and practitioners of winter sports in high-risk areas.  Since I'm neither, I have no real fear of it, but in the unlikely event it were to happen, I have no doubt it would be an excrutiatingly miserable experience.

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    Wed Jun 11 2008

    the chances of this happening are small but the thought of it is awful. just that helpless feeling of being buried. and cannot get out or make noise. the awareness that in moments you will be dead. a horrible way to die. the terror of that would suck up what little oxygen you have.

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    Wed Mar 12 2008

    This would SUCK!! I would? I'm not sure but it scares me a lot!

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    Wed Mar 12 2008

    I don't live my life worrying about this happening, but it would be hard to say that if I were being buried alive I wouldn't be scared shitless.

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    Tue Jan 08 2008

    Oh man.  I just heard a story last week about a snowboarder who fell into like a 12 foot tree well, with his head buried in the snow.  He actually died.... from drowning.  Now that Tahoe just got about 6 feet of snow, this sort of thing is defnitely on my mind.

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    Tue Jan 08 2008

    No doubt about it, this would be an absolute horrid way to die.

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    Tue Jan 08 2008

    I don't want to see this happen to my enemy, this must be unreal scary, I thought about this, and the only thing that would calm me in this clutch of death would be the fact I have a Savior, but still, I know the last moments of death would be just painful beyond belief, and so would being sucked down in an automobile in a lake, this happens often, goodness! God rest them all.

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    Tue Jan 08 2008

    This would be horrible! I had a call (response) a while back where a trench collapsed on a man. We were able to get him out but he died. Just as "Randyman" mentioned below the dirt actually suffocated this man. Every time he exhaled the dirt pushed his chest wall in further and further until he finally could not get any air. Very tragic!

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    Mon May 21 2007

    Um, yeah that would be bad. Thats why they used to have a bell system set up in graves.

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    Mon May 21 2007

    Just don't put me in there with a body.

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    Tue Nov 08 2005

    There was also a custom in England a long time ago that started the "Wake". Men would drink beer in lead cups, and the combonation of the beer and the lead would knock someone out for a few days, they would take the bodies and lay them in their homes for the families to veiw and wait for them to WAKE. If they did not, then they went on with the burial process.

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    Sat Nov 05 2005

    Doesn't this happen a lot sitting in coach on a transcontinental flight?

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    Tue Nov 01 2005

    Not that I think it'sll ever happen to me, but if it did, it'd be horrible. Once again, just reading Randyman's post is in itself pretty scary. I certainly don't envy him the experience.

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    Mon Oct 31 2005

    It's not something I fear, but it is also something that I wouldn't want to happen either. I do know people who really fear this or fear waking up in a coffin.

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    Sun Oct 30 2005

    This has been very frightening to me ever since I saw a movie on TV about this girl who was buried alive. I was probably about 7 or 8 years old, and my parents must have been busy doing something else or I'm sure they would never have allowed me to watch this movie. Anyway, I couldn't stop thinking about how horrible it would be to be buried alive, and I woke up in the night screaming for my Daddy.

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    Wed May 04 2005

    Nightmares every other night dude. I can't imagine a worse feeling than being trapped in a place meant for those who have gone when you are fully conscious. It would be terrifying. I would never get over it.

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    Sat Feb 26 2005

    I've pissed off a person or two in my day, but I don't think I have to fear this. Should the situation arise though I'll let you know if I was afraid.

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    Fri Feb 25 2005

    This doesn't happen that often anymore (to say the least) but if it did there would be no way I could handle it. Even when you see it on TV where they have some guy get involved with the bad guys and they get rid of him by burying him alive- it still freaks me out. Could you imagine being stuck six feet underground without any hope of rescue?

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    Fri Feb 25 2005

    If this were about 120 years ago, then I think it might cross my mind a lot more. I'd probably even get so neurotic about it I'd want one of those crazy alarm systems Ive heard some people actually had installed. But, today I think that fear can be put to rest. Once embalmed you can be pretty sure that you won't be scratching the coffin lid from the inside...muhahahahaa!

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    Thu Feb 24 2005

    When I was a kid one summer, between sixth and seventh grade, '65 or '66, My friends and I were digging a tunnel from my backyard to my friend Richard's backyard, one house over. That day my friend Ricky L. and his little brother, whose name I can't recall, were working on the tunnel, digging sraight down and making a wide hole. The hole was about five feet deep and we decided to start digging sideways toward Richards house. well it started getting scary and Ricky and his brother didn't want to go back in, well being the idiot that I was, I jumped right in with a small hand spade. Well I don't have to tell you, that in keeping in the great tradition of being an idiot, we put no support beams, anything, in the tunnel. I was down there for about five minutes, when suddenly, and I do mean suddenly, everything was black. I had no idea what had happened. I tried to slide out, but couldn't move. It was then that I realized the tunnel had caved in, and that I couldn't breath, at all, not one ... Read more

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    Thu Feb 24 2005

    Imagine two convicts grabbed you on a street and buried you in a rural underground sewer and covered the sewer cap with concrete. You can't go nowhere except hitting that sewer cap. ... That would certainly suck.

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    Mon Aug 23 2004

    Not something that I think about a lot, but I'm sure this is a big fear for those who are claustophobic.