Being a know-it-all
Approval Rate: 35%
Reviews 44
by irishgit
Wed Sep 15 2010This is almost as bad a habit as being a "know nothing." Seriously though, some people level accusations of "know-it-all" as a means of compensating for their own lack of knowledge, education or ability to reason.
by abichara
Tue Sep 14 2010Just another form of narcissism. Rather than using beauty, wealth, or designer goods for self-affirmation, they use intellect, or knowledge of arcane facts to convince themselves of their own value. Underlying this is a lack of self-esteem--what they really look for is validation by impressing their peers. Like in other forms of narcissism, the know-it-all's knowledge only runs skin deep. Street smarts, application of knowledge is far more important than being well versed on fact alone.
by thestinker
Wed Dec 17 2008I think I come off as a know-it-all sometimes...but when someone corrects me, I feel embarrassed and apologize because I didn't mean it, I just don't think before I say things, I'm also kinda blunt
by decalod85
Sat Jan 05 2008You are all just jealous because I know everything. I even knew you were jealous.
by ladyjesusfan77_7
Mon Oct 08 2007This is not only a bad habit but very irritating.
by misspackrat4je_sus
Fri Sep 14 2007I've run across many of these types. To them I say this: "Humble pie is mighty bitter!"
by wirescb3
Tue Jun 05 2007Know-it-all's about random info are hilarious to be around. Know-it-alls of a serious nature..can also be hilarious to be around!!:)
by blueorchid
Mon Apr 23 2007These people annoy me.
by lastmessenger3
Mon Apr 23 2007It's not a good or a bad thing, rather a little irritating, that's all!
by trebon1038
Thu Apr 27 2006I have a friend with this problem. In fifteen years of knowing her she has run off more people with this than I can count. We have tifts regularly over this in fact, but somehow I always manage to stay her friend.
by mariusqeldroma
Thu Dec 29 2005The big thing with know-it-alls is know when to keep it under your hat.
by numbah16tdhaha
Wed Dec 14 2005I was proclaimed a "master of useless knowlege" in my platoon in Okinawa. I don't think being a know it all is too bad a thing.
by texasyankee
Tue May 17 2005Yea I agree, Molfan.
by molfan
Tue May 17 2005I once read one of those advice type books that said never argue with a know-it-all you are wasting your time and it is not worth the stress. The know it all thinks their way of thinking is always right. they are not interested in hearing anyones side of anything. I have known a few know it alls they usually come off and very authoritive and arrogant. some get quite nasty if you dare to disagree with them.They think the are knowlegable on every subject.I have also noticed they seem to act like they are impressed with themselves and look down on others. I have a neighbor I avoid because she thinks she knows everything and treats others like they are stupid.I remember once when we were discussing making chili, she got quite snotty when she discovered that I made my chili different from her.{big deal, so we made chili different] she let me know that I made my chili WRONG! I just do not like that the know it all has this I am right you are wrong 'period. attitude.
by kattwoman
Tue May 17 2005i think all of us here have a little of being a know it all in us. but maybe thats cuz we do know it all and we want everyone else to it
by randyman
Sun Mar 20 2005This really bugs me, because I want to be the one who knows it all.
by mrpolitical
Sun Jan 30 2005Well, it depends. If you have quite a bit of experince in a certain field and have excelled in that area for some time now, perhaps you just might know more than most people. On the other hand, if you have absolutely no idea what your discussing, then please, do everyone a favor and be quiet.
by beatlesfanstev_eo
Sun Jul 11 2004they are basically just stuck up.
by kristyclueless
Sat Mar 06 2004The reason I hate people who think they know it all is because I actually know it all. If they really did know everything, as they think they do, they would already know this, and would never disagree with me again. The end.
by classictvfan47
Thu Feb 05 2004Too fun to be a bad habit. Nothing more amusing than going up to some dumb jock and using big words or expressions that they don't know. Besides, with the teachers and adults on your side, what's there to worry about? Learning is fun, and remember, the day you stop learning, you have a problem! By the way, I know something else... :)
by tbdesign
Sun Jan 04 2004Nobody cares about what know-it-alls know because usually what they know is nothing. Heehee.
by invisible
Sun Dec 21 2003I hate it when someone's like that to me, it's horrible. But quite honestly it's sooo much fun to do it on others! :D
by tvtator
Sun Nov 30 2003I once worked with someone like this, I'd let this person ramble on about whatever then I'd say you're full of sh** and many times I'd prove that this person was wrong. Know it alls can be annoying to be around and half the time I imagine they just want attention.
by cage_rules
Fri Nov 14 2003BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH! Thats all I hear! Two words......WHO CARES?!
by bigbaby
Sun Oct 26 2003People who are constantly like this are pretty much stuck up. However, if you are really adept into an area if interest, then you probably do know everything about it. People who tend to "know everything" are usually stuck up girls who run thier mouths whenever they get thier chance.
by scarletfeather
Tue Oct 21 2003People like this are just so dull.
by president_x_d
Mon Oct 06 2003I KNOW EVERYTHING. Live with it.
by enkidu
Sun Oct 05 2003Hey, this is me, but at least I admit it. I have, however, mellowed to the point that I don't deliver irrelevant dissertations wherever I am: I only demolish imbeciles when the mood hits and the weather is just right. And hey--look where you are! Do you seriously think that people on an "opinion" website are NOT going to be know-it-alls? Come on. It's why we are HERE!
by jaws298b
Fri Jul 25 2003Over the last few days I have received a sudden surge of messages from people telling me how arrogant or uninformed I am. I never said I knew everything however when I do speak I am NEVER wrong, period! So when I speak, you listen!
by daryl75c
Wed Jul 16 2003Being a Know-it-all is o.k if you actually know-it-all,but all of the know-it-alls that I know don't know-it-all so I give them a one.
by reenyf4b
Fri Jun 13 2003It's definitely a pain in the you-know-what, when you have to deal with someone who thinks that they know everything, when in reality they know very little about most things.
by kornchild70
Thu Jun 05 2003These people deserve death. know-it-alls are usually dic*s who think their shi* dont stink and they listen to*holes. quit acting like a dic*. just shut up and quit talking. you dont know half of what you say.
by ajjones
Sat May 31 2003I hate people who don't know jack about a subject, but think their opinion is just as valid as mine when I know what I'm talking about. Ignorance should be included as a bad habit!
by canadasucks
Fri May 16 2003Annoying. I am more aware of the things I don't know than the things I am aware of. However, people can be a little sensitive on this subject. If a person is confident and forms a logical argument, it sounds arrogant to a touchy or self-depricating person.
by rebelyell1861
Thu May 15 2003There seems to be a lot of these on this site, ha. Whether you think you know it all or not, you should never act like you do.
by kamylienne
Tue May 13 2003It's funny to hear a know-it-all talk about something that he/she has no experience with, and it's obvious to everyone. Especially if they go up against someone who actually DOES know what they're talking about. I almost feel sorry for them--I mean, why do they want to impress everyone? But, it goes along with a saying: "It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool rather than speak and remove all doubt."
by vudija
Sat May 03 2003There is nothing more annoying than a person that thinks he/she is right and that everyone else is wrong. I've had experiences with these people before and actually I live with a person like this. We are always in arguments, because half of the time, I can actually prove that they are wrong. Do you know how defensive they get when you can prove that they have said something wrong? Even when you have the proof, they still think that they are right and will argue with you, until you give up.
by mcspongeicus
Thu Apr 24 2003Well when you know it all, theres no point in denying it, its better to pass on your infinite wisdom. not only do I know it all, i know things that are unknown to all of you pitiful lesser beings. I consider myself a god of sorts!!
by redoedo
Fri Mar 07 2003Pretty annoying. I am in high school and I have someone in my class who portrays himself as a know it all, and corrects the teacher on several occasions. He really annoys everyone, and he, like most know-it-alls are not willing to listen to both sides of the story. Bottom line is, none of us "know it all", and to think that you do is simply arrogant and moronic.
by jan168301
Wed Dec 18 2002I hate know it alls ... they think they're all that. Know it alls should keep their mouths shut cause nobody cares about what they know or don't know
by crowbar
Fri Dec 13 2002Yes! Some of my least favorite people are those who will not even listen to a story of yours and when your done immediately cuts you off to tell you a story of his in the tone of "oh yeah, thats OK, but here, i can top that no problem, im the best at everthing." I hate those people!
by lord_luzifer
Thu Aug 29 2002these ppl are annoying, ruin every conversation, push themselvs everywhere, and i'm really tired of hearing them talking about jesus!
by r_mitchell
Thu Aug 29 2002KNOW-IT-ALL VS JACK-OF-ALL-TRADES is a very fine line. Where a J-O-A-T really does know what he's talking about a K-I-A just likes to say he knows what he's talking about. K-I-A is really good at making a good conversation turn bad.
by andrew_gilmore
Tue Jul 09 2002I can be jokingly PEDANTIC when I feel like it, but I'm not quite a know-it-all by definition. I don't claim to know everything, I just feel I know a lot of things most people don't. But I am by no means always right. But I find people who think they're always right and won't listen to anyone else's opinions absolutely unbearable. Typically, when I try to talk to them, they're too f%&*ing thick-headed to understand, or I get responses along the lines of "shut up, ya piece of $&*!" I hate that. But I just give up on them, because I know that no matter how laboriously I try to explain to the moron why their way of thinking is wrong, they won't listen. What really stings is that some know-it-alls I deal with think they're smarter than ME, even though they act more ignorant and obnoxious than I can say I ever have! It's a grin-and-bear-it situation, though sometimes I feel a very strong urge to stop grinning and start punching. But I usually end up just yelling obscenities at them, which m... Read more