Before These Crowded Streets (Dave Matthews Band)

Approval Rate: 84%

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    Sun Sep 20 2009

    Seller failed to warn buyers that the last three tracks are unplayable due to skipping. Seller stated that CD was in good or great condition (I don't remember which). I will be avoiding the seller in the future.

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    Tue Jun 30 2009

    Before These Crowded Streets is Human. Within every song is a Human emotion that has been felt by every one. Each song delves into a different Human emotion and in so doing it covers every emotion we as Human Beings could ever experience. This album is a documentation of the development of a Human Being. Beginning with an innocent type of joy that then turns into anger once the ways of the world are discovered and the child is innocent no more. Then there is joy again, though with the knowledge that it cannot last forever and from this comes an appreciation for the good times. Anger resumes and then a decision comes to get away, to find a new life. Love is found and then lost. With memories left inside and a longing for one who may or may not ever return to your arms, you're stranded in a state of agony. More of the worlds woes are seen clearly, only these woes bring sadness and pain. Finally however, a realization comes that this is life and you must find the joy and positivi... Read more

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    Wed Jun 10 2009

    My wife's classic Dave CD that needed replacing from being played about 1000 past its prime. Definitely put a smile on her face!!!

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    Mon Feb 09 2009

    It's been probably seven years since I've listened to this album, and just tonight I became reacquainted with it. These are honestly some of the most masterful auditory sounds I've ever heard. The definition of beautiful music. It's rare that any album contains just one song that can make me feel like I'm in another world; this album contains three: Spoon (it is painful how perfect this song is), the Stone, and the Dreaming Tree. Pig and Crush are up there too. PS - Like I said, it's been awhile, but when I was younger my DMB friend insisted that Under the Table and Dreaming was better. I've always highly preferred Before These Crowded Streets (seriously, those last five songs... inexplicably beautiful...)

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    Thu Jul 17 2008

    I didn't have high hopes for this album, but I didn't think it would be like this. This album has high potential. Really high potential. Consider what they have here: A vocalist that can't be imitated (despite the criticism, I like his vocals). Acoustic guitar and it's range of dynamics and flavors (I dig his playing). The grooving, peaceful, graceful, can do anything rhythm section of Carter and Steffan. A full time wind player and violinist. Tim Reynolds on every track playing electric guitar (in a great way instead of the the way that bogged down Everyday). And pianos, banjos, and organ the Chapman Stick, a trumpet, soulful background vocals from the Lovely Ladies, and the Kronos Quartet. A great variety of atmosphere and mood. But it's too bad that this album wallows in unbearably repetitive. Some of the material here is excellent, but the rest of either too undeveloped and runs or unbearabley soft, unemotional, and BORING. The ballads are awful, muzak worthy with not... Read more

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    Wed Oct 26 2005

    Yuppie rock, his voice sucks!

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    Wed Sep 21 2005

    DMB sucks

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    Thu Apr 15 2004

    Best studio album by far. Jsulli8040 gives it a 2 because of the yodelling? Give me a break.

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    Tue Apr 13 2004

    The best DMB studio album, by far.

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    Sun Feb 23 2003

    Music is good but I wish that guy yodeling on there would shut up!

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    Sun Feb 09 2003

    This album is excellent. Anyone disagree just crank rapunzel up and F*** to it and say that they do not like it! This has much more than one song though in all seriousness, such as stone and pig. Oh, just listen to all of DMB'S stuff and read me perfectly.

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    Sun Oct 27 2002

    A musical masterpiece.

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    Wed Feb 27 2002

    hes the worse

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    Mon Oct 22 2001

    One of my favorite CD's. From "Rapunzel" to "Stay" to "Don't Drink the Water" to "The Dreaming Tree," an amazing collection of terrific musical work.

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    Wed May 30 2001

    l was Beautifully "Crushed", by this Music!!!

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    Tue May 01 2001

    never a dave matthews fan

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    Fri Apr 27 2001

    Ok dave is a hottie and if u say this band sucks then U SUCK!!!!! This band is awsome so buy it.

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    Wed Apr 04 2001

    "Rapunzel" and "Don't Drink the Water" are some of my favorite tracks. But b/c its DMB they are all great. DMB is above all my favorite band. I also tend to avoid the hard core college age women DMB fans b/c most of them don't realize that the music actully means something, and don't just think that "Dave is so hot.." The Band is extremely talented.

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    Fri Mar 30 2001

    Amazing and gutsy. This album has it all from happy to somber and from light to dark. Buy it!

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    Thu Mar 22 2001

    The Dave Matthews Band seems to get a lot of bad press these days. The critics really tear them apart. I’ve heard this CD described as “morose” and “dawdling.” My lack of music knowledge must be working in my favor, then, because “Before These Crowded Streets” was one of my favorite CDs from 1998. Sure I get annoyed by the hard-core DMB fans (generally college-aged women, it seems) who think DMB is the end-all-be-all of music, but I try to ignore that. With the exception of the overplayed “Don’t Drink the Water,” I like all the songs on this CD, and I’d recommend it to anyone who isn’t already biased against DMB.

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    Fri Mar 16 2001

    Dave Matthews is awesome. There music, most importantly, is artistic!

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    Sat Mar 10 2001

    Oh they stink! Whenever the lead guy sings he looks like he's going to eat it!!

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    Sun Feb 11 2001

    tightest cd made....not daves best but that's still a lot better than ne other crap out there....crush is an awsome song...stone is's all good....

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    Tue Jan 16 2001

    The only album I gave 5 stars in the last year was David Gray’s “White Ladder”. But this one is pretty close. I love the songwriting and melodies. solid album.

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    Mon Jan 15 2001

    This album marks a huge amount of growth and direction that the artists have taken since their three previous studio releases. "Stone," "Rapunzel," and a great re-recording of "Halloween," all shine through as ground breaking new material for the DMB.

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    Fri Jan 12 2001

    There are a few good songs on this album. I was surprised that there weren't more great listening tunes on this album. However, those tracks which are great, are also repeatedly listened to.

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    Fri Jan 12 2001

    Awesome CD. Great instrumentals/vocals. Very creative and a variety of different sounds. Dave Matthews has awesome vocals and great lyrics.

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    Wed Jan 10 2001

    I really like this album, I just heard it a few days ago for the first time!! I don't like it as much as David Gray's 'White Ladder', but it is definately a good one.

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    Mon Nov 13 2000

    It is great to listen to as upbeat study music. It is similar to the last CD but just as creative and orginial.

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    Tue Oct 24 2000

    Dave Matthews Rocks! I loved all of his albums but especially this one. It introduced a new side of Dave Matthews. It gave him a little variety while keeping his recognizable style present.

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    Tue Oct 24 2000

    No nonsense, no hype, just good music. He doesn't have to be a "Boy-Toy" to be an attraction.

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    Thu Oct 12 2000

    Dave Matthews is an amazing musician whose music posesses a timeles quality. This is his strongest album to date.

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    Mon Aug 14 2000

    Bigest bunch of a junk,I have heard in a long time.

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    Fri Aug 04 2000

    This album is great! It seems the band explored more avenues/experimented for a positive result. Many of the songs flow into each other and are beautiful to listen too.

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    Sun Jan 09 2000

    I love the diversity of the Dave Matthew's Band. His influences are so widespread.

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    Fri Jan 07 2000

    This CD depicts the unique sounds which DMB seems to produce quite often. He pursues a vas genre of musical sounds and tastes that is dissimilar yet just as appealing as their former albums.

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    Thu Dec 30 1999

    DMB is my favorite band but this album just wasn't very Davish.

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    Tue Dec 28 1999

    I love Dave, he is fine! I saw him at Red Rocks & in concert he is spectacular!

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    Fri Dec 17 1999

    Dave Matthew's is the most talented band around. They combine a mix of all different kinds of instruments like no other band. Dave, himself, uses his voice as an instrument in each of his songs.

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    Tue Nov 23 1999

    DMB is my favorite band. This CD has a wide variety of all sounds.

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    Sat Nov 06 1999

    Dave Matthews - what else is there to say.

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    Wed Nov 03 1999

    Any CD by Dave Matthews would receive a 5. He is an incredibly talented individual. He writes his own music, can play his own instruments and has a fabulous voice, He is not like many of the artist today, who have everything done for them and get by on looks and image.

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    Tue Oct 26 1999

    Not as good as Under the Fate + Dreaming or Crash.