Beer Reviews | RateItAll


Oldest and most widely consumed type of alcoholic drink in the world, and the third most popular drink overall after potable water and tea Website

Approval Rate: 67%

67%Approval ratio

Reviews 48

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    Fri Jun 14 2002

    Who the F*** are all you people who give beer a one out of five!!!!!!? When you need a friend, beer is there. If your feeling lonely, beer is there. If you want to watch the game with someone, beer is there. Lets face it beer is always there to help you feel good. I always consider beer as my best friend. For the most part you can always trust beer. Now I know a lot of people who are allergic to beer, heck so am I, whenever I have 22 beer I throw-up. Not only am I going to say that beer is the very best drink in the whole world...including the U.S. I am also going to say that beer is even better than women. I mean they have a lot in common. Both women and beer give you a headache in the morning. Both women and beer are better if you have more than one of them. But beer does not get jealous if it see's you looking at another beer. So I think some people(mostly beer lovers) will agree that beer can be much more fun, enjoyable, and better tasting than women. The only thing that you can't ... Read more

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    Wed Nov 08 2023

    When someone asks you what's your favorite kind of beer, the correct answer is: The cold kind.

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    Sun Jul 30 2023

    I hate beer. When I smell it, I vomit.

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    Thu Jan 03 2013

    "You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer." - Frank Zappa

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    Tue Nov 20 2012

    If it's alcohol, then it' beer for me, and maybe I'll buy one for you too. Yeah, you!

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    Tue Nov 20 2012

    Not a huge fan, I've got a couple beers that I don't mind drinking, but I prefer something a little stronger really.

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    Sun Apr 03 2011

    I love a good Stout. Guiness is my favorite. Victory Stout is actually pretty damn good as well. I had this one called Russian Consecration (I believe that's the name). It was also decent, a bit heavy on the spicy side, but decent nonetheless. Beer is a good man's drink, but women can enjoy it too. Like Arnold Schwarzenegger said "milk is for babies, when you grow up you have to drink beer". So man up, put that wine cooler down and pick up a pint.

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    Sun Jan 31 2010

    I mean, I love me some beer, I had a few pitchers while watching the Jayhawks game the other night at the bar, but overall I give beer three stars. As much fun as it can help you have, it can also easily cause as much chaos. Hangovers, stupid things said, fights, or whatever, beer is fun, but not the only way to have fun.

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    Tue Nov 03 2009

    Not a really big fan of beer, sorry to say.

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    Sat Jan 03 2009

    Of course. I think I've drunk about three crates (cases) of beer over the last seven days. Good times, good times...

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    Mon Dec 22 2008

    Mans best friend

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    Mon Oct 13 2008


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    Mon Oct 06 2008

    i seem to drink alot of beer!!!

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    Fri Aug 08 2008

    Liquid bread is good for everyone!!!

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    Tue Jul 22 2008

    gota bong it

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    Sun Jul 20 2008


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    Sun Jul 13 2008

    dont like beer.

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    Fri Jul 11 2008

    CORONA !!!

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    Sat Jul 05 2008


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    Fri Jul 04 2008

    piss in a bottle

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    Sat Jun 21 2008

    PISSS WATER!!!!!

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    Wed Jun 11 2008

    hell yeah !!!

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    Wed Jun 11 2008


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    Wed Jun 11 2008


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    Mon Apr 07 2008

    can have anytime... it's better than water

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    Sat Mar 29 2008

    What can I say? I really have never had a bad beer. Some are better than others, however.

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    Thu Mar 27 2008

    I really don't know where to start.

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    Thu Mar 27 2008

    Not much into beer. More of a college drink for me. I've moved on to other stuff. I'll drink a corona w/lots of lime juice and salt though.

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    Wed Jan 30 2008

    Beer is perfect for any occassion.

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    Tue Jan 29 2008

    Love my beer

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    Tue Jan 29 2008

    I'll drink it if I can't get myself some Jack Daniels or anything else tasty to drink.

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    Wed Dec 26 2007

    I want to see a brand new year while thinking straight, thank you very much.

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    Fri Sep 30 2005

    When beer is your best friend, its time to find some more friends.

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    Sun Dec 28 2003

    Beer is definately not one of my favorite New Year's is all about the champagne, baby !

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    Sat Dec 27 2003

    I don't drink alcohol because of my aunt who's a giant drunk and what I've seen her do when she's drunk. Some of the things she's done AND said. When my aunt got drunk one night, She took off her clothes and walked around the neighborhood naked. Needless to say, Some people were very scared indeed. Next night while she got smashed, She crashed a colledge party introducing herself as Evil Auntie. The third night, She started preaching white supremacy. Finally, My aunt passed out. But so much beer has permanently screwed her mind. It's very sad.

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    Wed Jan 02 2002

    Beer's fine, just as long as you enjoy it. Some people drink beer just because everyone else is. Enjoy yourself, drink the kind of beer you like and not what everyone else is drinking. Of course, drinking beer must be done in moderation, too many drunk driving accidents happen on New Year's. I'm not against drinking, but I am for moderation.

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    Sun Dec 30 2001

    Want to get drunk? Fine. Act like a dope? Sure. Lose your self-control? Go ahead. But, don't be surprised if you are arrested...

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    Wed Nov 28 2001

    More precisely, Newcastle Brown Ale or Yuengling! GOtta bring in the new year with something more than watered down swill.

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    Fri Jun 22 2001

    After the champagne is gone, this the drink of choice for most people.

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    Thu Feb 15 2001

    That stuff makes me feel sick

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    Sun Dec 31 2000

    I wouldn't really characterize Beer as a New Year's Eve necessity for me. As several posters have commented, beer is more of an everyday beverage - when I think of New Year's Eve, I think of shots, champagne, even wine, before beer. However, all that being said, because beer is such a unique and delightful drink - I will still give it a 5.

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    Sat Dec 30 2000

    beer is passe

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    Wed Dec 27 2000

    I can't believe that beer isn't #1 on this list?!?! How can that be? Sure you should probably have some champagne on hand as well but I'm not planning on drinking champagne all night are you? Even more so I would think beer would be above "someone to kiss". I mean we've all probably spent at least one New Years without someone to kiss right? But I'll bet there was still beer around to help you get through the loneliness. Not to forget that in some cases a night that began without someone to kiss could very well turn into a night with someone to kiss, providing you've got your beer.

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    Wed Dec 29 1999

    Some would argue that beer should be included on the Every Day's Necessities list.

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    Wed Dec 29 1999

    It's good to have on hand in case the stores aren't open during the Bowl games on the 1st, but you should really go a little more upscale on New Year's Eve. Bring on the bubbly, baby!

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    Wed Dec 29 1999


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    Wed Dec 29 1999

    This is like 'Extra Cash' - a necessity every day of the year.

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    Wed Dec 29 1999

    Nothing like a cool one, after work. The best beer is the one that tastes good to you--not the most expenisive!