Strategy type guessing game for two players Website
Approval Rate: 66%
Reviews 0
by jess1127
Sat Sep 01 2012I didn't think I'd like this game until my husband introduced me to it. Then, I realized that it's actually rather fun. Especially when you are looking all over the place to try to sink that little ship. The electronic game is awesome! When you hit someones ship, it makes a bomb sound. lol
by lillyscott
Sat Apr 16 2011what really stinks is missing every time its your turn as you watch all your ships get taken out one by one.
by djahuti
Wed May 12 2010Almost forgot that one.One of my buddies had it & it was ok.That was in the 70s,too.(not the one with sound effects)
by irishgit
Tue Oct 07 2008Strategy, my ass. Its a guessing game, pure and simple.
by dgates
Tue Sep 02 2008I have to agree with several prior comments concerning the marking pins, they are a poor fit and a simple bump can cause the pins to jump off the board - can we expect a seven year old or even an adult to not bump the board ocasionally? Also, I had to file down the ships pins so they would fit into the boards holes - I don't recall having these problems when I was a kid. Too often the game companies rely on history to sell a game, then deliver an inferior produt.
by veryparticular_consumer
Fri Jan 18 2008We grew up playing this classic game and encouraged this as a gift for our 7 year old. He loves the concept and the play. And we remember fondly the red and blue games of old. But there are major issues with the build of this game. Fit: The pins don't all fit into the space allocated for them. You can't properly close the units with all the pins. Playing board - Bottom: There is no "floor" under the pins. If you try to play the game holding the units, or sitting them on your lap, you will push up any pins sticking through the floor of the unit. Very annoying. Playing board - Top: The pins do not securely fit into their holes. Any slight jostle will cause the pins to tumble out of their holes destroying any record of where you have fired and what ships you have sunk. I also miss the 5 little holes in the old clasps of the old units. We always placed red pins in the holes as visual bragging tags to remind our opponents how many ships we had sunk! But that's not a fun... Read more
by giftproducts
Fri Jan 11 2008This product is a real good learning game for kids to learn strategy and have fun at the same time.Great entertainment for adults also.I bought it for my grandson and he loves it.I enjoy playing it also.I think all families should have it.
by klatuu
by captainvideo
Mon Feb 19 2007As a GenX, I grew up with Battleship and Electronic Battleship (cooler). Its a great game for young kids. 5 or 6 is about as young as you want to go on age. The kids have to learn both grid notation and also the transformation that their attack grid is an analog to my defense grip/ship grid and vice versa. It takes kids a little while to grasp this concept fully. The game is suspenseful and fun for kids. The drawback with this version of Battleship is pretty common to a lot of products. The manufacturer has done a lot of cost reduction to the game since you saw the version you played on as a kid. There is a lightweight and cheap feel to it now. One example is the white/red pegs. They used to be large, about 2cm and solid. Now they are about 1/2 cm and hollow to save on plastic cost. Just one example, but you get the idea, everything about it has been spared down to the minimal possible costs. They even have the user apply the outside Battleship decal stickers to save on a few pennies... Read more
by vgrvrgfrrsg
Sat Jan 27 2007I love Battleship. I can play it over and over
by patriciahartne_r
Sun Jan 14 2007Ordered Battleship for Grandson and it was shipped and arrived on time for Christmas the game was in excellent condition and both father and son playing it constantly...a very good game for thinking out strategy and learning good competition, perfect for either parent quality and quanity time with children. Reasonably priced.
by numbah16tdhaha
Mon Jan 08 2007I'm gonna sink IJR's Battleship...
by johneaglin
Sun Jan 07 2007A solid classic. Great game, like stratego, to play over and over and gain insights on how your friend thinks! Always rewarding.
by supremecritic
Sat Sep 16 2006really its just a game of chance
by virilevagabond
Wed Jul 19 2006A classic with it roots in a simple pencil and paper game, Battleship (notwithstanding its evolution to electronic versions) really isn't much more than a kid's game. I remember enjoying this growing up, with its simple rules, navy ships, and arguments over suspecting cheating. Battleship deserves some respect for being a good children's game, but it's how playing has become such a common experience (as evidenced by the immediately recognized "you sunk my battleship" and, as a another comment noted, Seinfeld forcing Elaine to make the noises we all remember making back in the day).
by trebon1038
Tue Jul 18 2006Loved this game when I was young but it isnt as much fun now. I prefer the trivia games or labrynth now.
by canadasucks
Tue Jul 18 2006I once talked my college girlfriend into strip-battleship. . .I lost when she took out my destroyer. . .the relationship didn't last although it was interesting. . .how on earth can I give this game less than 5-stars?
by ianthecool
Sun May 07 2006Its half-luck, half-strategy i suppose. But always good to kill some time. Unless the pegs start breaking off in the holes. Then its a pain.
by genghisthehun
Sat Jul 16 2005One thing about this game and that you can teach your kids a low cost variety by drawing a matrix on paper and playing that way. Otherwise it is booooooring!
by kattwoman
Sun May 15 2005id like it better but my husband cheats at this one. i always catch him moving his ships around after the game has started. we dont play anymore
by texasyankee
Tue Mar 29 2005definitely fun
by orangecharlie
Fri Jan 28 2005I liked playing this when I was a kid and I remember when my friend got Electronic Battleship. Ohhh...Ahhhh.. I was so envious....LOL.
by onehungrymonst_er
Mon Aug 30 2004There's not much strategy in this game (you could argue that there is a LITTLE), but it's still kind of addictive. It is a little lame though, so I gave it a three. Although there is not better game to cheat with! ;-)
by yorthan
Tue Apr 13 2004Besides being able to yell, You sank my BATTLESHIP! I have no real urge to play this very often. Plus it's too easy to cheat.
by enkidu
Thu Mar 18 2004I loved this game when I was a kid, so it gets some stars. I remember it was fun to change the rules and make up bizarre shapes for ships.
by pikachan
Wed Jul 23 2003Battleship can be fun f you learn how to play it. The object is to sink your player's ships faster than he/she can. easy to get into, hard to master.
by rebelyell1861
Thu May 15 2003I'm giving this 4 stars for that episode of Seinfeld when Jerry and Elaine are playing this and he makes her do the sound effects. hahaha
by phantasm18
Wed May 07 2003The classics
by bigbaby
Sat Feb 08 2003Battleship isnt all that fun of a game. Its only good for two people, everyone puts the ships in the same places, and its just plain boring.
by jason1972
Wed Jan 22 2003It's a very fun game, very easy to follow, and it will never get old.
by looneylady
Fri Dec 20 2002I like this game.
by callmetootie
Tue Apr 10 2001Battleship is a really, really fun game. It's better when you're using the electronic one, but it's really easy to carry around, and it amuses you a lot.
by punxx13
Fri Dec 15 2000This game has always been fun. What's really cool though is all of the different versions of it! Star Wars Battleship, etc. There's computer games with explosions and movies. It's always gonna be a cool game.
by mindy3cc
Thu Dec 14 2000I love this game. It is great for kids and adults because you can use as much or as little strategy as you want and still have fun with it. I prefer classic to electronic. Good for teaching kids about grids and even ships, and also about patterns. It's compact so it's portable but some pieces are little so they might get lost.
by tsuitat
Wed Dec 13 2000It is boring, only calling coordinates. The whole game is meaningless. The board is dull, stupid and it only allows 2 players, which is no good.
by homegirl
Mon Dec 11 2000It's a pretty much luck of the draw kind of game, but it's hella fun. Electronic Battleship is best because it talks to you, and any boardgame that talks to you is rad. I have it and when I was young I would play it all the time with my buds. Of course it's only a two player game, but you can take turns.
by stud_is_amc
Mon Dec 11 2000Lots of fun. Battleship has always been my favorite. Good sounds and graphics. I love the sound of the ships sinking. Unlike some games, it is easy to play and understand. I plan on buying the new Battleship.
by overalls
Fri Nov 24 2000Battleship teaches strategy and you have fun blowing your opponents ships out of the water. I have fun playing this game and I am sure others will too. The trick to finding your opponent is to make an X through the game. Sooner or later you will find the ship.
by spiralingmarce
Fri Jul 28 2000Got a little boring after a few hundred games.
by melv5089om
Wed Mar 15 2000A guessing game at best.
by dspr460om
Thu Feb 17 2000You sank my battleship!!
by cind467om
Tue Feb 15 2000This game has gotten increasingly better with age as the board has been transformed again and again. Who can forget those comercials?
by rrho3246om
Fri Feb 11 2000Battleship is a wonderful game, but I see absolutely no need to by anything in order to play it, except possibly graph paper. It's one of the world's great paper and pencil games, why complicate it.
by ericthefederal_ist
Thu Feb 10 2000I haven't played it much, but I remember I played it a lot at Jersey. It was quite fun! :-)
by wiggum
Wed Feb 09 2000Nothing beats the satisfaction of nailing that irritating little two-peg submarine.
by magellan
Wed Feb 09 2000I had electronic battleship growing up, and it was pretty cool. You typed in the coordinates that you wished to fire upon, and hit a red launch button which made the sound of a missile being fired. When you actually hit something, there was a dramatic crash. The only annoying part was programming in all of the coordinates of your pieces - one wrong move and you had to start all over again.
by shafty
Wed Feb 09 2000A great game of deduction. there is some luck involved, but the smarter of the 2 players will win a best of 5 series. I prefer the games where luck plays a lesser role like Battleship.