Basketball Reviews | RateItAll


Team sport in which two teams opposing one another, compete with the objective of shooting a basketball through the defender's hoop Website

Approval Rate: 76%

76%Approval ratio

Reviews 46

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    Wed Feb 23 2011

    Too Bad 0 stars isn't allowed cuz that's sooooo what would be on here.

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    Sun Jul 04 2010

    I was normally the shortest player on the court, you can imagine what I had to do to create some space. It took real talent.

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    Thu Jul 01 2010

    A lot of fun, although I try and take it easy to avoid landing on someone's foot and twisting an ankle or blowing out a knee. I never thought about that stuff when I was younger.

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    Sun Aug 23 2009

    I like playing basketball,but don't like watch.

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    Tue Jun 02 2009

    I also love basketball. It is very fun to play and watch, but it requires a lot of ball skill to play well.

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    Thu Dec 18 2008

    Generally a good sport if played by people of normal heights. On the NBA level, they should either put a height restriction on players of no more than 6'5" or raise the hoops by at least 1 foot and enlarge the court by at least 20%, then we may have a decent, enjoyable game to watch.

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    Thu Dec 18 2008

    Oook-oook, gimme de ball.  Automatic scoring.  About as exciting as waiting for a bus.  Appealing to those of low intelligence and totally vacant imagination.  An opportunity to make freaks of nature into millionaires, freeing them from the likelihood they'd be street trash or up on the tier otherwise.  What a waste of time.

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    Fri Aug 22 2008

    man basketball is lik da bst sport eva! i luv it

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    Sun Nov 04 2007

    my favorit sport. its da bst in da world

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    Wed Oct 17 2007

    yeh its great

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    Wed May 23 2007

    Basketball is an amaingly thought-of sport, and it should be creditted as so.

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    Sun Mar 11 2007

    The players have outgrown the game. We shoud bump up the hoop a couple of feet. That would restore the game. Shaquille O'Neal, for instance, would be busy in the food serving industry.

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    Sun Mar 11 2007

    Only the ladies play real basketball anymore.

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    Sun Mar 11 2007


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    Sun Mar 11 2007


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    Sun Mar 11 2007


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    Sun Mar 11 2007

    tha best damn sport

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    Sun Mar 11 2007

    Nobody need a sleeping pill. Just watch a basketball game... zzzzzzzz

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    Sun Mar 11 2007

    basketball is da best sport on the phase of the planet

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    Wed Jan 24 2007

    Im not into college hoops but the NBA is my favorite sport and im sick of the NBA haters. Bottom line, the public doesnt like young black millionaires. That's all there is to it. Any complaint they have, its dumb whining and "how much money do you make in a year?? Be grateful!!" The press features negative stories because people like negative stories. A story about sexual assault is juicier than someone donating millions of dollars to open a hospital in the Congo, where children still die of polio.(Dikembe Mutumbo) And the public eats that negative s*** up. I think the NFL avoids this problem because in the minds of many of my fellow U.S. peeps, they "pay their dues" by staying in college and getting the hell kicked out of them every week. Like any of us would stay in school if we were guaranteed millions of dollars...yeah right The only time this disparity in sports really bothers me is when college hoops starts, and you hear the most uneducated basketball fans saying how much bett... Read more

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    Wed May 10 2006

    bad sport not enough activity

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    Sun Apr 02 2006

    its pretty awesome but i think it is way more fun to watch than play even though i do play it

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    Mon Mar 13 2006

    There is no funner game to play than this one. I'm 5'9 but still have fun finding ways to make it to the basket.

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    Sun Mar 12 2006

    points going back and forth

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    Thu Mar 09 2006

    I love this game...sounds like a commercial I've heard somewhere ? Fast paced and excellent athletes to boot. Plus you stay in great shape due to the the aerobic aspect.

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    Tue Jan 17 2006

    This is my favorite form of exercise. In order to be a good basketball player, you have to possess incredible stamina to be able to run up and down the court consistently. Athleticism is key, but not as much if your team works hard together on offense and defense with excellent strategies (as seen in many of the upsets in college basketball). Shooting also takes skill and practice because simply "throwing it up" will fail 95% of the time. There is lots of strategy involved in this game and it's a blast to watch college games. March Madness is my favorite time of year. As Dick Vitale would say: "It's awesome, baby!"

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    Mon Nov 21 2005

    baskeball is the best sport ever! all you have to do is try to shoot the ball in the hoop its that easy

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    Fri Nov 04 2005

    this is the best sport ever

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    Mon Jul 18 2005


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    Mon Jun 27 2005

    Awesome game. My favorite sport/ The real debate is I think the best atheltes in the world are basketball playere. It is the only sport that contains something from evey sport and theletic manuever.

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    Tue Jun 21 2005

    this sport is awosme to play but i am not a fan of the nba i am a huge ncaa fan though

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    Sun Jun 12 2005


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    Sat Apr 16 2005

    It actually takes skill to play this's awesome!

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    Thu Mar 10 2005

    It's OK, but I'd much rather watch the NBA Finals only.

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    Sat Jan 08 2005

    I found the comment below where someone deamed basketball to be not a sport. There aren't too many sports that require more athletic ability than basketball...

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    Fri Jan 07 2005

    Invented by a Canuck. Great that the US is not dominating internationally as it once was. Funny that only the tall get the attention yet the leading scorer in the NBA right now is just over 6ft.

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    Tue Jan 04 2005

    A game and its origin derived from rugby but for 6ft 8in sissies, an awful tedious running up and down sport....

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    Sat Jan 01 2005

    Basketball is a true American Sport and really should be America's Pastime. Everyone plays Basketball and it was invented in America and is an original game, unlike Baseball ( a variation on cricket) and Football ( a varaint on Rugby). Basketball can be played anywhere - indoor, outdoor, it's cheap to play, easy to play and become good at, can be played alone on in a group, with men and women or both together. Its' extremely popular in college and the pros where fans get into the game and can effect the outcome of the game. Rich and poor can play it was well. It's fast becoming a worldwide sport.

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    Sat Jan 01 2005

    It's never done much for me, perhaps because I was too short to be particularly good at it. The hype machine that is the NBA leaves me cold, although I always find March Madness one of the high points of the sports year.

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    Wed Dec 15 2004

    Olympic basketball is great. The international style of play actually focuses on the ever-great three-pointer and defense, instead of dunk after stupid dunk. And, of course, you get commercial-free coverage, colorful arenas and score boxes, great commentary and an overall slicker presentation. Plus, the crowds at the Olympics are also much more fun. Women's Basketball is even more entertaining than the Men's. The NBA in America is highly overrated and rarely interesting. On the flip side, the WNBA is entertaining. However, unlike in Olympic play, NBA and WNBA games lack the slick presentation and commercial-free coverage.

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    Mon Nov 08 2004

    Basketball in my opinion is not a real sport. It also isn't fun to play, if you're playing with the wrong people. Ball-hogging is perhaps too much the norm in this game. Also, if you're black but not raised with basketball, white kids will never respect you out of ridiculous prejudice. What's even worse is the fact that basketball more relies on genetics than skill. Tall players automatically have an advantage. That's not a real sport. While basketball is fun to watch and play solo, unless you're playing on a team that likes you, and that you can control, it's not a very fun game to play.

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    Thu Jul 15 2004

    Basketball today is probably the sport that sets the worst examples from dangling multizillion dollar contracts to underage kids to assuming college players simply use colleges as a minor league for as short a time as possible.It's also apparently true that the NBA has the highest rate of athletes with serious rap sheets.

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    Tue Jun 22 2004

    Forget Baseball! This is the true american pastime!

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    Wed Jun 02 2004

    college is tops!

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    Wed Aug 20 2003

    i like this sport,im really good at its fun and easy if you know the moves.this is one sport im good at.''''

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    Tue Jun 24 2003

    This is my all time favorite sport. It requires intense dedication and is really very fun to play. It's the ultimate team sport, with five players having to work together and remember plays and set screens for each other, etc. Plus it's so much fun!! The adrenaline rush I get just from making a basket, and succesfully running a play, it's enough to keep me playing forever. You get to become great friends with your teammates. Truly great sport.