
Approval Rate: 55%

55%Approval ratio

Reviews 34

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    Mon Apr 30 2012

    I never got into the Barbie craze. I had my sister's doll beheaded for having an affair with Sunshine Bear.

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    Thu Apr 26 2012

    It makes me feel so girly, just like I want to be! Yea!

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    Fri Mar 18 2011

    I always thought they needed a "Trailer Trash Barbie." Bruises that appear and disappear with hot or cold water, meth lab playset, station wagon, the works...

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    Mon Feb 22 2010

    slutty bimbo!have you ever seen goldiee hawn barbie. why would mattel release that doll?

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    Wed Jan 13 2010

    I hate that B***H, she has everything!

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    Wed Jan 13 2010

    When I was about eleven or so, one of my buddies used to have his G.I. Joe toy bang his sister's Barbie. He'd leave them hooked up in the missionary position for her to find on her pillow. He was a sick little bastard.

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    Mon Jun 08 2009

    Barbie had the coolest accessories, the only thing that sucked was that I could never get enough... once you get the car she gets an R.V.... once you get the dog she gets a veterinary clinic....etc.

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    Tue Mar 24 2009

    Cant stand her lol.

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    Mon Mar 23 2009

    ok so what girl did NOT like barbie!! i wanted to own them all, and still have a few from my childhood

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    Mon Jan 05 2009

    eww to die barbie

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    Thu Jan 01 2009

    who likes barbie?? well me, untill i was 6 or 12, joke!

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    Wed Dec 31 2008

    My little sister had a bunch of them, and always wanted me to play with her, but I came up with a pretty good plan. I told her that I'd play Barbies with her, but then she'd have to play Monopoly with me. When we played Barbies, I only had to play as Ken. But Ken had to go to work. So I'd put Ken in the car and drive off out of the room. I'd do something else for an hour or so, and then it was time for Ken to come home from work. So my sister would play Barbies for a couple of hours thinking that I had played with her, even though I played for maybe 10 minutes. Then the next day we'd play a Monopoly game that lasted all day. That was a good system.

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    Sat Dec 27 2008

    Not a huge fan, so I cringed when my sister said that my niece would really like a house for her Barbies to live in ( . . . but, that's what she wanted, and I don't feel like it's my place to enforce my beliefs on how screwed up Barbie is on someone else's kid, so . . . "Barbie House" it is . . . ).   Not that all Barbies are bad, I guess. though I do see a correlation of Barbie and upbringing.  Both my sister (the middle child) and I got Barbies as kids; she got the ones with the pretty, fluffy princess-y dresses.  I got the more "professional" Barbies, with suits, ones that had jobs; the non-professional Barbie that I got had a jean jacket and jeans.  Fast-forward to now:  I'm 28, married, live 850 miles away from my parents, have a job, and I pay my bills.  She's 30, married, lives with my parents (with her husband), has a "job" baby-sitting my cousin's kid, and doesn't really pay her bills, and needs to ask my parents for money.  She doesn't do her share of the housework, at least... Read more

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    Sat Dec 27 2008

    Giving young girls eating disorders for decades.  Still, pulling the heads off and putting them in sleazy poses works for two stars.

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    Sat Dec 27 2008

    My cousin, who is a year younger than I, is head dietician for a hospital system. Her youngest son gave up a football scholarship to join the US Army. Her oldest got a full acedemic scholarship to Gardner Webb and will spend this spring and summer studying in England. She had a room full of Barbies growing up and she never had any "eating disorders". Maybe you guys should stick to bashing Reagan....LOL!

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    Sat Dec 27 2008

    self imaging problems

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    Thu Nov 27 2008

    I'm a I just let my G.I Joes have their way with them

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    Thu Nov 20 2008


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    Wed Nov 19 2008

    skinny bitch

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    Sun Oct 26 2008

    i liked G.I. joes better

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    Sun Oct 26 2008

    every girl loves her barbies

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    Sun Oct 26 2008

    Every guys dream.  Big boobed and bald.

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    Thu Oct 23 2008


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    Thu Oct 23 2008

    not my thang

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    Thu Oct 23 2008

    Growing up as a girl, I used to get barbies as gifts constantly from various family I certainly can't fault Mattel's branding (although my understanding is that they're having trouble competing and remaining relevant today). I really didn't like dolls though, and so I did horrible things to them...en masse...without mercy....collectibility be damned. Here are some highlights: I cut off all their hair, I discovered that you could cut also their heads in half, I melted their faces, and tried to get them to "ride" breyer horses I had (which resulted in broken Barbie limbs), and worse...i won't get into it. Suffice to say, I really would have preferred getting Transformers or Legos instead (and so I used to play with the ones my brother received after the inevitable Barbie massacre that followed every Christmas or birthday).

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    Wed Oct 22 2008

    i can't believe such erotic figures are toys for children. Doesn't make sense.

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    Wed Oct 22 2008

    im a barbie girl! in a barbie world! its fantastic! im not made of PLASTIC!..LETS go BARBIE!

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    Wed Dec 07 2005

    My cousin took his sisters', cut off the hair, wrapped it in masking tape and put it in a coffin made from a shoebox. He was grounded for a long time for that.

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    Sat Nov 26 2005

    i never was really interested in playing barbies when i was younger but they have came out with so many beautiful and unique ones i began to collect them.

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    Thu Dec 30 2004

    It seems every woman (born in the late 1940s or later) has had fond memories of growing up with Barbie. I'm one of them. I had a few Barbie things myself -- even a Barbie paper doll book sometime in the early or mid-1980s. And never, in my 31 years, have I been acquainted with anyone who has ever complained that Barbie dolls have caused their daughters to worry about their looks (although I believe it has been known to happen). It seems they have more Barbie-type dolls (for all types of little girls). In a store a couple of years ago, I saw a wheelchair-bound Barbie doll called Becky -- perhaps created to make disabled girls feel better about themselves. I think that's great. Barbie seems to have come a long way since I was growing up.

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    Wed Dec 29 2004

    Poor Barbie, this hasn't been a good year for her as shes been outselled by the Bratz dolls who appeal to girls a little older as well as the younger girls. For every young girl Barbie was kinda special. Barbie was my first doll and I enjoyed a wider selection of her family (dog skipper, Ken and her sisters) through my childhood years. I can understand why tweenagers now don't want to play with Barbie's and would rather play with Bratz dolls as Barbie is too outdated now.

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    Wed Dec 29 2004

    I had about two actual Barbies, a Skipper, one called Tressie (whose hair became longer by pressing a button on her stomach and pulling it out of the top of her head - I eventually broke her neck in my zeal to make her hair grow as long as possible), one Barbie wannabe called Misty (whose hair was platinum but could be dyed other colors), and a Penny Brite doll. I decided that I really didn't care for Ken's looks (back then he mostly came in a fuzzy blonde crew cut) and opted for his friend Allen (he had severl alias) who had longer looking auburn hair. Skipper had a boyfriend too with freckles and hair similar to Allen's. Mattel dubbed him Ricky but I renamed him Billy after Billy Mumy in Lost in Space. My sister and all my friends loved playing Barbies and, amazingly enough, I don't think even one of us had some kind of illusion that we would or should grow up to look like our dolls. Actually, I can remember thinking that Barbie's legs were so long she looked like some kind of wate... Read more

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    Tue Dec 28 2004

    My wife had DOZENS of barbies when she was little. I think the huge bin of them is still at her moms house. It is a massive tangle of plastic and nylon hair. Personally, I can't justify spending that much money on something so similar to something I already have.

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    Tue Dec 28 2004

    I had tons of Barbies. It was so sad when I got too old to play with Barbies.