Barbara Boxer (Democrat, California)

Approval Rate: 50%

50%Approval ratio

Reviews 39

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    Thu Apr 16 2009

    gun grabbing communist.

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    Thu Apr 16 2009

    Another Kalifornia lib...

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    Fri Oct 12 2007

    She's not the sharpest tool in the shed, or the brightest crayon in the box, but no where does it say that intelligence is a pre-requisite for politicians. In fact, it can be argued that too much intelligence is a political liability. I don't care for her, and she is clearly dumber than a bag of broken door-knobs, but she's hardly the demonic figure some reviewers portray her as. And she's no more emblematic of the mainstream Democratic party than Eugene Debs was. She's way off in her own little world, tilting at her own windmills. Essentially, she's politically marginalized herself, and while she can keep getting elected in perpetuity, she doesn't have a lot of currency in Washington.

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    Thu Oct 11 2007

    She is the dumbest senator, now serving, and in the finals for the dumbest senator of all time in the 1789-to present contest. If you don't believe me, watch her on C-Span. Her performances in the house were even funnier. Californians, who leave the polling place after voting for her, should wear a sack over their heads in shame. There's gotta be a law! You should have at least an 80 IQ to be a senator. When you see a Californian start yelling, "Sack! Sack!"

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    Sun Sep 23 2007

    Reading the other reviews on the subject of Boxer is like flipping through the historical gallery book of misogynistic images of women: "THIS WOMAN" ... "really gets off on flushing foetuses down sinks"; shows "No Class"; hails from "the lunatic fringe"; may be described as both a "shrill" "harpie [sic]" and "a shrill harpie [very original but regrettably also sic]"; and, crowning achievement, is "homely (despite cosmetic surgery), rude, obnoxious, shrill, brass, fairly unintelligent." Gad, fellow men, take this psychic dreck to your therapist, rather than posting it to RIA. All the problems you have with your moms, sisters, and wives are so flagrantly on display here that I'd rather not see you further embarrass yourselves. Not to mention that you quaver before a woman who isn't a "queen" like Dianne ... a woman who doesn't care for your chivalry and doesn't have the aristocratic bearing to be your hostess ... I'm not saying you have to be a sexist to hate Boxer -- I don't mind Gen... Read more

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    Wed Mar 21 2007

    Thank You Barbara Boxer! You just now kicked my right-wing Republican Senator's A$S! Right in front of Gawd, the C-SPAN cameras and Al Gore ! (SEE THE VIDEO HERE ~=> LINK) I want you to know that we Red-State Liberal Democrats are a fierce but numerically overwhelmed minority here in snake-handlin' Hee-Haw Hell, but Senator Inhofe is even dumber than MOST Okie Repugnicants! Thanks for FINALLY setting that arrogant a$s-hat straight, Senator Boxer! He'll probably go home and beat his wife and kick his dog, but he would have done that anyway. Great job, Senator Boxer! If Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton could fight like that, I'd be much more inclined to vote for HER. You RULE!!!

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    Mon Jan 22 2007

    I notice on her website she has a big headline item, "BOXER FIGHTING TO PROTECT DRINKING WATER" This seems eminently appropriate since she's always struck me to be about as dumb as drinking water. A truly loathsome brute and yet I can't look away.

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    Sun Oct 01 2006

    Hands Down the worst. No wonder at this point in time she has the worst rating on this list. I am in a union, Hispanic, and interned at DNC, and I would NEVER NEVER vote for her. Doesn't matter soon the state will be part of Mexico.

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    Mon Jun 12 2006

    A loathsome individual indeed. Lacking principal, insight or intelligence, Boxer is the worst thing to happen to Kalifornia since the San Francisco earthquake. She was found guilty in the Capitol Hill postal stamp scandal as a congresswoman, and the idiots in this once-great state still elected her. A master of dirty politics, Boxer defeated Bruce Hershensohn, a guy whose shoes she is unworthy of tying, in an expensive smear campaign of the most unholy proportions. Boxer is a monomaniac when it comes to "a woman's right to choose" because she really gets off on flushing foetuses down sinks. Never known to have an original idea, she's nothing more that a spokeshole for extreme leftist lunacy. Somebody feed this harpie a grenade, and if there is any justice in this universe at all, Boxer will find herself occupying the Ninth Circle of Hell. Other than what I've said above, I really like her.

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    Mon Apr 17 2006

    She's an American? You got to be kidding me!

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    Mon Oct 31 2005

    You libs lost and are the minority!! And if you libs keep on showing the American people who you really are, 10 years from now you'll still be losing elections!

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    Tue Oct 04 2005

    Her positions will be majority positions in ten years.

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    Fri Sep 23 2005

    This woman needs to go back into the HOLE she came out of.

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    Thu Sep 15 2005

    Another nut I can do without.

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    Tue Aug 02 2005

    This woman's policies are almost Marxist. She ranks right up there on the top PSYCHOS OF HISTORY WITH JOE STALIN!

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    Tue Jul 26 2005

    In the top 5% of most radically liberal senators currently serving. Had the nerve to tell Condi Rice her integrity or ethics had been forgotten when she all but played dead when Bill Clinton was accused of groping women. Normally, this would have been OK except who can ever forget her breathy, nostril flaring, indignant attacks upon Clarence Thomas who was accused of having done far less. Political hypocrite and intellectually dishonest. Sometimes I hate being a Californian ... I would vote for almost anyone if I thought he or she had a chance to unseat her.

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    Sat Mar 26 2005

    moxy, a truth teller

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    Mon Mar 21 2005

    On behalf of the entire state of California I would like to apologize to the rest of the country.

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    Sun Mar 20 2005

    She's GREAT

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    Fri Feb 25 2005

    Only has one issue - abortion. Without that to rant about she is like a fish out of water.

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    Fri Feb 25 2005

    I wish I could vote 0 for this one. Barbara Boxer do not have many good ratings either it's 1 or 5 from people voting not for her but to get at Condi. Most people never heard of this chick she tried to get frame off of the great Dr. Rice P.H. D.. She is not as famous as Condi, cannot qualify for any of Condi's past or present jobs. Any body can get up there and grandstand and bad talk somebody. But the bottom line is Boxer helped the Rep with her bias performance and all of you who believe she did a good thing you don't know much about the majority of the people. There is a right way to do things before the world that is looking at us. She has No Class, no Tack and is an example why the DEM are way out of touch. Thanks Barb...

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    Thu Feb 24 2005

    Before the confirmation hearing of condoleeza, I had never heard of Barbara Boxer. But WOW!!!! I am so impress with her guts to stand up for integrity. Keep up the good work Barbara.

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    Sat Feb 19 2005

    Perfect example of a single diget IQ. Can she be as dumb as she seems? Can anyone?

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    Wed Feb 16 2005

    Barbara Boxer, suffice to say, is a divisive person. As U.S. Senator from California, she has succeeded at helping create the poisonous atmosphere today which is clearly evident in politics, bowing down repeatedly to either special interests or to the far, liberal left. Very partisan, Boxer showed her true colors during the Clinton Presidency as ANYTHING the President did she considered 'alright'. Never once did she reprimand the President for his personal conduct (but of which was probably not an impeachable offense). Boxer has never introduced any bills of great significance, instead opting to use her office to build a campaign war chest to get repeatedly re-elected (and not going by her record of which is shameful). And to compare her to her peer, Dianne Feinstein, would be an insult to the latter because, unlike Boxer, Feinstein is actually capable of being non-partisan from time to time. Californians ought to realize they deserve MUCH better than having this shameless, leftist hac... Read more

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    Tue Feb 15 2005

    I wish she'd retire soon (her re-election in CA is pretty much guaranteed from here on out, barring a major scandal). Because she sees herself as the lone representative of the far left, though, there's a good chance she'll pull a Strom Thurmond and stick around as long as she physically can.

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    Sun Feb 13 2005

    The dumbest woman on earth.

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    Sun Jan 30 2005

    A true liberal with lots of ambition. I admire her for standing up to hawkish idiots like CondiLIEzza Rice anyday.

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    Fri Jan 28 2005

    If I had here as my senator I would move to a different sate.She needs to move to the east coast so she can be close to Senator Kennedy

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    Thu Jan 27 2005

    Tried to Bork Condoleeza Rice in the confimation hearings. She's in great company: she and John Kerry were the only dissenting votes on the panel. It's always good for a politician to be characterized as part of the left-wing, lunatic fringe and these two are proud, card-carrying members. The only thing Dr. Rice did wrong was to let Babs skulk away, instead of asking, No, you've made the accusation, here in public. On what point do you accuse me of lying? I want a quotation here. Tell me what I said that was untrue. I want it in the record here, today, Senator. Make your point now and allow me to address it directly. Let me clarify this for the American people. CLARIFICATION: As IJR points out, the vote in the Senate (to confirm) was 85-13 with two abstentions. The voting in the Confirmation Panel, a sub-committee of the Senate, was 16-2 with only Kerry (big surprise) and Boxer voting nay.

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    Wed Jan 26 2005

    At least SOMEONE had the guts to ask Condi some hardball questions. Other than that one about her home state ball team, I mean.

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    Mon Jan 24 2005

    Oy vay! Not only is she the worst senator, she embodies every negative stereotype of powerful women: homely (despite cosmetic surgery), rude, obnoxious, shrill, brass, fairly unintelligent. An embarassment to us all.

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    Tue Jan 18 2005

    Pathetic excuse of a human, much less a politician. Stupid and malignant, she demonstrates everything wrong with California politics.

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    Tue Jan 18 2005

    What a horrible senator !

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    Tue Jan 18 2005

    A worked up bitch who is driven by her emotional breakdowns and losses.

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    Mon Jan 10 2005

    Babs Boxer has been voted least intelligent Senator by Senate staffers, and consistently proves her worthiness of the award by her embarrasing performance on commitees and in speeches. Her latest move of voting (only Senator to do so in 100 years) to protest the election of GWB is pathetic and blatently partisan. No class, no brains, no reason that she should ever be reelected, but she was. Can CA Republicans please get with it?

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    Mon Aug 02 2004

    Boxer is a fraud. She portrays herself as a champion of the downtrodden and women's rights but gave Clinton a pass on his under-the-desk dalliances. Does the senator not decry power imbalances that oppress females in the workplace? She brings to mind T.S. Eliot's phrase headpiece filled with straw. And that's when she gives us all a break by heeding the rare impulse to shut her mouth.

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    Mon May 31 2004

    Another skanky woman from California, like Nancy Pelosi. She kisses Hillary's rear end, although Hillary's deadbeat brother Tony divorced her daughter and doesn't pay any child support to their child. Creepy woman.

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    Fri Apr 09 2004

    A nasty, hateful woman.

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    Tue Dec 23 2003

    this shrill harpie is an embarrassment.