Bank One

Approval Rate: 53%

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    Thu Nov 17 2005

    Terrible bank, always 2-3 days late depositing my checks thru direct deposit but they take out all the withdrawls first then deposit my check?? I would have a check that was paid to me on the 1st, I would have bills that I wrote out through their check service to be paid on the 5th, they would put my check in there on the 4th but take the payments made on the 5th out first??? The checks were online checks thru them. Happy I got rid of this bank and Chase is the worst bank out there.

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    Mon Sep 12 2005

    I am a bankone customer, and this bank is really terrible. If you want your bank to work for you, this is the wrong bank to choise.

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    Wed Aug 24 2005

    After reading all of the comments about Bank One, B of A, and Wells Fargo and hearing everyone complain about the horrible bank ripping them off because they wouldn't reverse fees, I have decided that no one should have a bank account. I'm sure that putting your money under a mattress would be better than having to deal with the ogres at the bank, or better yet you could bury your money in a coffee can in the back yard. Apparently people can't take responsibility for their own accounts and feel that the bank owes them something for all of the money they run through there. Little do people know that the bank is not, in fact, a non-profit organization. They are not there to coddle people but are instead heavily regulated businesses. People get upset because the bank doesn't baby them, when they should really be asking themselves why they were getting fees in the first place. Maybe people should start by looking in the mirror and wondering why they don't keep a checkbook register, o... Read more

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    Tue Feb 22 2005

    Bank One is just simpley pathetic. They don't give a damn about the customer, as so many here have said. I transferred most of my CC debt to their low rate card... boy what a mistake. I made sure my payments were on time so the rate wouldn't go up, but once the low rate period was up, it went to 8%, then a few months later, up to 30%. This entire industry is out of hand, and Bank One is the leader. Never again... I don't understand how the CEO sleeps at night. Write your congressman.

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    Sat Feb 19 2005

    hello, i had an experience with bank one what happened was that i sent pmnt which happened to get to them 2 days late due to mail delay. never in my history with them had i ever been late not ever 1 day. I called them asked if they received which she stated that they had, but i was charged with a $30.00 late charge. I asked the person who supposively try to help me if she can please waive the fee. she stated that she would not adviced that I have never been late, she answered by saying that it did not matter. wanted to speak to manager, would happen to be one of the rudest persons i have ever come accross. I promised to them that once acct is paid never would i do bussiness with them again. Bank one has no proffesionalism, they are a terrible company to deal with. thank you Fernando

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    Fri Feb 11 2005

    Suck-o! I went there for the $50 bonus and have more than paid for it. What a screw job. This bank/cc is the most inept I have been at, especially the cc. One creditor kept pestering me that my card hadn't been paid when I knew it had and Bank One said they had the check to prove it. It was one of their promotions where if I rolled over my balance from the other card I would get a lower rate. Great, right? As it turned out and nearly a year of my jumping through hoops-neither bank would help out-I discovered the promotional check, written to the other cc, got processed by Bank One's processing group rather than by the other creditor. It was illegal as it wasn't written to Bank One in the first place, but my credit was in question because the other cc wanted me to pay them all along. They were right as it turned out and Bank One hadn't paid them as they said. My latest fiasco is when I asked a branch manager to wire transfer money from a mutual fund. It was over $5000, so a d... Read more

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    Sat Jan 22 2005

    I'm A little guy I own a small auto repair shop I'm tired of paying Bank one all these fee's how are we to make a living?when all of my money gets sucks up in qwestion is why they paid a big check for thousand dollars but bounds fives little checks not totaling 500.00 dollars? WHY assholes so they can charge you overdrawth fees of 30.00 each that sucks more how come they still need 24hrs to clear cash. I walked in one day and put 850.00 in cash and they returned my checks because my cash has not cleared. if I have to baby sit my money I'm better off keeping it to myself.

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    Thu Jan 06 2005

    A repeat of the same story many others have told. Longtime credit card holder, high balance, excellent payment history. Notice received in December '04 that APR would change to 28%. Closed account to freeze rate and am paying off balance quickly. Bank One takes full advantage of the license given by the government to steal from the customers. And they are only the worst of a bad bunch (of banks). Our only defense is to discipline ourselves to quit using credit. Good luck to the thousands of people just chucked that envelope with no Bank One ID will get their first notice that their rate was jacked when they get the bill and it's too late to escape it. I'm no brick-throwing revolutionary but this experience has moved me one step toward simplifying and doing less business with American buisness.

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    Thu Dec 16 2004

    This is the worst bank I have ever had the experience to bank with. I used my debit card accoring to the balance that was listed at BIG MISTAKE. The online balance is always 2 to 3 days off and I used my credit/debit card for $2 and $3 dollar purchases and ENDED UP WITH $60 in charges. These scammers got rich off of me but hopefully it won't happen to you. Their customer service wouldn't even help me out. As reviews you may have seen, Bank One is the worst.

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    Mon Nov 29 2004

    I have credit card with them now, I suppose they're alright. I've had the card a few years, so that's a good sign for them. When banks screw up, they're easy to fire.

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    Mon Nov 29 2004

    I worked for Bank One for a few years and they treated me fairly well.I feel like it is a pretty well ran organization.They have merged with J.P. Morgan now.I am not sure if they are still Bank One or not.

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    Sun Nov 28 2004

    They have terrible service. Plus they have alot of hidden fees. I'm glad I switched to National city.

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    Thu Oct 28 2004

    i am interested in hearing from anyone who had line of credit terminated by bank one and did not get bank refund of part of annual fee for potential class action this is legal advertising material [email protected]

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    Tue Oct 19 2004

    I have been a Wachovia (and later Bank One) customer for almost nine years. I endured predatory interest rates as high as 25.5%, rip-off late fees as high as $29.00 and shoddy customer service. I recently managed to pay my balance off. I had called several times as my balance drew close to zero to obtain a pay-off amount, and Bank One's customer service representatives were never able to get me an exact amount, because the balance was changing on a daily basis. As a result, I guessed at the actual payoff amount and subsequently overpaid my final check by 53 cents. No big deal, I thought; Bank One will simply issue me a check for the overpayment. I called in this evening to request that Bank One send me a check for 53 cents and they refused, saying that they don't send checks for less than a dollar. I then asked to have them wire it directly to my checking account and again they refused. Funny how Bank One was always eager to wire money FROM my checking account. Now suddenly they are un... Read more

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    Fri Jul 30 2004

    Bank one sets up their debit card to get you. They kept approving me for debit charges knowing that I had insufficient funds. They gladly charged me twenty nine dollar nsf fees for less than ten dollar items. I begged the bank manager for help, wouldn't budge. Then the district manager did totally blew me off. I called him four times leaving messages to please call me. I finally called and chose zero enough times to get an administrative assistant to answer the phone. They would not adjust one single charge. They have no heart. This is the new bank one. This is a bank that has no heart.

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    Tue Jul 27 2004

    I had a First Chicago Account, it got bought out by NBD. NBD got bought out by Bank One. Bank One got bought out by JP Morgan Chase. I have seen my OD fees go from $15 to $30, and now they add a $10 fee at the end of the billing period so it's $40. It's a joint account I have with a parent left over from when I was a minor. I've been out of the state now for six years and they won't let him close the account. So I tried and they wouldn't let me. And every year I pay upwards of $700 in fees to them, but they won't let me leave! It's extortion. Stay away from them!

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    Tue Jul 27 2004

    This has got to be the worst bank ever.. We have been customers for years and have a great credit history.. All of a sudden they decide to jack our interest rate to 24.99% once we reached a high balance .. we used some of our savings to pay off the entire debt.. we were left with only debt on a Chase card... Then I find out Bank One buys Chase and instantly they jacked the interest rate of our chase card to 24.99% This bank should be stopped and the government needs to step in on this bank! Where is the protection of the government on this type robbery? BANK ONE is a bank run by thieves!

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    Wed Jul 07 2004

    S.O.B's!!!! I was just laid off by this greedy azz bank!!! The bank recently merged with JP Morgan Chase and I can't believe that they eliminated my entire department. Damn bastards!!!!!! Don't feel sorry for me though, I'm kind of glad because this was an awful place to work. Management cares only about the bottom line, not at all about their employees. I got severance pay for 60 days and was told basically that there aren't any other positions I could apply for so I'm azz out. This damn society really sucks because no one seems to care about people, just money and power. Why did these two banks merge? Greed and desire for more power and more money as I said. Kind of like Microsoft and Walmart. Nobody cares about the little guy.

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    Tue Jun 29 2004

    Bank One loves to take your money from you, which they call service fees. I had a savings account and I was losing money from them every month. They suck worse than my 13 year old vacuum cleaner!

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    Fri Jun 18 2004

    The have some nice internet base services like account details and check images, but overall they are bank that will stive to great lengths to make sure they charge you as much in fees as they can possibly get away with. I had a business checking account with them. I deposited a check, which they lost. Due to the lack of funds in my account I overdrafted on 4 transactions totaling about $90, they proceeded to asses $150 worth of fees on the account. When I complained they offered to credit $30 in fees. Screw those guys.

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    Tue Jun 08 2004

    Bank One is absolutely the worst credit card out there. Whatever you do, DO NOT TRANSFER A BALANCE AND LEAVE IT with them! I had a First USA card which was bought by Bank One. I moved and switched careers and racked up a balance of about 6000 dollars and carried it for a few months. I paid more than my monthly balance, but without warning or explanation, my APR went to 27.99%!!!!!! I never missed a payment and have an excellent credit rating. Luckily, I had credit with others, so I transferred the balance and tore up the card. Can they even do this leagally?

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    Thu Apr 29 2004

    BANK ONE SUCKS - offered 4.99% on balance transfers - did it.....Grandmother dies, miss payment b/c I was away, came back to 17.99% and going up to 27.99%! The rep. told me not to worry about anything - I have great payment history and never been late....removed my stupid late charge of $35 and boom - $100 interest increase b/c of one late payment - and this will be every month (if I were to stick around like a fool). Then I try and work it out with another rep. who says they can't help. So I have to get in touch with the Executive Correspondence Dept. which has no phone - you can only fax or mail! So I do this and get no response, while they stick me with their b.s. interest charges all in the meantime. Bunch of losers with absolutely no sensitive exception for one PROVEN family disaster (by the way - offered to provide proof of death). Still no response from them so I am transferring again to another card - what a waste of my time......never again will I choose Bank One. Can'... Read more

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    Mon Apr 26 2004

    I have used BankOne's online bill payment service. It was ok, not great, but ok. They now debit your account when the check is sent, rather than when it gets to the recipient. This means they get free use of your money for 2 to 5 days while its in transit. This is under the pretense of helping you balance your checkbook.

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    Sat Nov 15 2003

    BankOne is about the worst financial organization I have ever encountered. Customer Service ? None. They never responded to my secure email messages for information about new account procedures, the local branch manager (Batavia IL) had the gall to suggest that I might be a thief when I wanted to cash an out of state Cashiers Check, and today they allowed checks to clear from my account that were dated for a month from now. Bad, bad, bad. Avoid at all costs !

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    Tue Jun 17 2003

    I think the opinions that have already been expressed pretty much sum it up. Bank One stole $200 from me. Nuff said

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    Tue Jun 10 2003

    If I weren't so lazy I'd cancel my direct deposit and go to the credit union. This bank sucks but they are also the only one that has the lobby open until 8PM. Customer service is not a feature they offer.

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    Fri May 16 2003

    Bank One is THE worst! I had a check to cash and they wanted to charge me 3 bucks because I didn't have an account there-- my local bank does not do this to people who don't have an account with them. Plus, my local bank is courteous, competent, convenient, open late, and offers free checking. Bank one tellers are always trying to sell me on something...NOT interested!!!

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    Thu Mar 20 2003

    A Lot has changed with Bank One. It now has a new CEO who's primary focus is customer service. I have been a Bank One customer for three years and am very satisfied. pay for what you get. Yeah, some fees do apply, but you get a bank that's open late..on weekends...interstate locations...and as for as community banks with only one location in town...there's a reason their accounts are free- to compensate for inconvenience.

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    Mon Feb 17 2003

    I use to be a Bank One customer then switched banks. Due to mergers I am a Bank One customer again. I have totally free checking. I have found the customers service to be much improved since what I remembered. I travel and I now have access to my account in AZ, UT, TX, MI, FL & IL. My old bank couldn't do that! Bank One gets my vote for the most improved bank!

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    Mon Dec 23 2002

    BankOne is pretty close to the bottom of the barrel, as the "Big Banks" go. I ended up with BankOne TWICE as other places I banked got gobbled up in acquisitions. More than any other bank, they have TWO main things going against them: First, they are always first to find new ways to charge a fee for any and everything they do. Fee for your statement, fee for your deposit slips, fee for counting the cash, fee this, fee that. They were the first to charge fees for information, even. Second, (at least at the three different branches I used) is poor customer service. Biggest annoyance: Poor staffing. It doesn't take a degree in rocket science to figure out that a lot of people will try to cash their paycheck on Friday, during lunch hour. So WHY send all the tellers to lunch, so there's just one person to help 300 customers? And WHY not "empower" the customer service people so they can actually ANSWER the questions you finally get to ask-- after an hour in line? Sorry, thumbs down....

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    Wed Dec 18 2002

    Bank one is annoying in how it handles its loans. They call you and start harassing you on the exact due date under the pretense that it is a courtesy call.

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    Tue Mar 06 2001

    forget about customer service!

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    Mon Feb 12 2001

    They bought my bank. They buy everybody's bank. Now I'm known by no one, am charged for everything, and am treated to a ceaseless parade of screw-ups that would be comical if they weren't so irritating.