A&W; Drive-In
A&W; Drive-In restaurants have over 700 locations in the U.S. and offer a core menu of hamburgers, hot-dogs, chicken, french fries and soft drinks.
Approval Rate: 76%
Reviews 0
by cynicsan
Tue Feb 16 2010Why can't there be more AWs? WHY!? They actually have some pretty good fast food burgers. Nice flavor. Decent freshness. The fries are good too. They also have some pretty unique burgers on the menu. But best of all.....the draft root beer. Yes you may have had A&W in a bottle or a can but it's NOTHING compared to the delicious elixir that is A&W draft. Though, word of advice, avoid the ones paired with KFC or in a poor, urban neighborhood. They cut back on A LOT of stuff.
by tadly44a
Wed Dec 17 2008When it was a real Drive in Place.
by diver1340
Tue Dec 02 2008Great place, great root beer, nice people!
by cyclee
Tue Dec 02 2008Worst burger place I reckon with the greasiest burgers one can ever find. I can't stand their commercials either.
by kitty77
Mon Sep 22 2008Best root beer ever. I used to love going there with the family when I was kid and then later on with a boyfriend, but they closed it down and then it was a Chinese restaurant and then they finally tore down the old building, so sad. They later opened a new modern style restaurant with no carhops, but they closed that down too, so we don't have one in my town anymore.
by eyebrowqueen23
Thu Jun 26 2008Their food is pretty general, but their cheese curds and root beer floats are great!
by spike65
Fri Jun 20 2008If you can find one of the old 1960s A&Ws;, locally owned they are really good. The originals had carhops and while they are no more, there are some of that era still operating. I found one about 15 miles from my home. Whenever I have to travel to that small town I make a point of eating there. It is like a trip back in time. Really good food, good service and fresh tasty eats. Love it.
by night4
Wed Jun 11 2008"chocolate" shake was worse than McDonald's... I didn't think that was possible.
by 93century
Sat Jun 07 2008I had them once or twice in my life, but around here they are usually open spring, and summer.
by oceansoul
Sat May 03 2008Typically, A&W; now shares space with another franchise from the same ownership group, usually Long John Silver or Kentucky Fried Chicken. The burgers have flavor and are good; the right size, well-dressed, and fresh. The frosted mugs of root beer and desert novelties are what distinguishes A&W; from other chains.
by redrosesandame_moryofyou
Tue Mar 04 2008like everything A&W; has changed a lot. It might not be like the 70's, but compared to all other fast food restaurants it still is top of my list!!!!! Also it helps to know the company inside out, i have worked in this amazing chain,and the best times of my life i found at A&W;! and to tell you the truth 11months of chicken strips still hasnt gotten old!!
by fb522813662
Mon Oct 29 2007Some are great..others need the Health Dept.
by skinnydude
Thu Jun 21 2007A&W; has really faded away in wisconsin. i have fond memories of it as well as the old DOG N SUDS . Maybe my memory is hard wired to my days as a kid but i like A&W.; The root beer is great and the food is ok. But the memories are awesome.
by yogurt
Fri Jun 08 2007I won't eat there after the local newspaper reported that an employee used a food container to get gas for their car. Someone got pretty sick. How stupid is that?
by vudija
Wed May 02 2007I haven't seen one of those in YEARS
by molfan
Fri Apr 27 2007about a 3.5. used to eat there now and then but there are not too many around. like on occasion. used to eat the coney dogs. but they seemed to have changed the way they make them. {plus they do not do so well on the tummy}the burgers are okay. the rootbeer is still just as good. and the floats are still good.remember liking to go here when you could still go to the drive-in part.
by blueorchid
Fri Apr 27 2007There's hardly any around anymore.
by doorgunner
Sat Mar 31 2007Part of the cityscape of the old America. This is why it gets five stars. The old America is gone forever, but remnants exist here and there to remind us of what we've thrown away.
by beachgirl
Sat Mar 31 2007I used to love this place as a kid because it was different. They used to bring the food to the car on rollerskates and hook it to our window. I thought that was very cool. I remember the frosty mug filled with rootbeer was quite yummy but don't remember much else about the taste of their food. Don't see them around much anymore, guess they weren't that good!
by blessedbesiame_se
Sun Jan 07 2007food is good enough, but service is terrible and the price of some of their stuff is crazy expensive. I bought their fried cheese curds for $3 something and all you get is a little bag bout the size of a small fry somewhere else.
by sfalconer
Tue Oct 25 2005Used to be a lot better. They are rare and the food is not as good as it used to be. If you like root beer it's the place to go but other than that, nothing special. A&W;'s are now popping up all over the place with KFC in the same building but they are not Drive-ins
by witchitamarcel
Thu Sep 29 2005A&W; IS THE HOME OF DRIVE INS SONIC COPIED THEM BUT SONIC IS BETTER. A&W; in cortland is pretty sweet.
by planetarygear
Wed Aug 24 2005I guess I'm in the minority here, but my eyes light up whenever I see an A&W; during lunch hour. I think they are much better than the McDonalds and Burger Kings that litter the landscape. Plus the carhops are a great alternative to dining in. The coney style hot dogs, while not the best, are pretty good for a chain restaurant.
by interloper5
Mon Jul 25 2005The one in Upper Marlboro, Maryland sucks ass. Fries terrible, hamburgers tasted like roadkill.
by mr_evangel
Thu Jun 30 2005Not an A&W; fan. food not to good :expensive!!
by randyman
Sun May 22 2005When I was a kid A&W; still had the carhops. The food was much better back then and so was their root beer. It's just not the same A&W; I grew up with.
by kattwoman
Fri Apr 08 2005when i was little just down the street was an original a&w; where you pull up and they'd come out to the car and we always got those little baby root beer mugs. now that was cool. now times has changed and its been everything from a run down video store that got for selling x-rated videos which happens to be illegal in utah unless it cable version and now its a discount cigarette store. i think better off when it was a&w;
by typeoneg
Wed Mar 02 2005not too bad. i like the teen burgers the best.
by barbkaye57
Sun Jan 23 2005I like A&W; a lot. They use to have better shakes and fries until they started merging with other franchises like Long John Silver's. I still like their burgers though.
by don_tanner
Wed Nov 24 2004I remember A&W; when I was younger cruising the streets of my home town in my muscle car. It was a place we all would hang out at. I still love A&W...but; I am almost positive that the burger patties are smaller then they were in the 70s.
by specialboothvi_cjr
Sun Nov 07 2004Very good place. The root beer is good, the onion rings. The rest of the food is good. Need I say more?
by chalky
Thu Oct 21 2004it's worth it just for the root beer!!!
by working_class_hero
Thu Oct 14 2004pretty cool .. nice root bear, but they should try to improve the dressing on burgers
by wargamefan93
Thu Oct 14 2004Awesome food.
by ihaveseenthefu_ture
by irishgit
Thu Sep 16 2004I rather enjoy the occasional Teenburger, but the rest of the menu should go straight to the dumpster. One of the most erratic of chains, the quality from one outlet to another can be dramatically different.
by stealthcat
Thu Sep 02 2004I love A&W; root beer and grew up on their hot dogs. But, pretty low grade quality overall as a meal. Great if you are starving and just want to stuff yourself with junk. I also like that where I live they built a KFCD/A&W; in one place, one drive-up window and inside ordering.
by grouper
Fri Jul 30 2004Was a 5, now that it is part of Pepsico, make it a 4 and hope it does not go down more
by numbah16tdhaha
Thu Jul 29 2004Love the floats, but the rest is iffy
by jamie_mcbain
Mon Jun 21 2004The great thing about where I live there's a A&W; right next door.
by dannythecanuck
Thu May 27 2004I am an A&W; guru. As a royal canadian I am torn between two lovers.. Albert&Walter; and Harveys. Too many choices, plus we have Pizza Delight in NS along with a huge selection of Donair shops and Timmy's. Life is good...
by cheapshot89
Fri Apr 30 2004Love the double-bacon cheeseburger, fries and a root beer float. One of my favorite fast-food indulgences.
by servicefood_stinks
Sun Apr 25 2004The A@W store paired with KFC on waterloo rd in Stockton, CA is the absolute worst establishment in your chain. Service is non-existant(people are leaving in droves because they are waiting so long...We did again tonight) The manager doesent care and is rude and curses at folks who complain. I and my family will never go there again..and we know a lot of people.
by contax
Thu Apr 22 2004Their full-service restaurants are excellent. The Teen-Burger is outstanding. Good fries, rings, root-beer in unmatched with the exception of Dog&Suds.; Unfortunately, the A&W; brand is also being used by crummy mall food-courts, serving only hot-dogs and drinks, and maybe a half-assed chicken sandwiches. No burgers... A&W; was the first drive-in in the USA. I hope they don't fold.
by minkey
Wed Mar 17 2004Famous for the A&W; root beer float, this place is a pretty typical summertime eatery. Nothing special but worth stopping by.
by bugahane
Sun Mar 14 2004I also haven't been here in years, I still see them around but now they are just another run of the mill fast food place, nothing special. I loved going as a kid, they'd bring the food to your car on a tray and remember the burgers, Papa Burger, MaMa Burger and Teen Burger, also great chilidogs. The root beer was is awesome but tastes best when you get it in the authentic glass mug.
by dickweener
Mon Feb 02 2004Haven't been here in since I was a kid, years and years ago.....Back then from what I remember this place was awesome..
by tvtator
Tue Nov 18 2003Among the best hamburgers of any fast food chain. Plus don't forget the rootbeer.
by kolby1973
Thu Oct 09 2003Next to Dairy Queen, this place is still my all time favorite. Not only is it All AMERICAN food and fun, but the stores are usually super clean, and the food is downright delicious. A little greasy, but so what? It is burgers and hot dogs..duh ! I recommend A@W to everyone. Especially their root beer and root beer floats. Thanks. ~Kolby
by gabbygav
Wed Oct 08 2003mmmmm..... my favorite place to eat. Gotta love it.