Avril Lavigne

Approval Rate: 49%

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    Sat Jun 19 2010

    Who would have thought a punk rock poser would be worse than Britney? She has become too mainstream.

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    Wed Jul 29 2009

    News flash for ya, Avril: Life is sometimes "Complicated" and unfortunately women AND men do often get f'd over. Get over it.

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    Sun Nov 30 2008

    Good music. At least the first two albums.

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    Mon Jun 16 2008

    she is a horrible poseur

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    Thu Jun 12 2008

    she annoys me like she is always trying to show how cool she is, but i guess she is good at what she does..

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    Wed Apr 09 2008

    Avril is amazing

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    Sun Dec 09 2007

    Your 15 minutes were up long ago, Avril...

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    Mon Sep 03 2007

    avril is awesome. if u dont like her then u are an idiot for wasting ur life away whining about it and writing a novel on a review site about hating her.

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    Sat May 26 2007

    u rock out lound i really liked it wwhen u didnt die ur hair light blonde cz i liked u as a punk but u r still great

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    Tue Apr 17 2007

    sh's awesome but not so sure about style!

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    Mon Apr 16 2007

    Avril Lavinge makes the kind of paint-by-numbers slightly punky pop you hear as background music on all those oh-so intense, angst laden teen dramas such as Dawson's Creek etc. The thing is, her music is the most disposable  kind of bubblegum pop but which  lacks the catchy hooks you get with a Britney Spears tune. I saw a half hour 'special' on TV the other day where she was plugging her new album. She played around 4 or 5 songs, none of which I could recall once the closing credits started rolling. All I remember is that all were very derivative and dominated by simplistic punkish guitar riffing with the exception of the obligatory heart-wrenching ballad. As for the feeble 'i dont need you any more' type lyrics, they'd be embarrassing even for a 12 year old to have written. In short, Avril Lavigne's music is utterly pointless. I suggest she stop wasting time and go and do something more useful with her life, like stacking shelves at Walmart.

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    Sun Mar 25 2007

    The only thing she has going for her is her pictures, but other than that... 1. Bad attitude (That one time she said mean things about people out of anger because she was mad that her bodyguards wouldn't let her see her boyfriend...oh, boo hoo. 2.The music (for the most part) sucky with a capital S! 3. What is with the female puck rockers of today? The guitars drown out the singing a little? No instruments...no substance! ACK!

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    Sun Mar 26 2006

    i love avril lavigne i think she is the best singer in the world. i liked her style before when she was just a tom boy which was cool because loads of other girls and so worried about there appearance. She has now become more punky gily but everybody changes in the life and is totally up to her how she acts and dresses she should not be judged for it. even thought her style may have changed her songs have not which is the main thing.

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    Sat Mar 11 2006

    Avril Lavinge is different from other singers, I like the way she dress punk. also she doesnt brag about herself, I think peoples shouldnt be saying they hate other singers for lame reasons, I mean Avril's just a girl, she might have temper problems etc. but who told everybody to have to see them, everyone has some problems but for famous peoples, they are always being watched and all... I also feel bad for Britney Spears, I like her so much but after she had the plastic surgery everyone start hating her for some reason, it's not fair because peoples use money for jewels or purse or clothes, so why cant she use money for beauty?? its like shopping to improve something about you that you dont like.

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    Thu Feb 09 2006

    I hater her sooooo much. The girl she kicked in the crotch was my bst friend. That's a wimp way out of a fight. Avril better pray than neither me nor my friend ever see her again or we'll beat the living crap out of her!

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    Sun Feb 05 2006

    I used to rate her a 5 but I guess I've changed my mind. Avril has grown up now and she's not being punk anymore. I used to like the old Avril because she was different to other singers and now I guess she's not so different.

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    Fri Jan 06 2006

    Is a terrible singer, doesn't sing good songs, she sucks.

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    Mon Jan 02 2006

    Avril Lavigne is a great singer although I don't like the way she dresses like a punk.

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    Sun Nov 27 2005

    Some of her songs are catchy; others are just okay. She has a horrible attitude problem. Is "kicking another girl in the crotch" something to be proud of? When has physical violence against other people become some kind of badge of honor?? How would she feel if somebody kicked HER in the crotch and thought it was COOL??? What a fine role model for young people!

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    Sat Oct 29 2005

    i used to love avril! but now she sux dick! she's changed so much into what she said she'd never be. she goes around trying to piss off her parents and wear clothes her mom doesnt like. shes not sum tuff bitch she claims to be. shes alwayz raggin on preps....she's a prep...did you see what she was wearing on punk. then she claims oh..im so dark...and punk. she has no idea about music...and hasnt written a song in her life!

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    Wed Oct 26 2005

    She does have talent, but man is she fake. Self proclaimed punker is nothing but a sell out pop star with a fake pre-planned attitude.

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    Fri Sep 30 2005

    Can't sing to save her life. Michelle Branch is far better.

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    Wed Aug 31 2005

    Bad to the bone BAD

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    Sun Aug 21 2005

    She sucks. She claims she's all punk and alternative, but she seems really girly, stuck-up and arrogant. She complains about preps, but what is she really but a prep? Her songs also stink, she wrote and created her songs for the last album in Starbucks, way to go image. I think the punk thing for her first album was the record company's idea, now she's just being herself, and she's looking like a hypocrite. Screw her, she's a no-hit wonder...

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    Tue Aug 09 2005

    your the greatest sk8er punk rocker i have ever seen.ur not at all like the others and ur really different. ur really tough ,and u kind of inspire a lot of people(eg.me) ur lyrics are written in a way anyone can understand. listening to ur music makes me understand how u felt, growing up in Canada,breaking up, and making friends, ur music shows a lot about u, especially the song anything but ordinary. im also kind of the crazy person too!!Punk,pop,rock.ANd i hope ur relationship with Deryck works out well....

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    Sun Jul 31 2005

    Angsty little brats like Avril Lavigne make me want to gag. Her music all sounds the same anymore. I can't stand her. Her attitude makes me want to slap her.

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    Thu Jul 14 2005

    Like the music, but she seems poserish to me. I liked her previous songs, but they get worse. She must be running out of ideas.

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    Mon Jun 20 2005

    Alannis wannabe, nothing more.

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    Tue Apr 19 2005

    this girl's ok. theres nothing real special about her tho

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    Sat Mar 26 2005

    Talented and good-looking. I love her music, and she has a great voice. Can't wait for her next C.D.

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    Sat Mar 26 2005

    Just a stupid I'm-so-angry-alterna-tot act that is way lame. Go away, little girl, and stop dressing like you're trying to piss off your parents.

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    Sat Mar 05 2005

    I had to change my rating after I saw a few interviews with Avril Lavigne. She showed me that she knows absolutely nothing about music, that she is a very immature, foul-mouthed, self absorbed, spoiled, little brat. Maybe I'll like her again when she decides to grow up and stop acting like a little snot with bad talent. So she gets 2 stars from me instead of the 3 I had previously given her.

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    Sun Feb 27 2005

    Her music is flavorless, insipid, overproduced dreck but that's not what I'm giving her one star for. You see, the nature of Avril Lavigne's celebrity is deeply ironic. She garbles out angst-laden lyrics that she hasn't even written, wields a guitar in her videos that she can't even play and performs with all the passion and commitment of a dead fish. The fact that she brandishes an anarchy symbol because, in all likelihood, her record company told her to, is deeply nauseating. Yes, the irony of Avril Lavigne is that she is a manufactured rock star and that is a bitter irony indeed.

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    Wed Feb 16 2005

    the Britney Spears for rockier girls.

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    Fri Feb 11 2005

    I love how Avril doesn't care what people think about her-she just does what she believes in. She has an incredible voice, and her lyrics are powerful! She rocks!

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    Wed Feb 02 2005

    Avril does have a genuinely nice voice; it's very strong and her vocal range is impressive. But she's about as punk as a Teletubby...neither in her songs nor in her appearance. The angry white chick act died by the late 90s, and it's a shame she tries so hard to keep playing it up. Wearing mounds of black eyeliner and pretending to be Gene Simmons by sticking your tongue out in every photograph does not make someone punk. Personally, I don't see her as the anti-Britney at all...both of them are very fake people. If Avril stopped with the pseudo-tough-chick act (and quit bragging about how she once kicked a girl in the crotch) she'd definately be seen in a more mature light. Also quite ridiculous how she bitched out her fans for dressing like her (when she had that private school look going on)...I'd be more inclined to take that as a compliment.

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    Fri Jan 21 2005

    Avril Lavigne's songs go from catchy to irritating in record time. After about five listenings of My Happy Ending (and believe me, I would get many, many more), I would promptly change the station the second I heard it coming. Punk songs scarcely have much substance to them, so they need either humor or a good rhythm to stick with you. Avril's stuff has niether.

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    Sat Jan 15 2005

    One of the benefits of getting older is that I no longer have to worry about being cool, impressing the people that I hang out with, or any of the other peer pressures that I went through as a younger guy. I haven't heard a whole lot of Avril Lavigne's music but what I have heard, I think it's okay. I don't have to concern myself whether she is really punk, or pop, or any other category, if I like it, I'll buy it. Is she my favorite? No, not by a long shot but there's a lot of music that I like even if it never makes it into my personal top ten. To her credit, there is at least a melody and words one can sing along with, unlike much of the anger which passes for music that I hear coming from other cars at a stoplight.

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    Fri Jan 14 2005

    Yeah, the tough punk-ette routine is a bit lame and transparent, but then she's still really young and the young are known for indulging in melodrama. She's a lot cuter than Britney and most of the stuff I've heard of hers (what they play on the radio; I haven't bought any of her CD's as there's too much really good music out there to buy and never enough money) isn't really all that bad for commercial pop music, if you can disregard the fairly insipid lyrics. It'll be interesting to see how she develops (artistically, I mean) in a few years...that is, if she's still in the business.

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    Sat Nov 27 2004

    so is so kool oh she's so pretty! gosh oh she's so talented

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    Fri Nov 26 2004

    she sucks..she dosnt deserve a star...i cant stand her because she goes aginst everything that is punk, if she was punk she wouldnt parade around talkin about what a bad A** she is or how punk she is. I feel bad for her band because they get no credit and she claims shed be no were without her boys when 5/8s of her fans porbly dont even know those dudes names and she gives them no credit ...theyr better musicians than she is

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    Wed Sep 29 2004

    Extremely talented!

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    Thu Sep 23 2004

    Raw Pop Talent. Better than Britney and Christina's boring crap!

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    Wed Sep 15 2004

    she's okay but she ruins her songs by putting he this and he that i cannot feel for that being a male.

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    Thu Sep 09 2004

    I like Avril, shes looks like the kind of girl whose both hot and into sports and likes to rough it up. Her music has a somewhat edge over the tradional pop music. I would love to see Avril kick Britney Spears @$$ and send her home crying to her mommy. That would Rule!

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    Mon Aug 02 2004

    Little, annoying snot nose twerp. Full of fabricated anger & rage.

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    Fri Jul 23 2004

    Her songs often deal with realistic topics and are often depressing. However, Complicated, is a fair anti-Peer Pressure song.

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    Thu Jul 22 2004

    I think she is very cool. She does help write a lot of her songs. She doesn't go around saying she is punk. And she doesn't hate Britney Spears just because it makes her seem cool. I hate britney spears and i dont think it makes me any cooler. She does have talent and she sings very well live. I love her attitude, it makes her different from some people. And she isn't that flat chested, and even if she was, that wouldn't change anything. Avril Lavigne is really pretty too, i love her style. But anyways, you all have your opinions, we have ours.

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    Tue Jul 20 2004

    Why do people think Avril Lavigne is punk?!?!?!? She is pop, she doesn't write her own songs, she gives no credit to her band (hence the band's name Avril Lavigne, not the name of the full band), and she goes around telling people how punk she is without even knowing who the Sex Pistols were!! No real punk would go around telling people that they're punk!

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    Wed Jun 16 2004

    not judging avril as a person like a lot of people here but on her music...i don't think her music is anything like punk and don't think she is trying to sound like it...avril sounds like a cross between a young alanis morisette and michelle branch with a little pop...the first cd is very good...first listen to Losing Grip thought it was alanis singing...some of the songs has a pop feel to them and are very catchy...second cd isn't as good but decent...none of the songs sound like complicated or skaterboi and doesn't have the pop feel as the first one but has a few good songs on it...Don't Tell Me and My Happy Ending are the best of them...at her age her music will go through changes and time will tell if she has a long career or will be on vh1 were are they now but at the current time her music is catchy pop rock with a little attitude