Avatar  Reviews | RateItAll


2009 epic science fiction film directed, written, co-produced, and co-edited by James Cameron Website

Approval Rate: 85%

85%Approval ratio

Reviews 58

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    Fri Jun 17 2011

    Awful movie. Boring. Yawn fest. A good way to fall asleep. The concept was good -- a guy gets into a capsule and becomes the character, that's cool. But the whole bit about the natives just lost my attention. Subtitles in an animated movie = bad bad bad. I'd never watch it again. No surprise the Hurt Locker beat this movie out!

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    Tue Dec 07 2010

    I'm glad they finaly made a smurf live action movie!Dances With Smurfs Tags: SOUTH PARKmore...Dances With Smurfs Tags: SOUTH PARKmore...Dances With Smurfs Tags: SOUTH PARKmore...

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    Tue Sep 07 2010

    It is so sad that crap like this is considered" Entertainment " My daughter and i had the misfortune of standing in line for this- hyped up garbage-at our local theatre. My daughter is 10 years old and she called the movie "Stupid' ...I agree with her 110%. Instead of spending all those millions on special effects;..Spend a couple of million on a better script!!!

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    Sat Apr 17 2010

    Beautifly filmed, story line is banal. Anyone who thinks the story line is good is as shallow as a pie tin. Otherwise I enjoyed the film.

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    Tue Mar 23 2010

    I never understood the hype surrounding this movie. The visuals were kind of fake looking, and I was bored. I actually fell asleep through some of it.

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    Mon Mar 08 2010

    admit to not seeing this movie. have no interest. cannot believe this is the highest grossing movie ever. you have to be kidding! Why?i suppose the special effects deserve a nod. otherwise what is so fantastic about this movie?It DOES look like a video game. I glad it lost.

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    Mon Feb 15 2010

    Got around to seeing it this past weekend. Nice pictures, pretty film, reasonably entertaining. But..... Personally, I don't like to get beaten over the head by a pretentious director with a ham-handed and simplistic "message" script, even if I agree with it. This movie (as a message) has been done with more subtly and more intelligence by several better directors than James Cameron could ever hope to be. If you're the type that equates big budgets, special effects, high box office revenues and clumsy political statements with "great filmmaking," you probably loved it.

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    Thu Jan 14 2010

    I checked it out yesterday in 3D at the local bijou. The 3D is nice but what was it all about anyhow?Let's see, take a smidgeon of "Tarzan and Jane," toss in a tablespoon of "Alien," add a little "Apocalypse Now," just a jigger of "2001, A Space Odyssey," shake in a little "Dances with Wolves," add some "Zulu Dawn" or "Zulu" or both, a sickening cup full of "Love Story," surprisingly a little "Zardoz" hits the spot, heave in a couple random cowboys and Indians horse operas, and serve the whole thing over a mess of New Age mumbo jumbo.2 1/2 stars.I suppose this is the future. Sigh!

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    Wed Mar 28 2012

    To be honest, I haven't seen this movie. After hearing about this movie, I really don't have a desire. A friend told that me that if you have seen Ferngully and Pocahontas you already know what the movie is about.

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    Tue Jan 24 2012


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    Mon Jan 23 2012

    Avatar won 3 Oscars: Art Direction, Cinematography and Visual Effects. For Visual Effects and Art Direction it was the right choice. For best Cinematography I'm not that sure, it somehow deserved the Oscar.

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    Mon Nov 07 2011

    Great movie. http://www.thangmay.org/

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    Tue Jun 14 2011

    I'm not a big science fiction fan but my kids and husband made me watch it and I was impressed and captivated by that movie. I did think that the alien love scene was a bit strange but whatever fanboys like I suppose.

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    Tue Nov 16 2010

    I just finish watching this movie. I have to pass it, and suggested that the management in my company all the Louis Vuitton Handbags

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    Wed Jun 16 2010

    Pochahontas.....but with blue people. =D

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    Sun May 02 2010

    I thought it was good but not as good as everybody had made it out to be.

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    Fri Mar 26 2010

    I have seen the future, and it was packaged into a simple story known as Avatar This film is, by far, the most gorgeous eye candy I've ever seen. Beforehand I've only seen cgi characters and backgrounds moving on their own, but never moving cohesively on the same level as the live action folks, but this changes all of that. Everything went together smoothly and made such a realistic cinema experience with excellent 3d animation and design. This is a pioneer for the future of movies, and I'm excited to see it. But I'm not that excited for the actual movie in itself. The filming and effects were incredible, but the story lacked a good classicalness needed to survive the years. A lot of the work was stolen by science fiction short stories and the blue aliens were only a part of "sex sells" (yes, extremely tall, exotic looking women are considered hot in some eyes). The story got really preachy at the halfway point considering the destruction of forests and taking of land. At this point ... Read more

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    Mon Feb 15 2010

    I saw it sometime last month, and I'll be one of the few people that weren't that impressed by it. Kind of difficult to be too impressed due to the amount of hype, to be fair. SYNOPSIS: It's pretty much Disney's "Pocahontas", except with blue aliens and a hell of a lot more of a budget to work with. Most of my friends liken it to "Fern Gully", but I've never seen it. But, it's a very common story. PROS: . . . it's very pretty. And the 3D didn't really bother me too much. Usually, I get a bit of a headache with 3D movies, but the depth of field didn't seem so extreme that it was a problem. CONS: For a 3D movie, the story was very one-dimensional. The characters lacked depth. It was all laid out for you: The blue guys were the "pure native" types that are "one with nature" (and all that hippie stuff). The human invaders were the capitalistic war-mongering people who are just out to kill things and take the expensive stuff that they're standing on ( . . . and, if you cou... Read more

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    Tue Feb 02 2010

    I finally got around to seeing it a couple weeks ago at the local second run theater, minus the 3D. I always wait to watch 3D movies until they come to that theater or until they come out on DVD, because I wear rather thick glasses, so the whole 3D glasses thing just doesn't work for me. Since the extreme visuals were clearly the largest draw for this movie, not seeing it in 3D may have taken something from it, but I was still quite impressed by the special effects. The story was interesting enough, but as most know by now, it's more or less a sci-fi Pocahontas, so it's nothing that special. I was thoroughly entertained throughout the movie though, so that's good enough for four stars from me. Although if I'd waited until it came to DVD and saw it for the first time on my old 20 inch TV, I might have taken off a star. Any movie truly worthy of five stars should be able to receive five stars whether you watched in the theater or on a four inch screen with headphones.

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    Mon Jan 18 2010

    The problem with 3D is the glasses. Since I wear glasses, it is very hard to use the 3D glasses over my glasses and I end up with a headache. Hopefully someone can come up with 3D without using glasses. Also, the theater I was in had tilted seats and I kept hitting the guy behind me. As far as the movie is concerned, it is way too long. I thought it was over half-way thru and had to endure another hour or so. It is very hard to empathize with those ugly creatures even though the army guy was a real jerk. I liked the helicopter lady soldier.

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    Sun Jan 10 2010

    great movie .....

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    Wed Dec 30 2009

    Don't get offended by my 2 stars, I'll explain. First of all, I'm a typical female and care way more about the story than visual effect. Second, the visual effect failed to work for me because I had to take off my 3D goggle in the middle of the film due to motion sickness. My popcorn managed to stay down throughout the night, but that also cost me the last 20 min. of the movie with my head buried between my legs. Perhaps the inferiority of my ears isn't a good reason for rating this so low, but to me it just seemed pointless to see the plot unfolding EXACTLY the way I called it after I saw the preview.

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    Wed Dec 30 2009

    Avatar is an entertaining enough movie, and quite an impressive technological feat, but probably undeserving of the lofty praise that has been heaped upon it thus far. Sure it's vastly better than Transformers 7: Revenge of the Product Placement or GI Joe: Rocketeer Edition, but that's not setting a high bar. If you want a quick assessment: Avatar is better than Titanic. :P First, the good: the environments are fantastically immersive, and the integration of the CGI is mostly seamless. There are a few jarring moments, particularly when there are a lot of humans in frame, but not many. I didn't have any uncanny valley moments, and the 3d implementation was engrossing rather than self-conscious. Avatar easily overcame my expectations when it came to technical execution. If you plan on seeing it, my recommendation is to cough up the $17 to see it in 3d IMAX. I don't think it's worth the 3 hours on a flatter (2d), slightly smaller (non IMAX), or much smaller (home theater) screen. If you... Read more

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    Mon Dec 28 2009

    I managed to see Avatar this weekend in 3D. This movie was an absolute feast to the senses. It is certain to revolutionize the entire industry. I was particularly impressed with the lifelike images and special effects. It's a shame that the plot of the movie couldn't match the surreal quality of the films imagery. The film was too loaded with a lot of mushy New Age spiritualism. But the scenes did look amazing; the CGI designed characters look almost real and the natural scenes are lush and spectacular. Go for that alone and take the preachy message however you want. The film itself revolves around a former Marine who was sent to a planet with rich mineral deposits. His mission was to infiltrate a local tribe by taking on the body of an alien avatar. This tribe opposes all efforts to mine the planets resources. The former Marine then has to decide who he will side with. I won't do a spoiler for those who haven't seen the movie. But you can imagine how the rest of it g... Read more

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    Sun Dec 27 2009

    i don't want to be harsh!, but shame! the plot wasn't able to accommodate the greatness of the graphic itself. I admit, the graphics deserve an applause to all the individual watchers but still, if this designs perfect but the sequence are not, then the movie shall be nothing but a worthless one. I am not saying the movie is worthless to watch, but please, everything was predictable. From the beginning to the end. Actings were great and that's all,,,,,,,,,

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    Wed Dec 23 2009

    James Cameron the writer almost derails James Cameron the director. . . Much to digest here. .it's a tough four for me. . .the effects are spectacular. It's a rich, lush film that indeed takes you to a faraway place. But the politics of the film and the proselytizing made me wince in my chair. It's enough to have a pro-nature, anti-machine, anti-imperialist, pro-healthcare-for-all, leftist adventure in space - it's quite another to beat the audience over the head with it in a manner that is offensive to . . .leftists. (At least what passes for 'leftist' in America. . .which makes the continent of Europe giggle.) It's not that the film is wrong about certain issues - it's just rather clumsy and juvenile in presenting them. . . Cameron simply doesn't trust his audience and that is the only anchor in this fun film. Really Jimmy, using the term "shock and awe" in a futuristic film? Iraq War references across the galaxy? The acting is uneven. . .but getting back to the good- th... Read more

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    Tue Dec 22 2009

    Where do i start? I loved everything this movie had to offer: from stunning special effects to storyline to messege this movie portrayed. I am a realistic individual who lives and understands fantasy in its fullest form, perhaps that's why it was almost easy for me to understand the beauty or/and distruction of human and alien nature. My favorite part perhaps is Na'vi's connection to nature and "animals". It was moving! I also really like the idea that there was such a thing as unlikely love between the human and alien, which in my opinion was played out beautifully. I knew this movie had a lot of promise, just didn't expect how much...

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    Tue Dec 22 2009

    The effects and the action is as good as advertised. There are better reviews below mine, I suggest you read them. For me the strongest part of the movie was the not so subtle messages about the environment, race and class, and corporate greed . Very moving film.

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    Mon Dec 21 2009

    Amazing film. Not too many surprises in the plot if you have watched the trailer, but worth watching on a big screen. I saw this in Imax with the 3D glasses and it was jaw-dropping. Sure, parts of it felt like watching a video game instead of playing it, but even so it was easily better than half of the star wars movies.

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    Mon Dec 21 2009

    **No spoilers Before anything, I want to say that I went into this film with low expectations, [wrongly] condemning it to the archives of blockbuster mediocrity before I had seen more than the trailer. Avatar is visually the most stunning film I have ever seen. Forget that it was IMAX or 3D, watching it on my laptop in my apartment would have been profound. The cinematography left me speechless. It has been three days since I saw the film and I still can't stop thinking about it. I have never gone to the theaters to see a film more than once, but I may be willing to make an exception for Avatar. As for those grasping at straws when it comes to critiquing the film, the only I have heard is the overdone story lines. While it is similar to a Pocahontas meets John Smith type as the trailers show; the "newcomer meets princess, learns her ways, and during the process comes to love the people and becomes their defender" is not only well done in this case but necessary. A movie with such s... Read more

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    Mon Dec 21 2009

    The IMAX 3D experience was shockingly good. The alien characters assumptions and the colors seems to have fit well. As it was my first 3D movie I cant figure out the difference in the technology with the previous ones. But throughout the movie the 3D fits pretty well and you cant find much differences between the real people and the graphics behind the back. Eventhough the technology is much stressed, the story line put together pretty well so that you dont get bored at any point of time.

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    Mon Dec 21 2009

    OK, here we go. I'm going to try and write a review of Avatar that will do it justice. First off, I can't remember being as blown away by a movie experience as I was with Avatar. I showed up early, I camped out in line, I got the best seat in the house, and if anything, my expectations turned out to be too LOW going in. Cameron hit the ball out of the park. The story was right in my sci-fi wheelhouse - a clash of civilizations with neither side understanding the other, with high stakes, compelling characters, and lots of cool tech. But more significant was the scale of Avatar. Everything about this movie was impossibly, epically ambitious. From the jaw dropping special effects (by the end of the movie, big blue people and insane wildlife started to look "real" to me) to the big, sweeping, universal storylines, to the incredible attention to detail on the planet of Pandora. There were so many things happening on the screen at once that a couple of times I felt myself getting ... Read more

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    Tue Aug 01 2023

    Favorite movie of all time. No other movie provokes so much emotion from me. No other movie has this level of artistry and imagination. I cannot express how amazing and detailed this film is. It is truly a piece of art. It is timeless.

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    Sat Jun 02 2012

    The Movie "Avatar" has all the ingredients I like in a great Movie, and usually these ingredients leave a lasting impression as this Movie did. I have it up there in my top 50 movies of all time, if not in my top 25. Whenever a movie as the ingredients as I have listed below -- I usually pick that type of movie to watch: Adventure Romance A Chase from Developers or Bad People On edge at moments in the movie Spectacular back drop of nature Fantasy Nature -- as in an Alien world The future and What Man will be Capable of DNA Manipulation Good fighting evil The Movie "Avatar" has all of these ingredients above and more -- and is an excellent Movie for all ages. RoosterLadySister.com

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    Sat Mar 03 2012

    I Love this movie avatar i watched it when it hit the theaters I watched it in 3D it was even more amazing in 3D.I love the story line & that it is full of action & im A big Fan of Sci - Fi - Fantasy movies I always has a Fan of Sci - Fi Films.This movie was well made in my opinion depending on your Taste in movies everyone is different.

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    Fri Jan 20 2012

    It's really a huge production of the idea of ​​a fictional story of a wonderful and exciting interest.

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    Fri Jan 20 2012

    "Rainforest" "Rainforest" is an unpublished science fiction novel written by James Cameron. Set in the far future amidst a sprawling feudal interstellar empire where planetary Corpoprations rule, Rainforest tells the story of a young paraplegic marine as he joins his new employers in an attempt to control the Rainforest planet Pandora, the only source of "unobtanium", the most important and valuable substance in the universe. The story explores the complex and multi-layered interactions of ... 3D technology. If Cameron writes five sequels to "Rainforest" they will be called: Rainforest Messiah, Children of Rainforest, God Emperor of Rainforest, Heretics of Rainforest, and Chapterhouse: Rainforest. The first novel also inspired a 2009 film adaptation by Cameron, called "Spacesmurks" or "Fern Gully". The sequel is actually supposed to take place in the oceans of "Pandora", so the sequel really will be about the Snorks, it seems.

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    Wed Nov 16 2011

    Avatar is the most visually fantastic film I've ever seen. It will be hailed as the groundbreaking 3D release of its time while setting a new standard by which all blockbusters are measured. Yes, it's that good.

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    Sat Feb 05 2011

    The movie is great and had used good story integrated with the great technology works. Story was simple and good. I usually like the technology used to filming. Wow great piece of work.

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    Tue Dec 07 2010

    To say that I liked the Avatar would be an understatement. I think it's one of the best sci-fi movies I've ever seen. I can't say that it's THE best sci-fi movie I've seen though. There is one thing lacking, a brand new, original and exciting plot. Without it Avatar is "only" a magnificent remake that you want to watch over and over again. And then few times more.

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    Fri Dec 03 2010

    Great movie, there are many romantic scenery. The content is very attractive. However, quite a long movie, the nearly three hours. So you should think about watching this movie, when you have a lot of free time. I have seen the 2D version, next week i am going to try the 3D version ... I hope the great 3D effects in this movie nearly 4D.

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    Mon Oct 11 2010

    i have seen this movie for more than 10 times i am a big fan of this movie and i have downloaded the movie from torrents in Blue Ray rip with 1080p and its around 50GB and i want to see this movie in 3D but i am not getting the tickets in INDIA all the tickets are booked till 1 month ......And the movie Rocks

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    Wed Sep 01 2010

    I wasn't sure if I would like this movie when it came out in the theaters so I didn't see it on the big screen, I feel really stupid for doing that after watching it last night at home. The land looked so rich and so full of color, I swear it was hard to even tell the creatures and environment you were looking at were just really good graphics. Some think that the humans taking what they want and killing or destroying what gets in their way was such a stereotype, but I didn't have a hard time believing it. As I pointed out to my dad when he stopped to watch for a second, it's a lot like what happened with the indians. They had gold, we wanted it, we took it and destroyed the land looking for it and called them savages. The same thing applies here, except this time we had a lot more explosives and fire power. Hands down one of the best movies I have ever seen, I am definitely buying this dvd XD I am so freaking happy they let this come out in the theaters again! I went to t... Read more

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    Fri Aug 27 2010

    An awesome experience! I feel swept into the screen each and every time I watch the movie! Absolutely captivating! I wish I could escape away to that place!!

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    Tue Aug 17 2010

    It was interesting and, somewhat, depressing that I was rooting for the aliens to wipe clean from their world the human infestation. Kind of like District Nine when I hoped "Chris Johnson" would return with a large fleet of ships that would remove his people from the planet before destroying it. Of course, the dangerous opinion that I have is that we would never allow such an profiteering to dictate the price of our morals (again). God know we have been guilty of it in the past. So, maybe it is happening today.

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    Mon Jul 26 2010

    What the Avatar portrayed has already happened at lot of times in humanities' history. The Spaniards were one of the European countries who in the pinnacle of their power, colonized less advanced people who they come across in order to take the resources of the land. They usually used both religion and sword to accomplish their goal. Those who resisted them are branded as outlaws. Same strategies were used by other European colonial powers. In the movie, I believe that Cameroon equates the marines as the American military and its allies.

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    Wed Jun 16 2010

    Avatar is hands down one of the best films for those who want visual ecstasy. Your eyes will light a cigarette, roll over and pass out from joy when the credits roll. That being said, the characters and plot of this film are an amalgamation of pop culture stereotypes packaged in a heavily biased bullet in the barrel of a gun aimed at the nose of politics, past and present. First off, let's analyze the Na'vi and the Marines. The Na'vi is a true mixture of Africans (slavery), Native Americans (genocide), blue paint, and a cat. The Marines are represented as being very gung-ho stereotypical Americans, going so far as having Jake Sully actually wearing the famous eagle, anchor and globe symbol on his shirt for a brief part of the movie and using Marine jargon such as "hooah". The colonel is by far the biggest stereotype in the movie. I was honestly surprised that he didn't turn to his soldiers and spout out "let me your war face!". The Marine image is that of a stupid, bloodthirsty... Read more

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    Mon Apr 26 2010

    it is a really good movie

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    Tue Apr 06 2010

    The special effects in this movie where amazing but because its popular and Sci/Fi it had no chance of winning best picture which is a shame. I also saw the Hurt Locker and Avatar I believe was a much better picture but the academy didn't see it that way.

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    Sun Mar 28 2010

    Worth taking a look at. We went over a month after it came out and the theater was still packed. I think 3D is a must for this movie as I don't think you can appreciate all of the visuals without it, that being said it is not one of those obviously 3D movies where every freaking thing is trying to come out of the screen at you. Other's have likened this to Fern Gully or Pocahontas, in my opinion i found it to be more like Dances With Wolves in regard to the generalized plot. The general theme of the movie was pretty common, and as my father stated "I once again feel ashamed to be human." The twists to the theme were very interesting, the visual and the science fiction was wonderfully entertaining. Some of the characters were very great and believable, and other's were so over the top that they simply didn't seem believable. Worth having a look at but see it in 3D, perfered Imax, and if you buy it you must have a bluray to get the best out of this.