Atmosfear Interactive Board Game with DVD

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    Fri Jun 06 2008

    BOARD The board is actually sort of a combination of both NIGHTMARE and ATMOSFEAR: THE HARBINGERS (will be referred to as just ATMOSFEAR in the rest of the review, not to be confused with this game, ATMOSFEAR: THE GATEKEEPER). You have one clockwise outer track like NIGHTMARE with DUEL, FLIGHT, TIME, KEY and HEADSTONE spaces. There is also one new CURSED KEY space (more about that later). There are six paths leading to the center, but with a central path like the RING ROAD in ATMOSFEAR. You can use the inner track at any time to move both clockwise and counter clockwise, but if you don't have all 6 keys and the GATEKEEPER or a card catches you, you are punished. The board is divided and color coded into 6 PROVINCES (now REALMS), but they are not rearrangeable or flippable like in ATMOSFEAR, nor are there multiple branching paths and dead ends. The GATES are also absent from this iteration. Each province has a single KEY space, so it seems to be a bit harder to collect them and you'll ... Read more

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    Wed Mar 26 2008

    Perhaps I'm being to harsh because I'm comparing my experience with this game with the VHS original from my childhood, but this completely disappointed my friends and I. The original was much funnier, deeper, and it led to a more fun experience. The gatekeeper (DVD host) fails to be as funny, and the overall production seems cheaper. The gameboard its self also seems less interactive. If I remember correctly there used to be gates that opened and closed as time progressed, but now its simply two circular paths to follow. Lastly the game is impossible to win. The gatekeeper combined with the cards that players receive make it brutally hard to reach the center and defeat the game. Good luck getting all the keys needed to win, and once you do get them every card is designed to keep you away from the center. On the bright side the DVD allows some variety as far as the gatekeeper goes. He now pops up at random times during the game, and has a variety of things to say. And that... Read more

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    Thu Feb 14 2008

    I have owned all the original VHS versions of this game and this one is by far the best. Every game is different now due to the DvD features. I continue to play this game often not only with my adult friends, but with my daughter and her friends. I would recommend this game to anyone who wants to have a little scary fun, with the right setting, and who enjoys board games in general.

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    Mon Mar 19 2007

    The game is a little confusing at first, however it is easy to figure out the second time around. The gatekeeper is a little loud but the game is really good fun and keeps everyone on their toes - the game is timed. I own it and all five of my children love the game.

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    Tue Jan 09 2007

    This game comes with easy instructions on the DVD so you don't even need to go to the paper directions (a hated task). 4-6 players creates the fun; there is a person assigned to be the judge , jury etc (the chosen one) the DVD will keep track of time ; only 49 minutes to accomplish the tasks not to mention the stopping of play by the gatekeeper to make you miss a turn or give another player an opportunity to take your key to slow you down (watch the clock) time cards for special activity to be played when the time is noted on the TV during the countdown; so with all this activity and you trying to move around the board to accomplish all tasks, it creates great fun ; can't wait to play this again and again